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Old 03-22-2011, 08:32 PM   #76  
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Originally Posted by ja2ma6lee View Post
Belia- I'm sending you skinny vibes and hope you drop into the 140s this week.

I have successfully worked out three days in a row. I started doing P90X. I tried out arms and legs over the weekend and my legs are so soar. Yesterday I made it half way through chest and back. I'm not a huge push up fan and that's all the work out really was. You are also suppose to have a pull up bar or bands which I don't so i had to make a few adjustments. I'm sure if I keep with it I will see results. The problem is actually finding the time in my schedule to get it all done. Each video is about an hour.
Thank you Ja2ma6lee! here's a hoo ray carrot for 3 days in a row of exercise!!
I just sold my p90x, it was too hard for me. But good luck to you! You can do it!
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Old 03-24-2011, 09:14 AM   #77  
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Thanks Belia.

I did a P90X video 5 days in a row now. Last night was arms and shoulders - so far the easiest one for me. Today is Yoga, but I don't have the yoga dvd. I have other pilates, yoga, meditation ones I may try instead or just take a break tonight.

I think my scale is off. I should return it. When I first get on it always reads 157 when I know I'm around 153. By the third time I step on I normal get a 153 reading. Today was around 155/6 which has me aggravated since I've been working out all week.

I did get some cardio in this morning I had to run to the train. I took a later train and was running late, I'm really surprised I made it.
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Old 03-24-2011, 09:54 AM   #78  
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Hey everyone, I have been gone for a bit. Spent last week traveling and this week trying to make up for some of the damage I caused. I flew to Dallas and then my sis and I drove from Dallas to Nashville that day. We stopped at this diner in Texarkana and I had fried green tomatoes, fried okra and chicken fried chicken! Terrible, I know, but so very delish. That was the worst meal I ate on the trip so ate least I got it out of the way early.

I did my first 5K walk on Sunday, I was planning on doing the 10K but the weather was questionable and considering I have not really walked, on a regular basis, since the fall I thought 5K was enough. It was fun, I will definitely do another one soon. I have also walked twice this week at lunch. We had a couple really beautiful days but a cold front moved in overnight. Finally back to pilates class after a 2 week hiatus - my instructor cancelled one week and then I was out of town the other. I bet I am going to be sore tomorrow!

I am still bouncing around the 150s, 154.5 today, hoping to see 152 tomorrow for weigh in.
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Old 03-24-2011, 10:02 AM   #79  
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Originally Posted by Beila View Post
Anyone else on the brink of 140's here? Anyone stuck/plateauing? Let's get out of here! lol
ME! The number 151 has been the death of me this week. Monday was 151.8, yesterday was 151.4 and today was 151.3! I haven't seen the 140's since 1994. (Weird how we know these things about ourselves, huh? LOL)

So Beila, you can't see it but I am reaching my arm out to you. Let's skip arm and arm to the 140's together - and everyone else that is on the cusp! But if you make it there first, save a seat for me!

I am on Day 1 of TOM, however. So my fingers are crossed for an awesome whoosh in a few days.

Luv ya guys but don't want to be at this party anymore.
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Old 03-24-2011, 02:53 PM   #80  
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ShanIAm-- whoa! U lost a lot of weight since the beginning of the year! TOM week is always tough for me, but the week after is always a whoosh, for some reason, pounds go bye bye right after! So ook forward to that! We are almost out of this one! We'll have to go to the 140's post soon! Yay!

Jamalee--congrats on successfully completing 5 days of p90x! That is a tough program, and YOU DID IT!! Keep it going girl!
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Old 03-25-2011, 09:57 AM   #81  
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Bad weigh in today - 155 I deserve it after the past week. Thank goodness I actually got some exercise in though otherwise I am sure it would be way worse. I am not messing around anymore. I have been in the 150s since November. I know that I have toned up significantly but I want that number on the scale to go down!

Hope everyone is enjoying their Friday. Anyone doing anything exciting this weekend?
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Old 03-25-2011, 01:17 PM   #82  
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I am 150 today and yesterday as well! I just have to post this because its been a struggle in the 150's for me. Its been so long since I was 140's (since december), and I have dieted, exercised and done so much to try to lose just 3- 5 pounds. I'm normally 135- 140 so the weight gain from the holidays really was a lot for me, and losing 10 percent of my weight will change my outlook in so many ways. I hope all of you out there are doing okay, try your hardest and don't give up.
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Old 03-28-2011, 08:15 AM   #83  
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The 140's is eluding me! I got on the scale this morning and I saw 150.2.

Oh body, you crack me up!

Beila, have you crossed over to the other side? :-)
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Old 03-28-2011, 12:50 PM   #84  
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No, haven't crossed over yet. My body eludes me too. A few days ago, the scale kept switching between 149.5 and 150.0 before it gave its final reading, 150.0.

I binged yesterday and feel like giving up. So now went up to 153
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Old 03-28-2011, 01:48 PM   #85  
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Over my 150.2 pound are NOT giving up!! There is no way you gained 3 pounds from a binge! You are probably retaining water. And I ate something off plan yesterday too and I blamed that for why I'm not in the 140's yet. But today is a new day. And I had you and I in mind when I created a new 140's thread.

And I know I'll see you there soon!

I am sorry you are feeling bad about your binge. Believe me, I do understand. But you are stronger than you are giving yourself credit for hun.
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Old 03-28-2011, 08:15 PM   #86  
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Originally Posted by ShanIAm View Post
Over my 150.2 pound are NOT giving up!! There is no way you gained 3 pounds from a binge! You are probably retaining water. And I ate something off plan yesterday too and I blamed that for why I'm not in the 140's yet. But today is a new day. And I had you and I in mind when I created a new 140's thread.

And I know I'll see you there soon!

I am sorry you are feeling bad about your binge. Believe me, I do understand. But you are stronger than you are giving yourself credit for hun.
Shan, I have been binging since last night. I had a box of ginger cat cookies, big bag of popcorn, spelt tortillas with cinnimon and sugar, a bag of laffy taffy, a bowl of pasta. I've been eating this stuff on off throughout today and last night. Just don't feel like eating healthy anymore and feel like giving up. Well today and perhaps tomorrow, I'm just going to "reset" myself, and think about what to do. I'm really like 153 now, and it's not water, cause I'm not drinking enough. Thanks for making the 140's thread though, I hope to be there next week!!! LET'S DO IT!!

Last edited by Beila; 03-28-2011 at 08:16 PM.
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Old 03-30-2011, 08:46 AM   #87  
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I can feel your ladies' pain. I was consistently weighing in at 153lbs. Then I started working out with the P90X. I started eating more and making poor choices from the healthy salads, fruits, rice, and veggie I was consuming. Now I'm back up to 155-156 and ready to just give up. I'm depressed, stressed from work and fighting with my bf, and its that TOM. I am hoping things change next week (at least it will with TOM). I have been eating the drumstick icecream treats nightly which is probably my biggest problem with weight gain.
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Old 03-31-2011, 03:05 PM   #88  
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Are we all still here? Anyone catch glimpses of the 140's? I'm hoping to next week! Let's DO IT!
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Old 04-01-2011, 08:48 AM   #89  
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I am still here almost back to my low weight of 153. I think my TOM caused most of the weight gain I was experiencing. Hopefully I can reach the mid 140s by mid-April. I have been consistent with exercising over the past 2 weeks and will be incorporating the P90X meal plan in with their exercise routine. My bf is starting to work out today so hopefully we can get on the same page and do this together.
Happy April Fools!
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Old 04-01-2011, 09:45 AM   #90  
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151.5 today, the 150s are holding tight. Going to work super hard and try to get into the 140s next week. The weather does not want to break here, it is really starting to wear on me.

ja2ma6lee - it is awesome that your bf is starting to work out. It definitely helps to have someone to keep you motivated.
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