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Old 04-06-2010, 07:07 PM   #1  
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Default Get me out of the 150s!

So Ladies, we've been so talkative and helpful to each other on the other thread that we got closed!

So here's the new 150's thread...
Here's to hoping all of our stays will be short and lively!

Last edited by stargzr; 04-06-2010 at 07:07 PM.
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Old 04-06-2010, 07:11 PM   #2  
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Fashin – One day down on your new challenge! You’re doing great!

Sotypical – It happens to the best of us… I hope you have a great WI Friday!

Tuende – Welcome!! So glad you’re here!

Hot – Have a great Spring Break! Hope your Saturday WI goes well!
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Old 04-06-2010, 07:42 PM   #3  
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Thanks for the new thread stargzr! It took me a minute to find it I can't believe we already closed the other one down!
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Old 04-06-2010, 07:47 PM   #4  
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I would like to get out of the 150's ASAP! Summer is coming soon and by the looks of it, I won't have any clothes to wear because all of mine will be too small! lol
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Old 04-06-2010, 08:25 PM   #5  
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Hahaha Megsss, I know exactly how you feel! I"m down to 4 pairs of pants, two maternity dresses, and one pair of jeans that fit me right now, LOL. Its awful! I want to wear all my cute clothes for summer!

Stargzr - Thanks for the new thread!! :-) I can't believe we got closed down, LOL
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Old 04-07-2010, 09:50 AM   #6  
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Morning! Hope you all are having a great, OP day!

megs- Welcome!!

So my upward trend hasn't started to decline just yet and I'm pretty irritated (to be honest).

Last edited by stargzr; 04-07-2010 at 09:51 AM.
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Old 04-07-2010, 10:04 AM   #7  
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Stargzr, I'm so sorry! Good luck though; I'm sure it'll decline soon.
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Old 04-07-2010, 11:37 AM   #8  
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Morning ladies!! Well I'm at 150.0 this morning so I know I'm probably in the 140's because I have been *ahem* stopped up the last couple days. I will wait until its official to move to the new thread though....I'm gonna be sad to leave this thread so you guys all need to get there soon!!
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Old 04-07-2010, 11:47 AM   #9  
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Yelie - congrats!!!!

The scale was back in the 150's this am - phew.
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Old 04-07-2010, 11:50 AM   #10  
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I want to be out of the 150's too! Well, as of yesterday, I'd be happy to be back in them - I went up 3 pounds from last week's weigh-in after a few too many Easter beers. But hopefully that will calm down, and by the end of the week I'll be settled at 155. And by the end of the month, into the 140's!
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Old 04-07-2010, 11:55 AM   #11  
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Hello Everyone!! I have just started on my journey again last week... So far I am done from 157 to 154.... YAY!!! Trying to get myself into a good workout routine and healthy eating that I will stick with once I hit my goal weight. Good Luck to everyone.
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Old 04-07-2010, 12:39 PM   #12  
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Hi girls! I didn't want to jump in on the last one because I'm still pretty new, but I thought I'd say hi to everyone. I love the positive attitude everyone has here and its inspiring! I was struggling between 158-156 for what seemed like FOREVER, and for the past two weeks I've been lingering at 154. I weighed in last night and was pleasantly surprised when the magical scale read 151.8! I actually shrieked and hugged my counselor. Whoops, I got a little excited.

I'm nervous that I'll gain next time I weigh in because I was wearing lightweight jeans yesterday. I know I should wear the same thing every time I go, but weighing in 3 times a week takes up enough of my time without having to worry about always having clothes to change into. Maybe I'm just lazy.

Anyways, *hi!* and I look forward to getting closer to anything that says "one, four, SOMETHING" soon!
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Old 04-07-2010, 12:57 PM   #13  
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Good morning ladies!

Welcome megs!

stargzr, don't worry you will start seeing the decline soon I know it!

Yellie, congrats girl! When is your official WI day? I know you will def be in the 140's but let us know and hopefully I won't be too far behind you!

sotypical, yay for being back in the 150's I know that feeling!

Priscatip, welcome and good luck on getting back down to 155 I'm sure you can do it!

Welcome Spare, congrats on the 3 lbs that's awesome and good luck to you as well I'm sure you'll be out of here in no time!

Hi and welcome amhoffy! Wow 151.8 you are very close to being out of here! And I wouldn't worry too much about "gaining" because of your different clothes, but I must admit that I try to get the lowest # possible so I always weigh nekkid (tmi?) lol. I'm sure if you are weighing at a WW meeting or something though, that's not really an option but good luck- whatever that scale says you're doing great!

There are a few new ladies here, so I was wondering if you'd like to share what your diet/exercise plans are? It seems like you have all had wonderful success and I love hearing what everyone is doing. I calorie count and try to eat 1,400-1,600 calories a day and haven't added in any formal workouts yet (although I do have a very active 17 month old that I run around after) but I plan to very soon!

Well this morning's unofficial WI is almost back to 158 so I'm really really hoping to see 156 by next Monday. It makes me so mad to think where I'd be right now if I'd just stayed OP over Easter weekend when I was 157... Ugh. But it looks like you are all doing great and some of you are very close to the 140's- I can't even imagine but I hope to be there soon!

Last edited by fashinjunkie09; 04-07-2010 at 12:59 PM.
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Old 04-07-2010, 01:23 PM   #14  
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Fashin, congrats on getting that weigh-in back down!

Welcome Amhoffy - and congrats on such a substantial loss! You're doing great!!

Yellie - CONGRATULATIONS! I can't wait to be in the 140s - you must be so happy!!

Sotypical - that's great! Congrats!

Spare - Welcome, and congratulations on those 3 pounds! Good luck to you!

Today is going to be a poor eating day for me. Breakfast was fruit snacks, as we had to taste test some for a quality study at work. Only one package, though, so at least that's not *too* bad.

But lunch - gah. I had to handle the exterminator, and didn't even have time for fast food. I'm munching on 90 calorie cereal bars instead of lunch, and I think I could easily eat all 6, LOL. That'd be 540 calories - and WAY too much sugar. But I'm so fricken hungry, and I won't get off until 5. Blech. I may just eat the whole package and have a dinner of veggies tonight! LOL

I'm proud to say I didn't eat all 6. I had 2, then I put the bars on the break room table. I will *not* let food get the best of me! My calories will be really low when I get home (310) so I may finish low, but it's just one day. Besides, I do not need all that sugar.

I'm happy to say that in 10 minutes, all 4 remaining bars have been eaten. I feel happy that I made someone (or some people)'s day a little better. I also feel happy that I didn't eat SIX bars, LOL. Win/Win.

Last edited by ValentineNicole; 04-07-2010 at 01:59 PM.
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Old 04-07-2010, 05:40 PM   #15  
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nicole - Thank you. Good job on your eating today! I would have been tempted to eat them all also, at least now you have room in your day for a nice, filling dinner!

yelie - Aww, you're so close! You're doing awesome!

pris - Welcome! I'm sure the scale will fall back down for you and plop you back in the 150s.

spare - Welcome! Looks like your stay here will be short!

amhoffy - Wow! Just jumped in and you're already almost out! Congrats!

fashin - Thanks for the encouragement! I know exactly how you feel... I'm back OP as of today! As I'm sure you are. I'm hoping for 156 on your next WI!

So I dunno how, but I managed to bruise my second toe on my left foot. The bruise is under my nail and it's just uncomfortable. It wasn't bothering me at all after the first day I found it, but after my run yesterday it was aggravated. So I couldn't do my elliptical this morning, but I have been walking at work on my breaks as usual... I hope it's better tomorrow so I can run again! Either way, I'll prolly run but it'd be easier if it wasn't bothersome.
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