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Old 02-27-2006, 06:19 PM   #406  
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Sorry I have been MIA, ladies! I was away from the Internet for the past few days. I was also MIA re eating on program while traveling. I wasn't as bad as I would have been in the old days, but I ate my share of junk. I should change my ticker (up ) but I will wait 'til the weekend, when the effect of salty food and pre-TOM will have lessened. I hope...

Marie, you are doing so well in an emotional, stressful time. With baby, company and related stressors, I'd be bouncing off the walls! Congrats on the growing projector fund.

Carol, I'll bet you look great in your tankini and new hairdo. You are inspiring me to get focused. I have been eating on program since I got back from San Francisco, and did a hard workout this morning. I've already changed my wall calendars to March. It's not as motivating as a count-down to Hawaii, but it helps me remember that everyday is a brand-new start, if I want it to be.

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Old 02-28-2006, 06:44 AM   #407  
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Judy I would wait to do the scale also. Give yourself a few days to get back into the swing of being home. After all we all know falling off but not completly is a step in the right direction. Knowing we haven't been great and doing something about it is a good thing. At least we are all headed in the right direction.
I worked out last night after work. I only did 45 min. on the treadmill 3 miles! I was really pushing myself and felt it. But I have to think oh I will only do 25 min. then change my thinking to 35 and then oh well I can do another 10. But I will say doing it on a saturday v.s. a work day is different. I felt wiped out. I then called home told the hubby I was stopping to tan on the way home. I didn't get home til later but it was worth it in the end. Lots of me time lately guess I AM a bit selfish! But yah know what it feels great! Thank goodness I had my babies young and now I can do these things without worrying too much.
Marie and Judy 20 days til spring! 9 til my trip oh I can eat healthy for 9 more days. I did eat an ice cream sandwich last night. But I burned 400 cals alone on that treadmill did the stairs several times yesterday at work and walked to the site next door and back. So in calories I was okay no more than 1400 before wiping out the ones I earned from exercise. I hope to see another change on the scale friday.
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Old 02-28-2006, 08:35 AM   #408  
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I was reading through your thread and really liked the support I see all of you giving each other so I'm going to join you guys. I don't know how overweight I am, have not weighed TOOO frightened to check! I've been dieting about a week and tonight I will probably join TOPS in my local town. I've also ordered the one week supply of Nutrisystem food from QVC and I'm going to give that a try. I know it works as I've seen wonderful results on a cousin.

I'm 50 years old and have yo-yo'ed for the past 10 years. I want to lose this weight and keep it off. I'm sure I'm somewhere in the 40+ pound range.

I have no children at home and my hubs and I are both retired.

I've been counting calories since I started dieting and I know that works but I also know I need to be distracted from the doldrums of it all.

That's all I know to tell and all of you keep up the good work and support and hope to hear from you soon.
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Old 02-28-2006, 04:20 PM   #409  
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Afternoon everyone!!! It's actually sort of nice out and a surprise since it's supposed to be snowy and rainy. I'll take it. Hey Carol, you're in the single digits for your count down. I'd be so excited to be going to Hawaii.

Welcome, Guiltmama. first thing I thought when I read your post was I'm envious. 50 and retired??? That's just so cool. You said you don't have kids at home. Does that mean you have kids, but they've grown up? I'm a little envious of that too.

Well, life is good. I exercised yesterday. I'm up to 48 miles for February and tonight I'll make my goal of 50 miles walking. Yeah!!! Then I have a goal of 54 miles for March. That gives me a couple days off. That I will use wisely this month. Heopfully I don't get sick again and need my days off for that.

Judy, definitely hold off on the weighing. There's no reason to do it if it's going to bum you out.

Okay, I'm at work and should get back to it. Talk to you later.
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Old 02-28-2006, 05:14 PM   #410  
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Yep I agree don't weigh if it is going to bum you out, thanks for the welcome Marie. I broke down and weighed myself and I will need to lose 31.5 pounds so not bad but not good either.
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Old 02-28-2006, 06:14 PM   #411  
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Ah, guiltmama, I wish I only had 31.5 pounds to lose. So I think you're doing great!!! I have more like 65 pounds. I haven't weighed myself in 6 months. That scale just bummed me out too much. And I haven't been motivated to diet so I'm trying to maintain and using my clothes as my marker.
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Old 02-28-2006, 06:22 PM   #412  
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Marie that is a great idea and that is what I wanted to do too, but I'm going to a TOPS meeting tonight and will probably join them. Also, I'm reading the book Calorie Queens and will use the program Weight by Date for tracking my food. My Nutrisystem didn't arrive today dang it! But maybe tomorrow, I want to be on Nurtri system for the next couple of months then roll into the food plan with Calorie queens, I really got into the book.

I understand I lost a bunch of weight 2 years ago and I'm feeling very fortunate that I only have to lose the 31 pounds this time, but something has got to give with me, I need to learn to keep it off.
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Old 03-01-2006, 06:46 AM   #413  
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Quiltmama welcome aboard! I take it you quilt too? I do but wish I was retired so I could finish something once in awhile. Too many hobbies and lots of interest. I think you fit in just fine here and hope you will stick it out we would love your company. I heard a lot of positive things with Tops. Hope you'll share some information with us along the way. It is good to get new recipes and stay motivated thats part of learning to live a healthier lifestyle. You are the same age as me except for one yr. I want to be retired too! I bet you are enjoying life? My children are all grown as well and I have 4 grandkids that live locally. I have 2 daughters local and one son is Hawaii which I am going to visit next week. I am taking a nice vacation for 2 1/2 weeks to see him and my daughter in law. Well welcome again. Look forward to hearing from you again,.
Marie hows it going? Sounds like your feeling better. That is good and your the one who motivated me to get walking. The treadmill just about killed me monday. Its so much easier on a off workday. I pushed the 3 miles and also had other exercise stairs, walked to a site next door down a little hill etc. But it wasn't easy on the treadmill. I set myself for 25 min. then push it a little more, more til I have reached my goal. My hubby commented my butt is getting smaller. I wonder what he thought before ? Did he call me big butt??? Hah hah! He is a skinny little guy and never in his life has he had to worry about chol. or any of that. But his other health issues surely out weigh all of that. Oh well gotta get off to work. I am planning to go work out this afternoon. Can't remember my schedule other than my 8:30 appt. Oh the drs' office called and I need to see how I did on my blood test last week. Oh I can't wait! Hah hah! It usually isn't such good news but with my better eating and all we will see.
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Old 03-01-2006, 11:41 AM   #414  
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Good morning Quiltmama, Carol and Judy. It is a BEAUTIFUL day out - such a nice surprise since it was supposed to snow/rain. When I got up this morning, I peeked out the shade and was pleasantly surprised there wasn't any snow. And Mr. Sunshine is out. Can you tell that makes me happy.

Carol, I'm going to miss you while you're in Hawaii. Just thought I'd mention that but I know that you will be having a blast.

Quiltmama, how did TOPS go? I've heard both good and bad things about them. I can definitely relate with wishing I could get it right once I lose weight. I know that I can lose, I just can't keep it off. About 15 years ago I lost 85 pounds, looked great, felt great. It took 10-12 years, but I put all bu 20 pounds of that back on. I'm still so mad at myself. Now I wonder if I really get to it and lose the weight, will I keep it off? Mostly I don't think so since I've been yo-yoing with the same 15 pounds the last 3 years. I don't know, it's such a difficult journey. for now I'm just trying to make exercise a real part of my life.

So with that, I will tell you I made my February exercise goal of 50 miles walking. that meant I walked all but 3 days. March's goal: 54 miles. I was very happy last night when my tracker made 50 miles.

Okay, I'm at work and should think about doing work.
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Old 03-01-2006, 01:46 PM   #415  
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Speaking of Hawaii, Carol be sure and wear good SPF you won't feel it because the weather will be so nice but you can really burn in Hawaii.

Marie at least you are doing the walking. TOPS was good, like I said earlier they are a friendly group, not very aggressive weight loss and everyone is supposed to do their own thing so maybe the no pressure is good support. I was a bit disappointed to see several folks there that had been there a number of years and were very, very overweight. In fact several of them had gained that weekly weigh in so maybe with some folks the idea is to not get bigger and go from there. I don't want to judge but I do want to be serious about this but I also want to keep it off this time.

I think that is why I'm so enthralled with the Book Calorie Queens because it is a modest diet, not drastic, no disallowed foods but also it focuses on the maintenance as well through out the losing process. So much of what I already knew it pieces was put together in this book. Believe it or not, another lady on 2fatchicks told me about it. It is easy to read and I wish I was cleaning house today and could be reading more of it. LOL
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Old 03-02-2006, 05:44 PM   #416  
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Welcome, Quiltmama! The more, the merrier. It sounds like you already know how to do this: start reading, find some're a quilter, Carol's a knitter, Marie knits and makes stained glass, and I'm just a slacker .

Marie, congrats on meeting your February walking goal! That's so cool.

Carol, we will miss your steady presence while you're vacationing. You will take pictures, yes?

I'm doing well this week, despite serious work stress and deadlines. I've gone to Curves and/or done cardio every day other than that. I'm not religious, but I've decided to give up white flour, white rice and sugary foods for Lent. Luckily, those things aren't on my eating plan anyway....but they've drifted there too often this year, one reason why I've been stuck.

Heading to Curves now. I have a huge knot of tension behind my shoulder blade. If I work out, stretch, then go home and wear one of those heat things, I'm hoping it goes away. It's been making me miserable all day.

Be well, everybody--judy
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Old 03-03-2006, 05:46 AM   #417  
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thanks for the welcome Judy, how is your pain today, Work stress, oh how I remember it too well. I weighed this morning and I've lost 5 pounds, gasp, shock. I don't know what happened there. I'm a bit scared since I made cabbage last night for dinner, and cabbage is a natural diuretic that a couple of pounds of that is water loss. But I'll weigh again tomorow to check. It seems unnature to lose that much weight in a week on the second week of a diet, maybe on the first.

I did my free weights yesterday but didn't do anything else. I'm a slug! No motivation for exercising yet and the only reason I can actually say is because I find it too boring! Ok, ya'll can comense the beatings down.
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Old 03-03-2006, 06:41 AM   #418  
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Quiltmama don't sweat the little stuff. If the scale says 5lbs. be happy for the day. If it adjust a bit the next day its okay. At least your on the right track. Sounds to me like you will motivate some folks at that meeting. Hah hah! Sometimes we all get in a comfort zone and don't lose but figure if we don't gain thats okay too. Maybe they all got stuck at that point. You may be just the one to help get them jump started again. I will have to ck out that book. I am always up for new info. I try to stay on top of stuff to keep myself motivated. This week hasn't been a great exercise week. I didn't get there only once. But I am going to try today.
Judy and Marie I plan on taking my web site info. with me. Maybe my son can setup a email address for me during my visit. Then I can keep in touch a bit I might need a reality ck once in awhile. That I have to come back to NY etc... this is only a visit not permit residence etc..... I wasn't too great with eating last night but that happens I WILL try to get back on track today. I didn't feel great sinus stuff. I got some meds into me and went to bed at 8:30. I feel a bit better this a.m.. I think I may take off a half of day sick. I have a meeting this morning and need to do that. I am working with my sec. to type up a couple of reports to so I can get some other ones done. I wish my supervisor would give me back what I handed in early. I swear I got things done so I could take care of things before I left and she is not looking them over. It is a bit stressful. I did tell the director yesterday that as always I have done everything I could before vacation time. That way there is no misunderstandings if somethings aren't done while I am away. I can only do so much! I have been seeing some clients so that its done before I go. I have 24 to see for the month. I have 6 done as of today and 2 meetings held. Oh can you tell I am stressing a bit?????????????????? Oh it will be okay!
Judy hope your feeling better.
Marie keep up your walking I am sure your building muscle. If you have accomplished a certain amt. of walking in a day maybe pushing yourself a little more will make even more of a difference. In a few days even a little more would become a routine....
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Old 03-03-2006, 07:07 AM   #419  
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I wish I had all of your exercise motivation. I'm disappointed in myself in not getting all the ball with it, but I know it will come so I'm trying not to get bad o n myself. I love hearing all ya'lls motivation to exercise it does make me move forward a bit.

Yep, Judy I can see the stress. It reminds me of my life before retirement. I don't remember in fondly but I'm so very glad I don't have to live with that now. But stress is still there in any bodies life, but thankfully that one is not there for me. Trying to go on vacation was the worst, it is like working two days in one for every day you work before you go.

Good luck and I hope you get to pop in and chat.
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Old 03-03-2006, 12:57 PM   #420  
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Morning everyone. sounds like everyone is doing okay. Sort of interesting that we all have our strengths and weaknesses. Guiltmama, you're strength is controlling your food and mine is making myself exercise. shake us in a bag and we'd be the perfect dieter.

Carol and Judy, take a deep breath and relax. One thing I've tried to learn is that life is more important that work. Relax and enjoy the weekend.

I think that I'm going to tak Monday off but I'm not so sure. Things have been weird at my house since the baby was born. Has turned DS's GF into Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. So I guess if it's a good weekend, I'll take the day off. If not, I will seek refuge at work. That's sort of a bummer that my house is no longer my refuge. I hope they all straighten up soon.

Well, I suppose I should work...
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