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Old 11-17-2005, 11:25 AM   #256  
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Judy, it was good to here from you. I read about all your travels and was exhausted. I'm not a traveler by nature. I love to stay home. going to my drawing class once a week is hard for me. And traveling - I eat like a piggie so it's good I don't do it too often.

At least you're still exercising and meditating. I was walking but since the time change and it gets dark earlier, it's been difficult - I can only do it on weekends and days off. so I guess it's time to dust off the exercycle or elliptical. I w2ill exercise tonight. My promise to you.

Take care of yourself.

Carol and Tired, where are you????
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Old 11-17-2005, 11:52 AM   #257  
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Hullo ladies. I was wondering if I could join you?
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Old 11-17-2005, 05:54 PM   #258  
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Sherry, it would be great if you joined us. Great job on losing the first 13 pounds!!!

Tell us a little about yourself...

I'm a webmaster/database manager for a school district. More importantly I'm a wife and mother of 2 boys (19 and 20), an expectant grandmother and mommy of 3 beautiful doggies.

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Old 11-18-2005, 06:07 PM   #259  
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Thank you for the warm welcome! I'm 26, and married for almost a year (Dec 18th). No kids (drama about that...don't want to go into it). I am basically a secretary, but my job title says I'm not. It's rather odd. I do have 2 beautiful cats whom I consider my babies. The "fat" one is Tabitha, and the "skinny" one is Dutchy. They are both a bit neurotic, but I love them. Tabitha is a big cuddle bug, and Dutchy is comedy relief. Sorry I didn't check in earlier. I'm having some personal issues, but trying to deal with them.
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Old 11-20-2005, 03:37 PM   #260  
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Hi, Sherry, nice to meet you! Hope you are doing okay with the personal issues. Congratulations on your loss so far. How are you doing it?

I have no husband or pets, just some very hardy houseplants that manage pretty well on their own! I'm a program director for a nonprofit, and I do lots of volunteer and board work.

Marie, I am a traveler by nature. Traveling can be stressful, but I like initeracting with new people, seeing different place, and sometimes getting to visit friends or old haunts from my past. When I win the Lotto I'll have an apartment in NYC and somewhere warm, and I'll take real vacations--just to relax, not connected to work or family.

I'm traveling all this coming week, and won't be by a computer much. I will check before the weekend if I can. Otherwise, have a great T'giving--enjoy yourselves, but remember it's Turkey Day, not Piggy Day!

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Old 11-28-2005, 11:30 AM   #261  
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Carol, Judy, and Tired, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. I had a nice time - even a quick trip to Reno to shop. I have to work every day this week - eeks!!!!

Today I'm making a resolution to start exercising again. Some of my joints are getting a little achey so tonight I'll be expending some energy. Food wise, I'm just trying to maintain during the holidays.

What are you all up to?
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Old 11-29-2005, 05:28 PM   #262  
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Hi, hi, hi--

New York was good, and T'giving with the folks was great. I didn't get much rest, though, didn't work out, and conveniently forgot all my eating coping skills . But it feels good to be back to my own kitchen, if only briefly, and to walk and go to Curves. It was painfully cold in Ohio, which made it easier for me to sit around on my butt and nibble. The conference center I'll be at near Atlanta Thurs-Sun doesn't have a workout facility, but there is a walking trail, so I hope the weather will be decent.

Marie, maybe we can get a jump-start on our '06 resolutions by setting mini-goals for December that set the groundwork for a good new year. I have three trips out of town in December, and I must, must, must get a handle on how to stay on program when I'm on the road. I also want to make a commitment to a class or a project that would help me with motivation during the drab months of January and February. Curves has a six-month "boot camp" program that I'm thinking about, and I may take another class (but not the Pilates again, once a week wasn't worth it to me). If I can maintain and keep from blimping out on Christmas cheer, and put some fun things in place for January, I'll be off to a good start!

Tired, Carol, Sherry, and all you lurkers out there, I hope you're all doing well!

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Old 12-01-2005, 06:26 AM   #263  
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Hello everyone and wow have a missed getting on this site. My computer was down and out. Well it wasn't easy without my supports here. I did over eat a bit and now feel stuffed. Haven't been brave to get on the scale but feel the bit of difference. So now its time to move forward inbetween holidays and christmas parties! Wow! At any rate I agree with you Marie losing may not be as important as maintaining during the holidays. Now I am going to just try and be good when I can and try to at least watch my portions, and need to get to the gym.... That has been a tough one lately. I got started again but then didn't get back so I need to do that. I took a day off and went shopping with some friends we had a great time. Lots of laughs just what my best friend needed. She has had a lot of health issues but is on a mends. Today will be a tough eating day as we have a little retirement party for my sect. We are doing a breakfast brunch thing with all carbs, few fruits. I hope to limit myself and not go over board. At work sometimes its easier as I feel more control which is a good thing. So I will try a little of this and that instead of whole choices... Sharing cals is great and my friend will support me with that. Sounds like thanksgiving was good for everyone.I enjoyed having most of my family home and a lovely phone call from my son and daughter inlaw was nice. I will miss them so much at christmas this is the second one he has ever missed. It is going to be hard but I am still trying to make it special. I am sending them some goodies and home made pierogies. I am dry icing them to go. Marie hows those puppies? I still am unsure about getting another dog. I guess when its right I will be ready. Judy I would love to shop in New York City did you get a chance? I have my shopping close to being done. Yesterday did a lot at an outlet mall about 45 min. away.. Well glad to get back on. Sorry I took up so much space! Lets move it girls! We can do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 12-01-2005, 11:17 AM   #264  
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Hi Carol and Judy, it was great to see your posts. Judy, I'm the queen of overeating when on a trip. Maybe that's why I don't like to go anywhere. I have this dumb mentality that if I'm paying a fortune to eat out, I should eat everything. I don't really know how to change that. Also, if I'm paying for eating out, I'm only going to have what I like, not lo-cal foods. Dumb, huh?

Carol, good job on getting most of the shopping done. Between the brief trip to Reno and the internet, I'm basically done too. There are so many internet sites that have free shipping that it's nuts to pay store prices. I don't have an outlet mall anywhere near here.

Tonight I will get exercise. It has been snowing like crazy. so I promised DH I would help shovel the driveway. Yuck!

I'm at work so I should go, but I wanted to say hi.
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Old 12-01-2005, 05:34 PM   #265  
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Not a totally bad day but my cals were up 1600 not any real work out. My little 5 year old grandaughter is getting an art award tonight so I rushed home. On friday I have my first christmas get together at a clients group home. I am going to try and keep it under control. Marie I don't blame you when I am away its go for the gold. I think that is Murphey's Law! Don't want to break any rules do yah??????? Talk to you all later on. My evening snack was walnuts mixed w/ 10 choc. chips. Got my sweet tooth taken care of! This site will help me get back on track. When I couldn't keep in touch it was killing me. Off balance for sure.
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Old 12-06-2005, 04:56 PM   #266  
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Hi, Chickies--

Hope everyone is feeling good, and just too busy working out and cookin' up healthy food to post! I'm back in town for a few more days, and boy, it feels great to be in my own bed. I worked out a little while I was away, and remembered to pack some healthy snacks, but the food was really good in that sweet, saucy, buttery Southern way that I like so well, and I managed to put away quite a bit of dessert and baked goods I can't get a handle on what's going on mentally when I leave town--which is a problem, since I'll be gone twice more this month. It's a little depressing to see my 2005 goals receding into the distance, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm still on the journey, just in the slow lane until I figure out what's wrong with the engine

Carol, I didn't have time to shop in New York, but I'm going back on Friday, and will definitely be on the prowl for fun gifts. I hope your gathering with your clients went well last week.

Marie, they say that shoveling snow is a great aerobic exercise! We had a little here yesterday, so of course the forecasters did their best to send everyone into a panic. I spent six hours cooling my heels in the airport in Atlanta because of a bit of snow. Wimps!

Back to work! I hope to hear from you soon--judy
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Old 12-08-2005, 06:17 AM   #267  
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Judy glad to hear from you. I am trying my best to get back on track. I feel off a bit too when I couldn't get on site. What an excuse huh? But it sure seemed to give me freedom to be bad in my intake. I am working hard to get a grip so I don't slide back into the old rut of things. I haven't gotten on the scale but clothes are fitting better and I am staying with in my 1500 calorie range. Workouts are a problem with the weather I like to get right home. I am considering buying a treadmill for the house. That way no excuse I am up early and can workout. I only pay 13.00 a month at the gym but generally only use the treadmill for the most part then some wts. But could do that at home. I will see I am trying to weigh it all out.... HUH!
Sounds like your trips are taking a toll on you. You may be trying to get comfort out of the foods you enjoy to make up for not being in your own space? Just a thought. I love to eat with out a doubt and food is important to me. My hubby could care less to have a great meal unless its meat and potatoes or a homemade soup. Me I love to try different foods and like almost any kind of cooking. So thats what makes me happy! I just need to keep a handle on it before it gets the best of me. I have been holding off on baking cookies. I figure the longer I wait the less I will inhale! My sister inlaw asked me when I am baking? I told her soon. I think it will be a day of baking and freezing and shipping. Off to Hawaii some will go. I have been gathering some new recipes. I like to try new things as I said.
Marie and Tired I miss you two hope your doing well.
I had my close friend whom had a stroke she is just a little thing but healthy eatting does play a role. So I am trying to keep in mind that I need to be strong and healthy. That seems to encourage me to be getting back on course. What ever it takes I say! Thanks for the support here it is important!
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Old 12-08-2005, 12:19 PM   #268  
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Carol, I'm sorry about your friend. Isn't it amazing how quickly life comes into focus when those around us have problems? I hope you can get back on track (and Judy and me too...). I think that it's hard this time of year - the holidays and the winter blues. I'm so much more motivated in the spring, summer and fall. Also, I can't walk after work anymore - too much snow and too dark so I have to find a different exercise and I don't want to do that. So here I sit.

I finished my drawing class and it went pretty good. If you want to see any of the drawings, go to I've been pretty happy with the for the most part. i order 2 drawing books from Amazon this week so I hope to learn more. Mostly I just keep drawing my dogs. Imagine that.

I'm going to Minnesota on the 17th. My parents could hear in my voice that I was pretty down about my sons and decided that I needed to get away. To bermuda, sure, but they want me to come and visit. Brrr. MN in the winter - yikes. But I'm going and it'll be nice to see them. They're getting in the upper 70s and not getting younger so I take every opportunity I can to see them. I'll be back on the 23rd, but I'll post from there so I won't totally be gone.

Well, back to work.
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Old 12-09-2005, 08:18 AM   #269  
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Judy go and vacation with your parents as you say they aren't getting any younger. My mom will be 83 wow! Thats crazy! Where did the time go? At any rate I need strength today. I just made a batch of fudge and macroon cookies among several others I will make today. I did lick the spoon what could one do waste that yummy stuff. Oh dear its so hard! To be good. At least I didn't eat the whole bowl or something. I am going to seal a meal up all my goodies. I took a day off to bake my friend is coming to help it will do her good. We will laugh and have some fun. I have my work christmas party later. I plan on eating of course but dancing too so I will wear off a few calories. Last night I had some french fries okay I confessed I feel better already! My hubby had all the little ones over when I came home. He was cooking homemade french fries I haven't had those in years. So of course I had to have some. Then I ate my roast beef lean meat with onion on a whole wheat pita. Gotta laugh healthy and wow unhealthy???????????Balance oh I don't think so more like look at the cals. Good thing I was good the rest of the day thats a positive note....... I will try my best to only have little samples of my baked goods. I will share them with Karen that will surely help me have less calories. I often do that with the hubby, if I want something have it but give him half. Half the calories for me is better than the whole thing. Take care and i will be checking in.
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Old 12-09-2005, 01:18 PM   #270  
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Carlo, you definitely have it right - half the calories is better than the whole thing. I think if we can keep that in mind for the holiday season, we just might miake it through without damage. Homemade fries sound very tasty.

Tomorrow is supposed to be sunny and about 40 degrees. DH and I decided this morning to go to Crater Lake and go snowshoeing. It should be a beautiful day. I love that national park.

I'm going to make chili this weekend and that will be yummy. I don't do much for Christmas cookies or stuff (I'll just eat it so it's best not to make it). But I will be making a birthday cake for DS's GF. The birthday is tomorrow.

Well, I'll chat with you tomorrow.
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