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Old 01-07-2006, 07:44 AM   #301  
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Good morning! Lots of great inspiration here!

Not the best eating days, but I'm motivated right this minute. I'll start off with some power cleaning - then lots of errands and maybe even some exercise later on today. I'm making a healthy chicken soup right now - lots and lots of veggies.

Good to hear from everyone. Have a good day. I may be back later.
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Old 01-07-2006, 12:43 PM   #302  
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Hi Maureen, good to hear from you. The soup sound good. I made turkey noodle soup about 10 days ago and it was great. Good luck on the power cleaning. When you're done do you want to do mine???

I'm feeling so-so today. I woke up feeling really pretty good, but it went downhill after about an hour. Sort of weird. So I started working on my taxes. That's always a fun thing to do. While I was going to the mortgage sites and printing my 1098 forms, I thought I'd deviate and peek in here.

I hope everyone has a good day and great weekend. Talk to you later.
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Old 01-08-2006, 02:58 PM   #303  
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Marie, you're so conscientious! When I knew that I always got a big refund, I couldn't wait to whip out that EZ form Now doing taxes is lot more complicated, and not always financially rewarding, so I tend to wait 'til the last minute.

I've been doing okay, Focusing on my challenges, and trying to organize things better on the home and work fronts. This afternoon a homeless man, who I'd declined to give money to, loudly told me that I should try to lose some weight it pissed me off at first, but I'm just going to add it to my motivations column, so thank you very much, Mr. Angry Panhandler!

This morning I tried the Crunch Fitness Cardio Salsa tape again. I felt like a klutz, but it was still fun. Last week I put in 200 minutes of cardio. My goal is to do at least 250minutes a week, so that's not bad for the first week after a layoff. I wish I'd bought the DVD/VHS player last fall like I was supposed to. Being able to work out whenever in my living room really makes a difference.

I hope everyone's week gets off to a good start!

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Old 01-08-2006, 04:24 PM   #304  
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Judy, that exercise tape sounds fun. I think DS's GF has a salsa exercise tape. Maybe I should see if I could borrow it. Good for you for doing so much aerobic work. I'm very proud of you. Especially for turning Mr Angry Man's comment's into something positive. That was very good.

Today I cleaned my kitchen. One of those really thorough cleanings. It looks so nice. I love a clean kitch. I spent all my energy on it and I think that I'm going to take a nap this afternoon. I really wish I would feel significantly better for an entire day. So far I do good in the morning and feel sick the rest of the day. At least I have the morning.

Well, have a great rest of the weekend and I'll chat with you tomorrow at work.
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Old 01-09-2006, 06:54 AM   #305  
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Maureen we all need to keep motivated and together we are usually a good team. So lets start this week in a up swing mood girls and keep each other moving and give each other good tips.
My hubbies birthday was last week but we celebrated yesterday due to his sickness. The choc. cake oh so good but ohhhhhh so bad. I am going to work on staying out of it. Though choc. suppose to be good for us but not that way I guess good try though huh? I have chili ready to start in the crock pot. I started to tweek my food last week and increase water intake. Today I start my exercise again. Judy your my inspiration today with that. Salsa huh? Never heard of it I will ck it out. That guy was just being a brat but if it helps motive yah go use it anyway you can. I gave a little change when I came out of a concert the other night but he at least was playing some music and was grateful. Sorry you had such a mean person. My daughter yesterday was saying when she was at the inlaws for christmas dinner the 4 year old son says mommy belly is fat. She almost died and she is only got a little tummy not anything to be concerned about. But yesterday when cake came around she turned it down telling her story. So that had an impact too! You go show him Judy when working out his memory may make you do more. In the end things like that can work out to our advantage.
Marie taxes oh I want to do mine right away if I can. I am with Judy we don't get back much if any. We are going to Hawaii March 9th-23rd. I really have paid for the tickets but need spending cash. Even with staying with my son we need to do things take the kids out etc.... I will do some grocery shopping and cooking when I am there. Fresh advocados grow in his yard. Mangos might be fun to eat too. Oh this is an incentive to do good bathing suits, shorts oh I need to tan too before my trip at least a few times. I have never gone yet! So pinching pennies here. I did win 100.00 at the casino and put it in my save jar. I have a few things to put on ebay and will curve my spending for now. Meeting a client for a late lunch on tues. I am just going to order coffee it is a buffet. I don't need any of it. I will take my lunch and eat at regular time.
Take care girls I am working out this afternoon! I will set myself a 200 min. goal for the week. Thats a good idea Judy! I will track it with my intake sheet.

Last edited by cacmsc; 01-09-2006 at 06:59 AM.
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Old 01-09-2006, 10:45 AM   #306  
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Just popping in to wish each of you a great week! I am off to my usual slow Monday start, but I did 40 minutes of cardio before I left--but got going too late to do my meditation, which I was managing to do every morning since getting back from vacation.

I'm feeling good today, hope you are, too! We can be as successful as we want to be, if we just do what we need to do

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Old 01-09-2006, 04:53 PM   #307  
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Thanks for the incentive Carol, Judy and Marie,

I have to write before I ruin the day - I did ok.
Breakfast - oatmeal and a few cranberries
lunch - chicken soup apple (two hard candies - have to get sugarless)
dinner - little spaghetti and meatballs, some pretzels
snack later - grapefruit - that's it!!!! I'm done!
cals - let's see - probably 2000 or less - not bad - I'm back!!!!

Thanks for the motivation!
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Old 01-10-2006, 06:23 AM   #308  
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Maureen you don't appear to have very many calories in that intake? Remember not to eat to little as it will mess up your metabolism. Its better to eat more often just watch what you eat. I went to the gym as I said for monday.It was a short workout but at least I got there. I did weights as the treadmills were taken. So as I said short workout. But I have plans to go back on wed. a.m.. My work shedule is a bit crazy this week. But I have scheduled my workouts for wed. and friday. So that is a good start. Judy I am going to get my tape going at home to fit in a little extra exercise. I am shooting for 200 min. of exercise this week. I hope to make it. I have lunch out with a client today at a buffet but not the best in town. I am going to eat a healthy breakfast 1 whole wheat english muffin little grapefruit/marmlade jam on and a banana. Lunch out and dinner a slim fast and fruit. I am going to get a bit in shape before my Hawaii trip. I am so excited to see my son and visit the beautiful area where he resides. He is starting to build a house for a client so that will be in the works when we visit. We love to see what he is working on. And he is always so proud to show us. Well off to make my breakfast soon and get ready for my day.
Hang in there girls we can make a difference and we will.
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Old 01-10-2006, 03:04 PM   #309  
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A quick howdy, and thanks for all the positive energy! Carol, you should see if Collage Videos sells hula tapes! Maureen and Marie, I hope you're feeling good today.

I'm okay, crabby about counting grams and measuring portions, but I'm forced to admit that I was eating bigger plates of food as the year went it's all good. I'm exactly on target for Day Two of my jump-start 1200 calorie and very low carb week. Did yoga this morning, and Curves tonight. Yoga doesn't count in my cardio, and I only include 15 minutes at Curves.

See you al tomorrow--judy
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Old 01-11-2006, 06:40 AM   #310  
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Judy you are on a roll girl! Keep up that good work. I feel some energy coming from you and I am going to have a great day. I think maybe I should get into measuring. I went to the Casino last night with the girl friends. I won so I paid for dinner with my free credits. Oh so bad! I had a prime rib sandwich it had thin slices on it cheese on sour dough bread toasted. I did only eat part of the bread, and ordered a baked pot. and only a little butter on it. But all in all it was an over dose of calories I am sure. The rest of the day was okay. BUT may slim fast might of been a better choice. I put my wins away in my jar for spending money while in Hawaii. I came out 100.00 ahead and had some fun with my friends.
Today I have a crazy afternoon planned with a meeting I am not looking forward to. So I might head to the gym after it even though it may be crowded. Even if I lift wts. again. I feel the difference just getting there the other day. I will be careful of what goes in my intake today and try measuring my foods. I am sure Judy more calories then should be goes into my sight portions. Keep up the good work everyone.
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Old 01-11-2006, 11:38 AM   #311  
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Hi everyone, Judy, you are doing so great. I keep hoping that you'll all motivate me to get back into line. I guess my biggest accomplishment so far is that when I'm not hungry at a meal (dinner, mostly) I don't eat. So even though my portion for lunch was bigger than it should be, I ended up okay. Regardless, I need to get portion control back into my vocabulary. Also, exercising would be a good thing. At least I'm not thinking about it - I'd been sick for so long that exercise was taboo. I'm getting better so I do want to add it back in.

Some good news on the feeling better front, yesterday after work, I went in my craft room and used my knitting machine. I finished knitting a sweater sleeve and only have the ribbing to do for the cuff. Anyway, I was happy that I did it. My back got a little sore from standing for so long because I hadn't been active in so long, but I didn't mind. Today my goal is to ride my exercycle for a little while and do some knitting. I just hated being sick.

Well, back to work I should go. Have a great day.
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Old 01-11-2006, 03:23 PM   #312  
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Marie, I'm so glad that you're feeling a bit better! It's good to think of you knitting again. I was trying to teach myself to knit, but it's not going too well--a book isn't the best way to learn, and I don't want to add classes to my schedule right now. I see that there are instuctional DVDs for knitting novices, and that might be just the ticket--I'll keep hitting rewind 'til I figure it out

Carol, dinner at the Casino sounded yummy! A little prime rib on a special night out never hurt anybody. Sounds like you had a bit of everything without pigging out, which is what I think we're trying to learn how to do. So congratulations!

I'm doing okay today. I worked out to my old Kathy Smith cardio tape. It was the first one I bought, many years ago, and it's still good. I forgot about the Curves Challenge when I scheduled having lunch with a former colleague; this is the most restrict week in terms of calories and carbs, so I was trying not to eat out. We went to a Thai place, where I had the seafood soup and a papaya salad (yumyumyum!). Probably went through my entire day's allotment of carbs, but I will struggle to figure out all the numbers. C'est la vie. I made good choices, and the food and the company were really good.

Gotta go finish a project, just wanted to wish you all a good day. Keep up the good work!

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Old 01-11-2006, 08:06 PM   #313  
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Well girls I did well for breakfast 1 whole wheat english muffin with a little jam. Lunch=chili and yogurt with some almonds. After work I had a sub. with a little mayo and dressing. Not the best choice but after a 10 hour day I wasn't cooking. Tonight I am staying away from anymore food. I had some ice water with fresh lemon slices. My friend was eating a prepacked meal lunch one of those deli ones. Wow I ck'd out the info. only 220 cals. but 1100 in sodium high in protein like 22 but 28 carbs and 10 fats which 5 were sat. So stay away from that stuff! Thats crazy but I guess convient? All I know is read the labels folks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Catch 24! I got it!
I am trying to get better with food. The exercise is tough this week home by dark and on the wrong side of the city to work out. Boy I gotta get that under control.
Hang in there we are on our way to changes that will make a difference in the long run.
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Old 01-12-2006, 06:44 AM   #314  
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Just checking in before work. I am off to have breakfast with a friend before another crazy day begins. But no 10 hrs. today at work. 8 will just work out fine I hope. I am going to take chili for my lunch and yogurt. Dinner I will make at home tonight pork chop and veggies. I think I will stop to pick up some fresh fruit and have it for a snack. I am gaining some control again and it feels good. Hopefully today I can fit in a workout or at least a video at home. I still need to fit in the 200 min for the week and have a ways to go! My goal today is to stay with in my calorie allowed 1500 and workout. I have planted my Hawaii tickets about my computer so it will remind me of my goal and valued outcome here! Lets go girls its a new day!
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Old 01-12-2006, 12:17 PM   #315  
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Hi Carol, Maureen and Judy. I actually exercised a little last night. I got on my exercycle and pedalled for 20 minutes. I worked up a little sweat (not too much) but didn't go into an asthma fit or cold/coughing fit. So I think it was successful. Yesterday, I ordered Walk Away the Pounds DVD from Amazon and paid for overnight shipping. So today, I plan on doing that. I like walking and with the roads being a muddy, washed out mess, I can't do it outside. I'm hoping this will get me through until the roads are better/drier. Food wise, I'm still struggling - as usual - but I am trying to make portion sizes smaller. I wish I didn't always look at a plate and see it half empty instead of half full. I always seem to want more. But I'm conscientious of that and am trying.

I guess I should get back to work. Talk to you later.
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