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Old 12-10-2005, 07:35 AM   #271  
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Marie enjoy the lake. I am going to go to the gym 3 times this week if it kills me. I have to go to a clients group home christmas party on monday. I am planning a trip to the gym between then and the office day. It will be do able. Last night I had my christmas party. THe food wasn't too good so that helped with eating less not such a bad thing I guess. We had fun my friends boy friend loves to dance.iforgot how many calories dancing burns. Turn up the music girls lets burn some calories off! So we did a lot of that and it was fun. Most of burned a few calories.I even was careful with dessert. It was marble cheese cake I ate 1/3 better than the whole piece. With my hubby having physical problems we are limited to things like that. So I took advantage and cut loose. We also were given a chistmas bonus to our surprise 2 weeks pay. Now that was really cool! They also are adding in an extra 600 in out 401 K. So I really made out well.Now that will all help out for sure. Some will be saved for our trip to Hawaii in the spring. But I am going to buy a few new things for work clothes. Some new yarn for a pretty sweater to work on after christmas etc... I can finish my shopping to say the least..Hope your having a super weekend girls.
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Old 12-12-2005, 06:58 AM   #272  
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Okay girls it must of killed me cause I DIDN'T get to the gym. But my christmas shopping is almost done and cookies are baked and now packaged. I do have a few more cookies to bake but if I don't get to them until next week no biggy. I danced away some calories at my christmas party. The food wasn't so good but the two weeks pay which was a surprise was super. Some will go towards my Hawaii trip. I am also going to give each of the kids a little cash in there stockings. Thought it would help after christmas as they may need a little flow. My intake yesterday was stinky for sure cookies, pepperoni, smoked cheese what was I thinking. So its to the gym today as I have a group home christmas party later on. Good healthy oatmeal breakfast and a salad for lunch. Take care hope your all doing well.
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Old 12-12-2005, 10:51 AM   #273  
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Quickly before I get too lost in the work day--greetings, gals, I hope you are all feeling good today! My trip to NYC was good, and I had a bit of extra time for shopping, seeing a few friends, and lots of walking around, seeing the changes in the old neighborhoods. I ate whatever, but not as bad as the last trip, and only felt out of control once: while sitting in front of a tray of b-fast pastries during Saturday's meeting.

Marie, thanks for sharing the pictures. What cute dogs you have! I hope you've been able to get some sunshine and exercise. I get a bit mopey when it's gray and cold, too, an I have to fight the urge to eat comfort foods and sleep a lot.

Carol, I'll be going to Curves three times this week, too. We've got to keep up or the holiday snacks will do us in. There's no way i could cook up batches of cookies and not eat them....but what a nice treat for your family! And congrats on the bonus.

Must dive into work. More later--judy
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Old 12-13-2005, 07:06 AM   #274  
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Well of course Judy I had to sample them cookies. They are all in the freezer now or ref. . I made peanut brittle last night and had a little bitty sample it will get broke up and packaged today. Some is going off to Hawaii. I need to have my pkg. ready by thurs. So I must finish today. The cookies are going to be shipped first class the rest maybe a bit cheaper. We were going to freeze and overnigh some pierogies that my mom made a christmas eve tradition of course. But when they gave me the rate to ship something cold with dry ice I just about died. 40 TO 50 dollars! Moms are great but thats gold prices. So the kids will have to do without this year. We are sending the recipe instead. My son is a good cook and can make his own if he puts his mind to it. I think I will send grams christmas eve bread recipe as well. We will miss him and my daughter in law this year not being home. It is only the 2nd christmas with out him being home. Hopefully next year will be different.
Well Judy I wish I had made it to NY city. Sounds like a lot of fun. Your right we need to keep a grip or we will be back to step one. I am trying to eat a balance breakfast and lunch if I am eating out etc.. Today I am aiming for less cals 1400 to make up for some southern food I ate yesterday at a group home christmas party. Now can them women cook! But it wasn't low cal even with portion control I ate lots of cals..... TO many to count!!!!!!!!!!!Thank God for oatmeal breakfast and soup and salad lunch!
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Old 12-13-2005, 06:23 PM   #275  
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Too big of a backlog of work! I'm having a fit of the nervous crunchies. If I'd fully stocked my refrigerator, I'd of had some baby carrots but instead I went the convenience store next door and bought two bags of baked potato chips. Not ideal, but I can live with that....

Carol, how nice to send the receipes to your son! what a wonderful way to keep the family traditions going.

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Old 12-14-2005, 06:37 AM   #276  
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Judy its a tough time of year thats for sure. I finished making my soaps to give away last night with my friends. It was fun and lots of laughs. For dinner I had made a big pot of chili in the crock pot before going to work. It was nice to come home and have dinner ready. The hubby put together a salad at my request. It was a good calorie day within 1450. I did a lot of fast walking and the stair case a few times. My clothes seem to be fitting better this week along with my rings feeling loose. So I haven't jumped the scale but feel more in control. My evenings other than party nights have been busy doing things so less eating snacks etc. All the cookies are put away but I had a piece of hard peanut brittle last night. I am off to work have a good day- better get yourself some carrots!
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Old 12-15-2005, 06:39 AM   #277  
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Just checking in I can't get over that christmas is already almost here. Oh! Still things I want to do. I am shipping out my Hawaii package today. Hoping it gets there on time. I wrapped it up in the end with a little ho ho ho ck for them to go have dinner. I didn't get time to do any more shopping before it had to go out. I haven't done to bad on the eattin g fron except for little things like nibbling on candy while making my gingerbread house, chips yesterday they were dill and calling my name. I had a couple of handfuls I figured what the heck its not like I have them all the time. Today we are going out for lunch at work so I will have a healthy breakfast , enjoy lunch and eat my salad for dinner. Just switching meals around usually larger amt. of cals for dinner hr. Well take care and hope everyone is doing fine. Tired we all miss you and hope your doing well. Maybe you'll join us soon. We are still on our journey I think its a life time journey never to be completely finished just maintained in the end.
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Old 12-15-2005, 06:27 PM   #278  
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Carol, I do believe in Santa Claus--and it's you! I hope your family enjoys getting your presents half as much as you seemed to enjoy putting them together. I have to make lists tonight so that I can join the crazed crowds this weekend. I haven't done much shopping or anything, but I have a few things that I've picked up in the past few months--if I can find them. Also it's time to write out my cards, and I have to buy some new ones. I think this year I'll start from the back of the alphabet. I've noticed that after the first 20 or so cards, my personal notes get shorter and shorter.....

I'm not feeling very Xmasy today, a little headachy and tired. I've been at my home computer typing most of the day, so I need to walk around and get the blood flowing. Even though I'll have a list of chores, it will be nice to be at home this weekend, sleeping in my own bed! The accumulated stress of the year is getting to me. I'll try to ring in the new year with a couple of "Home Spa" days, which I badly need.

Marie and Tired, I hope you are have a good week!

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Old 12-20-2005, 06:58 AM   #279  
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Judy you might be right I sure do feel like Santa. Thanks to my work and that nive bonus this christmas everyone got a little more. They better not get used to it as next year could be different. I enjoy the making things and doing for others it makes me happy. I have enjoyed shopping with the girl friends and we only buy things on sale or with a discount coupon. Otherwise it stays on the shelf. And eventually almost everything goes on sale. I finished up the teachers gifts for my grandaughter to give away. She is only 5 and was all excited to ask me to make them something special. So I did the head teachers has a bit of silver on it I bought for myself. But I look at it this way she takes care of our little girl everyday, keeps her safe and learning. That is the start of her school years and thank God for such a wonderful lady!
I mailed out my last package to Hawaii yesterday. I didn't know there is flat rate boxes all you can put in for 7.70 and how ever much its weight is doesn't matter. Well now I know and won't forget. Sending a few boxes may be a lot cheaper than the 25.00 one I first sent. Oh well live and learn its a cycle for sure. I hope Judy that you can get feeling better before the shopping trip. Stop and have yourself a treat at the coffee shop. Now that is a little bit of a lift for the trip. Makes us feel special and in the mood. I am not sure about my wt. I haven't stepped on the square thing. I feel my clothes fit okay and I do notice though my flab is a bit loose thats do to not working out. I need to get a grip but don't feel I have enough time lately.
I will get there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 12-27-2005, 01:50 PM   #280  
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Judy and Carol, I hope you both had a wonderful Christmas. I was in Minnesota until the 23rd, then came home to be with my family. Now I have my second week off from work and I plan on being a bum. We made turkey on Christmas eve and today I'm going to make turkey noodle soup. I'm also going to throw some ingredients in the bread machine so we can have fresh homemade bread with the soup. It's raining and yucky out so soup sounds good.

I had a great Christmas. We opened presents in the morning and then we took the kids to a movie. We saw Rumor Has It. If you liked The Graduate many moons ago, you should see the movie. It was pretty good.

Well, have a great day.
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Old 12-28-2005, 06:55 AM   #281  
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Marie glad to see you are going to relax a bit. After christmas and all the rushing around it sounds good. I had a nice christmas all but for the hubby being sick. We ended our day in the 24 hr. urgent care. He has started to feel better with the medications but it really takes a toll on him when he is ill. I tried to get him to go to the doctors earlier on but he wouldn't. I know next time he will go sooner. The troubles with breathing scared him for sure. Other than that it was a nice christmas. Children put the magic into the season. My son and daughter in law we visited through the phone lines. He sounded like he really missed being home. But the kids all talked to them as well. They sent us a nice digital camera and station printer. Now I need to figure it all out he says its really easy. His thoughts are keeping in better touch. Soon we will be going for a visit I need to get serious on my wt. etc... I felt pretty good till a week or so ago now I feel like oh I have to make some changes here. I am planning a trip to the gym and the grocery store. I need some fresh fruits and veggies. So much junk food! I will really try to be more serious next week. But if I can go work out a couple of times this week it will help.
Judy hope your doing well and enjoying the holidays. I guess Tired jumped ship? We will make a difference in 2006 we can do this girls. We need to get in the right frame of mind. For me I also need to journal of use fit site. to do intakes?
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Old 12-28-2005, 01:46 PM   #282  
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Carol, I'm glad that your hubby is starting to feel better. I really don't know any man that willingly goes to the dr. unless they're totally miserable. Enjoy the digital camera and printer. I just love mine. I have my XP screen saver set up to randomly display all of the pictures in my My Picture directory and I love having the pictures flash on the screen. I definitely look at digital pictures more than I do printed pictures.

I was pretty good yesterday. Certainly not great, but I've done a lot worse. I stayed out of the candy, but not the cookies. Luckily I had turkey noodle soup for dinner and that wasn't high in calories. Sor far today I'm doing good.

Take care, Carol and Judy.
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Old 12-28-2005, 04:40 PM   #283  
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Hi all,

Please forgive me for my absence - life became so, so, so crazy. Nothing bad, just a tremendous to-do list. Our ill relatives needed a lot of care and the children have been very busy. I'm on vacation, the holidays are past (fun and successful too) and now it's time to get healthier again. I'm going to read the back posts in the next couple of days and then hopefully I'll be here to encourage and learn once again. Take care. It's good to see that you're all still here. - Maureen
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Old 12-29-2005, 07:10 AM   #284  
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Tired when I saw you were on the site I was thrilled. So glad your back and no need to explain to us. Life does get crazy sometimes. Tired its nice you have a break from school. Do some fun stuff. I haven't been working so much either last week 4 days this week will be 2 and next wk. 4. I kind of like it.

I am trying to get back on track and its not so easy. I need to do an assessment on myself. Starting with more water wow have I been slacking off. Turn those sweets into fruits, veggies and just over all get a grip! Then I will be off to lose again oh I forgot the exercise thing thats important and I need to get that going for sure. The hubby is feeling better it takes a lot out of yah!
Yesterdays intake wasn't great but a bit better than other days lately. Today I will shoot for a better intake day. Still had chips and candy laying around. I am going to give my lovely chocolates from a gift to my grandkids.
Well take care and together we will get back on track!
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Old 12-29-2005, 01:38 PM   #285  
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Hi Carol and all,

It is so nice to be back. I'm glad that your husband is feeling better. Illness takes a toll on everyone in a family.

I'm ready too to jump back on the health bandwagon. I weigh somewhere in the middle of where I started one and a half years ago (210) and where I ended up (just below 170). My goal is healthy living. My plan will be this:

healthy breakfast with protein
salad lunch with protein
lots of veggies for dinner with some protein
snacks will include yogurt, fruits, veggies and powerbars when I'm involved in heavy exercise, activity
lots and lots of water
exercise will include lots of power cleaning/house work (I'm fixing up my house) and some gym workouts. I'd like to do another triathlon in June so I may start training for that after I finish my current regiment for asthma - that's one reason I've been off track.

Let's see what happens, but it's good to be back. I look forward to hearing from everyone.

- Maureen
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