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Old 02-18-2006, 12:30 PM   #391  
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DS and GF are at the hospital and they started to induce labor. So that's going to be cool.

This afternoon, DH and I are going to go to the hospital to say hi. We're also going to see 8 Below at the theater. I'm not a big movie person, but I am a husky doggie lover. I really think my 2 huskies should be able to go into the theater and watch the movie too.

I need to WATP this morning since we don't know what the day holds babywise. I'm up to 28 miles so far this month. It'll be 30 in less than an hour. YEAH!!!

Well, I will chat with you all later.
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Old 02-19-2006, 06:04 PM   #392  
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Default Baby Boy!!!!

Hi all, well I'm a grandma! Baby Ethan was born yesterday afternoon. He's having a little trouble getting enough oxygen so the picture shows he has a cover over his head so they can give him extra oxygen. Talk to you all later.
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Old 02-20-2006, 07:59 AM   #393  
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Marie he is just beautiful! He looks so big how many lbs. was he. I love the name. How is he doing? One of my grandsons had a little problem in the beginning but then was just fine too! It is a bit scary to see such little ones attached to anything. I can't wait to hear more.
Jemmama thanks for the uplift and advise. I needed it I think. Judy your doing so great and I think your right about my inches as my clothes fit better. And I took this naked butt in the tanning booth yesterday. First time ever for me a bit different for sure. I enjoyed it only 6 min. the first couple of times. Because I am going to Hawaii with no tan if I didn't do this it was a must . My son said I should go as I will burn there if I don't. Be different if it was in the summer when I had already had some of a tan. My eating this weekend wasn't the best on saturday but sunday I was better. Its funny when foods are in your house chicken wings, cheese , snacks that others bring their so tempting. I just can't seem to say no. Dum move on my end. I hope to walk the lakes today it is going to be in the 30's. I won't tan today as my chest is a bit red not bad though. If I do 4 miles today it will start my week off nicely. It was so cold this weekend I think part of my eatting was comfort! I go bathing suit shopping this week. Judy and Jemmama keep up the good work and Marie enjoy that baby!
This week I will shoot for at least 12 miles and 1500 calorie days lots of water limited coffee increase my green tea. Any ideas let me know I AM game for it!
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Old 02-20-2006, 08:15 AM   #394  
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Judy the Dinosaur BBQ is a famous place to eat here. They also are located in Buffalo NY. Sometimes other areas sell their sauces they are out of this world. They also have a recipe book out if you get a chance ck it out. Their baked beans are also great. There might be some recipes on the web. Do a search and ck it out if you get time. It is kind of a small place with bikers cycles lined up outside in the summer time. It is in our downtown area and you can smell the cooking through out the city. The smell of low cooked pork! They also have veggie choices as well. Check it out for the fun of it. If your ever looking for a fun gift let me know and I can ship you some sauces etc...
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Old 02-20-2006, 05:35 PM   #395  
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What nice-looking baby!

I don't have time to say much, just that things are going well, I'm feeling good and I hope that you are, too!

I'll be back tomorrow. I'm supposed to meet a friend for Indian food in a few minutes, but now I want BBQ!

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Old 02-21-2006, 06:33 AM   #396  
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Marie how's the little one? He is so cute I just want to hold him. I love when they are so little.
Judy Indian food is great. I don't get that often as there are only two places I know of in Syr. I went there for a meeting one day oh so good. My family on my caseload is from India. There is a buffet of Indain food in the city my daughter goes but I have never been yet. They have funny hours open for lunch closed for a bit then reopen later etc. Oh well maybe on a day off some time. At any rate it sounds great. Check your store shelfs for dinosaur bbq sauces. Its sent all around from what I am told.
Well my trip is coming quick 16 more days. I didn't do too bad in calories yesterday. I did have chinese for lunch shrimp in a red sauce that wasn't low but could of been worse I really wanted General TSO chicken. Oh so good but I READ its one of the highest calorie foods on the menu. Since then I haven't ordered it or fried for that matter.
Today I have preplanned my meals to try my best to stay within my calories and have some control. I started tanning the other day. Its different I guess its okay and they say its a smart thing to do before going to Hawaii where the tropical sunlite is so different. So its nice getting a little color. At least when I wear my bathing suit or shorts it will be better for sure. I can't even think of just having my white legs all hanging out. I am 5' 7'' and on the tall side so theres no hiding them legs girls! Hoefully they'll be in good shape to do all the sporty things while I am there. That is my goal. I am off to work out after work today then again on thurs. and fri. My schedule this week is crazy again. Trying to get people done for this month. Next month before I go work wise will be nuts! I have to get reports ready before I go in hopes that someone else finishes them when the other pieces come in from other parties and mails them out. Oh my God I am starting to stress just thinking about it. One step at a time I have taken 2 weeks before and but this is 2 1/2 and I need to be truly organized or it won't happen again. I get 4 weeks. Thank goodness I saved 35 hrs. from last yr. and I am using personnal time too. I am close to the wire with hrs. But oh well I am going hrs. or not.
Just needed to vent sorry guys!
Hope your all off to a wonderful week of exercise, healthy choices and reaching your goals! Someone told me to remember muscle weighs more than fat think of fat as cotton balls and muscle as quarters. It made since and they told me to measure my body! Gotta get a new measuring tape today. I used to have it written down. They said that way you can see the differences and not just by the scale. Yes indeed that would be a great idea!
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Old 02-22-2006, 06:38 AM   #397  
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Just checking in. Looks like everyone is busy!
Well me too but I need to keep checking in as it helps me to stay focused and routine is a plus. I did pretty good yesterday with working out taking the stairs v.s. the elevator. It felt good to release some end of the day stress. One of the families I work with is kind of a puzzle and when I put a few pieces together something else doesn't fit. Oh well what can one do.. I do my best and thats all I can ask of myself. Petty party on me I guess. Yesterday I almost died when the boss tried to give me one more client. I almost flipped. I told her to ask someone else who has more time for sitting around. I am always running around like a crazy woman. Oh see when you try your hardest they just want more. She tried to tell me a few of my clients don't need so much help now. Oh yah cause I have them stable with their life! Hello! Just back off for awhile and you'll be picking up the pieces!
Oh I am so sorry to vent but I had to get it out. At any rate I did wt. restistance machines at the gym and the treadmill for 1.5 miles. I am trying to schedule myself for workout times to ensure I DO them. So far so good but I was so hungry when I returned home. I ate healthy stuff but maybe a little too much! Oh well I am sure I burned alot 200 on the treadmill alone. The wts. were tough but I did 3 of 12 sets on 5 machines. The wts. ranaged from 65lbs. to 90lbs so it was a work out. I felt myself pushing to do a bit more in the end a few times ready to give in a quit but kept going. I need to measure myself today. I think inches is where my loss is showing up. Thats fine with me though I'd like to see the scale change too.
Have a great day! Oh my new snack to share with you all yogurt 80 calories with a few choc. chips in. I feel like its a treat at the end of my day and still low in calories. 8 chips.
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Old 02-22-2006, 12:37 PM   #398  
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Carol, I'm sorry about your troubles at work. Definitely sometimes others don't have a clue how we do our jobs. They tend to just screw it up. Good for you on the exercise. You're definitely getting there. Today I wish that I was going to Hawaii with you.

I'm definitely not in a good mood. DS's GF's mother is coming to stay with GF and grandbaby for a couple days. Oh, yeah!!! I like the woman just fine but my house is too crowded as it is. It's hard to believe, but I was happy to come to work today just to be away from everyone. Oh well, I will survive.

I'm doing good with the exercise and the eating isn't too bad. I wish I was motivated to lose weight so that all the exercise would pay off in a reduction of pounds. But I'm not and I don't know how to make myself motivated. So I keep plugging along, exercising and not gaining weight. I suppose that's good enough for now.

Well, I should work. BTW, GBaby is doing great.
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Old 02-23-2006, 07:27 AM   #399  
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Marie sometimes maintaining especially during stressful times is hard enough for us. At least you are doing that. I keep a journal and that helps me a bit to focus on what I am eating. It also gives me something to reflect back on when I had a loss to see what I was up to. I have had plenty of times when going to work was the less of 2 evils. Not sure a bad thing just a change in our ways for a bit. Maybe going for a walk or giving yourself a little me time is in order during their visit. You could excuse yourself nicely by saying I want to give you sometime to visit with them on your own. After all if they lived alone that is most likely how it would be. Good luck.
I am a bit sore from the machines the other day but that is a positive thing. I know I am losing inches and how dum not to measure myself. But by clothes meausuring and how my rings fit there is a difference for sure. I slipped up and had a few no no's yesterday. The sec. brought in donuts. I had a half then someone else brought in an old fashioned spanish bar. I had a little of that. Lunch was good hummus and veggies my savor of the day. Then I worked late and stopped for sub. So even know it had lt. mayo that was alot of white bread. Naughty I was. But nothing thank goodness afterwards. So today I am trying to have a grip on my intake. I have a blood test this morning and then I am having breakfast from a bag. I am bringing a Kashi bar 140 cals. 1 hard boiled egg. At least its a good start to the day. I will work out again on friday. 15 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is coming so fast now time is flying by. I have lots to do work wise before then. Take care.
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Old 02-23-2006, 11:41 AM   #400  
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Carol, you're right about work not being a bad refuge. I'v been struggling lately with the whole baby/GF issue and I think I've come to some realizations and acceptance. So I'm doing much better today. One thing that bothers me is how unappreciative she is of what's been done or given to her. I'm not saying I want thanks all the time, but just a show that she appreciates us would be nice.

I'm starting to think about food choices again and that's a good sign. Maybe the motivation will start up and I can get back at losing some weight. BTW, I'm up to 76 miles walking since 1/12. Not bad at all.

Well, I should work. I'll chat with you soon.
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Old 02-25-2006, 07:29 AM   #401  
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Marie give yourself some credit your whole household has over come extra people living in it. That takes some adjusting. Sometimes people are brought up differently and just over all expectations in life are different. This is hard to grasp when your a thoughtful and giving like we know you are. Just look at yourself for a min. remember the day you offer us a lovely sweater? Now that was so nice and even know we couldn't use it cause of size it was so generous. Not many people would of done such a nice thing. This girl maybe just never was taught the ways of apprecitation. Maybe you will rub off on her? At any rate don't over due people can become dependent on you for a long time. Hopefully they have a plan and time line set up for their future.
As far as your own well being I think its great for you to focus on what you need. Taking a step towards eating healthy to go along with all those miles is great. Do it for yourself. Sometimes we need to do for us! You can do it!
I worked out two times this week and they were good workouts it felt great to accomplish the harder workouts. I pushed myself but it felt great. I even got on the scale and lost 1 lb. not much but I will take it! I think inches is what I have been losing and thats fine cause I am building muscle. The hubby had homemade pizza last night. I made a calzone with spinach, cottage ch., egg, onion, mozz. It was good and I only ate 1/2 and sent the other home for my daughter the veggie. I only have 12 days left until my trip still 3.5 lbs to go. I will never make the goal but hope to come close. Judy now I know how you felt with your valentine goal. But having mini goal was a great idea it gives me something to work on short term. Do able if I stop eating! Oh maybe just being much more careful might work too! Have a great day girls!
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Old 02-25-2006, 11:58 AM   #402  
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Carol, thanks for the great advise and words of wisdom. I really appreciate you. Things haven't improved much but I'm just going on wtih my life and trying to focus on what makes me happy. Today I plan to knit. I have this incredible Bernat yarn that's called spring. It's a beautiful mint, satin yarn. My goal is to wear it on Tuesday. Talk about setting goals a little too high.

I made the 80 mile mark on my walking log. That's $80 to my projector fund. I'm so excited about the way I'm motivating myself. I just wish that would rub off on the food choices. I'm using food for comfort and I think it's worse even knowing I'm doing it but still choosing to. Hmm. Someday I'll get my head together. At least I'm thinking about dieting again. That's a good sign.

Well, have a great weekend, Judy and Carol. I think of you often. You are both great friends.
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Old 02-25-2006, 08:37 PM   #403  
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Marie you are very welcome and you motivate me to. Its funny how we all haven't met in person but feel this bond with one another. Its nice and I think of you both that way too!
Today was a me day! Selfish yes but did it feel good indeed it did! I started my day out with two friends went to tan, then shop. I was the only one shopping really but they went along. I tried on 2 bathing suits oh they even fit nicely. But one black 2 pieces but yah know with the skirt look and longer length top. The top was blk. with a white halter strap style. Nice but with a tan on those wide straps I'd be looking like a zebra later on. Now we can't be having that after all the hard work on looking better. Oh well the other one was nice and a possibility but there are more out there to try on first. I only have 12 days to figure this one out. I then brought my friends back home had coffee and a little cherry pastry not to high in cals. Then they left and I went off to the salon. I not only got a cut but a new style and dye job and highlights! Wow it looks great not cheap but then again aren't I worth it? Oh well good thing I don't get these ideas too often I could go to the poor house east! Just a little humor. At any rate I drove through an awful snow storm on my way back my 20min. ride took double the time and I almost slide in front of a big orange plow. Thank goodness I WAS able to gain some control and wasn't driving too fast. Oh! Now we can't be having any of that stuff happening. I got home and called my daughter to ensure she got to the city okay to work. She did but also had an awful drive. Then talked to the second daughter and she was caught out in it to. I hope it isn't to bad later on when my daughter has to drive back home from the city. Thanks for the venting I needed it. Better than eating extra cals already had a little no no today!
Marie your sweater sounds pretty. I still got to get that picture w/ Thomas on here!
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Old 02-26-2006, 11:19 AM   #404  
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Hi Carol, your day sounds wonderful. I love "me" days. Sounds like your hair change was perfect. Last time I got highlights, there were so many of them that my hair looked like it had no color left in it. So Now I'm unicolor of dark blond. I will let the sun do it's thing this summer. But when I see a good highlight job I'm always envious. They look so pretty. Me, I'm just scared now.

I got a bit done on the sweater yesterday. I finished the hood and the fronts (except I'm not done with the ribbing on the left front - soon though). The yarn is ownderful but has no elasticity to it so the ribbing is difficult - pretty much why it's not done. You might really like the yarn - it's Bernat Satin. It is soft and hs a pretty sheen to it.

I'm sure glad that you regained control of your car yesterday. Those plows are humungous.Snow driving is so trecherous.

Our pretty weather is supposed to go away today. I looked at the 10 dayt forecast and it's rainy/snowy for the entire 10 days. Yuck. I did enjoy yesterday. I took my huskies for a walk around the block (up a steep hill, then down for 2 miles). I was beat but I didn't wear a jacket and when we got back I sat outside on my swing for about 20 minutes, just enjoying the weather. It was about 60 degrees. I sure did enjoy it.

Well, that's about it. I will chat with you later. Take care of yourself!!!
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Old 02-27-2006, 07:11 AM   #405  
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Marie the weather sounds wonderful. We are currently in a cold point now. I hate it to say the least. We were suppose to get a really bad day today but it looks okay so far. Just cold. That I can handle. I bought my bathing suit yesterday a bit tropical style on top and black bottoms. It is a two piece but one of those longer tops. I couldn't get over how lucky I was with the way the suits fit this year. That made me know I have at least lost inches and wish I had measured myself now. Oh well. I am feeling great about my health and want to continue so I will be working out tonight after work. I am also really paying attention to my foods. I did well last night with fresh strawberries and lite cool whip for a snack. I bought the last groceries before we go away. Fresh fruits, veggies and some shrimp. Tonight I am going to whip up some shrimp scampi. Its so easy and tasty too. Not too bad on cals as I monitor what goes in. I am on a seafood need this week. Not a bad thing I guess. Well gotta go to work Judy hope your doing well too! Have a great day girls. Oh I only have 10 days left but who is counting?????????????
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