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Old 04-01-2006, 03:51 PM   #511  
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Hey Judy, even if you don't fit in them this Sunday, you might want to give yourself a little more time beofre tossing them. Cherry blossoms. Mmmmm. Can you take a picture and post it here??? I just loved the blooms in Washington. We have snow today. I'm wearing a jacket over my knit jacket in the house, I was so chilled. I want spring.

Carol, wow, a hotel. You are such a generous person. The pancakes sound delicious.

Today I pretended it was spring and I highlighted my hair. Gone is the drab winter dark blonde. Pretty streaks everywhere. It looks really nice and outdoorsy.

I started my April walk with a 3 miler today. My goal is 75 miles for April. I did 75.2 for March so it'll be about the same except one less day. BTW, my March goal had been 54 miles. I blew by that.

DS, GF and DGS will be back today. I've enjoyed the alone time with DH. Empty nest sounds so inviting.

Well, I'll chat with you later.
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Old 04-02-2006, 12:27 AM   #512  
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Hi Everyone, Our wonderful, warm weather is gone! We got a thunderstorm last night (I thought it was supposed to be an April shower) and it took the warm weather with it. I still went for a walk outside todya, but had to wear a coat! Oh well, spring is just around the corner.

Quilt mama, I agree with you, anyone should know their diagnosis and decide what they want to do with their life! I don't think that is a decision some one else should make, even your children. And, legally, they aren't allowed to. A Dr. cannot even give your diagnosis to any one else (kids included) without your permission. And Yoplait is my favorite yogurt too! Love the peach. Have you tried the NO PUDGE brownies? You make them with yogurt and I use the cherry or peach. YUM!

Judy, It' will be awhile before I will be able to wear them, but I bought a new pair of sandles too. Guess we're craving sun! Can't wait to get a pedicure and get my toenail painted a pretty spring color! Your walk sounds so lovely! I love to walk outside in the spring and see all the flowers. To walk under a cloud of cherry blossoms would be so enjoyable! I might even be able to walk 50 min too!

Jules, You're right, grandbabies are the best! I enjoy mine so much. I think I am a much more relaxed grandparent than I was a parent!

Marie, Always hard to go back to work after you've been off awhile, isn't it? I get my routine down and then have to change it again! I'm such a creature of habbit! Now, if I could just form a few more good ones!

Camsc, We always look forward to new seasons, don't we? I, too, was looking forward to the fall and winter and sitting in front of the fireplace and reading. I love to read and usually have a few books going. Right now I have one i'm reading, a book tape in the car and another book tape that I listen to when I walk! I do have to be carefuland not listen to 2 books by the same author! Can get very confusing!

Have a Blessed Sunday, Freda
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Old 04-02-2006, 07:12 AM   #513  
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hi and good morning. The aunt that came over was a different aunt then the one that was sick with brain cancer. But I did enjoy it. We didn't actually get to quilt, but she's very interested in doing some things in her quilts like I do in mine. I will often use an embroidery blocks as an alternate block in a quilt. I'm in the process of making a baby quilt, and the theme in the room is sail boats. So I'm doing that and was doing that yesterday and she was fascinated by watching the machine do it.

I made a gumbo, with chicken and turkey sausage, I ate a small bowl so it was not too much food, but still filling. I thought she was going to stay the weekend but she only stayed the day.

I'm still not exercising, have never found my mojo, but I'm sure running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Now that is a big bummer. I don't think my life will settle down to a routine for a while, with so much going on at the same time. I guess I shouldn't be surprised though because my father, and aunts and uncles are all elderly and I have a bunch of them so it would just be normal for several of them to all get sick at the same time.

It really does stink, but it is a fact of life. Sure makes me appreciate life a bit and makes me forget about my personal woes and aim for taking better care of myself.
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Old 04-02-2006, 12:29 PM   #514  
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Wow, someone else that uses embroidery with quilting. Quiltmama, the quilt I made for my bed has 5 counted cross stitch panels. There are four corner pansy blocks and the center block is a big bouquet of pansies. I made it about 6 years ago and after so many washings, a few the of seams are coming apart. I figured when it's a goner, I'm ripping it apart and taking the embroidered blocks out and put them in a new quilt. They took WAY longer than the quilt did.

Freda, at least you got a taste of spring. I'm wearning a heavy sweatshirt today because yesterday I tried to pretend it was spring and froze the whole day. Live and learn.

Yesterday I made the back of the sweater that I'm stitching for my sister. I love my knitting machine. It's so fast. Then this morning after I exercised, I stitched most of the right front (all but the ribbing which has to be done by hand) while I cooled down.

Well, I'll chat with you all later. Today is Nascar, so I will be working on a drawing while I watch. If I don't I fall asleep. The round and round of the cars makes my sleepy.
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Old 04-02-2006, 07:50 PM   #515  
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G,DAY S it is good to see your all in high spirits, Carol good luck at the casino and good for you for making such a warm and welcoming place for your SIL I,m sure she appreciates it and you for your caring to you sure are a loving person Quiltmama your quilts sound more and more interesting I do cross stitch to Marie never thought of putting it into something like a quilt, hey Freda PUDGE BROWNIES sound yum if you have the time I would like the recipe Judy for recognizing my genius, I guess hubby is just jealous but after all he is a male so I should make allowances and I,m glad to be back to I missed all you ladies when I was away for so long even the ones I have just met are important to me well just a quick check in for me not doing to bad I got of the train at an unscheduled stop last night platform CHOCOLATE ATE ABOUT 500 CALS OVER daily allowance so I,m going to work it off today they say it takes 3 days for whatever you eat today to turn into fat so if I,m lucky it will leave before it arrives hey I can only hope , well BYE FOR NOW, TAKE CARE, BE GOOD TO YOURSELF AND REMEMBER WE ARE COMING ALONG FURTHER EVERYDAY, BLESSED BE...JULIE
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Old 04-02-2006, 09:09 PM   #516  
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Hello all I just lost my letter darn! Oh well casino was fun won about 30 played it off only lost a total of 20 of my own cash. It was a few hrs. of fun and a bit of laughter. You guys give me a lot of credit. My SIL is a good person she deserves to be treated good life has been tough for her. I guess I like to give of myself as the reward of feeling good is payment enough. Working helping others it my regular job ensuring others get a break or what they should or could have out of life. Working with developmental population has taught me well never to take things for granted. Thanks for all your support and caring. Your a great bunch of girls. So nice to have a place to feel so comfortable.
You girls quilting make me realize I should get going on the grandaughters quilt. Thanks for making me think about it. I went to buy some new curtains for my livingroom today. Can't wait to change a few things around for spring.
Judy you should hang onto your favorite clothes with all the changes and lifestyle habits your building its got to pay off soon. Keep going hang something up and keep it out as a reminder soon you'll be in it and thankful for it.
Marie your break is almost over but you have done some fun stuff and look how organized you are.
Juls keep up the good work you are a motivator. I hope you stick with us forever! Thanks for you uplifting ideas and sharing your thoughts.
I wish Maureen were here again too.
Take care girls oh I did my 4 miles around the 2 lakes today while the weather was good. Suppose to change for a few days I guess. I like it sunny it gives us a better outlook on life in general.
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Old 04-03-2006, 09:36 AM   #517  
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Good Morning Ladies, hope you all had a Blessed weekend. I did well, ate right, exercised. But, can't report a weight loss today. I guess these last few lbs. are going to hang on for dear life! Guess I'll just have to show them who's boss. But I did go shopping and bought a new pair of capri's this weekend, size 6, and I have to take them back because they are too big! I know it's just sizing, but I want to find that guy who designes LEE and kiss him on the mouth!!!

Quilt mama, Don't forget that you need to take care of yourself to be able to take care of others. We are good at taking care of other people but so poor at taking care of us. Try to find some time to take a walk or get some type of exercise every day, even if it's just for a few minutes a day.

Marie, Those few days of warm weather we got have gone away! We probally won't see any more warm weather for awhile. I do hope it warms up some for Easter. I always have an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids and They love it. I just want the weather to cooperate!

Jules, The No Pudge brownies are from a box! Don't know if you have that brand there, but they are at the grocery store. They are low cal, made with yogurt, and GOOD when you just NEED that bit of chocolate. Hope you can find them.

cacmsc, Glad to hear that you didn't loose too much money at the casino's and had such a good time! It's just good for the soul to get away and have a blast sometimes! Hope your SIL enjoyed it too! Sounds like she needs some laughs. You guys are ANGELS for helping her. I am beginning to get the spring cleaning bug too! We cleaned the basement over the weekend. We took a big load to the salvation army. We need to take a LO more! Where does all this stuff come from? I think it mulitplies like bunnies. Speaking of which, we have a couple in the back yard and I think it's mating season. I saw them out there chasing each other yesterday. My little dog sees them and wants to go out too. He does all the time but it's usually just with the one. They chase each other! It's hilarious! He has never made any attempt to hurt her or even get too close.

Have a good day, Freda
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Old 04-03-2006, 11:21 AM   #518  
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I got a late start on going through the closets yesterday. A few things do fit better, but I'm still a few pounds (and a couple of inches around the thighs) away from where I need to be. Not bad, not great, but progress.

Freda's rain is heading in my direction, so that means good-bye to the famous cherry blossoms. If you want to see what all the fuss is about, take at look at the Washington Post. Their photographers are a little more talented than I am:

Off to a co-worker's good-bye lunch. The food is good and hearty (soul food), but I am visualizing a big plate of spinach or greens and grilled fish.

Be well--judy
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Old 04-03-2006, 06:55 PM   #519  
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Hi all, I officially have 12 minutes left of my time off. Today didn't start off very good. I was in a very blah mood. I didn't want to do anything and basically didn't. At noon I forced myself to exercise and voila, the blahs are gone. Unbelieveable. After I exercised, I scrubbed my shower, picked up my craft room, played with baby, cleaned my kitchen and vacuumed the whole house. It's amazing what exercising will do. Funny thing was I was dragging through the entire 3 miles - yawning and cursing. It really is an amazing thing.

Judy, the link didn't work for me, but brought me to a search page and "cherry blossoms" brought up the pictures. They are so pretty. I hope lunch goes as you visualize.

Jules, I've never heard that it takes 3 days for extra calories to turn to fat. That's pretty interesting. I didn't eat sparingly yesterday but did tons of exercise so I think I was fine. I try to balance my exercise and food intake on the same day. Sure would be cool if I had 3 days. Like buying on credit - oh that's right, I go in debt with credit.

Freda, wow a size 4 is what you're going to get??? That's fabulous. You have done so great.

Carol, sounds like you had fun at the casino. $20 for a couple hours entertainment isn't bad at all. Almost the price of two movie tickets and you probably had more fun.

Well, I will chat later.
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Old 04-03-2006, 07:42 PM   #520  
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Freda good for you glad the clothes fit loose. I am a size 10 on the bottom and never will be a 6. I feel good in a 10 and if I have to go to 12 I blame it on the designer can't be me!~
Judy progress in any form is a great step closer to your goal. Don't think of it so lightly. You have worked hard changing habits sure isn't easy for any of us.
I started my spring cleaning the closet also. Its in progress!
Marie sounds like your enjoying that baby. They are fun! My grandson called tonight and wanted to stay overnite. I said not during the week. So I have him saturday evening. He was so cute he started off by saying is grandpah sick. I said no why then he asked he is only 4 how quick they learn.
Today I had a good eating day and stayed within my calories. I did journal my intake it makes a difference. When I am off balance that is the best way for me to get back on track. A little soul searching for the cals to add up right and I can eat a lot if I choose correctly. I like that 3 day window girls. Nice line of thinking!
No exercise today rainy here. My hips are sore from my walk at the lake yesterday but it feels good that way I know it was worth the effort put forth. I am going to walk or go to the gym on tues. Hopefully it doesn't snow they were threatening it. Oh no! Spring is here! Gas prices have sprung along with the regular spring. Isn't it awful? We are at 2.69 and up around here. Yah just can't get ahead.
Take care girls.
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Old 04-04-2006, 02:01 AM   #521  
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G,DAY S hope your all well , its great you and your SIL had a few laughs and didn,t lose to much Carol but sounds like the deversion was worth it, we are the same here downunder with petrol prices they seem to go up every time you turn around I read about the three day thing in my slimming mag it has something to do with the digestive system and the time it takes to completely break everything down it doesn,t give you a licence to eat what ever you want because you,ve got three days before it will show up as weight it means that if you go off track today then your body has time to make up for it the next day with healthy eating and a bit of exercise, before it has a chance to turn into weight gain I hope that explains it better I think your journal idea is great I used to keep one but haven,t for awhile it used to keep me on track to should give it another go, G,day Marie I,m sorry your back to work but you did great by exercising to beat the BLAHS it,s funny how it gets the feel good juices flowing and after a good work out you think you should be tired but seem to have a flood of energy the body is truly amazing, Freda you are doing great I,m not sure on your sizing there I know its different to here but size6 sounds a good size to be you go girl and Carol remember beauty comes in all shapes and sizes and I think 10 is perfectly lovely Judy you are doing great too the clothes that are still a fraction tight are a goal to look forward to find something in those things that was a favourite and think how good it will feel to put it on and it is loose, and you are making progress all progress is great there is no such thing as not good not bad only great other words are unacceptable, well thats enough of my ramblings BYE FOR NOW, TAKE CARE, BE GOOD TO YOURSELVES, BLESSED BE ... JULIE
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Old 04-04-2006, 11:16 AM   #522  
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Morning everyone, It looks sunny out here but I poked my nose out the door and it's NOT warm! And we may still get snow this weekend!

Judy, Hope some of your cherry blossoms are still left! Do they have a scent? How did you do with the luncheon? Soul Food is not known for low cal! I know you did the best you could!

Marie, Exercise does give you energy! I know I have to force myself to go for my walk sometimes, but I always feel better afterwards. The body really does know what it needs, if we would just listen. That's why we feel so stuffed and bad after we over eat! Our body is trying to tell us "NO". Why don't we listen more?

cacmsc, I like keeping a journal too. It keeps me on tract. If I start to gain or not lose for awhile I can look back and sometimes find out what I'm doing wrong or getting off tract. And as for the size 4, It's just that jean capri! I should go buy a whole closet full of them, shouldn't I? I am short, 5'1" and i'm small boned so I can't carry much weight.

Hi Jules, Have you had a chance to look for those No PUDGE brownies yet? There is a recipe on the back so you can just make one at a time, which keeps me from eating the whole box!

Everyone, make it a good day, Freda
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Old 04-04-2006, 02:29 PM   #523  
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Morning everyone, here I am at work. Boo-hoo. Had a long, long meeting this morning, but am all caught up and am currently importing/exporting files. So while the computers are doing their thing, I'm here surfing. I just have to keep an eye on them.

Freda, don't feel bad about the cold. It is cold and cloudy here with snow forecasted at 5000 ft (I'm at 4100 so I'm safe for now). Had to scape ice off my windshield this morning. Where oh where is spring?????? Certainly not in the west where storm after storm keeps coming off the Pacific. I do think, Freda, you should have a closet full of size 4 capris.

Jules, interesting info on the 3 day stuff. I do like the idea that I can make up for bad days, but I also know I'm an expert at spending on credit. Has taken years to get rid of all my credit card debt (but it is gone). Food wise, I should probably live in the here and now.

Carol, yeah, these grandbabies are cute. Ethan is starting to smile and watch/pay attention. It's just so cute.

Well, got to go for now.
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Old 04-04-2006, 04:42 PM   #524  
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Where did the time go? This has been one of those days where I have ten different conversations and no time to do any work connected with any of them! But at least the conversations and meetings are with great people. I could never work at complaint desk or something, accepting abuse from strangers...abuse from people I know is a different story.

Freda, I did well at the luncheon. I ordered the grilled catfish, which came with collard greens and a corncake-polenta type thing. I passed on the appetizers, except for some of the mussels. And while most folks had chocolate cake or carrot cake, I patted my stomach and managed to convince myself that I was too full to eat another bite. Which wasn't true--there's always room for chocolate--but a little white lie for a good cause isn't a sin. By now most of my colleagues leave me alone if I say 'no, thanks,' and I made sure to sit at the far end of the table, away from the food pusher. So i earned a gold star yesterday.

But I haven't worked out much since Sunday. I feel a bit draggy and achy in the morning, and haven't adjusted yet to the time change. So I've made sure to get off the subway a stop early, so at least I get a little more of a stretch, and I'll go to Curves after work today.

Marie, I think if I still had to deal with ice and snow I would scream. I'm going up to Boston Thursday evening, and I sure hope that the worse we have is rain.

Jules, Carol and all, thanks for the upbeat words re progress. I am trying to keep motivated, although this is how much I weighed two months ago, and while I have gone up a few pounds now and again, this is where I was back on Feb. 12 . I will see a nutritionist if I am still stuck here a month from now. I've probably ruined my metabolism from losing and gaining so many times over the years. But I am afraid to do anything drastic, because that might only make the problem worse. A professional might help me figure it out; I have a long way to go to reach my 2006 goal.

Quiltmama, I hope you're finding a little "me" time in there somewhere.

Keep it going, ladies--judy
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Old 04-05-2006, 06:54 AM   #525  
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Juls your doing fine sometimes maintaining for awhile is a smart thing. Lets the body adjust before losing again for a more perm. wt. loss. I haven't lost a lot of wt. over my year but have toned up. I am 5' 7 and big boned in the shoulders. I am not complaining as it helps strech the lbs. hah hah! I am off to work soon. I made plans to walk around the lakes with a friend after work we will meet. I have a back ache not normal for me I think dum tom is coming again its lower back. Boy he was gone for a few months and I NEVER even missed him a bit! Thought it was for good our body sure can play tricks on us.
Work was busy yesterday I even skipped breakfast that isn't usual for me. I made up for it later on I am sure my cals around 1400 for the total day. I didn't eat anything junk was or sweet. I am trying to shoot for having something special on weekends only. So we'll see how that goes. I am trying to journal my intakes and it does help to reflect back even use some of the intakes as menus. Oh so tricky huh? At any rate sounds like we are all pretty upbeat. I am going with an old friend this saturday for a girls adventure. We are going to the FingerLakes Region to shop, eat, casino and to buy some pies for Easter. Its her idea and her birthday so its going to be her day out with what ever I am just the driver. She doesn't drive and so its her treat! Well catch you all later. Has anyone had trouble geting on here? It took me awhile the last few days? Maybe just me!
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