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Old 03-03-2006, 05:17 PM   #421  
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Yaay, it's Friday!!! I was going to work a little over the weekend, but I think I need to just slow down and take care of home stuff, and relax a bit. I've spent most of the afternoon cleaning up my office and sifting through the backlog in my email inbox. I haven't finished either, but I feel pretty good about what I've done so far. My arm and neck hurt last night just putting my coat on , so I didn't go to Curves, just went home and put on one of thos heat wraps. It worked like a charm, and I'm only feeling a little bit of tenderness today--and am sneezing again Ha, it's always something, right?

Carol, you don't need an email address to follow 3FC, just get online, go to the website and plug in your name and password. If I were in Hawaii I wouldn't want to spend a lot of time in front of a computer, but it will be nice to hear from you even so. I hope you got through the day okay, and will be able to de-stress this weekend.

Marie, I'm so sorry to hear about the drama at home. I've never had a kid, and I guess I realize that hormones and exhaustion and strangeness might make me crazy, the daydream we all have is of happiness and bliss, cradling a new baby. I hope things settle down soon.

Quiltmama, I'm one of those girls who always had the cramps when gym class rolled around. I do enjoy walking, though, and have learned to look forward to how good my body feels after a cardio workout. When I first discovered this site, I went to the exercise threads sometimes, and 'listening' to other women who also were self-conscious, uncomfortable or just hated working out gave me a lot of inspiration. Marie focuses on putting in her miles, and I focus on putting in the minutes (at least 250 a week). You will find you motivation, too, if you hang in there!

I'm going to the second-run theater in my neighborhood to see "Walk the Line" tonight. I might have a movie marathon this weekend, in honor of Oscar.

Be well, y'all.

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Old 03-04-2006, 07:39 AM   #422  
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Judy, I saw "walk the line" and loved it, the actors are great in it, and I like the movie sound track with Reese Witherspoon singing more than I do the original songs with Johnny cash and June Carter.

I'm doing some arm reps with my free weights, every other day. The hubs and I went out last night and I did get some audio books in prep for my treadmill, I just will not get on that thing with out a good audio book going to distract me. When I do start I plan to start at 15 minutes, and then every week bump it up 5 minutes. I'm hoping I can also get myself motivated to do that *&^&^^ tybo DVD I keep talking about, LOL, I've not even found it yet, but know it is here somewhere.

I guess the big thing for me, is keeping focused on the food, I slip too easily with that. I also think....I'm really trying to take it slow and not let anything rush me or overwhelm hope is to make life time changes and stop this yo-yo business.

Marie, I understand about having a kid at home, and am thankful ours are all grown and on their own. Lots of work and lots of pleasure and lots of worry tossed into the middle of it.

Carol, hope to hear from you but I agree totally with Judy, no way I'd spend any good daylight hours in front of the computer. Hawaii is beautiful, I was there in 87 and would love to take the hubs there, as he has never been. Maybe that would be a "goal" present I could set for myself.

I feel very fat this morning and guilty. We ate out last night at a Greek Rest and I had a salad and a Gyro, I was still under my calories for the day, but felt so stuffed and still do, even this morning. Next time we eat there, I intend to have them take half the meat out, way too much!

Everyonoe have a good day.

and nice hugs to you all
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Old 03-04-2006, 05:48 PM   #423  
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Girls your right and I will be extremly busy I am sure. I am really geting tanned. That feels and looks good. Having a little color does help this time of year. My eating hasn't been so great the last two days. Most likely nerves... Stressing out about getting things done at work etc. Well we are playing cards tonight with friends. I have a huge crock pot of chili going. I also started my spaghetti sauce and meatballs for sunday dinner with the kids. I bought some desserts too. So I at least won't be baking. Well talk to you soon. I leave on thurs..... a.m..... We will get there around 7:40 p.m. their time.Long trip any ideas of what I should bring to pass the time away?
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Old 03-04-2006, 06:43 PM   #424  
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New here, looking for a group to hang with. I started the Medical Weight Loss Clinic program a week ago and have lost 6 lbs. Married 5 months ago at 48, no kids, 5 doggies.

cacmsc--sounds like a longish trip, ever try sudoku puzzles?

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Old 03-05-2006, 06:27 AM   #425  
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hi and welcome sox.

cascmc, do you like to read? If it was me, my face would be in a book the whole time. I love to read and what a good legal excuse, flying or waiting in a airport!
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Old 03-05-2006, 08:12 AM   #426  
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Sox welcome to the site. I hope you will continue to join in with us here. We all try to keep each other updated on information regarding a healthier lifestyle, exercise etc.
Today it is so beautiful outside the sun is shining. I think I will walk outside around the lakes today. That will give me a 4 mile start on the week. Everyone was encouraging me to go to the Casino on monday nite. I won there last week 125.00 and at cards last night 30.00. My luck was good you could say. But that doesn't mean it will continue. But I will take my 30.00 and a coupon for 10.00 free play and let it roll on monday. Today I plan on packing. I spoke to my son last night he sounded excited to see us. He is very proud of his new 1948 chevy pickup and can't wait for his dad to see it. They will have fun puttering with that throughout our visit. He was telling us because they live on the island many entertainment things are discounted to them. Like whale watching 12.50 per person. Aloah not to book it as they know where there are good reasonable ones. Kayaking his friend is a tour guide so discounts there. Wow how exciting nice to know folks and how to get things a bit cheaper. He has fruit trees on his property tangerines, comquats? sp. avocados. Then bananas will be free at his friends home. So lots of fruit. There is a Coscos store which is discounted like our BJ's wholesale. He will take us there to purchase some stuff we want. I will enjoy doing some cooking while I am there. I love to cook for them. But will not miss anytime doing other things. I am a pretty fast paced person and never sit around doing nothing very often. The hubby gets upset cause I always have to be busy. Well I will continue to chatt with yah all over the next few days. I have to go do my spring clothes so I can pack them. Just dug out my sandals yesterday. I think 3 pairs should be good and sneakers. My tan is coming along I did mega min. yesterday it was a free thing since my friend signed up. Well take care everyone and hang in there spring is coming next wed. thurs. fri. 50 - 60's here in NY.
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Old 03-06-2006, 06:21 AM   #427  
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Well girls the time to go away is coming really quick. The family came to dinner yesterday. That was nice we enjoyed their company. I ate a bit too much of course. So that wasn't great dessert pecan bars got me! Today I have a busy day with doing reports then an ins. meeting at the main office. My company has applied for a grant and it was approved for our out of pocket medical expenses. We can get up to 568.00 back from last year and this year. So needless to say that will be nice if I AM reading it properly. Time will tell. I still need to try on some shorts to decide which ones to take. Other than that I am pretty well packed but need a bigger suitcase. The hubby took the bigger one go figure! I will take an extra anyways with the kids gifts in. My daughter is sending a christmas package, birthday gift. So on the way back I should have an empty suitcase in case we want to bring stuff back home. Time will tell. My son said lots of rain but if we drive 30 min. to the beach no rain sunshine. Sounds like Florida to me. That is how it was when we visited a few years ago. My friends want us to visit in November to Florida. We haven't been in at least 4 years so I wouldn't mind going. Depends on money after we return this time. My son said things aren't as bad as one might think? I think he's gotten used to the cost thats all. But I am planning on making some meals etc.. So grilling of course no pans to dirty.
Talk to you all soon. No exercise other than house work and packing this weekend. I will stop to tan today after work. But exercising Tues. morning before work. Up early and moving Tues.... It will be my last workout.
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Old 03-06-2006, 07:34 AM   #428  
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Cascms, sounds like you are getting the excitment bug. I can't blame you, I'd be all up in there if it was me.

Sox, how was your weekend? How does your plan work?
I have two dogs, 2 inside cats, 1 outside cat, 1 African Gray Parrot oh yea, one husband. I have to include him in the animals, LOL

I feel very tired and sluggy over the weekend. I've started taking my vitamins today, something I'm bad about neglecting. Today is my day for working with the free weight and I've set a goal to get on the treadmill and begin with some exercise. My eating is ok, but I need to get a handle on the exercise.
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Old 03-06-2006, 04:52 PM   #429  
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Hi, everybody! I was up late last night, watching the Oscars and so got a late start this morning, and now Monday's almost over and I don't think I ever did catch up! I had a calm, selfish weekend. Walk the Line was really crowded Friday night, so I saw Capote on Saturday instead. It was great! For once I saw most of the movies and performances nominated this year, so I felt invested in watching the whole Oscar broadcast. Went to Curves Saturday and got two good workouts in Saturday and Sunday, and was mostly feeling low-key and relaxed. My eating had been pretty much per program, although I did have a glass of port during the Oscars, for some reason.

Nice to meet you, Sox! I hope you're able to find your way back! That's the biggest problem for newbies, I think--figuring out how to navigate around this site. If you find the "thread tools" button and add us to your User CP (Control Panel), all you'll have to do is go to User CP when you log in and the link will be there. Congratulations on getting off to such a good start with weight loss!

Carol, I love to read, and it feels like a special treat to be able to read for hours at a time on the plane. Sometimes I bring part of my backlog of magazines, and then I toss 'em when I'm done, and a couple of big novels. I also bring some music with me (an old-school Walkman and a couple of tapes), in case I have trouble tuning out conversations I don't want to hear. Is you hubby a card player, or do you both play chess or Scrabble or something? And (I travel a lot ) I have one of those inflatable neck pillows. I put one of the airline's pillows behind the small of my back, and between that and the neck pillow, I don't feel too badly after a long flight. But do make a point of standing and stretching every 90 minutes or so, you'll feel a lot less beaten up when you land.

Quiltmama, back in the old days, they would have had you take a nasty-tasting spring tonic, or at least a dose of cod liver oil! It's a little cloudy here today, whenever I'm in the sun I automatically feel more energetic, getting ready for spring. As soon as the temperature's steadily in the 50s in the mornings, I'll be out walking for an hour again on the way to work, woo-hoo!

Marie and Maureen, I hope you are both doing well!

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Old 03-06-2006, 09:32 PM   #430  
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Hi all, everything is going good here. Ds and I just gave DGS a bath. He wasn't too thrilled with it. But now he's all clean and I love the smell of clean babies.

I had today off and knitted. I'm making my sister a lilac cardigan for her birthday. It's a really cool yarn - it's like it has a thread of nylon through it to give it texture and sheen. Looks sort of dressy. Anyway, it's turning out good.

Today marked the 100 mile mark on my walking program. Not bad, if I say so myself. I ordered another Walk Away The Pounds Video - the 5 mile one yesterday so I get some variety. Apparently you can program the 5 miler for the number of mile you want to do and it's a quicker pace.

Judy, good advice on the traveling. I take my IPod and listen to music or an audio book to help pass the time. I rarely chat with anyone (I've only travelled alone and this July will be the first time DH and I fly together). I like to zone out. I didn't watch the oscars, but I did watch the recaps that were on during Oprah and the View. I like having the TV keep me company occasionally on my days off.

Carol, the count down is on. I bet work is hard, trying to focus. I'd be too excited. Hawaii will be great.

Quiltmama, I hope the vitamins help. I started taking htem regularly and someone here at 3FC (maybe Carol) got me started with B12 for energy. Somedays, I just feel sluggish for no reason. Drives me nuts. Especially when I want to do things.

Sox, I'm a doggie person too. I have 3 of them and they are my babies. My huskies are the world to me.

Well, that's about it, I'll chat with you tomorrow.
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Old 03-07-2006, 06:45 AM   #431  
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Hi all, I sure hope the vitamins work too, I've gotten pretty tired with feeling sluggy. I guess it will take a few days to get with it all. We had a bit of a drama yesterday, my dad is in the hospital and has been for a week, and my step mother called and said he has acted up so bad that someone must be with him all the time, so my sweet hubs went over there so I could attend my meeting tonight at TOPS, then I'll go over on Wed (they live 1.5 hours away) to relieve him for a couple of days. I'll be taking my Nutrisystem meals I purchaed as a try out so now they will come in handy and keep me on track with my eating while being the "baby sitter" my father is an alcoholic and has emphazma and his lungs fill up with fluid easily. So when he is put into the hospital (read that as forced) he tends to act up very badly. We are forcing him to stay until he is completely well so he is acting out and being as bad as he can get. Drives us all nuts!!! But, I'll be the big bad meany over there for a couple of days and he'll really appreciate my step mom, after I leave. I won't pamper and spoil him the way he does. I'll pack plenty of fruit and things I can hit when the furstration gets bad. LOL

Hey Marie, did you do a sweater in one day? I haven't knitted in years but I do keep a crochet afghan going to keep me occupied at night.

I think I'll be ready for a trip to ANYWHERE, after my little jorney as a daddysitter.
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Old 03-07-2006, 06:47 AM   #432  
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Well girls your all correct on the excitement growing inside me. I can't wait most of all to see my son. It is the longest time we all have ever been apart. I realize he is older but he is still our little boy! Boy do I sound like an old mom today.
Anyways focusing at work is tough I spent the whole day doing reports yesterday. Today I need to sneak out and see some folks. Bring myself back to the reality of my job not just paper shuffling. Anyways the weather is great maybe I can sneak in a little 25 min. walk. I need to do that. At anyrate I took my winnings from our friendly saturday night Texas Holdem and turned it into 100.00 last night at the casino. Good timing it went into my wallet for spending cash. I will buy myself something neat jewelry wise to keep forever from my trip. I have a ring from Colorado which is amber and I wear almost all the time. Its nice to have something special to remind me of the kids so far away. My intake hasn't been bad but I have had better I think it is related to nerves. Making sure things are done is stressing me out a bit. The boss says oh don't worry but I do she is a bit layed back in the fact of procrastnating sp. ? I am not and not good at it at all. I am a do as soon as possible person so it can stress me out.
Sox hope yah find your way back. Judy great work out over the weekend. Quiltmama the yarn sounds lovely. I think I am going to take my knitting. Judy can I bring knitting needles on the plane?????????????????? Oh maybe not? Let me know please as that would sure be great. I could start my new sweater forsure. Well girls gotta run have breakfast with a friend before work poached eggs dry rye and of course a half of orders of potatoes.... HEALTHY LUNCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for all your support and ideas as always their appreciated more than you will ever know.
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Old 03-07-2006, 11:07 AM   #433  
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Carol, I guess the folks at TSA think that anyone who knits is too nice to be a terrorist. You certainly can take knitting needles on the plane, which doesn't make much sense to me, but is certainly handy for you.

Quiltmama, I'm sorry to hear about your dad. I don't envy you having to treat a grown man like a child. It's smart of you to plan your hospital snacks ahead of time. I would end up getting bored and and stressed and wandering down to the gift shop for M&Ms or something.

Hi, Grandma Marie--wow, 100 miles! Think of how far from home you'd be if you had just pointed iyourself n some direction and started walking! That's so cool.

Too many distractions yesterday, I didn't get much work done at the office. Gotta put pedal to the metal today. I may not be able to check in every day between tomorrow and Saturday while I'm away, but I will do my best to visit the hotel fitness center at least twice, to keep my food log and to remember my eating plan.

Carol, have a great trip!

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Old 03-07-2006, 01:18 PM   #434  
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Hi everyone, just a quick note since I'm "working". Carol, my mom is a knitter and said that she's allowed to bring knitting needles on the plane as long as the project is started and a little done on it. Shows that knitters couldn't be terrorists.

Quiltmama, so sorry to here about your dad. My father's a recovering alcoholic and to get him to admit the problem, they had to do lock up. I can't imagine what he would have been like (I live 1500 miles away). So I bet my mom can relate. And no, I don't finish a sweater in a day. Supposedly you can make a sweater in two evenings, but I couldn't. Too many other things going on and I'd get bored. I take about 2 weeks.

Judy, good luck sticking to the plan while you're gone. I don't envy you - you travel way too much for me - I'd eat my way across the country on every trip.

Well, back to work.
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Old 03-08-2006, 06:14 AM   #435  
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Boy we all have so much in common. Its wild that we all seem so connected in so many ways. I am so happy to have you all as my friends. At any rate my dad passed away quite awhile ago but his alcohol issues had quite an effect on all our lifes. I am only a social drinker and I know that its because I will never let it control me. But my older sister followed in his footsteps. It is hard for me at times to see her drink so much and so does her hubby. I hope Quiltmama that you will know my thoughts are with you caring for him. I have been there and its not an easy situation. Just remember pick and choose with him. If he is too hard to handle take a stroll come back he might of calmed down or thought about his behavior. Sometimes their just looking for attention positive or neg. any thing to get it. Its crazy but kid of like having a teenager again. I am glad you feel that releasing here is okay. Because it is and sometimes its what one needs. Hang in there!
Thanks for the knitting info. I do have a project started but don't care for it. I won't rip it out but buy a pattern today and take it with me to do. That will be something to keep me upbeat and not bored. I always have to be busy sitting for 14 hrs. Oh my! How will I ever do it???????????? Because in the end I will see the kids.. Thats how!
Judy I like that idea about the knitting. Seems as though they could trust one a bit too easily! But not me of course!
Marie your doing so well aint no one gonna stop this grandma from being fit! Great job its also a nice outlet for you to get out of house and have some alone time. I will miss you all while I am gone this site means a lot to me. Thanks for all your support during my preparing to go away to Hawaii. You all have been wonderful. I have my to do list for work and home ready and I am going to stop at the store on the way into work today. I haven't gotten to the gym but increased my speed of walking to and from places and using the stairs. My last tanning is also today. It worked out well and I do feel better having a little tan. I wish my legs were a bit darker but that is a harder area I guess. Talk to you when I return!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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