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Old 03-30-2006, 04:36 AM   #496  
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sorry guys, I've been an absentee. Too many things going on in my family have kept me too tied up.

Welcome back Carol and hello to everyone.

My diet is still going good. WHen I went to TOPS this week I'd lost 2 lbs for the week. Frankly, the last couple of weeks have been so tiring and depressing dealing with family members and illness, I've not even had too much of an appentite. I've tried in the couple of days I had a bit of break to distract myself in planning some quilts and other things.

While reading through all of ya'll have been so busy, I feel like I've been standing in place. I've been dealing with tons of stress dealing with my step mother and trying to help her deal with my father being in the nursing home. Some days she is good about it and others she is not. Also, my uncle my fathers brother is in a total panic attack about my father being so ill and also their sister. This was found out recently, she has brain caner and they've sent her home to die. She lives about 3 hours from here so I'm going there today to see her and my cousins. I've got my food planned to take so food wise I'll be ok, and I got myself a good audiobook for the drive up and back so that won't be so bad either.

I'm hoping we can get some things accomplished and settled with my father and get my life settled down some so I may be able to focus on getting a place in my life for some exercise.

I've missed you guys and sorry I haven't at least been popping in. so glad you guys are here and it sounds like everyone is making good changes and focusing on new life style changes.

I went out to dinner with my TOPS group on Tuesday night, the first time I have, and I was very proud of myself. I got a slice of roast turkey, small piece of fish, green beans and a salad with fat free dressing, and about 1/4 of fat free sugar free yogurt. The place was cafeteria style all you can eat and I really stuck to it and didn't even feel bad about not getting some of the other choices.
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Old 03-30-2006, 06:52 AM   #497  
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Quiltamama you sure have had a stressful time of things happening. Know that my thoughts are with you. Non of those things are easy fixes but I am sure you will handle them the best you can. I can tell from all of your comments and input on this site that you are a very special person , kind and considerate of others. Your help to others during these trying times will benefit them and yourself more than you will recognize yourself. Good luck and know we all care. If you need to vent this is the place everyone will understand and support you that is how this site is. Congrats on the wt. loss and during hard times its not so easy to make the best choices for yourself but don't forget you need to stay healthy for yourself and everyone else.
Juls your skirt fitting was such a great idea I used it last night for a spring skirt for today. I didn't try it on last night just ironed it but this morning to my surprise it fit well. It is one which I wore last yr. but was a bit tight. It fits better and gave me a real boost today to continue my journey. I did get back on track yesterday and felt pretty good about that. I did eat a yougrt which had too many calories I purchased the wrong one their so tricky. After I added dried blueberries to it and ate it for my evening snack I read the cals oopps! Too high too late oh well! Better next time. All in all it was a better day with choices. I did notice that my hunger when I come home for work is on a high. So today I will eat a afternoon snack todays choice is a Kashi bar on 150 cals. We will see how that works. I remember I had that issue before.
The robins are singing and sun is shining what more reason should I have to go for an afternoon walk today.
Marie I wish I had your computer knowledge. Your really good and I could use someone to teach me more. I have a scanner and never even have used it. I will promise a picture of Hawaii soon. I am having the pictures edited by my daughter the professional. As long as she offered I figured why not. She is a bit slow though. I got on her last night as I would like to print some off soon. I left my camera plug at my sons. I might just ck into getting another one how much could a little plug cost?
Judy your a busy gal good job sticking to your routine and good eating it will continue to pay off. If we just continue with out lapse we will all do great! Good things are in our future just waiting for us and we will all be much better off hopefully with our health too!
Take care and have a great day I am off to work soon. One more day!
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Old 03-30-2006, 10:49 AM   #498  
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G,DAY S , hey Quiltmama all my prayers and wishes are with you with all you have going on you still have a positive attitude which is amazing in itself I agree with Carol we are all here for you as you are for us for the good times and the not so good, a BIG congrats on the 2lb weight loss see you can do it without even trying what,s that 2LBS their sculking away NEVER to return, hey Carol it feels good when you try something on that hasn,t fit for awhile and now does and fits perfectly doesn,t it a small victory in this battle called the bulge I agree yogurts are confusing there are that many out there here we have yoplait no fat which is also low cal which is great I use the plain variety when I do a strogganof instead of sour cream and DH can,t tell the diff, hope your daughter get,s your prints done for you soon, G,day Marie YEH the skirt I wore it yesterday and DH didn,t even notice I made a comment about it later and all he said was oh yeah I thought it was new definately wrong place to go for compliments good luck with your selling on ebay you sound a wiz at fixing computers I barely know the basics but then I have trouble flying a microwave now your DH,s is happy you will have to work some magic on yours, hey Judy keep it up GIRL stay on track try not to work to hard and don,t look at it as procrastinating more like your just adopting a more laid back attitude well it sounds good anyway, BYE FOR NOW, TAKE CARE, REMEMBER BE GOOD TO YOURSELVES, TO US ALL WE ARE WINNING, BLESSED BE...JULIE
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Old 03-30-2006, 03:10 PM   #499  
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Hi Everyone, sounds like every one is on trach today! Inspires me to keeps going.

Quiltmama, Sorry to hear about your father. It's always sad when we have a family member ill. And your Aunt too! Prayers!

Mmarie, I would love to be a computer expert, instead of the ignoramius that I am! How did you learn? Classes?

Jules, YEAH! Wonderful feeling, trying on something that was too tight and find that it fits!

Cacmsc, Have fun with the grandkids this weekend! I baby sit with mine 2 days a week while my son and DIL works. We love the time we get with them!

I took the dog for a long walk this morning so got most of my exercise in. I still have the weights to do today also. I don't mind those at all. I just do my routien while I watch TV.

Go make it a good day, Freda
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Old 03-30-2006, 03:37 PM   #500  
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Hi All, it's been a busy morning. I walked 3 miles first thing, then I surfed awhile, then made the baby blanket I started a couple days ago. Good news, DS, GF and DGS decided to still go to the coast and they just left a ocuple minutes ago. I'd been playing with DGS for the last hour. He's so cute. He's starting to smile and laugh. This is the stage I really start to like babies. They're so cute. I have several new pictures so I'm going to update my webpage this afternoon. In the meantime, I'm rebuilding my laptop. I'm going back to Windows 2K with it. It has only a 10 Gb hard drive and XP is taking too much room. Windows 2K is a bunch smaller. So It's almost rebuilt but all the programs have to be reloaded. So much fun!!! BTW, I took a few college programming classes but my degrees are in counseling. Found I liked computers better than counseling so I quit that. Most was just learned by logic and the fact I "usually" love computers.

Overate a little yesterday but it was a choice. I really wanted steak since DH burned ours on Christmas. So we made a nice dinner for the 4 of us and this time he grilled them perfectly. Twas yummy!!!

Carol, great for you in having the skirt fit comfy. That is a fabulous feeling.

Freda, I bet your doggie is way happy. My pups love a long walk but the hip dysplasia with my Alaskan makes it a once or twice a week event. DS and I took out the jogging stroller I bought DGS and put him it this morning (they're going to use it at the beach). Looking at him in it made me want to take him for a walk. I love walking!!!

Quiltmama, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Sure is strange to be the caregiver for parents, isn't it. My mom isn't doing too good and when I fly back the Miinnesota, that lesson of how fragile they're becoming gets reinforced.

Jules, too funny about fishing for compliments from DH. My DH would never think to say I look good or bad in an outfit. He will tell me a sweater that I've just finished looks nice. That's about all the farther I get on that track.

Well, I will chat with you all later.
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Old 03-30-2006, 04:40 PM   #501  
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Dashing back through again, trying not to lose the habit of checking in even when things are really busy. Quickly: Freda, you're just like me. If I have bag of something, I'll eat the whole thing. I am learning to use little snack bags to make my own single-serving bags.

Quiltmama, congrats on taking extra measures to keep the stress from settling around your hips! I admire you for not pigging out at a buffet. I'm trying to avoid places with buffets altogether, 'cuz I always feel like I need to eat my money's worth

Marie, you have been awfully patient, waiting three months for that steak!!!

Carol, congratulations on fitting into that skirt. This weekend I will be going through my warmer-weather clothes. If I've lost a lot or a little, either way it should be good motivation for the next phase.

Jules, thanks for your kind words but "laidback" isn't exactly how I would characterize myself right now, more like "crazed"....

Gotta go. Keep it up, ladies, you're all doing great!

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Old 03-31-2006, 06:53 AM   #502  
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Freda and Marie in Family CIrlcle there was an article on walking with your buddy (dog). It was quite interesting. I am going to the shelter soon to start my journey to look for a new dog. I will also think of buying one else where but would like to maybe take one whom needs a home, time will tell. I don't think it will be a puppy. To easy for my husband to fall over etc. not knowing to be any better etc. Oh time will tell not in a real hurry. But would like to train the dog to camp with us this year.
Juls sometimes hubbies just don't have a clue. God help them! But I also felt pretty darn good in my skirt. Good for us! I will be looking into a few new work clothes this weekend. Just sick of all my old stuff. Maybe I can add a few new skirts in. I have a few new tops alread from Hawaii.
Judy good luck with your clothes. I am sure you will see a difference. You have been trying so hard go and reward yourself something new for spring. Wish we could shop together how fun that would be! I will let yah know what I buy. I read that watermelon color is in. I saw a cute watermelon skirt with a white lightwt. shirt in a mag. Really cute! I think I need one! With my dark tan that would be nice.
My highlights turned really blonde while I was away. Now I need to touch up my roots I guess I am going light for the summer months. Changes are sometimes good for us all.
Well the afternoon snack helped yesterday so I wasn't so straved when I arrived home. I am trying to stay within my cals 1400. Not so bad if I eat healthy actually can be a lot of food. But at anyrate I have to figure out some healthy evening snacks. Last night I had 1/2 of a skinny ice cream sandwich on 65 cals. Go figure the hubby had one too. I didn't tell him it was diet he just ate a whole one! Hah hah! See we need our kicks once in awhile.
The scale that little white square thing I hide in the closet came out today its up 1lb. not too bad for a 2 1/2 wk vac. eating what I wanted. But its time to take a serious look and move that number. I set a mini goal of 2.5lbs. by Easter I will work on that. Scheduling myself for early morning gym visits next week. Take care gals guess this is kind of long sorry!
Quiltamama hope you know our thoughts are with you!
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Old 03-31-2006, 07:45 AM   #503  
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Old 03-31-2006, 07:54 AM   #504  
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Good morning all,

It's going to be another beautiful day here in Michigan! I'm taking advantage and going for another long walk outside! Got to get out there soon thought, we're supposed to get some of those April showers later. I know it's going to rain and I have the sinus headache to prove it. I should loan myself out to the weather station! I can predict rain much better than they can! Think I should apply? How much money do you think I should ask for?

Marie, Steak sounds yummy! I don't make it much in the winter, live on it in the summer! Just so easy to throw on the grill. Got to watch those portions but other wise, it's not bad.

Judy, I've been going through my clothes close too! Mayve you and I and Cacmsc should go shopping together!

cacmsc, We're planning a shopping trip. Want to come along! I've heard that coral shades are in for spring too. I don't look good in orange or pink shades, I have too much red in my complexion, but a skirt would be ok! I jsut got my hair streaked for spring too! I'm getting blonder and blonder as i'm getting grayer and grayer! Good luck with your search for a dog! Our had died a few years ago (hubby and I both cried for months) and we finally, after about a year, decided we wanted another one. And I wanted to find one that needed a good home too, so we adopted one. He's a little Shih Tzu and he's adorable. We didn't care what kind we got, we love them all, he's just what came along.

Make it a good day, Freda
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Old 03-31-2006, 08:25 AM   #505  
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great news on the skirt, that sure lightened my day. I know what that feels like and I can't wait to get there, maybe in another 10 pounds I will try on some of my older clothes that I haven't been able to wear in two years. I know it gives you a big lift and a ton of confidence. My day was a busy hectic and sad one. Drove about 4 hours north to visit the aunt with brain cancer. Her kids are not telling her what is wrong or what is going to happen. I don't agree but not my call.

I did grab a sub at a sub shop when I got back into Mobile, AL where my dad is at in the nursing home, and took him one too. I made mine turkey with no mayo but did get mustard. That was dinner the rest of the day was normal so I hope I didn't go to far over the days calories. I'll be burning up some calories today doing a major house cleaning as my aunt is coming in tomorrow and we are into quilting together so that will be fun.

Yogurt. Yep Yoplait is my favorite at the no fat 100 calorie one. I make a strognoff recipe using no fat cream cheese, and do it in my slow cooker. I've also used chicken and curry and used the no fat cream cheese and it was really good too. It's great because I put in the slow cooker and ignore.

Can't wait to see the pictures of Hawaii. I'm so ready for a vacation, the hubs found one for cancun, 5 days the same week as our anniversary. We have some logistics to get worked out but maybe we can take it. I just hope it doesn't mess with my diet and I would like to lose another 10 pounds by then.
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Old 03-31-2006, 05:35 PM   #506  
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This was a red-letter day: I did my first "bridge walk" of 2006, and it felt great. I've been waiting for the nice weather so I can go back to my 50-minute walks from Arlington Cemetary to my office in DC. And although I didn't get everything finished up at work this week, I just finished a major project and my boss is very happy--so I'm happy!

Hope you all have lovely weekends. I have a long to-do list, including taxes but I will also go sandal-shopping, which I love to do.

Keep it going, ladies! We're all doing great.

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Old 03-31-2006, 07:08 PM   #507  
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G,day, LADIES well we all sound like we are on track eating wise, sorry your day was a bit of a bummer, Quiltmama you sure have your share of woes I agree with you about your Aunt not being told but like you say its not your call maybe if they don,t tell her then maybe its not really happening you know what I mean a bit of denial on their parts which is understandable we all wish it was happening to someone else in these situations which I,m sure your no stranger to I hope you have a lovely time with your Aunt quilting I would love to be able to do that I,m crafty but not a sewer, your ideas on using no fat cheese sound Yummy I like to use my slow cooker to so convienient just throw everything in and set and forget, next dish I make that calls for sour cream (substitute yogurt) I,m going to give your idea a try, Judy sounds like your doing good, you inspire me with all your walks and exercise usually after reading all of you guys posts I get on my bike and go for a ride which is great keeps me motivated something I need alot of when it comes to exercise Hi Carol your right hubbys don,t have a clue but I know I look good 74kgs and counting down and I know I,m gorgeous hey watermelon sure is in I,m eating it in yogurt and your wearing it good luck on you dog search and the one that is right for you will find you if you go to the shelter there will be one there that will just look at you and ask you to take him home he is rather quiet and needs love, Hey Freda sounds like a good idea you couldn,t do any worse than these weather people these days I think they just put their heads out the window and guess and say rain MAYBE or sunny patches MAYBE as far as chargeing goes I would say could could get the going rate hey they get it for getting it wrong most of the time you sound very upbeat and the feeling is catching yes I will make today a great day thanks for the tip,, G,day Marie I sure envy you and your computer knowledge but I,m learning as I go along like you say some of it is just common sense I was pleased with myself yesterday I solved a problem for my hubby he was trying to scan an old photo for this booklet he is printing for a customer and he was using a high resolution setting and it kept coming out fuzzy so I thought being a photo of at least 35yrs old drop the resolution down lower and it worked and he is suppose to be the genious OK FIRST A 3MLE WALK THEN A SURF you go girl doing great fully sick, I agree babies are the best and they are even better when they are grandbabies, WELL THATS IT FOR ME I,LL CHECK IN LATER ALL HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND, TAKE CARE BE GOOD TO YOURSELVES AND REMEMBER YOU TIME EVEN IF IT IS ONLY SOMETHING YOU DO JUST FOR YOURSELF FOR 10MINS ITS IMPORTANT, BYE FOR NOW, BLESSED BE ...JULIE
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Old 03-31-2006, 07:39 PM   #508  
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Good afternoon, my chickie friends. Well, we're at the end of my spring break week. I'm really sad to see it go. I don't ever want to go back to work. 'Tis a bummer come Tuesday morning I'll have to go. There's some talk about increasing my contract from 200 days to 260 days. I'm not so sure I'd like that. I think 12 weeks off a year is a good thing.

Today, I finished a drawing I started yesterday for DS2 (the one in the military at tech school). I was looking at my doggie photo album (missing my dearly departed Teddy Bear) and saw a picture of Bugsy. She was a husky we had for about a month that was very good - we'd gotten her as an adult. Turned out a gruff voice male abused her and our neighbor set her off. We saw a lawsuit in the making so we brought her back to the Humane Society (cried and cried) with the agreement I would support her till she was adopted - which she was. Anyway, this was about 8 years ago and DS2 and her had bonded quickly and DS2 just loved her. Sinnce she wasn't with us long, we have very few pictures (5 to be exact). Well from one of the small ones, I drew a big picture of her for DS2. I sent it out today since I finished it this morning. It turned out so nice. I know he will love it. I'd told him I was thinking of doing it and it was a "please do it now". So I did good.

Jules, good job on fixing the scanning resolution. Computers are easy if you can think logically.

Judy, way to go on the walk. Just how far is the bridge walk? With the cherry trees in blossom (hopefully) and spring springing somewhere (since it's not here), it would be incredible. I loved Washington and visited often when we lived in Hampton, VA. And great job on finishing the big project.

Carol, good luck on your doggie search. Bugsy was the only time I didn't get a puppy and the heartbreak from having to return her made it so I couldn't do that again. I hope you find the perfect doggie needing a loving soul since you certainly are.

Freda, I lived in Minnesota for a good chunk of my life and whenever I here of the midwest (Michigan included) having beautiful weather when we should have it here in the further south desert, I get very cranky. It's not fair, I cry!!!! Enjoy the weather for me. My huskies just came in and I petted their backs and they were wet - I assume it once again drizzling outside. Boo-hoo. Hope your walk was good.

Quiltmama, totally agree with you on your aunt. How unfair to not be told what is wrong with you. If she's coming over to quilt, it's pretty apparent she's not totally incapacitated. That just isn't fair. I'm proud of you for following the wishes though. Good luck and my prayers are with you.

Well, off to some other threads. Love you all!
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Old 04-01-2006, 07:37 AM   #509  
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Freda I also had a Shih Tzu mixed with minature King Arthur Spaniel. She was a love and it killed me to put her down. But at 16 she was suffering and hated the cold just shivered so. Well needless to say she will never be forgotten by any. When the kids would date she would sit right between them and the date. My daughter inlaw loves the story of how she tried to get back next to my son and Katie growled and let her know no way! It was cute! The shelter was awful the dogs barked and growled lots of pit bulls and rots. Not cute little Katies. There was one cute doggie but she had been adopted already. One was dropped off by an officer someone had shoved it out the car. He was cute but too big, too much energy for me! I want small cute and cuddly a little lap dog. Shopping oh I bought a pr. of jean capris and a pr. of blk knit capris to workout and relax in. Fashion Bug go figure!
Quiltamama hope you get the break to go away. Your right on the money with your tohoughts on the aunt. But its their mom and you could only say if it was you would you want to know? I had a client who's brother took his own life and they weren't going to tell my guy his brother had died. I said he understands more than you think. Did they think he didn't hear them talking. After a bit they rethought and together we told him. He had a right to know but in a not with as much info. Good luck with that not an easy situation. My brother has a condo there he doesn't share it but he goes every year and loves it. A break is in need you have so much going on. Sometimes getting refreshed is what we all need. Subs aren't so bad if whole wheat is offered grab it. The bread is the biggest problem. But once in awhile yah just have to do it Being careful somewhere else will balance it all out.
Judy hurrray for you! Up hill is never easy but how good did you feel inside that makes the difference? Your doing great keep it up. Rain for today here tom. will be a lake walking day 4 miles!
Juls no doggie there for me at least not yesterday. They weren't happy and I don't blame them but I will ck the paper. I am not in a hurry just starting to look. Isn't it funny how we all are into the spring wardrobe. Guess it was a long winter. In the cold weather I first start out with enjoying sitting in front of the fire with my knitting or a good book.
The little ones 3 stayed over last night. I enjoyed helping them make some necklaces and braclets. Then the played and settled down to a nice movie and popcorn. Grandpah slept downstairs with all the kids and their sleeping bags. Its cozy with a nice woodstove and grandma took her bed smart lady huh? I will make pancakes with blueberries on the side. My sister inlaw also came out to stay and get out of the city. So we have our own hotel and all our guest are lovely, kind and sweet. My sister inlaw has r. arthritis really bad and has a hard time with doing somethings. She will be moving in late this year we are remolding the garage with a bedroom, sitting area w/t.v. space and a small bathroom. She will take her meals with us for the most part. We get along well and she is good with the kids. Together it will be a good thing she will have her own space as we will. Then the fact of helping each other will make it easier for all of us. My hubby gets into doing something he shouldn't at least if he falls and is hurt someone will call me etc... It will give me piece of mind to say the least.
Take care girls oh and wish me luck I am taking my sister inlaw to the casino. Not to spend a lot but to ck it out. She has never been. While I play a bit she will ck the stores etc.. Then we will have some coffee or lunch? I need to watch my cals...... I plan a grilled steak, mushrooms and baked potatoe later. For card night some healthy snacks and one bloody mary to go!
Have a great day. Marie sorry you vacation is ending. Another will come soon time always flys.
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Old 04-01-2006, 12:57 PM   #510  
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Carol, I hope you have good luck at the casino, you deserve it! I envy you your relationships with your extended family. How wonderful to take in your SIL. I haven't lived in the same town as my family since I went away for college. The day may come when I need to go back to help care for my mom. I'm close to my mom and sibs, but since I'm not that fond of Ohio and have enjoyed not being embroiled in the extended family's "issues," I'm not looking forward to living there again.

Marie, I know your son will love the picture of his doggie. How nice it must be to be artistic! I'm not, but I really, really appreciate those who are. My "bridge walk" is close to 3.5 miles, depending on which route I take once I get to the Lincoln Memorial. Most of it is non-stop, but once I get past the memorials and Constitution Blvd., I zigzag as much as possible to avoid having to stop for traffic lights. The cherry trees everywhere are in full bloom and all the tourists are ecstatic. Other trees are just starting to blossom, and the tulips are beginning to come up...I love spring!

Jules, I'm so glad you're back, I think you are genius, no matter what the hubby might say. And I'm sorry to hear that Aussie weathermen aren't any better than they are in the USA.

Quiltmama, I hope you're enjoying your time with your aunt. I agree that it's hard to participate in deceiving someone else, but you are doing a great thing for your aunt by helping her do the things that she enjoys while she still can.

Freda, I love shopping for clothes, as long as I'm somewhere that has lots of good-quality plus sizes. But except for shoes and bras, I hope I don't have to buy many clothes for this summer. I been holding onto lots of nice clothes that I was able to wear a few years ago. On Sunday I'll know if I can squeeze into any of them. If I can't, I will give them away. It's annoying to have so many clothes and still have nothing to wear!

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