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Old 10-02-2004, 10:12 AM   #181  
CrAzY GiRl on a mission!
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Thought today may be a good day to check in as it is rather quiet here at work right now....

Anyway, eating habits are a bit off this weekend already as I was starving last night, craving steak and combos, so I indulged. And tonight I have a party to go to which I know means all bad foods, so I know today is not going to be a good food day. But alas, I am trying to stay as on track as possible.

Yesterday stunk as I did not get a chance to join the gym as I intended and my workout partner decided that they do not actually want to go as it is time of fianancial hardship. Which is totally understandable in this day and age. But, I am still determined to join so....

I am signing up on Monday....and am determined to go at least 2 times per week, but am aiming for more like 3 or 4!
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Old 10-02-2004, 06:30 PM   #182  
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G,day everyone just a quick check in I,m doing fine sticking to it getting easier as days go by , hope you have a great weekend tired good luck with the study , yeah lbs and kgs I don,t like kgs and cms much I still prefer lbs and ins oh well thats progress they say well thats it for me its a beautiful Sunday morning here downunder and I,ts my rest day from exercise so I,m off for a coffee and some me time bye for now stay focused BLESSED BE JULIE
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Old 10-03-2004, 12:36 PM   #183  
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Hi all - I went out to eat last night and ate foods that I haven't eaten for two months including butter, ice cream and wine. The result was that the foods really weren't necessary and I don't find myself craving a repeat of last night. I think I've moved on a bit from the reliance I had on those foods a couple of months ago. For example now that I've been having really healthy, creamy smoothies - the ice cream left me feeling bloated and thirsty. It was the movie I saw that really "filled" me up with great thoughts about life and living. In fact, as a result, I had a dynamic dream about a beautiful poem that kept being repeated in my head. I can't really remember exactly what the words were but I remember feeling very hopeful about all things. It was probably partly to do with all the positive energy from this thread and the ISO thread that I comment on. Take care and enjoy the sunshine!
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Old 10-03-2004, 07:21 PM   #184  
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G,day everyone hope your all feelong well ,glad you enjoyed the movie tired I,m the same sometimes a movie can leave me with a real high , about your dinner I agree when you go without something for awhile and substitute it with something else you do lose your taste for it I,m the same you know how I said last week sometime I was really craving the chips well I had a handfull of hubbies last night and they left me feeling nauseous I guess I,ve got used to having an apple when I get a craving for something crunchy now I hope you had a nice date with your dh otherwise, it,s good to spend time together and put the rest of the world to sleep for awhile we tend to get caught up in everyday things like work and dieting we sometimes lose sight of what the important things are anyway I,ve raved on enough probably bored you tears bye for now BLESSED BE JULIE
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Old 10-04-2004, 03:02 PM   #185  
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Having a good day--it's sunny and crisp; a beautiful fall New England day. I made a very tasty oatmeal w/chopped apple for breakfast. Work snack was grapenuts mixed w/plain nonfat yogurt, then had a frozen Trader Joe's Pad Thai for lunch.

Still have to be careful in the after school danger zone--3:30-5. I'll try a big glass of water with orange slice today.

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Old 10-04-2004, 06:55 PM   #186  
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Hi Julie and Elana - Sounds like your both doing well. I've had a couple of good eating days and I'm hoping that I might be able to get to the gym tonight - it's been about two weeks and I'm actually dying to get there and I want to weigh myself too since it has been about 20 days since I last weighed myself.

yesterday - very light day w/fish, veggies and some rice.
breakfast - cereal/milk (400)
lunch - salad (400)
dinner - pasta/sauce probably about 800 or so - that puts me at 1600 enough for today. Now I'm drinking water!

Have a good day all.
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Old 10-06-2004, 08:59 PM   #187  
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Good day today eating wise, still no exercise. It looks like my exercise time will be cut short until I finish this course, then hopefully after the holidays I can resume a regular routine.

breakfast (really hungry) English muffin, pb, yogurt 600
lunch salad with egg, no dressing 300
dinner - stir fry veggies and shrimp and apples - I'm sure this brought me in the range of 1500.

foods avoided - chocolate candy, bread and dressing at lunch, snack foods at home
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Old 10-07-2004, 05:30 PM   #188  
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Hi all,

Where is everyone? Is it just too busy in your lives right now? I'm crazy busy too, but I keep hanging on to this "raft" and trying to shed a few, actually a lot of pounds.
breakfast - smoothie - 1 cup non fat yogurt, 1 cup frozen fruit, 1 banana, 1 cup milk (400)
lunch - salad with chicken salad, a little cheese (500)
snack - apple - 100
dinner - pork, applesauce, squash, potato (500)That does it for me for the day.

Hope all is well with everyone.
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Old 10-08-2004, 06:44 PM   #189  
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Gday everyone hope your all well , how is your exercise going tired have you had any spare time to get to it I,ve been away for a few days sorry I have,nt checked in but I, ve been a bit down this week had a major blow up with my eldest daughter her mother inlaw wanted to get something off her chest and to make it sound better for her she told my daughter that I agreed with what she said so my daughter rings me and blasts the **** out of me before I could say I did,nt know what the **** she was talking about she tell,s me I,m not aloud to see my grandson,s anymore and hungup I have tried to ring her but she won,t take my calls , so I have been visiting with mister wrong food for the last few days and to my surprise I have gained back the last 2lbs I lost sorry to offload and be a downer , anyway tomorrow is another day nothing I can do about current issues just let go and let God I suppose but I can do something about the regained 2lbs before it brings friends today is a new day time to stop feeling sorry for myself and get on with it , its good to touch base glad to see your sticking with it and holding on reading your posts as given me a kick in the pants which I really need at the moment to get me out of this black hole thanks for being there bye for now JULIE
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Old 10-08-2004, 07:10 PM   #190  
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Hi Julie, I'm sorry about your daughter. Sometimes life is so hard and family relations become difficult. That happens in my family too mainly due to the complexity of life. I hope you can get back on track. Believe me with the colder weather setting in and the pace of life so fast, there are times when I just want to dive into the cabinets and eat away all my problems, but I have to remember that's just temporary. I'm starting to fit into clothes that I haven't been able to wear since last fall. I know I still have a long way to go, but I want to stay the course. My son has a disability with reading and I was advising him today that it's better to meet the challenge than pity oneself so I guess I'll try to take my own advice. Still haven't been able to make it to the gym with the crazy schedule I have but I hope to get there soon. Have a good night.

breakfast - skipped (not a good idea)
lunch - salad with turkey, cheese (400)
snack - smoothie (350), almonds (170), apple, orange (200)
dinner - ravioli, sauce 500
total - 1620 (a bit high but all healthy foods)
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Old 10-08-2004, 10:24 PM   #191  
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Thanks for the input tired I have been really positive today and staying on the healthy track I want to succeed on this journey to and get to my final destination , great news your fitting into clothes you could,nt before a big pat on the back for you and a great inspiration boost for me , I am going to use the words you gave your son and stop feelong sorry for myself and get on with it dwelling on things is,nt going to change them and instead of worring about what is going on with one daughter I,m going to let go and let God and focuse on all the right things that are going on with the rest of my life like my other three daughters and my beautiful son and of course my amazing hubby life,s to short to waste time on trivial things thanks again for the shot in the arm keep up the good work maybe tomorrow you,ll get to exercise bye for now JULIE
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Old 10-09-2004, 10:49 AM   #192  
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Hi Julie, I can tell that you are a really special person. I'm so glad that I get to communicate with you via this web site. My life is so terribly busy right now that I rarely get a chance to go out with a woman friend and chat about life, so I really look forward to your inspirational thoughts, stories and encouragement.

I'm really working hard to get my class in line - they're smart but they don't behave that well, so I have a lot of training and thinking to do about what will work best with them. At home, I've contacted a lot of people about finding a skilled reading tutor for my son - hopefully we'll find one soon. He's much more positive today - it's hard to have a struggle as a young child, but it probably builds great strength for the future if handled well. I'm off to his soccer game in a few minutes - he has a great gift of athletic ability and he's a lot of fun to watch on the field. He has a great team.

The rest of the weekend will be spent mainly writing, reading and studying for the reading course I'm taking. It's an intense course, but I know it will pay off in $ with a pay raise and in knowledge for better classroom teaching, so I just have to do it. As far as the healthy eating goes, I've been ravenous but sticking to healthy food thanks to your encouragement. Have a great day Julie and keep up the positive, loving attitude that you have.

breakfast - smoothie (300), cereal/milk (250)
dinner? - hopefully my husband will make this really great curried tofu dish he makes.
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Old 10-09-2004, 06:49 PM   #193  
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Good morning everyone hope your all doing well Hi tired how you doing I know what you mean I enjoy chatting with you to when Im feeling a bit down your words of wisdom help me see things from a different pospective and things are,nt as bleak as they seem hope your son has a good game , and good liuck with the hunt for the right tutor for him, I know it,s hard sometimes to have a child with a learning disability my son is adha he,s 20 now but still struggles at times I,ve been with my current hubby for 3yrs now and he has 2 kids a daughter she,s 15yrs and a son who is 7yrs he is autistic and he is such a lovely little boy some autistic children are closed off and don,t like to be touched but he is very affectionate he loves kisses and cuddles but it,s hard sometimes when I think of his future he,ll alway,s only be 2yrs old thats how old he was when he was diagnosed he is non verbal but he is alot smarter than people think , but regardless of a childs abilities I think each and everyone is unique in their own right just like we all are , I glad your son is feeling more positive today but with your guidence and encourageing nature how could he not be ,hope your hubby cooks that yummy currie for you and remember your doing great even with all the kaos in your life at times so stay focused keep up the good work bye for now BLESSED BE JULIE
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Old 10-10-2004, 08:02 AM   #194  
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Hi Julie, our lives are complex aren't they. There are so many dimensions. Today we're having a quiet day. Starting out with my son's football game, then a work out for mom hopefully and after that perhaps we'll go out to the orchard to get apples (I love apples!!) and let my husband get his workout. Have a nice day and good luck sticking to healthy habits. Bye!
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Old 10-10-2004, 09:23 AM   #195  
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Me again! Good news I finally made it to the gym. Thanks for all the encouragement and support! I'm down another 7 lbs.

sw 210 (8/04), cw 186 (10/10/04), gw 150 exercise goal - a sprint triathlon by 8/05
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