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Old 08-30-2004, 03:41 PM   #76  
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Hi - it's me and my worst time of the day. I just want to sit down and comfort myself with food. Hblank you are doing so well - the exercise and watching what you eat is working. I've got to exercise today. Perhaps I'll run right down to the gym after I write - the bike ride didn't work out. Chipper, I know what you mean about mindless eating, particularly when you are so busy with an elderly relative and two little ones. I think the grilled chicken sandwich or salads are the best choices at McD's but I'm not positive.

breakfast: coffee, pb and crackers, yogurt (320)
lunch: tuna sandwich (600 - I made it fast, there was a lot of commotion and I was mindless too - a waste of calories), two tofutti fudgicles (60 - low cal choc treat)
snack: two plums, one cup blueberries - about 150
total so far - 1130, that doesn't leave much for dinner. I think I'll have stir fry veggies and tofu (about 300) and a piece of fruit or cup of fruit salad - that will put me at 1500 or so. Exercising will help me to eat less for dinner. Talk to you later. . .
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Old 08-30-2004, 08:27 PM   #77  
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Me again. I'm dying to dig into anything but it's 8:30 and I'll have a nice cold seltzer with lemon instead. I gained a pound on the vacation. It just shows that this will be a long road again and it means reducing calories. Tomorrow the real temptations await - tons of sweet food and lots of sitting around listening to lectures. My new, mini goal is to lose five pounds in two weeks. Anyone want to join me in this mini goal - that means on Sept. 13th I'll weigh five pounds less.

cw 203
mini goal weight 198
gw 150
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Old 08-31-2004, 10:32 AM   #78  
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Good morning all! Well, after my downfall yesterday afternoon (I dug into mint choc. chip ice cream) I didn't even get to have dinner. My hubby was in an accident on the way home. He is fine, thnk God, but I spent a good part of the night driving to & from the hospital where he was taken.

I am off to a better start today though.
B- low carb yogurt and coffee
Here is what is my accomplishment---I was so tempted to grab a bagel cuz i am still hungry after the yogurt, but I grabbed a garden fresh cucumber instead...yum! One hurdle I beat, let's see what else the day has to throw at me. I have a new idea, from now on, I only eat what I pack in my bag & I pack it the night before right after dinner so I pack healthy, low-cal stuff that you do not consider when you are rushed & hungry, so let's see how this works. If it does, it will be pasta & sauce with a sausage for lunch and V8 for the train ride home.

I hope everyone has a great day! Talk to ya later.
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Old 08-31-2004, 10:43 AM   #79  
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Sorry to hear about your husband. Thank goodness he is ok. Did he have to stay in the hospital over night? That is always my worst nightmare. Since Hubby drives for his job. I won't ride with my kids. They are 23, 26. It is just something I can't bring myself to do. I have riden with the 26, because no choice. But, I will drive all the time. I guess that is the one thing that I can't accept my kids doing. Anyway, glad things turned out ok. Well, I am not doing nothing at all right now. My live has taken a big turn around, so I am the type of person who has to get use to new schedule. Well, now have to do something.
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Old 08-31-2004, 05:01 PM   #80  
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Smile Here we GO!!!

Ok, so today is the first day of the rest of my life. I along with my in laws have decided to start Weight Watchers flex points plan today. Weight Watchers allows us to eat whatever our little hearts desire, as long as we control our portions. Being that I am so hefty (like it better than overweight) my points per day range between 28 and 32, so I can still eat quite a bit!
I am finally totally devoted to losing the weight I have always looked at with a blase tone of voice. I always said, yep I'm fat, get over it.
But no more, I want to be the one that turns heads when I walk into a room. I am tired of my friends doing that. And besides, I am tired of feeling lethargic and embarrassed by how I look, no matter how well put together I am. It is definitely not healthy to look in a mirror and hate the face staring back at you because of your weight!

So here we go, if I am going to do this, I am going to do it full on!!!!

Exercise- Not today, just due to the fact that I have to get used to eating differently before I start any type of physical activity, I like to know what my standard energy level is going to be before I exert myself. So more than likely next week I will start some form of exercise!

Food- my true love! Breakfast consisted of a cup and a half of cereal, half a cup of 1% milk, and a coffee with splenda and creamer....overall a 4 Point meal.
Lunch was a decent size bowl of homemade vegetable soup, and a bologna & american cheese sandwich on light italian bread with mustard, lettuce and tomato. Very filling meal (can you say quel surprise on my part) for a miniscule 9 points

Dinner is going to be huge for me....this is when I usually stuff myself silly. But we are having 3 oz cornish game hen, 1/2 c. flavored instant rice, green beans (I can have a whole field of 'em if I need to), and an appetizer of salad (which for me is only lettuce, tomato, and cucumber) with light italian dressing (2 tbsp...which is going to seem like nothing) for a total of 8 huge points.

Not only that, but I get to have snacks....woo hoo! Thus far today I have already had a few cherry tomatoes fresh from a friends garden, 3 colossol grapes (counting toward my 1 cup total) and later I am going to have 6 cups of air popped popcorn with mrs. dash for flavor....gotta forgo that butter...yeah you read it right 6 cups!! And after dinner I get to have a Fruit Yogurt Smoothie with peaches, yogurt (light of course) and fat free cool whip! Total points for snacks 5 (insane isn't it)

This brings my total point count for the day up to 27....I could add another 3 cups of popcorn to hit my minimum, but I am saving all my extra points for a weekend splurge! Sundays are family night!

Overall today I feel great although my body has chosen today to begin flushing itself of toxins....thanks to the billions of cups of water I drink!
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Old 08-31-2004, 07:33 PM   #81  
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Hi all,

Chipper, thanks for the encouragement the other day. I thought of it each time I was tempted on my first day back to school. I did well thanks to you and this check in as I knew I was going to check in tonight. What is the change of life that you refer to - is it the addition of your grandchildren each day?

Hblank - sorry about your husband. I'm glad he's ok. Aren't those garden cucumbers great and they are so filling and they give you the crunch sensation that chips and nuts give you. I've got to make a trip to the orchard this weekend and get some and some fresh apples too. Having the healthy food around really helps.

breakfast dropped egg on toast, oj (270)
lunch - a luncheon - a little ribs, a little pork, salad, a few baked beans (600) I skipped the mashed pot., corn bread
dinner - one chicken fajita (300)
snacks - watermelon, plums, sugarless gum 200
lots and lots of seltzer and water and one diet coke and coffee in the am (0)
exercise - 30 minute swim in the pool (I'm swimming the 1/4 mile portion of a triathlon on 9/11 in place of my sister so she can do the whole thing so I have to make sure I can make it)

The good news is I'm getting stronger at exercising and I'm getting better at smaller portions - I'm not as hungry.

gw 150
mini goal 198 by 9/13
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Old 08-31-2004, 07:34 PM   #82  
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Welcome Synn - it sounds like you're on the right track. It's amazing how you are able to eat less and less as the days go by and you learn about healthy choices. It's nice that you have the support of your family. I look forward to hearing about your success.
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Old 08-31-2004, 08:01 PM   #83  
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Tierdoffat, Yep. The grandbabies back, plus DH got a new job (second job) and started Monday. Now I have to run a route for him. He is an independant contractor for delivery service. He works now for 2 warehouses. He had someone lined up to run the route, but, today they decided it was to much. So, him and I are splitting it and I will run some of it with the girls. Then my son, (23 who moved back home after the navy in May) got fired from a very good paying job. So, now he is home and in the way.
Offered him the route he says no he is waiting for a phone call from a place he put in an application at. Give me a break. I think this weekend, (if we don't get hit by the storm) we are sitting down and having a chat. He really needs to get his life together and move out. HELP!!! I am going to lose my mind.
synn: Welcome and glad your here. You have the mind set I am looking for, want to share. What does the 1977 stand for? That was the year I was married and graduated from high school. Boy do I feel old now. Not far from 50.
Well, diet wise nothing is happening for me again. Maybe some day it will kick in, and I will do it. I don't like change and right now that is what my life is doing crossing another bridge.
hblank: how is your husband doing?? Hope all is fine.
Well, time to close up for the night. Be back tomorrow.
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Old 08-31-2004, 08:58 PM   #84  
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thanks....I feel welcome already. I am stuffed from eating so much today. I guess with the mindless eating I had always done I ate things that never really did me any good so I was constantly hungry.
The 1977 stands for the year I was born....I have been overweight for 14 out of my 27 years, so I definitely feel much older (with all the joint pain I have) than I truely am!
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Old 09-01-2004, 09:30 AM   #85  
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Good morning all!
Synn, welcome and I hope we can all motivate you as much as you are already motivating me.

Thanks for all of your concern, my husband is fine, a little sore, but fine. We went to the body shop to get things out of the truck & man he got hit hard. We are lucky he came out with just a little aches & pains. No,he did not have to stay overnight, he just went because he was a volunteer firefighter and he knows that when you are hit that hard, it never hurts to get checked out.

Dietwise, I am doing pretty well I think. Went home last night & had a pork chop with bbq sauce cooked on the foreman grill, some peas, & a little white rice. Drank one beer with dinner, but it was worth it!

Another early morning today up at 4:30,at the gym by 7am (after my commute from Prov to Boston). Had an early morning swim (20 minutes) & lifted some weights, and rode the bike for about 10 minutes, now I am here at work.

Had my cup of coffee with skim lactaid , laughing cow cheese, and low carb yogurt. Lunch will be boiled chicken,zucchini,summer squash,broccoli, and cauliflower with garlic.
I looked on fitday yesterday & found out that garlic has a lot of calories & carbs How depressing, I use it on everything, so now I need to cut that out too. I will just have to find a new favorite seasoning. Good luck everyone, have a great day.

PS: Down another pound
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Old 09-01-2004, 01:27 PM   #86  
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ok, I am back cuz I feel guilty. I just had ice cream, 2 scoops of moose tracks. It's made with peanut butter cups. YUMMY!!! Ok, so that took care of the rest of my calories for the day I am sure.
Ok, the real reason I signed on, I figure if I can tell you all my real weight, i can say anything. I just found out my best friend is pregnant, while I should be happy for her, I am not. I am feeling sorry for myself because it is not me. We are the same age (31), she got married a week after me (another thing that ticked me off because she missed my wedding cuz she was too busy), and I am just being a jerk. I should be happy for her right??
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Old 09-01-2004, 01:35 PM   #87  
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Hey hblank you go girl Glad everything is good. You sure can hurt after you've been hit.
Well, tiredoffat how are you doing today. Remember don't let those others get their "oh one little bite won't hurt" foods get to you. If I said that right. Remember this is for you and not them. This is your treat not theirs. and you don't have to share
synn: Keep counting those points. Just pretend you can't count past 32.Hope you are having a good day. Just remember you have to eat your minimum of points other wise your body can think it is starving and start storing what you eat. Also, a pound of fat is a pound of musacle just fat takes up more room. Almost 3 times at much. So, the scale may not move but, the clothing sure gets bigger.
Well, gang out of here for now. Have to get some more puter work done while the girls are napping.
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Old 09-01-2004, 06:18 PM   #88  
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Hey hBlank, you are not being a jerk...everyone deserves their moment in the sun, and it seems that on your wedding day, when you really look to friends and family for support one of your biggest supporters gave you the cold shoulder.
Stop worry about the should be's, everything in life comes with time. You will be blessed with your own bundle of joy when the time is right I'm sure.
I noticed you said you commute from Prov to Boston. I myself am a loyal Rhode Islander....for all the reasons I despise this little state, I love it twice as much. Roots run deep for us RIers.
Today went well this far.

Breakfast was 2 light english muffins with 2 tsp. smart beat (trans-fat free margarine) and a few tablespoons of red plum preserves. For my morning pick me up I had a double cup of cofee with splenda and 2 tbsp. amaretto creamer (love this stuff to death) Can't say I appreciate the taste of the smart beat, but, like everything it will become second nature. so breakfast was a whopping 7 points. Granted it is more than yesterday, but I was definitely able to make it to lunch without issue.
Keep in mind breakfast is 5:30 AM and Lunch is 12:50 PM, and I am a classic grazer. No grazing today.
Lunch was my waldorf salad....i posted the recipe in the ww forum for poultry/fish recipes. Can I tell you I love waldorf salad now....I never had it before today as I always thought it to be a disgusting mix, but it was so yummy. The amount I had made would have totaled 9 points alone, it was a lot of food. but I only ate half, because I was too stuffed to eat any more. With that I had 2 slices light italian bread and two small lettuce leaves (which I used as wraps because I was too lazy to eat with a fork). And I had a half of my serving of my yummy fruit yogurt smoothie. Total points for lunch 6 1/2.
Dinner has not arrived yet, so I will be posting again later, all we do know is it is going to be a ground turkey something or other.
The only snack I have had all day is a garden fresh cucumber. And boy was it yummy.
I passed on two of my favorite things today a caramel Twix and pizza with the more little demon telling me what to eat.
Overall I am in a great mood and can already feel the energy levels rising!
Good luck everyone.
Maybe to keep each other motivated we could post a recipe each a week for everyone else to try? Just my two cents, although at times they are only worth 1.....heheh!
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Old 09-01-2004, 07:28 PM   #89  
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Wow everyone is doing great! Lots of great eating ideas and exercise motivation. Now that school has started I decided that I'd work out every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. On Sunday I'll try to plan something active. I think that's realistic with my schedule.

I agree with synn hblank - everything comes in time. Enjoy the time you have with your husband now because as soon as you have a baby life will be very busy (lovely, but busy). You may need to take a little vacation (not total but some) from your friend though until you sort out your feelings. That way you don't lose your friend, but you have a little time to enjoy the stage you're in and she's not.

I stayed out of the teacher's room today. I noticed everyone walking around with lots of sweets, but I had a bowl of fruit behind me and nibbled on delicious plums and an apple. I also had my seltzer six pack nearby and some sugarless gum. A good calorie day thanks to everyone's encouragement.

breakfast - shredded wheat (very filling, lots of fiber), blueberries, 1% milk, coffee (330)
lunch - plums/apple/seltzer (200)
dinner - stir fry veggies with shrimp (a quick frozen packet from BJ's). I had a whopping 4 1/2 cups for a total of 440 cals - not bad, very filling and tasty enough - better than McDonalds for a busy night. I also had a med. bunch of grapes (135)

Total - 1105 cals - all done for today
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Old 09-01-2004, 09:49 PM   #90  
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Default dinner and dessert
Dinner was 4 oz slice of turkey meatloaf, with 1/2 c . instant potatoes, and a half cup of 11 Pts, highest meal yet....but most filling.
Dessert was this great pudding and peanut butter concoction....i will have to get the recipe for you all as it is super filling.
So alas, day two has been a success.
I am just excited bout my energy levels, because it is a nice contrast from the lethargia I have been feeling!
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