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Old 10-17-2004, 01:03 PM   #211  
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Lightbulb This morning's check in

Tired, I hope your party was good for you. I like shopping for "play clothes" but looking for something specific? The kind of social function you are describing is my idea of a nightmare. I hated looking forward to those parties when I was a thin babe. I'll bet you're glad it's over. Am I projecting too much?
My daughter had a few friends sleep over last night and now I'm taking them to a (film festival) movie. Popcorn rivals ice cream as my favorite binge food. I always feel lousy after eating it. I'll take a thermos of tea with me and hope to enjoy the film without unhealthy snacks. That smell................Thanks for listening. I'll let you know how it goes.
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Old 10-17-2004, 01:07 PM   #212  
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Hi all. Roll it's so nice to have another person onboard. The more people - the more support. I write down my cals throughout the day. I bought a great calorie book that reall helps - it's small and easy to use. I got it at the book store. As far as your goal weight you can try to find sites on the computer that are "ideal weight charts" and the like. I chose 150 because I remember that's the weight I was when I got married and it felt great. I was a size twelve which seemed like a good size for me.

Julie - thanks a million for all your comments. It makes sense and I'm going to plan a new routine for my week based on QUALITY. I'm going to refer back to your notes several times as I try to incorporate quality time for my immediate family. I also really like the way you suggested I see my mom on a regular basis like once a month. Thanks for giving me permission not to be there all the time for those other adults.

I went to the black tie affair last night. Contrary to my fears, the event was very welcoming. People were warm and there was beautiful art work everywhere. I love art so I got a lot of peace looking at it. I didn't abide by my 1500 cals, but I'm back on track today. Thanks a million. I really, really appreciate it and like I said I'm going to read it again and again to let the good thoughts and advice sink in. I hope I can help you.

today's eating

breakfast - a mini piece of blueberry sweet bread (100)
big healthy dinner - steak (400), sweet potato/small piece of regular potato (150), carrots (50), lettuce (10), tomatoes w/salad dressing (100)
total so far 810 not bad - I'm back on track thanks to all of you. I hope I can be there for you too.
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Old 10-17-2004, 04:30 PM   #213  
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Lightbulb Back again

I'm back from the movie and I didn't have popcorn. This is a real victory for me. I know I'm probably posting too much but I really need the support right now. All this laying around is making me want to stuff my face.

So far I've had a piece of roasted chicken breast for breakfast.
3 cups licorice tea with splenda
2 throat lozenges (sugar free)
Chicken basil vegetable soup with provolone cheese.

I plan on having a small steak for dinner along with lots of vegetables and banana and avocado salad for a snack.
I've had one quart of water so far. I need to start drinking earlier (that, by itself sounds kind of scary) in the day so I'm not up all night.
Thanks for listening.
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Old 10-17-2004, 04:42 PM   #214  
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Lightbulb Party

I'm so glad you had a good time at the party. Was it fun being with the grown-ups? Good for you getting back on track. Maybe that terminology is all wrong. It looks like every once in a while, it's okay to have "fun food" in moderation and it's not an excuse to go down a bingeing whirlpool. You are a great model of how healthy weight loss is achieved. It's wonderful for me to see an real example of healthy eating and a healthy attitude.
Hats off to you. :

Last edited by rollmdl; 10-17-2004 at 04:44 PM.
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Old 10-17-2004, 06:27 PM   #215  
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GOOD MORNING WORLD , how is everyone, Hi Roll glad to hear you had fun at the movies and resisted the popcorn I know the feeling that smell drives me crazy too , next time why don,t you air pop some popcorn in the microwave add a little chicken salt or even cajun spices are nice to take with your tea, and don,t worry about posting to much thre,s no such thing , glad you had a good time at your hubbies do Tired I like art too maybe you went a little over your cals for the day but I remember a clever lady yes you told me once its OK on special occassions to indulge just get back onboard the next day which is what you,ve done so way to go Roll I,m no expert but I think goal weight is a personal thing I used to be a size 8 before kids then I was a comfortable 10 then at age 34, I was a 12 thats when I had a hysterectomy and my first marriage went south I shot up to 18,20 when I,ve dieted in the past on and off for the last 10yrs OH MY GOD has ibodies are different os hey gravity works t been that long I get down to a 12 to 14 then my body says hey I,m comfortable here and you look good and your displaying confidence so be happy, so I guess you,ll know what your goal weight is for you when you arrive at that all important destination well yes JULIE is raving on again which I tend to do , so I,m going to leave it there OH Roll you play around with the smilies all you like but remember their very addictive, bye for now BLESSED BE TAKE CARE JULIE

Breakfast, slice of raisin toast and 5 big strawberries and green tea

Lunch, planned tuna salad and a big glass of iced water and a tub yoghurt

Dinner, planned tomato based pasta wholemeal of course with heaps of mushrooms which I love some lowfat grated cheese and a weight watchers icecream

SW 172
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GW 132
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Old 10-17-2004, 06:39 PM   #216  
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Hey I forgot something very important A GREAT BIG YES TIRED you can and do help me by just being there I,m one of those people who always worry what others think of me, but when I found 3fc the people I have met on here are just incredible you don,t know me you don,t know what I look like and yet you,ve made me feel welcome and important and worthwhile just by your words of encouragement and your positive outlook at times even when your life is hectic your still inspiring , everyone is , so I hope we continue to help each other , well getting carried away here so I,m off bye JULIE
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Old 10-17-2004, 08:30 PM   #217  
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Default Hi!

I couldn't resist using a smile. Just checking in to keep myself in check. Julie is right Roll, check in as often as you like. I sometimes use the check in to keep me from eating something bad - just reading the posts helps me to stay on track. I finished the day today with one of my favorite foods - a nice big thick non fat banana- peach smoothie - low cal and yummy. Fills me up too which helps.

Julie it was interesting reading your "just right" weight ideas. Roll it's great that you resisted the popcorn. Today I resisted some tempting treats too including apple crisp with ice cream, chocolate chip cookies, red wine, doughnuts! Hopefully the boys will gobble them up soon so they won't be around anymore.

Again thanks for being there.
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Old 10-18-2004, 02:01 AM   #218  
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GOOD AFTERNOON EVERYONE WELL IT IS HERE IN OZ ANYWAY, yeah I know I sound disgustingly cheerful today but I feel good did 8mls on my indoor bike today thats a first usually half dead after six , and instead of weighing myself today was a measure day and I have lost another inch all over making a total of 6 inches in all in just 5wks well I,m excited anyway it takes so little Hey tired your smoothies sound yum how do you make yours do you use yoghurt, glad you find my just right weight tales interesting , they are just my opinion and you know what they say about those their like?????everybody,s got one, anyway you all take care gotta run going to dinner with a gorgeous tall Italian hope
hubby dose,nt find out BLESSED BE JULIE
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Old 10-18-2004, 02:08 AM   #219  
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I'm doing a last late check in. I ate two chicken wings and an extra cup of chicken vegetable soup that I hadn't planned on. I wasn't hungry, I was tired and anxious. Tomorrow is another day. I know exercise would help alleviate anxiety and help curb the desire to snack. This flu has moved into my chest and I have a cough now. I might just take an easy walk tomorrow, just to get moving a little bit-nothing strenuous. Talk with you tomorrow.
Thank you Thank you Thank you
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Old 10-18-2004, 06:02 AM   #220  
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Hi Roll and Julie,

Julie I hope you have a fun dinner. Sounds interesting. Roll, don't let that chest cold go to far before you see the doctor. I did that last year and it set me back weeks as I ended up with pneumonia. Your later evening indulgences were healthy that's good - it could have been a pint of ice cream that you ate. We'll all get there step by step.

I'm starting my new plan today, thanks to Julie. I'm not going to worry about the course much during the work week and then during the weekend I'm going to focus on the course. My husband said he'd support me with this. During the week, I hope to focus more on my children and getting my teaching job and mom job done. Quality not quantity! Let's see if this takes the edge off.

planned eating today
a.m. scrambled eggs and raisin toast
lunch: salad with turkey, no dressing
dinner: home made chicken soup - I made it in the crock pot last night. First I let the chicken cook. Then I added lots of veggies to the broth and the chicken pieces. Tonight when I get home I'll take it out of the fridge and warm it up. It's really healthy as I didn't add any butter or fat. I like eating veggies this way.

Let's see if I stick to the plan.

smoothie recipe - one cup non fat yogurt (110) 1/2-1 cup 1% milk (75-120), one cup frozen fruit (50- 100) depending on what you use, one banana (100)
total cals 335-430 depending on the amounts you use. If you want it to be even bigger just add lots of ice for no additional cals and lots of water.

Have a good day.
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Old 10-18-2004, 07:21 AM   #221  
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G,day Tired and Roll give me something else to call you guys glad your doing well Roll does,nt sound like you went overboard , like tired said you could have went over to the dark side and visisted the food the place of sinful but oh so yummy temptations but you did,nt so give yourself a pat on the back, yes my evening was fun the gorgeous tall Italian is my HUBBY hope the cold gets better I,ve had pneumonia too its the pits , so please don,t let it go get your butt to the quacks, all the best with your new plan Tired well thats it for me I,m going to have a cuppa herbal tea then I,m off to bed I,m really sleepy for a change must be the extra exercise GOODNIGHT ALL BE GOOD BLESSED BE JULIE

SW 172

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GW 132
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Old 10-18-2004, 02:18 PM   #222  
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Lightbulb Good morning


Julie, congratulations on losing all those inches! I'll bet your clothes feel comfortable! It sounds like you have lots of fun with your "boyfriend". You had me going for a while. I was painting a new picture of you in my mind.
Tired, you sound like you've zeroed in on what is most important to your serenity. I have a problem feeling as though I'm always neglecting my friends and family-not reaching out enough. I just put my head down and do what needs to be done. What has worked for me is this(go ahead and laugh at the image)
I have a carpenters apron(canvas, 3 pocket, $2.00 type) and head sets for my phone. I slip my cordless into the apron pocket and while I'm cooking, cleaning in the kitchen or folding laundry, I call friends and family. They feel attended to, I feel connected, and I have my hands free to accomplish tasks. It's also difficult to eat with so much going on. With little ones it's sometimes helpful to set a timer "I'll be on the phone for 5-10-15 minutes." My two cents about what works for me.
Thank you for your support and feedback on my health. If I don't feel better by tomorrow, I will call my (new) doctor. On so many levels, I can't afford this illness any longer.

My food plan for the day
breakfast--- scrambled eggs with chicken and cheese
lunch---chicken vegetable soup
dinner---steak salad
snack----I'm going to try a smoothie, Tired, every time you mention yours, you do it with such obvious enjoyment.

Thanks for the support. I'll check in later.

Last edited by rollmdl; 10-18-2004 at 02:24 PM.
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Old 10-18-2004, 05:00 PM   #223  
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Hi, I'm checking in to see how everyone is. Another busy day with ups and downs, but the good news I stayed faithful to healthy eating. I added a smoothie to the plan which should work out calorie wise.
so far
breakfast 300
lunch 300
snack 400
and 500 to go with my healthy chicken stew for dinner and then lots of water.

I guess you can call me "T" but I don't mind Tired. I'm hesitant to give my name since I have a public job. Perhaps when I lose another 20 I'll change my pen name here.

Glad you enjoyed your handsome hubby Julie. Good to hear from everyone.
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Old 10-18-2004, 06:11 PM   #224  
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Good morning everyone hope your feeling better Roll, sorry if I had you going be interesting to know what new picture you were painting of me thanks for the recipe Tired I tried one for brekkie yum a definate good start to the day I had that and some grapes and a cuppa green tea, Roll my clothes are getting looser I have a skirt that I have,nt been able to wear for about 4yrs and now its loose around the waist and to my surprise hubby said he could feel my hip bone thats a plus anyway not much else to report, time for a then hit the indoor bike then I might even do some weights stranger things have happened who knows BE GOOD, BLESSED BE, JULIE

SW 172

CW 166

GW 132
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Old 10-18-2004, 09:38 PM   #225  
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Hello All!
Suffice to say I fell off the wagon. I have been pigging out like crazy due to way too much stress at work and home, can I tell you all I hate Christmas!!!

I am jumping back on tomorrow come **** or highwater. I need to! So I will be back with a vengance tomorrow evening ladies. Until then I bid you ado!
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