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Old 09-27-2004, 11:13 PM   #166  
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Hi guys just dropped in to say yes tired I did resist the chips I did,nt throw them out I just went and did some exercise instead, yeah hubby likes his chips and he,s a chocoholic too but I,m working on getting him healthy too he eats what I eat when he is at home, I,m not to bad at fighting the craves most OF the time thank GOD for diet ginger beer and apples well thats it for me catch you all later as you all know I,m downunder, going away for a couple of days to visit family and friends so I,ll check in when I get back bye for now BLESSED BE JULIE
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Old 09-28-2004, 07:13 AM   #167  
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New to this site. Hello everyone well its time to get serious again with exercise and healthly eating. I hurt my foot a couple of weeks agao and so exercise wasn't happening. But now its fine no more excuses! So I leave for a trip to Seattle on the 14th that is a bit more than 2 weeks away! Wow it is time to get serious. I like the idea of checking in daily or every other. Currently, I am watching my intake of foods, carbs, cal, fiber, protein etc... You get the picture. I am not really following any certain diet just trying to build in some healthy eating habits and exercise. I tried calorie and fat counting it didn't really work for me. So I decided to do my own thing, keeping off 10lbs. this is not so bad but its time to make it move more quickly. So I am going to attempt to not let things slip in that aren't so good for me. Yesterday was a pretty good day but other than cleaning my sewing , computer room and walking a bit no real exercise. I have to work later tonight but will stop at the gym. I will ck in later with my intake for the day! Wish me luck and any advice is welcome at any time. I don't mind having some support on my journey. Good luck to everyone else its off to work!!!!!!!!!
Skyfirefly Wt. in day is Friday's for me. I try to do it once a wk.
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Old 09-28-2004, 07:44 PM   #168  
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Right after work--still a difficult time.

I made it to my goal weight after about 3 1/2 months on Weight Watchers (the FlexPoints plan); maintenance has been a real struggle. I teach 6th grade and don't have much time to eat during the school day. This means I get home VERY hungry and join my 2 children for a snack...while cooking dinner...which leads to a very large snack and then a dinner as well.

I eat healthy, minimally processed foods. I exercise, including strength training, 2-4 times a week.

What I could use: suggestions about how to manage the 3:00-5:00 temptation zone, and quick/healthy things to eat during the day (I've tried peanut butter on Wasa crackers, small boxes of dried fruit and raw veg. with cottage cheese).

Thanks for the support--
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Old 09-28-2004, 09:24 PM   #169  
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Hi all,

Synn - great job with the exercise and eating! It's awesome that this is the longest that you've stuck to a healthy routine. I must say that this is the longest that I've stuck with a routine too. Sky good luck with your new iniative. It's great that you'll be going to the gym to work out. Julie - have fun with the family. I hope you'll tell us all about it.

Elena, I teach too. That 3-5 time is a real killer! You've given to your students at school all day and then your own want you so much. You've done well sticking to your program. What's helped me lately from 3-5 is eating fruit, drinking smoothies, eating almonds and drinking lots of water at that time. Also I've really started making healthier, smaller dinners for everyone that way I don't have a lot of temptation.

My latest issue is not finding the time to exercise because my schedule is totally booked. Anyways - I'm a bit scattered today, but I had a pretty good eating day.

breakfast - 2 plums (90)
lunch - salad with tuna (skipped the bread and dressing) (500)
snack - plum (45), almonds (75)
dinner - whole wheat pasta (200), stewed tomatoes (210 - a whole can!), mango/banana non fat yogurt smoothie (300)

That's about my 1500 total.

sw 210 cw 193 gw 150
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Old 09-29-2004, 12:13 AM   #170  
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Hello ladies! Today was a bad food day, had 2 Spikes Hot dogs with cheese, bbq sauce, bacon bits and pickles on a homemade roll (each) so that was not good...then I polished off 1/2 of a large popcorn with butter at the movies with the BF.

But considering I have been religious in sticking to my healthy eating plan I think I did ok. Other than that today was weigh in # 3 (week 4 from start) and I actually gained 1.5 lbs, but I think its due to all the walking (after all muscle weighs more than fat right???) Needless to say I am not discouraged, which is the real shock....normally I would see one little gain and give up. But instead I am all the more motivated to lose. I picked up the latest issue of WW magazine, I am joining Bally's on Friday, and am going to take my tour of the gym tomorrow...and get in my workout!

I did walk almost 10000 steps today, I actually got in 9664 so, just a few hundred shy. Definitely got in the exercise I can handle. Almost picked up Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds for Abs....but I am only planning on getting a VCR for my makeshift exercise room. I guess for being a good doobie I could get one of those combo deals? Hmmmm....that is food for thought. As a matter of fact, that is exactly what I am going to do, and next week when I hit the mall to start christmas shopping, if that set is still there I am buying it!

Anyway....does anyone have any rewards planned for making goal, even minis? I would be interested because thus far all I have been able to come up with are a trip to Vegas....skimpy outfits (for the first time ever) here I come, a blue and purple rose tattoo to signify my parents. Blue is for my dad which will have his name and DOB scrawled under it, same for the purple only its mom's! And of course the obligatory shopping spree.
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Old 09-29-2004, 07:17 PM   #171  
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Hello Ladies!
Two updates before anyone else gets in, I am shocked. Anyway....I re-weighed myself this morning and to my surprise not only was the 1.5 lbs gone, but an additional .5 lbs as well!!! So I am happy.
Today has been a good food day and I have been walking like crazy lately. On top of that I am off to the gym tonight after work....woohoo.
I see everyone is doing pretty well with their "lifestyle change" so congrats to all
Anyways....I am out or here like a bald man!
Talk to you all soon!
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Old 09-29-2004, 10:00 PM   #172  
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Synn, isn't it crazy how your weight can fluctuate so much in just a few hours. I think our cycle affects it and other things. I'm so glad that your sticking with it, I expect that when I weigh in tomorrow I will not have much of a weight loss - hopefully some. It's been fifteen days. I've pretty much stuck with the healthy eating, but my exercise has dwindled due to my very, very busy schedule. Like you though, I want to stay with this - we can!!!! It's important for our health and our lives.

Here's my eating for the day.

breakfast - english muffin with pb (360), banana (100), milk (110)
lunch - salad with egg, croutons and a little cheese (400)
lots of coffee, lots of water
total - 1270
Everytime I eat a good breakfast with protein I have a good diet day for the rest of the day. I read that this was true and it does seem to be true for me.
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Old 09-30-2004, 01:50 AM   #173  
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You know it tired....we are the only ones standing in our way. Went to they gym today with every intention of getting in a workout, but alas, I got a great tour, by a really hot employee...and I will be seeing him on Friday when I actually start my membership.
On the upside, I did get a free workout, guess where I'll be after work!
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Old 09-30-2004, 12:50 PM   #174  
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Enjoy the free workout Synn! Sounds great. I'm working on a research project today and realizing that the activity of my job is better than sitting around all day. Anyways I've used up most of my cals early.

breakfast two eggs on English muffin (360) OJ (120)
lunch soup (220) peanuts (180) smoothie (350)
too much coffee not enough water so that's what I'll be having mainly the rest of the day.

total 1150
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Old 09-30-2004, 06:21 PM   #175  
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G,day everyone and I meen everyone there are a lot of new people floatting around in the 2 days I,ve been away YES THANKYOU TIRED I had a great time catching up with my family my grandkids are great my daughters are beautiful my second eldest shes 24 and my best mate my son he is 20 and he cracks me up he is the best medicine for the blues. I,ts great to read all the positive energy coming from all of you you are all doing so well even if there are a few hiccups along the way , congrats to all the missing lbs, kgs out there fingers crossed they stay missing in action I look forward to catching up with all of you and now with so many more WOW the inspiration and encouragment incredible, I,m not doing to bad slipped up a bit yesterday hang on a minute what am I saying slipped I knew exactly what I was doing oooh and it was so goood I love fish cocktails and when the batter is crispy thats heaven , so anyway of course they are dripping in fat and I was good I WAS saying no no really but the made me do it I scoffed 4 of them looks like a fruit and veg day for me today but it was worth it I did enjoy them while I was eating them well gotta go you all keep up the good work I,m going to have a quiet night and read all the new post,s I,ve missed over the last 2 day,s I,m off to do my workout now gotta at least make it look good catch you all later JULIE
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Old 09-30-2004, 09:31 PM   #176  
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Hi Julie,
I'm glad that you had a nice visit with your family. On special occassions we all will slip a bit, it's the regular day that counts so we can try a sweet or special food here and there on special occassions. Glad to hear you're working out, I'm hoping to fit one in tomorrow night. Take care.
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Old 09-30-2004, 11:06 PM   #177  
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Hi Tired thanks for your positive input , your right if we can,t cheat a little on special days without going OVERBOARD when can we , well I did my exercises feeling more focused now I wish you the best and good luck with your workouts hope you can fit one in hope your well and your boys are all well thanks again for being there some days are better than others sometimes just reading everyones posts and successes is enough to keep me inspired and on track well raved on enough bye for now JULIE
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Old 10-01-2004, 06:36 PM   #178  
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I agree, reading the posts really helps me. Lately I've been reading and writing right after I've finished my last morsel of the day to keep me on track for the evening. Fairly good eating day today.

breakfast - skipped - late for work!
lunch - turkey, cheese salad (500)
snacks - celery, salsa, peanuts (250)
dinner - cheese on 1/2 bagel (300), very large smoothie (400)
lots of water
total 1450 give or take a few
exercise - again, no exercise. Hopefully soon.
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Old 10-01-2004, 07:21 PM   #179  
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G,day everyone justed dropped in to say hi its morning here downunder beautiful , I ,ve had a good start a brekki of fruit and decaf with equal don,t know what lunch or dinner will be yet but I,ll try to stay healthy, its funny I,ve been eating healthy for 3wks now and have,nt really thought about my hubbie and his weight to focused on me I guess but he told me he is proud of what I,ve accomplished so far and he,s lost 4lb too glad to hear your all doing well, keep it up its a long road but there is no time limit so slowly but surely with each others support I know we,ll all get there good luck with your exercise tired but with your hectic life I,m surprised you call anything else exercise other than what you do everyday you seem to be always on the go well thats it for me catch you all later bye for now for being there JULIE
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Old 10-02-2004, 07:59 AM   #180  
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Hi Julie,

I thought of you yesterday when I was teaching children about grams and kilograms. Yes, a kilogram is about 2lbs. We had fun learning about it.

Thanks again for all the encouragement. That's good news about you and your husband - three weeks is a great accomplishment. I'm really going to try to refocus this week. Luckily the prof cancelled our class this week so that gives me an extra night to catch up on my classroom work. The boys are doing well. It's a weekend of swimming lessons, soccer games and football. We've got to squeeze in some study time too for all. I wish you well.

breakfast - cereal/milk (300)
lunch plan - very light as I'm going out to dinner tonight - a date with my dh!
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