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Old 11-07-2004, 07:22 PM   #331  
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hope your all having a better day TIRED, ROLL you sound as if you,ve both had hectic times,TIRED YOU KNOW YOU,VE MADE THE RIGHT CHOICE with your course IT WILL BE WORTH IT even if its making you at the moment,its good to see your hubby showing support, and way to go to your mum I guess she realizes your really serious about what your doing, stress eating happens to all of us , I know I,m tempted these days to really pig out, the only thing that stops me at the moment is I feel yuk most of the time, easy way to lose weight but I wouldnt recommend it, its the pits but hey I have to have something to whinge about, my lifes not that glamourous at the best of times anyway I,m getting side tracked , you know when the grabs you and you want to eat everything in sight, so when this happens make yourself a healthy cuppa ooh GOD I miss my AND DON,T REACH FOR THE BIKKIS, its good your there for your family but I hope your remembering YOU TIME as well, ROLL thanks for the condolences I can,nt stand the smell of at the moment so its easy to avoid it, I,M VERY PROUD OF BOTH OF YOU YOUR DOING SO WELL with your plans, so am I its not difficult at all I,m just not eating much at all well I may check in later to see that your being good and staying focused bye for now take care PLEASE REMEMBER LIFES GOOD AND PRECIOUS AND EVERY DAY IS WORTH IT NO MATTER WHAT THE SCALES SAY. BLESSED BE JULIE
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Old 11-07-2004, 10:36 PM   #332  
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Default Smoothies

Just a quick note but thought I WOULD SHARE I was bowsing around and clicked on FOOD at 3fc,s main menu and found a whole load of yummy recipes for smoothies in the low fat section , just an idea but you,ve probably already checked it out anyway bye for now JULIE
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Old 11-08-2004, 06:12 AM   #333  
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Hi all. Julie, I haven't checked out the food site and I will. Thanks for the tip. Thanks also for the positive comments - you're always inspirational. I'm sorry that you are not feeling well, I'm sending you well wishes from me to you. I really feel the support of everyone beyond this site. I believe that we can connect spiritually and I think we do. I believe that we've connected by our needs, desires and who we are. It's amazing how much the support from everyone here has filled my life and helped me to reach forward. I hope you can feel my support. I hope you will feel better.

I made it to the GYM again this morning. I've been up since 3 (went to bed at 6:30 pm) working on my school work (class and course). Then I went to the gym at 5:30 and had a very good rock-n-roll workout. I like to exercise to rap too. I really want to start replacing my food needs with music needs. I think I have an untapped musical side. Any thoughts.

I wish you all well today. I know it's going to be a stronger day than yesterday.
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Old 11-08-2004, 06:13 AM   #334  
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Roll, I wanted to add that I've coupled prayer/meditation/spiritual think with driving to the gym. This morning I had some very good centering time on the way there, then a good workout. Thanks for the tip.
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Old 11-08-2004, 07:15 AM   #335  
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Hello everyone what a busy weekend! Sorry I skipped checking in but I really was trying to be good and make healthy choices. I did fall off a bit with trying some chocolate peanut crisp balls a friend made. They were good but not worth falling completly off for.
I didn't write my food intake but I think it balanced out. I did exercise Sat. at the gym for 50 min. and a little over 2 miles around Green Lake yesterday. It felt really good and all by myself wish you all lived closer. Wouldn't it be fun to do together?
Tired wow great job on your scale and exercising. Keep up the good work and the smooties I will try this week. Any good recipes we should share with each other.
Roll hey don't be so hard on yourself with exercise sometimes it just takes saying this is it and I am going. Thats what happened with me when I started on this site. I decided this is it get on the scale! Get to the gym! It felt wired the first visit but then I went when it wasn't to busy and have started on learning some new wt. resistant machines which burn more calories. I try to use the treadmill 25 min. then use the machines. My gym just updated the machines so its nice and boy did they need replacing! But I watch others while I am on the treadmill or machines then I try it. Sometimes I mess them up the other day I tried to lower the seat it went down to the floor level oooops! I couldn't get it back up said oh well and walked off. The exercise took me a bit to get into but now I enjoy making the time to go. It would be nice if I had an exercise partner but I don't. My membership was pd. up this year so its only 12.00 dollars a month for life. I can't go wrong! Good luck and just get there everyone felt weird or out of place once there. Everyone there had a beginning no matter what and their all so busy other than a nod or hi its all you will get.
Julie= your funny and I enjoy reading your insights and info. Keep up your spirits!
Michele = Everyone will agree I am sure that we have been in the situation of eating the wrong things and have blown a whole day or week etc. But if you mess up take a deep breath and pretend to start your day again. Even journal from that pt. of your day on. I know I have been there many of times. Learning how to move on and except our few mistakes its okay this is what will improve our lifes. Take care and don't be so hard on yourself. My stomach is a bit off hope I am not getting the bug?
Breakfast: heart to heart Kashi cereal w/ a little milk, coffee
Lunch: salad I think?
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Old 11-08-2004, 12:12 PM   #336  
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Lightbulb Good morning

Hi everyone,
I feel a little off when I don't post in the evening. A friend called and we went to see the movie, The Incredibles. It was so funny and so not for young children.
I have a financial meeting tonight and I'm going to spend my day working on my finances-----ALWAYS a recipe for overeating. Not today. I don't have very many handy healthy options around so I think I'll prepare some when I finish this post. Needless to say, I'm anxious about the meeting. Another thing on my anxiety list is that I have to fast on Wednesday and go in for the colonoscopy on Thursday.
Thanks for sharing your gym experience, Carol. I think I need to put it on my calander just like I would any other appointment. I feel inspired when I hear you all talk about it.
Julie, thanks for the heads up about the recipe section. I'm thinking that it might be a good idea for me to take a smoothie in a thermos to the movies next time I go. Also, I need to get some new food ideas. I may have to sign up for chicken soup anonymous if I'm not careful.

Tired, good for you, making it to the gym this morning! I love music. I'm not sure what type you like. The sound track from the movie, Shark Tale, is great.

Okay, Food Plan:


lunch--chicken vegetable soup

snack --salad

dinner-- chicken shrimp vegetable soup

My cough is returning so I have to take extra good care of myself today: lots of water, tea and vitamin c.

Take care, all.
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Old 11-08-2004, 04:12 PM   #337  
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Default Good Morning

HI S, its a beautiful morning here downunder, hope your all feeling well in spirit, I,m like you TIRED I think you can make a connection with someone even if you,ve never met them in person, you just click I feel that way when I come to this thread I feel close to all of you , your words of encouragement and understanding and care are appreciated more than you,ll know,WAY TO GO another day at the gym, YOU GO GIRL I went for a walk this morning for 30mins I know its no big deal but at least I,m moving HEY ROLL you had better start eating something else soon or you,ll cluck every second word when you come here OK I know I can be pretty corny but I,m lovable good luck with your meeting FINANCES YUK , don,t get off track your doing so well , just remember what ever junk goes over the lips sticks to the hips I,m inspired by everyones energy wish I could take a leaf out of your books but I feel so these days anyway be finished with these dam pills in a couple of weeks , then find out if any of me has to come off, is,nt it funny that there are so many parts of our bodies we can do without makes you wonder what some of them are there for in the first place, maybe to prove God has asense of humour thanks CAROL for your caring words, I hope you feel better and do,nt catch a bug, THANK YOU ALL for your thoughts and care, well that,s it for me ooh I forgot I,m going AWOL again for a week 7 DAYS ROLL I,ll be back so you all better stay focused and on track I,ll be catching up on all your achievements so I want positive input from all of you , TIRED, ROLL, CAROL, MICHELLE NO STRESS EATING, NO COMFORT FOOD, NO EXCUSES
BREKKI / DECAF I only drank half of it yuk, what a bummer, APPLE,SLICE OF FRUIT TOAST 200CALS
SW 172
CW 165
GW 132
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Old 11-08-2004, 05:22 PM   #338  
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Good evening. Julie, have a great trip. We'll be looking forward to hearing from you when you return. Roll, that's a good idea to bring something to the theater. I've had a cafe latte at the theater and found it tasty and comforting. Carol, thanks for all the kudos and good ideas.

I had a good idea. It helped that a pair of pants that didn't fit me last year are loose this year-a good reminder. Ate fairly well today. Like you Roll, I need to expand my choices too.

breakfast - cafe au lait (110)
lunch - salad with a little turkey, ham and egg (400)
dinner - stiry fry tofu with veggies (400), smoothie (500), a piece of chicken (100)
All done for today - 1510 - a good eating day, lots of healthy food, lots of water and more water to come.

Thanks for all your support.
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Old 11-08-2004, 06:11 PM   #339  
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Well girls I made it through my day and what a Monday it was! I'm finding the top of my desk finally. I have to do my 3" of filing in the morning, go to calling hours, and a 2:00 meeting and finalize a couple of reports. But its coming along. I didn't think today would ever end! I'd like to get out of the office and really spend sometime with my clients maybe wed. and thurs.. Thurs I have no office to work in because its closed for the holiday. I will be forced to go out into the community to see people. Hurray!
At any rate I am feeling a bit better tonight. I didn't eat my salad today for lunch.
Lunch: 1 turkey/ham and cheese wrap, few chips oooops! 1/4 pickle and 32oz. H20
Dinner: 3 meatballs from yesterdays dinner with sauce and a bit of mozzarella
15 cashews and a few dried cranberries
Snack planned: fresh pineapple and cantalope w/ 1/2 cup no sugar ice cream
No exercise today but Tues. I will make a pt. of getting there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Julie we look forward to chatting when you return. Be safe!
Roll and Tired I am going to ck out that SB recipe site.
tODAYS CALORIES??? 1400 calories maybe high end 1500 but not too bad of a day.
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Old 11-09-2004, 01:38 AM   #340  
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Lightbulb Good Night

Hi All,
Julie, I hope and pray that your test comes back okay. Good for you for walking . I feel so much better when I can get my body moving. I'll miss you this week. Have a great time. Hurry back.

I'm so glad this day is over. It turned out well but I get so anxious around money issues. I didn't over eat.
I had:
breakfast--raspberry smoothie 300

lunch----chicken salad 400

2 cups of coffee with cream 120

beef patty with provolone and maranara 400
1 cup edemame 120

Carol, good going with your calories.
I feel like snacking now. But I won't. I'm going to have a cup of tea and zone out in front of the tv with a rented dvd--------a mindless, embarrassing tv program. Thanks for being here.
Take care. "See" you tomorrow.
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Old 11-09-2004, 06:57 AM   #341  
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Goodmorning all! Confession time I ate a couple of handfuls of potatoe chips last night. The hubby had them out and I gave in. Where was my will power! Oh well today is another day and I guess look forward not backwards. Thats what I always tell others.
Today I plan on working out after work. I should finish on time today, yesterday was a bit wild. Today unless something comes up should be better. Yah jsut never no in the human service field. But I know this will be a better choice day. I need to remember what goes in the lips goes on the hips! Old but true huh?
Julie your missed already and my thoughts are with you. You bring something special to this site.
Tired hey we must be on the same calorie idea? Maybe when we are bored and can't figure out what to eat we can use each others menus. That goes for all of us. Just a a thought. Proud of you and Julie for exercising. Didn't you feel good afterwards?
Even if our food for the day is off a little the exercise helps balance us out.
Roll I have to get into the smootie thing sounds good. I should have followed your evening and had tea. Good one to try next time.
We have a inch of white stuff on the ground and little coming down. Good thing I walked around the lake sunday. 2nd day of snow many to come last year we had 200". Oh how I hope we get less this year. I live about 30 min. from work in the good weather 45 at least in bad. Oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My intake:
Breakfast: 1 slice dark german toast w/ blueberry jam little, coffee 1 c. kashi cereal
Lunch: 32 oz. water for work ? on lunch I will be out of the office.
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Old 11-09-2004, 11:06 AM   #342  
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Lightbulb Good Morning

Hi All,
Just a quick check in. Busy day today. We'll be out a lot. I'm going to stop by Trader Joes to pick up some healthy food. Have you guys tried their plain greek yogurt? Not the Trader Joe's brand, it's called Fage-- 0 fat and it's hard to believe. My daughter is waiting for this computer. We're sharing until I can hook her up to another one.


lunch---chicken salad


dinner roast chicken and lots of vegetables

I have to fast tomorrow for my test on Thursday. What a way to lose weight. I'll check in later.

Carol, it sounds like you are being good and rational with yourself about the chips. It never helps me to feel remorse and shame. That's the place I went to before this thread. Your attitude sounds really forgiving and helpful. It's such a pleasure to read your posts.

I'm doing my calandaring today and I'm going to plug in a trip to the gym.

Well, I have a pre-teen breathing down my neck.
Gotta Go.
Thanks for being here.
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Old 11-09-2004, 09:32 PM   #343  
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Good evening all. It's good to read about all that healthy food you're eating. The roast chicken with veggies sounds yummy. I think I'll make that soon. I added a few extras today to food and watched the calories go up a little bit. It's good to stick with the black coffee for me and not too many snacks. All in all though it was a good day. I'm looking forward to having Thursday off. My son is having his 10th birthday party at a local roller rink.

breakfast - skipped again - a bad habit
lunch - salad with turkey, ham, cheese slices 400 (no dressing), little pear (50)
snack - apple, coffe with milk (350) unfortunately it was whole milk
dinner - 1 cup peanuts with shells 340, smoothie (400)
Total about 1540
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Old 11-10-2004, 07:11 AM   #344  
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Roll: Enjoy the teenagers while you can the empty nest comes soon enough. I am helping take care of my grandson in 3 weeks. Mom and Dad are going on a cruise for 10 days. He is used to coming over etc. but it will be an adjustment. Thank God I had those kids young and life is good I can still chase them around etc.... Sounds like your doing good with your intake. I don't have a Traders Joe. Sometimes I find it really hard to get a yogurt with no sugar/ fat etc... I get so confused! I am going to ck it out again sometimes I look and walk away with nothing. I wish I could find some greek yogurt. Sometimes if we write our plans to workout its more mind set and we have a better chance of doing it. I hope to make it a part of my routine.
Tired I have to eat my breakfast. I wake up at 6:00 a.m. and if I don't fit it in then the whole day gets messed up for me. Good idea with the black coffee. I started about 24 years ago drinking black once in awhile I like the flavored creamers. Kelly Lynns gym way back then taught me that I could drink black. I really enjoy it now.
More calories for something else.
My calories yesterday added up to about 1550. I worked out at the gym for 50 min. tried some different equipment. Lifting wt. with the machines, the over the shoulder lifts are tough. But I feel the difference already and that helps motivate me to go back. I continue to watch others and pick up little ideas. It was pretty busy there yesterday and before I would of pulled right out of the parking lot. So I guess I FEEL MORE COMFORTABLE! At first I would only do the treadmill, what I was used to.
Treadmill 25, wt. resistant 25
Todays Plan: breakfast: 1 cup kashi 150 splash of milk, 1 german dark toast dry 90
Fiber: 10 Breakfast Lunch:4
Snack: celery w/ peanut butter 60cal. 1 tablespoon
Lunch: salad greens w/ tuna, cheese, lemon hummous 350 calories
6 melba garlic toast 60 cal.
Apple:80 cal.4fibers
Dinner: Lemon PepperRed Talapia fish 105cal
wild rice 1/2 cup 150 cal.fib.1
broccoli 1 cup cal.44 fib.14
beets pickled 1/2 c. cal.75 fib.4
Snack: 1 smoothie frozen blueberries, yougurt etc... 300 cal. fib. ?
I have decided to try and count my fibers. In the past that worked well for me and I think I will try it again. It isn't easy to make sure otherwise I am getting enough. I think its about 25- 30 a day to reach for. Good luck girls and keep up the good work together we will make it. I enjoy this site and it helps me alot to just keep in touch and make an effort to be accountable for my intake and exercise.
Tahnks for all your kind words and support!
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Old 11-10-2004, 12:13 PM   #345  
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Lightbulb Good Morning

Today is prep day for my colonoscopy. No solid food unless you count jello. I guess I'll take it easy today, at least I'll try.
My food plan? Gee, the Fleet laxative doesn't have a calorie count listed on the box. I don't think I'll count the liquids I'm having today.

Carol and Tired, it's so funny that you would mention black coffee. I'm having it today and it really isn't so bad. Carol, I love hearing about your gym experiences. I hope I have some to share soon, as well. I just payed my monthly fees to the gym and it really doensn't feel very good to flush that money down the toilet.
I had a mashed sweet potato yesterday. Lots of calories and carbs but so yummy and full of vitamin A. It was a healthy splurge and I kept within my limits. I'm thinking------sweet potato with splenda, vanilla, a little non fat milk and pumpkin pie spice--------whipped. I'm going to try that recipe when I get to eat again unless one of you tries it first and says it doesn't work.
Well, I'm going to keep this short. If I'm missing tonight and tomorrow, you know why.

Thanks for being here. Talk with you soon. Take care, you're doing great!
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