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Old 09-15-2004, 03:24 PM   #121  
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You know I have to say, I haven't been doing as well as I was, but still not so bad. My schedule still has not straightened out, and next week will be even worse, but I am still watching what I eat, even if I am not counting calories, or following the South Beach, just keeping down my portions, and watching my choices. For example, for dinner yesterday (my husband was going to be home late) I got turkey chili from the train station instead of McDonald's.
But I swear I am addicted to my work-outs. I just feel so out of sorts when I don't swim in the morning.
Every one keep going! You are all doing great!!!!
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Old 09-15-2004, 08:24 PM   #122  
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Hblank - Please don't get discouraged - you've already lost 5lbs, that's a great start. I really like the calorie counting diet. I find it's easy to manage and all I need is my calorie book and lots of healthy food, mainly fruits and veggies. At work I keep a fruit basket for munching. No-fat yogurt smoothies with a banana and fruits have been great too - very filling, low in cals. Also, I never skip breakfast. I read that too and I do think that helps a lot. I usually eat between 300-450 cals for breakfast.

You are inspiring me with your workouts - you must feel your body starting to firm up and change. I really want to focus on that area in the next few weeks as I haven't been making it to the gym enough. After I weighed in this morning, I got excited and then lost site a bit of the lifestyle change, so it will be back on track tomorrow.

breakfast - two eggs on raisin toast (330)
lunch - two stoned wheat healthy pb cracker sandwiches (300), lots of cut up carrots (100 at most)
snack - 1/4 cup almonds 170
dinner - this was my downfall, after driving the kids and doing a million have to errands for three hours I gave in to a healthy, but probably hi-cal Indian dinner with yogurt for dessert. I figure at least 1,000 cals which puts me up about 300 cals at a bad time of day. Not like the old days though when I'd eat about a quart of ice cream and the Indian food and a couple of beers. . .

This is not a diet - it's a lifestyle change for the rest of our lives - we want to live longer and healthier and we can do it!!!!! Stay in touch Hblank, I know you can do it.
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Old 09-16-2004, 01:29 AM   #123  
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Hello Ladies!
H- We all know you can do it, and we all know we have our good days and bad. If you are a bit off track now, just know that you can change it. I know i am the worlds best procrastinator. Until now. And if I have faith in you, as does everyone else in can push through it!

Remember to shoot for the moon, if you miss you will settle in the stars!

Over all today was great, not as much walking as I would like, but i digress....such is the life of a chronic 9-5er with a sit in her cubicle and shut up job.
Points are on target, water is on is getting better, and the changes are getting easier each day.

Good Luck to all, I know you can do it if the world best procrastinator can!
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Old 09-16-2004, 04:22 PM   #124  
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Hi. Today has some good diet parts and some not so good. Synn, what do you know about water - how much is the right amount?

breakfast - smoothie (500)
lunch - two pieces of pizza, apple, diet soda (probably 1,000)
Hence I used up my cals way too quickly today. I hope to stop here and try to get back on the wagon tomorrow.

exercise - 30-45 minutes of roller blading, lots of fun. I went with the kids who had the day off. I LOVE exercising to music.
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Old 09-16-2004, 08:09 PM   #125  
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Hey tired....according to the standard diets in life you should drink 6 to 8 glasses of water each day (which equates to 48 to 64 oz of water each day) But more recent studies have shown that in order to keep your body properly hydrated you should drink 1/2 oz. for each pound that you weigh.
As an example for my current weight (down to 313 from start date, I should drink 156.5 oz. of water per day which is a total of roughly 20 glasses)
I currently strive to drink 80 oz per day, which is more at night for me, because it is just easier, and i like to keep hydrated throughout the night to ensure that my kidneys function properly.

Now for a disturbing little factoid, the best way to tell if you body is properly hydrated is by the color of your urine. If you have any tint to it what so ever other than a very pale almost clear yellow then you are not getting enough water. Your urine should be one of those two colors. By any other color your body is signifying to you that your kidneys, bladder, and gall bladder are working overtime to process bile hence the coloration of your urine.

Now, keep in mind I am not a doctor I just tend to be one of those people who just tends to read multiple medical studies on bodily functions and whatnot.
So the suggestions and facts that I share with you are just that, suggestions.
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Old 09-16-2004, 08:37 PM   #126  
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Thanks Synn! I really overdid it with the caffeine today so as I write I'm drinking a very large bottle of water. Tough diet day but I made through just a bit over my 1500 cal mark. I did go grocery shopping tonight and bought lots and lots of healthy alternatives such as dried apricots (I love those), healthy cereal, tofu, low carb wheat tortillas, whole wheat healthy crackers, whole wheat english muffins, the ingredients for veggie chili, etc., etc. I'm ready to get back on track tomorrow. Have a good night.
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Old 09-16-2004, 10:19 PM   #127  
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You're welcome....if you cannot stomache your water i have found that flavored water, or sometimes even sparkling water helps. I love the stuff so, I have no problems drinking it.

And as a little tip, according to WW coffee and tea both count toward your water goals.

But was great....I am stuffed after only 18 points...I had a Luna Bar for breakfast (4 PTS)

I had my splurge of creamy chicken flavor ramen noodles for lunch (8 PTS)

Finally, for dinner I had about 1 1/2 c of whole wheat pasta with ground veal and mushroom sauce for a whopping 6 PTS


I have also spoiled myself a bit today and bought two different flavors of Clearly Canadian water (love the stuff but it is a bit pricey for water) and drank one today, saving the other for tomorrow. That plus the other bottle of water gave me 30 oz during the day, right now I am drinking another 20 me 50. After that I will drink regular water to finish out my 80 ounces.

I do however need to start kicking my own butt to start exercising....any words of encouragement???
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Old 09-16-2004, 11:01 PM   #128  
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Hi everyone checking in is a great idea tired might keep me motivated not doing to bad changed eating habits a week ago I,m in Australia so we are in kgs started at 87kg now 84kg I know most of this is fluid loss but still feel positive well sort of had boiled egg and slice multigrain toast for brekki and salmon salad and cup vegie soup jury is still out for dinner thanks again for a great idea bye now blessed be julie
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Old 09-17-2004, 07:36 PM   #129  
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Hi Synn, Julie and all, I'm having an uphill battle this week. This is the time of year that I caved on my diet last year so I'm really going to think hard about what it is that's making it difficult. The pace of my life is really, really busy right now - I pretty much go non-stop from early morning to late in the evening. I'm also always behind because I simply have too much on my plate. Can I take something off the plate - perhaps? I need to think about that. I also have to fit in the exercise. I want to run the race I'm planning on on November 21 which means I've got to start getting up some endurance and speed on the treadmill. Right now I can only run slowly for ten minutes - I'm really out of shape!, but less so than two months ago. I also think I might have to readjust my eating pattern to fit my new, hectic but somewhat sedentary days. Thanks for listening. If you have any thoughts, let me know.

breakfast - cereal, milk, banana (325)
lunch - pb sandwich, yogurt - (600)
snack - one plum (45)
dinner - large salad w/dressing - I'm sure that brings me in at 1500 or a bit more
lots of water

Have a nice day all.
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Old 09-17-2004, 09:18 PM   #130  
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G,day again tired you start off discouraged but pick up by saying all the things you know you have to do to pick upyour game stay positive you know where you went wrong last time so keep focused just knowing that others are out there I can touch base with when I,m ready to grab some chocolate is helping me I,m so glad I, found this site so stay true to yourself and you know you can do it bye for now Blessed Be Julie
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Old 09-18-2004, 08:46 AM   #131  
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Hi Julie, thanks for the good words! I'm realizing that the grad course I'm taking coupled with my school responsibilities have me feeling a bit too "squished" and food has usually been my outlet. Thanks for being here. Hope you have a good day!

breakfast - cereal/milk, raisin toast (325)
planned lunch - non fat yogurt smoothie with fruit (400)
planned dinner - ??? We'll see.
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Old 09-18-2004, 07:22 PM   #132  
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G,day tired your welcome I,m fine having a good day so far I know the feeling I,m studying for my Diploma in Counselling and I find it easier to grab stodge instead of healthy too oh well another day and tomorrows always fresh with no mistakes in it Bye for now JULIE
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Old 09-19-2004, 06:40 AM   #133  
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Good Morning - yesterday the uphill battle continued due to many life events - nothing serious just time consuming and keeping me away from the gym and making me want to eat. I probably ate a little too much, but everything was fairly healthy.

lunch - meatball sandwich (1/2 of what I usually would eat), banana/milk/ice shake (low cal, filling yummy) altogether about 700 - the sandwich was too much.
snacks - five almonds (very filling), celery and salsa, small piece of cheese quesadilla
altogether 200
dinner - veggie chili, tofutti bar (yummy, chocolate fix for only 35 cals) altogether about 500
The day's total about 1700 give or take a bit - not bad, my goal cals are 1500, the cals I need to maintain my desired weight 150 are about 1900 - so I'm in the range.
No exercise again! That's my goal this week to really work at fitting in exercise starting today.

breakfast cereal/milk, one piece raisin toast (I just can't buy this toast it has little redeeming health value) 245 total. Also, I've noticed that mornings when I don't eat protein I'm much hungrier all day so back to the protein tomorrow for breakfast.
lunch/dinner - I'm still trying to make time to get to the orchard and/or farm stand - those farm fresh fruits and veggies really help me stay on course.

I hope everyone has a good day - I've got a big "mom" day starting with my son's football game, then off to a road race that my three boys and husband are running in, and then hopefully some exercise for me at the gym or out on the roads. Take care.
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Old 09-19-2004, 05:57 PM   #134  
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G,daytired I hope you have a great day with family finding time to exercise I think is everyone,s problem at times, the intentions are good but something else come,s first but don,t worry a day,s missed exercise is,nt going to blow all your good hard effort so far and like I tell my kids,s the only limitations in life are the one,s we put on ourselves so give yourself a pat on the back and remember tomorrow is always there Bye for now JULIE
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Old 09-20-2004, 06:51 PM   #135  
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Thanks for the encouragement Julie. I finally had a really good day after several of an uphill battle with food and lack of exercise.
breakfast - whole wheat English muffins, healthy pb, milk (the protein for breakfast really makes a difference in my whole day.) about 500
lunch - apricots, banana, pear about 300
dinner - veggie chili, peanuts, choc. tofutti bar about 500
ex - 30 mins gym machines - really good workout to rock and roll.

What made the difference today? exercise, lots of fruits and veggies and water, water, water! I have to remember this every day.

Have a good day all!

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