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Old 09-28-2004, 03:43 PM   #211  
Happy September
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I missed your egg Miss Teel. I was browsing the SBD forums to get ideas for recipes. My friend still has my book! LOL I best buy myself another one.
Just finished 2 loads of wash and put them away. Sorting through more junk. Where does it all come from? Raining all day and some storms are worse than others. Turned the A/C back on so I can breathe!

Have a great afternoon!
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Old 09-28-2004, 05:19 PM   #212  
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join the club mel its bloody freezing here and cold and windy so im going to get dh to help me with my jammies and im going to watch some fillm dont know what one yet will tell you what one tomorrow
nite nite all
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Old 09-28-2004, 06:57 PM   #213  
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Okay just have to pop in and give you the BC weather report... misty fog this morning which turned into sunny and warm It is fabulous

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Old 09-28-2004, 11:49 PM   #214  
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Mel...I made it! Hi All..guess I'm the newbie! May take me time to figure it all out as "Im" really not PC friendly lol...

Have a great day, Marie
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Old 09-29-2004, 12:23 AM   #215  
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Old 09-29-2004, 07:05 AM   #216  
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Yo and good morning to everyone...including our new cyber friend Wish'n!! Great name Wish'n. Welcome to our mad group. I hope you find us as I think we are...very friendly, always ready to give a friendly advice and a shoulder to weep over when necessary...
Coffee anyone? I am just having one...
Ah and at last I have got round to putting on another photo cd of my London holiday so I will attach some more piccies for you to join in my holiday memories...
Wish'n, I looked at your profile and cannot help wondering what is TOLE PAINTING??
Thanks to Miss Mel for my p.m. I look forward with great anticipation to my snail mail!!

It feels very Autumnal in the air outside today.I think the sun is trying to get through and it is not raining or doing anything unsociable like precipitating. Tomorrow is the big day I am trying not to wait for!!I have to be at the hospital at 09:30hrs for my injection into my back...I am not entirely sure where he is sticking the needle...iether in my soine or my sacro iliac joint... I just can't wait till it is all over and done with... I can't find a smilie that takes on the adjective " hurts like h" so you will have to make do with an headache!! So if you don't hear from me tomorrow you will know what I am up to. Thank goodness my support worker is coming with me as my neighbour is still away in sunny Crete lucky thing!!

LINUS how are you today? Somehow I don't think yoy are very well as your posts lately have been very short and not up to your lengthy epistles which I think give the game away. Keep warm, wrap up well and regain some of your usual strength.
SHAD, ready for when you can log on and read this post..."HELLO!" I hope you are ok and dealing with whatever Melbourne throws at you with your usual panache!Are you home soon? I am afraid I will say it again...I miss you!!And so I say do all of us!! I 'spect Sunday does as well...can't speak for DS though... How is the gym going?
MEL come on, its time to awake and face the day. I hope the weather is not too bad where you are. America seems to have fared badly in the hurrican season this year. I have a friend who has a friend in Florida and the news pictures we are seeing from there showing the freak weather looks absolutely terrible. I must ring my friend and see how she is. She is a nurse which is how I know her...we all used to live in the same residenses and then Miss J. fell in love with a doctor whilst he was trainig in our hospital before he upsticked and went to live in Florida after they got married. Seems a long time ago now.
I had a terrible nightmare the other night...I dreamt the house was on fire and I couldn't wake some one up and there was a charred body as well....good grief I think I am better off not sleeping at night! Might be a bit more peaceful in my brain!! Mel had better send me a few of her firemen...
HAPPYhello to Happy as I hope you are today? I don't like it when my friends are miserable... I do enough of that for the whole thread all by myself!!
Ah well I suppose I had better get on with the day. The sooner today is finished with, the sooner tomorrow will be here AND gone as well!! And yippee is what I'll say to that, except I know I will hurt for a few days from tomorrow as well. Roll on the weekend!!
Bye bye then. Keep safe. Keep well. Be good!! See you soon!!
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Old 09-29-2004, 07:16 AM   #217  
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Oh blast I FORGOT THE PICTURES!!!! And now my smilie link will not work either!!!
These are
1.of myself and my friends daughter waiting for the begining of The Changing Of The Guard outside Buckingham Palace
2.View of the Palace from St. James Park
3. The Irish Guards and their mascot dog...of course its an Irish Wolfhound!
4. And the marching guards themselves.
I have forgotten which order they are actually in so you will have to work it out for yourselves!! But you get the general gist I am certain!!!
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Old 09-29-2004, 09:26 AM   #218  
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Morning ladies...

Welcome Wish'n / Marie. I see you are from beautiful BC - tell us a bit about yourself. Nice bunch of ladies here - wild and crazy and thoughtful and reflective all at the same time!

Meadow, I LOVED your picture of the fall colors. I'm afraid it's been so dry around here that we're not going to get much of a display this year. The trees are trying to turn but the leaves are rather dull and dry and crispy.

Really enjoyed your pictures too Teel, that's some DOGGIE there - looks more like a mini horse!

Mel, why did you lend out your brand new SB recipe book already? I am starting to become stingy with my books. I realized that I lose many of them. The receptionist at our office remembered she had one of my books. I asked her to bring it back and she never did. Now she's gone and so is my book. That's happened more times than I care about so now on the rare occasion I do lend out to other than my family, I act like a librarian and put a post it note on my cabinet. Within 2 weeks I'm pestering them to get my book back. Hope you find some good recipes for yourself.

Teel, I will keep my and say a prayer or two for you so that your procedure is painless and over before you know it. You poor dear, wish I could give you a gentle massage so you could relax those tight muscles of anticipation.

From what I hear this is not freak weather in Florida with the hurricanes although I do feel so sorry for those people. I can't imagine having to leave my home - more than once and coming back to maybe not even having a home. I heard that the last few years the hurricane season has been rather quiet. This is more of a catch up rather than an abnormality. And one girl said this pattern will continue for a few more years. I think the hardest part is that there is such a large population of seniors / elderly in the state. Me, I could pick up a broom and shovel and hammer and nails and plywood and take care of me house myself but so many of these people need assistance that I'm sure there's not enough folks to go round even with volunteers. Gosh what a mess.

I am one step closer to getting a job offer I think - and it would be with the company that would have me moving out of state down south. So far I am the strongest candidate to apply but the position will be posted until the end of this week. I will know more for sure by Monday. I think DH is ready to leave this very minute. They have extended my termination date while we await to see if this job comes through. So Thursday will not be my last day as planned and I will not be sleeping in on Friday and then cleaning the basement and washing walls. Good and bad.

In the meantime I am trying hard to journal my food, watch my choices and stick with the water and exercise. Last night it was too cold and windy to ride the bikes and today I had to break down and turn the furnace on as it was 63 degrees in the house. Brrr. Great for sleeping, not good for being up and about.

I must be getting on with the day - hellos to Nae and Shad - hope you are keeping warm my friend and muddling through the nuances of Infotrack. Hope to hear from you soon. Take care all and have a good day...
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Old 09-29-2004, 05:08 PM   #219  
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teel no reading of the minds please i like to be in agony in private incase you all get fed up listening to me moaning about it but your right my knees are killing me my back feels like a tribe of gnomes have been using it as a step ladder hence mega sore and as for my neck im not going into it needless to say im veiwing the world from a very funny angle at the moment MARIE welcome to the madhouse enjoy yourself and if your making scones we all like to be invited ill need to ask mum to get me another xmas card and before you all shout mum was in a charity shop the other day and saw xmas from scotland cards so because i talk to her about you all the time she bought me some for you all very corny but lovely so ill have to get you to pm me with your adresses closer to xmas HAPPY were all rooting for you and keeping everything crossed bad luck on not getting that lie in but i think youd more like to know where you stand on the job front and home front more just think when you get the job you can have a holiday to make up for all the stress i really am sending you as much good luck as i have" good luck" MEL i only get national calls free but im keeping that number and one of these days when your not expecting it ill call and ill remember the tip about e-mailing first so your off the phone i keep forgeting about internet coming through the phone mine comes through my cable SHAD how are you ?? job not driving you to nuts i hope !! never mind it will soon be time to go home again heres hoping now the footies done youll get a cheaper flight conner asked if you had ever put a kangaroo in any of your posts so i took him to your pics and he had a ball looking throiugh all the photos but for some strange reason he thinks the roos and koalas are in your back garden!!!!! ROSE hows the great outdoors ? enjoying it i hope what movie are we on now? stay well and let us know how you are MEADOW pics are great wed probably have some lovely autumn colour but its all to wet to see so keep them coming and if it ever stops raining ill try and get you some scottish colour right ladies the dogs are sitting here with crossed legd waiting to go out for a wee so im off and ill speak to you all tomorrow
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Old 09-29-2004, 07:24 PM   #220  
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I am so very sorry I wasn't here to greet you but I see the girls gavre you a warm welcome!! so glad to that you found the place!!! I did not have a POP day here and it involved crumbcake for breakfast! Hope you and Ty(son) have a great night Have not finished chapter 2 yet either!! LOL I will get it read by the end of the weekend! Just having a problem juggling outings, chores and reading!!! So little time and so much to do!

Teel~ Lovely pics!! I always thought of you as taller for some reason! Hope the needle works out OK and keep us posted. I do so hate back pain of any kind! Mail out day will be Friday I think.(or tomorrow if I get a ride) Depends on my unreliable "other" busdriver! But I do know that you will be surprised! Hurricanes are a common thing in Florida but not back to back with so many at one time nor taking the same path! God help them down there! The Bahamas took a beating too. Thank the Lord I live in the north! LOL

Linus~ I will send nicer gnomes with velvet slippers on to walk on your back where the bad ones were! Of course this weather is not helping anyone!!! I hope you feel better also. You can come and rant and whine every day!! I don't care and neither does anyone else!!! We adore your posts! So please don't stay away!!!

I have a thought too.....

I would like everyone's address too so if you could all PM it I would appreciate it!

Happy~ I think of you and Hubby and hope a decision can be made soon. (((((((HUGS)))))) in the meantime and just know good thoughts are aimed your way!!! You are so right about the books! I lent out 6 and got 5 back. Noew this month I can see the cookbook may never come home! The thing that frosts my cupcakes is that both of these women have WAY more money than I have and BOTH know it too!! I will keep my mouth shut from now on!!! Post-its are a good idea and I did that with the first one. She said she never had it. Meanwhile I hate to admit that I lent them all out and had not read any of them! !!!

Well girls....spent the whole day outside and feel tired. Had dinner with the kids again and they just left a bit ago. Too long a day!! Missing Shad and Nae...hope they are both OK and doing well. I know Shad is unhappy with the job and send her all my love. Hope she can find a better one next time!! I think of her every day. Best to get my butt in the shower now before I find another thing to do!! LOL Have a great night! And good Morning Sunshine.
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Old 09-29-2004, 08:03 PM   #221  
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Good morning gals. And yes it is morning 'cos it is 40 minutes past mdnight as I I seem to have reached a new height in the can't sleep challenge as I have been awake 3 times in the 2 1/2 hours since I first got to bed. I am going to feel like a walking nightmare by the time I have to be at the hospital in the I meen...later, in just over 9 hrs time... I LOVE these smilies...especially when my link works! Each one really does say a thousand words, I think!!
Thanks for all your good wishes for the day ahead! I too wish someone was here to "mother" me afterwards! A nice soothing cool hand stroking my head and a proffered mug of tea and simply being there to watch me fall asleep and be there when I wake up is my idea of heaven right now!! Happy, thanks for the offer!! I have a spare bed going free any night it is wanted!!
Holly just made me jump a mile out of my chair! I am actually sitting in the study without the light on 'cos I can see enough to from the screen light. She looks a bit ghostly looming up in the dark!! I am glad I saw her coming before she touched my leg! People watching the night sky would have thought they were seeing another u.f.o.!!
Oh my gosh! I sort of forgot no-one except Shad has seen me in the flesh and now I have gone and posted a picture of me outside Buckingham Palace!! Ooops!

Ah well Holly has just gone out to the garden I hope to do something useful whilst she is out there!! It feels rather chilly out there...and in here too with the back door open! But the pc thermometer says it is 12 degreesso I suppose it is quite a mild night really!!
And I spose I'd better go back to bed and see how long I can stay asllep for this session. Anything longer than 40 minutes seems to be the target I am aiming for!! Night night (again).
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Old 09-29-2004, 08:15 PM   #222  
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Thank you all for the warm welcome! I do appreciate it!

So you want to know a little about me hmm... Well Im 40 yrs old, a single Mom of a boy 15 ( Mel mentioned above) he is the light of my life.. he is and will always remain my boy! I love to do crafts of all kinds, I took up tole painting last year..which is finding a design and layering and shading the paints to make it almost look 3D..I love to read (although lately time is short and Im falling behind) and sing, and one of my other life long passions is to learn sign language....maybe next year.... I have been overweight the majority of my young life, I did lose weight and was down to 130ish and then in 1995 I had my second heart surgery and gained most of it back, however the final straw so to say came when I had my car accident two years ago and gained the remainder of the weight....and so here I sit ! And that's my story and Im stickin to it!

In time I do hope to remember all of your names! And again thank you for the warm welcome!

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Old 09-30-2004, 05:07 AM   #223  
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Better hurry and get this done or I will be running out of my $5 again.

Here goes for the weight and measurements for the month.
Weight - 75/75/75/74.5/74/73/ 74/ 72/71.5 Down .5K
Upper Chest 40/39.5/39/39.5/39 /39.5/ 39.5/ 39/ 37.5 Down 1.5 inch
Bust 44/43.5/42.5/43.5/43.25/42.5/ 42.5/ 41/ 41.5 up .5 incches
Lower Chest 36/35.75/35.5/36/35/34/ 35.5/ 34/ 35.25 Up 1.25inches
Waist 36/36.5/35.5/35.75/35.5/34/ 34 5/ 33.25/ 34.25 Up 1.inch
Upper Hips 42/41.5/41/42.25/41/40.5/ 40/ 39.75/ 40.25 up .5 inch
Lower Hips 41/40.5/40/40.5/40/40/ 39.75/ 39/ 39 Same
Top of Leg 22.5/22/21.5/22/21.75/21.75/ 21.75/ 21.25/ 21 Down .25
Top of Arm 12.5/12.5/12.5/12.5/12.5/12.5/ 12.25/ 12.25/ 12 Down .25

Mixed results, I knew I was losing some fitness, but the clothes don't feel too much different. Overall considering the stress and strain I'll take it.

Been away longer that I anticipated. I've had a few problems at work and it is turning cold again. Feel like a slug sometimes. I wont go into them as it just stresses me out again. I have promised my wee man to stay for the length of my contract as I have to give 4 weeks notice anyway, but no extensions for me thanks. Please find me something else.

Melbourne has had the usual four seasons in one day again. But it must be warming up, now I am wearing thermals under my tee shirts!!!!

I'm supposed to be going to meet a friend on Sunday. I haven't seen her in over 40 years. Will we recognise each other. Who knows but apparently it will also be her mothers 82nd birthday so lets see how well she remembers!!!

Welcome to Wishin/Marie. Great to meet you and I'm looking forward to finding out all the ins and outs of your weight loss world and your 'normal' world. What is normal anyway.

I went off to the gym this morning and sweated freely to the weights - dreaded weights. Time to up some of them I think as I got through 4 repetitions in 30 minutes and had to spend 15 minutes on the treadie to make up the time. I need to up it a bit to get back to the weight loss rate I had before. They have installed a scale at the gym and I have tried it out over the last couple of days. Don't worry, I had my clothes on. I reckon they weigh about a kilo. I take my shoes off, because they weigh in at 2K so I found out.

Happy, I'm happy for you that the job may well be in the offing. It will be good for you to have it there waiting for you. Disregard the note I sent via DH's email if it no longer applies (your's came back to me as undeliverable).

Teel, great news on the exercise. Keep it going.

Linus - glad to hear you have caught up with Teel. So good to hear her delightful British tones is it not? DS always tells me its England on the line. How he can tell when all the phone displays is out of area call, I don't know. Sometimes he is even right, but heck don't tell him I said so. I'll pm you my phone numbers one day and you can ring me too. Anything to cheer up my day.

Meadow, I have one of Richard Simmons sweating to the oldies. I quite like it. But it is only about 50 minutes long. It's better than the Pilates one I am using now I can tell you. Should have brought it down with me. May well do when I go back again.

Nae, nice to hear about the filly and the mountains and snow!!!!! Be at peace my friend. Life is good, despite the assh*les that abound. The trick is to ignore them and hope they go away, or to simply belt the living daylights out of them at every opportunity.

Okay, I have about 3 minutes left. The speed this thing goes, it is going to take that long to post this. Have a happy day to all. I hope I haven't forgotten anyone. Give everyday your best and lets get this show on the road. In my case the faster I get things done, the faster I can go home. Yippee for that.
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Old 09-30-2004, 12:42 PM   #224  
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Hi everyone! Welcome to my fellow British Columbian Marie I'm down on the coast in Burnaby, are you in the Kamloops area or further up?

I have exercised every day this week. Found another Richard Simmons tape called Disco Sweat, that was fun, didn't do the floor work again because I get too tuckered out... if I went down on the floor I wouldn't get up again till morning At this rate I will be doing a different tape every day which should keep it interesting.

Yesterday my daughter (Sarah, 6 yrs) decided she was going to clean the house. While her younger sister was asleep on me on the porch swing outside, Sarah tidies and picks up all her toys and the other clutter in the living room and kitchen then vacuums it all, puts away all the dishes out of the dishwasher, then puts the dirty dishes in. Took her over 1/2 an hour and she was singing and giving me updates on her progress the entire time. I have no idea what brought on this sudden urge to be Miss Cleanjeans but I hope it continues

Happy-did you pamper yourself? Hope you hear about the job for sure soon, sounds like a wonderful change ahead!

Teel-How is your back? Did the injection help? Did you get any sleep at all? Cool pics of your London excursion, thank you for sharing.

Linus-((((hugs)))) for your poor body, sounds like you need a jacuzzi with lots of jets and warm wonderful water to soak away your pain. Get to the local swimming pool, they always have one of those, hop in and ease away all your achey bits.

Mel-good to be outside and enjoying the air isn't it, your new chair must have passed its checkup for miles travelled by now hasn't it? How wonderful! Did you ever go back and check out those slippers? Oriental weren't they? sounded very fine

Shad-good for you sticking it out! You know you would probably feel funny if you left sooner, a job undone and all that. As long as you are getting Melbourne explored and enjoyed you have something good come out of this. The weather sounds yucky, sorry, but thermal underwear? Has Antartica started moving closer to you? That must be dry and playing havoc with your skin, I know it would mine. Remember to moisturize

Rose-hey, how goes it? Are you enjoying the views out your window? I was watching all the birds in the backyard this morning. Stellars Jays, robins, Nothern flickers and black birds all flying up and down from the trees to the ground and up again. They made such a happy noise.

This is the Nothern Flicker, a type of woodpecker.

This is the Stellars Jay, loves peanuts in a shell, they come out of nowhere if you put some out on your deck here

Our good buddy the robin who seems to disappear during the summer and becomes visible again when fall arrives and the berries come out on the bushes.

Last edited by Meadow; 09-30-2004 at 12:58 PM.
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Old 09-30-2004, 06:57 PM   #225  
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Hello everyone I am late as usual! I just cannot seem to stay in the house!!! I would +Post from downstairs but don't want them to know where I am! I want a place of my own so I can B*TCH! Weather was cool but nice and went all over. The new chair would not go up in the air like it's supposed to so I could reach stuff but there may be a control that stops it cause the batteries are low. It is plugged into the wall as I type so I will see tomorrow! shopping was today and got veggies and canned goods. Nice sale in Pathmark on Del Monte! I had a POP day today so far with food but not water! Better get off here later and exercise!! Tomorrow I start adding up my minutes for my map!! I am still headed to Great Britain!!

Marie~ Seems like you have been here for a long time to me. Guess I am just so used to seeing your name every day for so many months! LOL don't sweat the reading. I am behind myself!!! LOL You go right ahead and stick to that story! I'll swear to it too! Jen wants to know if I am sick of Harry Potter yet and also not to buy the BF any dvds for Xmas! She said she's tired of both of our choices! Maybe I should ask her and get ones she likes?!? I think she likes the one's that Ty likes. does he want an older sister?????

Teel~ The parcel is mailed and on it's way. I had to declare it's contents in blood before they would accept it!!! MY GOD!!! did they think I was sending an effing time bomb!!! It wasn't ticking!!
Hope it gets there soon! They will keep you busy during the long winter months!!!

Shad~ I think I already answered this post along the way somewhere! I am soooooo very sorry for the unhappy job but I know you will tough it out and make the best of it! RELAX, RELATE, RELEASE! Know in your heart that all our good thoughts are with you and hope the time flies!Do some things that will pamper yourself!!! Are the neighbors good looking!!! ROFLMAO!!! Pretend you cannot breathe and need some mouth to mouth resussitation!! It just might work!! Love and hugs!

Meadow~ I just saw a robin the other day and also a cardinal but it went by so fast I don't know if it had the top hat on! LOL Loved the story of the Clean Jeans!!! Buy her a special dust mop of her own and watch her go!! When she gets good at it you can send her to Auntie Mel's house! Thell he I am willing to pay!!! Nice exercising Lady!!! You are getting to be more energetic than most of us! LOL good luck.

Hello to Happy, Linus and Nae of the Woods!!! Hope you 3 are well and happy also! Best get my shower done and get out of this sandbox and let someone else have a turn at castle building!!!
Sweet dreams all!!
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