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Old 04-01-2004, 02:09 AM   #1  
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Wink Around the world with 80 Chicks

Ok, so maybe there's not 80 chicks on this thread - but there COULD be if you guys would stop lurking and start

Welcome to the new spring home (for those of us in the northern hemisphere) and autumn home (for those who live down the southern way) of the former Focused Chicks of the World.

We are a happy bunch of good natured people from around the world sharing laughs and hugs and support and playing "what do you call that where you come from". So if you live in this world, join in. If you're out of this world, c'mon in anyway as we like finding out new things.

Some of us also are rather fond of the smilies.

Welcome, take your shoes off, set a spell...

Last edited by happy2bme; 04-01-2004 at 02:12 AM.
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Old 04-01-2004, 09:14 AM   #2  
Happy September
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Talking I am doing the happy wheelchair dance!!

THE WHEELCHAIR WAS APPROVED AND I AM SO EXCITED!!!! I just found out. Got a message from the company that they got approval!!! Also got approval to fix the 2 chairs so I can keep them all running 24/7!!!! Gotta love that nurse!!!! My Drs letter was a little over zealous and I sounded like I was dying. Now that the nurse conveyed my strength in all things to her Dr....He decided to approve it!!! She left a message too. We are all so happy now!! I want to thank all of you for your caring and words of encouragement. Just knowing you're there is what keeps me going. I haven't even told Jen yet. She's still sleeping! I must get dressed and go wake her up!

Linus~ Maybe I was too excited to laugh! I thought it would be some long and horrid name! Between my first name and my last.....I was teased at school unmercifully!!! It always rhymed with too many things!!!

Shad~ Hope you're feeeling better. Bet you are looking forward to the weekend! Enjoy!

Happy~ I'll send the addie and thanks again!! Thanks for the new home too. I like the change in names also. Very cute.

Well girls, I hope you all have a lovely day and as soon as I come off I'll drop in and we can have another chat I hope some others see this thread and come for a cuppa too!
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Old 04-01-2004, 09:15 AM   #3  
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glad i found you why o we have to change does it get to a certain lenghth and then cut us off has anyone sent teel and shaker the new home and no happy its not pronounced mcbain its the full blown heinz mcbean and if you only knew the torture i had going through school with that youd know why i hate it my eldest will call me mcbean when i say something he doesnt like for example tidy your room wash your face get pjs on get up go to sleep anf youngest is catching up to i reckon the hormones go up with the number of zits they get speak later after i get some meds on board
thanks for the new home and what happens to the old one
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Old 04-01-2004, 09:19 AM   #4  
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Default bravo

mel thats absolutly fantastic ill put the comoflage gear and the tear gas away as soon as you get it we expect a photo agaunwell done and hope you and it will live happily after after
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Old 04-01-2004, 02:04 PM   #5  
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Hi ladies, I would like to join your chats if I can? Mel I sent you a messge one time, I am so happy for you in getting what you so deserve. Fighting for equipment is a very hard job and so timeconsuming. SO GLAD FOR YOUR VICTORY! I don't have a lot of time right now but I be back and give a sort bio on myself in my next post! Have A Good Day All!
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Old 04-01-2004, 02:05 PM   #6  
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Can't spell today.....
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Old 04-01-2004, 03:24 PM   #7  
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hey rosebud welcome to the clan the girls on this thread are a great bunch and between them can answer most questions and lets be honest if theyll put up with me theyll talk to anyone once again welcome
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Old 04-01-2004, 04:21 PM   #8  
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Roseblush, how nice to have you join the madding crowds of the world chicks. You're from Idaho I see. Is that on a different time zone from Happy and/or Mel too?


Oh drat, I am in tears of joy here, so I better go get the witches hat on before the first student arrives.

Back Later
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Old 04-01-2004, 06:02 PM   #9  
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hey rosebluch sorry about the name my only exscuse apart from the medication is the fact that this lot is always talking about roses sorry again
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Old 04-01-2004, 06:51 PM   #10  
Happy September
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Roseblush~ So good to see you here. Yes you sent me a great e-mail!! I couldn't fit my head through the door for a week!! Nice of you to come in! See you soon! Thankyou for the words. I know you have been following the twisted tales of Mel
I'm surprised I didn't frighten everyone away!

Linus~whatever drugs they are, I think we could use a barrel full of them! Thank you also for the Mail with the kind words also

Shad~ I have been dancing all over the place today!!! I can hardly wait!!! Just when I stop crying, I start all over again! It's funny but I haven't got the "up" feeling from it all......I feel so relieved I just wanted to cry and go to bed. It must be old age! Battles are harder and harder to fight! Next time I'm gonna hire LINUS!!! She had all the armor out and the big guns too! How are you feeling? A weekend of just being HOME will do wonders! Just think.....your OWN bed!!!

More pot roast tonight. I'm turning into a side of beef! If I don't go food shopping tomorrow I'm staying up in the apt. Need to get the bills done and some snail mail to the Auntie. I actually got a letter from her. I need to do my exercise. Funny but the back stopped hurting! Good news is so much better than meds! Sweet dreams to some and Goodmorning Chickies to others. We're on a trip around the world and we have 79 days still to go!!!OH I am thinking I will join Jennifer's spring challenge. "No crap" days worked for me somewhat so maybe this would too!?!? I'll give it a whirl! Adios friends!
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Old 04-02-2004, 01:28 AM   #11  
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Mel ! Good news about the wheelchair! Will you be wheelies in it? Is that the wheelchair happy dance?!

Is it one you can operate yourself? My mum has one that has to be pushed She feels a bit embarrased to be out in it. She is not absolutely wheelchair bound but cannot walk much and her legs keep giving way. Dad is trying to encourage her so he can get out more with her. She only went out once and got soaked in the rain so I said she needs one of those cover things.
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Old 04-02-2004, 01:30 AM   #12  
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Hey chickies,

Mel, I couldn't be happier if I was getting a new chair myself! I am so glad they approved your request. It's wonderful news. So do you have to Flylady your house to find room to store your old chairs? I am very flattered that we knew before Jen did!

Shad, I just loved your dancing yee haws - most impressive with all the colored fonts and dancing going on. I think I like that better than a bunch of different smilies actually. By now I hope you are on your way home safe and sound and off to a productive weekend at home.

Linus, the reason we start a new thread every few months is because it seems that when the thread gets long and older and there are many pages of posts on it, we at times seem to have trouble posting or we'll lose our posts because the system doesn't respond fast enough. Very frustrating when you've spent a good lot of time pouring your heart out and you hit click and lose the whole thing into cyberspace. So when we accumulate about 20 pages of posts, we generally start a new thread. Glad you all found your way over here. I can always private message Shaker so she can find her way back again - particularly because I have changed the thread name. As to your other question - where do the old threads go? Well they just sit here and get farther back on the pages for this particular forum. I'm actually surprised that Suzanne has not deleted some of the older posts. There are threads dating back to October of 2001 when I think this forum first started.

You know, it makes me wonder if I should have changed the thread name. Do you think Teel will be able to find us? Maybe I should change it to Focused Chicks of the World again? Shad do you email Teel? If so, perhaps you can let her know where to find us when she gets back home again. See, the problem with me putting up the new thread is that when I do it, I change the name.

We started out as Help, I'm Just Drifting, then we went to Not Drifting Anymore, we're Focused, then we went to Focused Chicks of the World. We've been around these parts for a LONG time

Roseblush, it is nice to make your acquaintance. Hope you come back soon, pull up a chair, get a coffee and tell us a little about yourself.

Shad, Idaho where Roseblush hails from is more in the direction of north of Arizona. She is 2 hours earlier than me I believe, or perhaps it's 1 hour. Roseblush are you on Mountain time or Pacific time? And I am one hour earlier than Mel on the east coast.

Two weeks until vacation - I'm getting excited here!
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Old 04-02-2004, 01:49 AM   #13  
Goal by Aussie Summer!
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Hello - Brand new chick here - I'm from Sydney, Australia and found this fantastic message board by sheer accident - I was so inspired I kicked off on Atkins the very next day and I'm excited!
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Old 04-02-2004, 02:54 AM   #14  
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hi raven and welcome the good thing is on this site the inspiration never ends
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Old 04-02-2004, 03:57 AM   #15  
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Whoo, maybe naming this thread was a good thing happy. Now we also have Raven from Sydney town. We are getting very international again.
I'm sure Teel will find us again. But I'll send her the addy anyway. Haven't heard from Simon again so presume all is well.
Welcome Raven. Glad to have you on board. Did you mean to post with us or post with the new buddy forum. We'd love to have you chat and see how you go on the Atkins diet. Some folk here do very well on it. All sorts of people on all sorts of plans post here. You might like to chart your progress in the Journals as well. I do believe there is an Atkins Forum as well for you to check out. Yes this is an amazing site for information and support.

Happy I meant all those colours to come out as a rainbow effect but somehow the purple and the indigo just look like blue. More experimentation of the colours required I suspect. But it was fun and looked as happy as I felt for Mel. We're honoured that she told us before she told DD. Bet DD is spitting chips!

I'm back from the wilds of Toowoomba. Had a quiet drive back down the hill to Bris tonight and got home just in time for a fantastic sunset. It will be an early night tonight and busy busy busy tomorrow. I had a brief glance at the rose garden tonight before it got dark and it is blooming. The rose "Shocking Blue" is covered in lavender blooms and has also decided to become fragrant as well. Different fragrance from Double Delight or Just Joey - two of the best perfumes around but still fragrant. Thats all I ask.

Son is still waiting for the news of his loan to buy the house next door. It seems that it is not yet sold. The person who was going to put a deposit on it had their 'priest' out to have a look at it to see if it had the right 'vibes' (WTF) but they haven't heard back yet. Perhaps the priest is waiting for an e-mail from on high????

So onward and upwards towards a little mindless tv and then bed. My tea tonight is comfort food and it's lo cal. (love this wee bloke) Shall I say what it is?? no maybe not
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