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Old 02-07-2009, 09:14 AM   #211  
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Hi and happy Saturday to all! Today I have officially climbed back on the wagon. What a mess I've gotten myself into again. I did not have the guts to do my official weigh-in, and I am not going to until I feel a bit less thick. But I did print out my logging sheet for the week, and that is what makes things official.

DH has mostly recovered from his illness, which turned out to be a virus, not salmonella. I did get him to the doctor to find that out, and although it proved to be unnecessary, it did make me feel better. The last time I let him try to sleep off being sick, he ended up in the hospital with pneumonia and a partially collapsed lung, so I didn't want to push it again. So now things are on the upswing there.

I have been completely miserable about my job situation, which is one of my reasons for falling off the wagon. I'm not sure how I think eating truffles will help that, but sometimes that's just the way it goes... So, I seriously need to find a new job, and obviously it's not a good time for that. I feel like I should go to school and learn how to do something that actually pays, but I've still never figured out what I want to do. This has been an ongoing problem for years, but things are just getting worse by the day now. Waaaaaaaaahhhhhh! OK, I'll stop whining now.

Kathy, thanks for the encouragement, and I hope things are going well with you!

Penny, you're having wagon trouble, too? Now that I'm back on, grab my hand and I'll pull you up! Wow, I can't believe that picture you posted! It looks like spring has sprung out west! We got 8" of snow on Monday, and everything is still white for now. We're supposed to hit 60º by tomorrow, though, so maybe we'll see some flowers soon.

Marie, glad the PT is going so well! You'll be back to your normal vigorous exercise in no time! And I am definitely with you on the weekend sentiment. Hope you have a great "alone time" one!

Judy, glad you're feeling better, and yeah, this is not the way I wanted to start the new year either. Blecch! But every day's a new beginning, right? Let's get this thing going before summer hits!

Off to do my Saturday errands, which will not include truffles- no matter how they beg! Have a great day, everyone!
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Old 02-07-2009, 11:55 AM   #212  
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Oh how I love weekends!!! It's sort of sunny out and bit chillier with a high only of 40 but the doggies and I have already been out for a 1.5 mile hike. It was wonderful. I'm going to ride my bike and do my weightlifting routine in a bit.

I officially dropped another 1 from my tracker. Because I barely lose weight at 1500 cals, I finally understand how I re-gained 20 pounds when I wasn't logging or weighing. Last August I was so mad that I'd gained and I couldn't even think of one instance that I'd pigged out. Well now I get it. 1500 cals will probably be my lifelong daily intake. I can live with that. And the one day a week at 1900 (which is today ). Judy, my professional traveler friend, how do I survive on a 10 day vacation in Florida??? I will persevere. Judy is my role model.

Auntie, welcome back!!!! So we can help you figure out what direction your career should take you - what things do you like? Cooking, shopping, computers, reading to kids (like an educational asst in schools)? Think of what interests you and keeps you smiling, then see if you can tweak that to something you'd like to do for a living. It is a tough time to look for work, but a perfect time to go back to school.

Anyway, I'm the truffles are part of the past and you're back. I've been worried about you. You've made such incredible progress.

Penny, tell your DH I love my Mac even more than before because of him. I'm moving Quicken and my diet/exercise software that syncs with my windows mobile phone over to the Vista partition today. And I can now take my Mac on vacation and trips and still be able to remote control my work computer from anywhere in the world. I'd hated the idea of taking my work laptop because my Mac is my beloved computer.

Kathy, Judy, and Carol - I hope all is going wonderfully and that you're gearing up for the downhill slide into spring.

Mazza, I hope that you're far away from the fires burning down under. Stay safe.

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Old 02-07-2009, 07:18 PM   #213  
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Hi Everyone!

It has been a couple of days since I've visited, but I haven't forgotten all of you. It sounds like everyone is doing well.

Auntie G - YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! I knew you could get back on the wagon. The next time you feel like you're starting to slip off the wagon just remember all the tire tracks that were on you because of the wagon wheels running over you and how painful it was. Again, YEAH! I'm glad you're husband is feeling much better.

Friday was my WI and I was so mad. I have a bad habit of weighing almost everyday. So I weighed on Thursday and was down 2lbs. When I WI Friday I was down 6/10 of a pound. My friend has encouraged me to not weigh for 2 weeks, so I'm going to try not to do it. I don't want to be a slave to the scale and let it dictate my life change. Losing inches is more important.

I need to run. Have a great Saturday evening and Sunday!

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Old 02-08-2009, 05:32 PM   #214  
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Auntie g honey you can do it. Stress of a job not going so well with all the issues I used to have boy do I understand stress, eat thing. But remember Auntie g is important and yah need to take care of yourself if you don't health issues follow. Thats my main reason for jumping back on recently not wanting more health issues, wt. loss and better exercising was surely needed. I let myself give in a bit and now since my dollar store book 3 weeks ago with the Sonoma Diet I am on my way to feeling better, more control, losing wt and feel I can live on this way of eating. Yes I still cheat once in awhile usually on the weekend but not totally. If I am to have pizza then well I know the rest of the day needs to be on task etc. Mainly only eat wholewheat breads no white pot. or wh. sugar etc. I try to think of it as well its not on my list. I feel great. Not on the scale yet but on the 19th that will mark a month. My belly fat is leaving I feel slimmer and my clothes are fitting better. Now I exercise once a wk with my daughter and try to get there at least 2 other times I am in the groove!!! Good luck to you just remember be strong for yourself your worth it all. Good luck with the job front or going to school sometimes its quite interesting. I went back later in life and now feel great that I accomplished that. It is my 10 year anniversary this May.
Judy hope you are enjoying NY and feel better. So sorry you were ill.
Marie PT well you the exercise bunny so I am sure this is good for you and that knee. Are you wearing them out at PT yet?
Penny no soap making but have made lots of necklaces and earrings recently. I am doing a show at a friends home in 3 weeks or so. Oh I better finish up. My thoughts are cash and carry buy what I have if you want a special order depending on the idea and if it is something that sounds fun will make the decision if I make it or not.
Mazza glad your here still.
Kathy hello nice to meet yah. I am sometimes afraid of the scale. Like now this is the top of my fourth week on my diet changes which I hope to be life style changes for good. That is the way I am looking at it anyway. I love not craving certain foods and feel I am eating healthy. So I will do the scale on the 19th that way even if I have only lot a little sticking to it for one more week will be a good thing. My clothes are fitting better that is always a way for me to know if things are going well. My rings are loose and my director even asked me the other day hey how much have you lost. In my face the little flab I get under my chin is leaving good by never like you anyway fabby. Hah hah. Well hope I didn't miss anyone if I did hello and hang in there.
I should of said no white breads or whites etc. mainly whole wheat, healthy foods, higher fiber, protein, certain veggies and fruits portion control more. The food is actually pretty good and my snacking isn't so important to me and that is an improvement. I have only had a couple of sweets since my start on this on 1/19/ thought I should state that a bit differently. Oh well have a lovely rest of the day.

Last edited by cacmsc54; 02-08-2009 at 05:38 PM. Reason: mistake
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Old 02-08-2009, 07:10 PM   #215  
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Marie - I told my DH how pleased you are with Boot Camp and he's glad it worked out so well for you. I envy you going to sunny Florida - where abouts are you going? It's chilly and dreary here again after one nice day yesterday. I planted a few primroses in pots so I have something cheerful to look at in the back yard. I hope you enjoyed your "alone time".

Judy - I hope your training session went well in NY and that your sinuses are getting better. It's no fun when you're traveling and not feeling well.

Auntie G - Thanks for the hand up onto the wagon! I think I need a kick in the rear too to get me on board . I hope you managed to steer your wagon clear of those truffles.

Kathy - Good to hear from you again. Sounds like your scale is acting like a yo-yo just like mine .

Carol - It looks like you're doing well on your diet. It's a good sign that your rings are loose. I just sorted out a bunch of old jewelry, beads and buttons to give to my friend who makes jewelry. I don't think I have the patience to get into it so I'm looking forward to see what she makes out of them.

Mariana - I've been reading about all the terrible bush fires in Oz and hope there aren't any near you. It must be just terrifying for those poor folks in Victoria and NSW. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone down under.

We celebrated Valentine's day today as my DH will be out of town next Saturday . We had a nice day with lunch out at Gustav's and we only had a few, but very good, chocolates. My DH will be in California all next week, so I'll have some alone time like Marie just had, which I very much enjoy once in a while.

I hope everyone has a great week.

Last edited by penpal; 02-08-2009 at 07:23 PM.
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Old 02-08-2009, 08:13 PM   #216  
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Ah the weekend is drawing to a close...

Penny, I did enjoy my alone time. But it's over now. So now it's your turn. I failed the 1900 cal day because I was too busy to eat or munch recklessly. So yesterday was 1500 cals and I think I'll be at about 1700 cals today - maybe. Depends on what I decide for dinner. So why your DH is gone, you can be creative on getting back on the wagon. Auntie and I are both pulling you back up.

Carol, congrats on the 3+ weeks on plan. Sounds like you chose the correct plan for you. And you're doing great on the exercise. And the PT guys did say he wasn't used to patients asking to do more. I sort of like being paid (sick time) for exercising.

Kathy, I don't have a specific weigh in day. I do way daily unless there's a reason I know I'd be up (water weight gain, etc). But basically everyday. I record the lowest weight and when the evil scale doesn't budge or is higher, I just middle finger salute it, the forget about it. I don't log anything until the next time it's a tad lower (like today it was .2 less so I logged it). It's sort of interesting how long it can go between low readings. Regardless, don't let the evil scale bug you on a water weight or monthly gain. Then it wins and THE SCALE MUST LOSE!!!!

I got lots done today. I'm basically packed for leaving on Tuesday. I usually do it the night before, but I figure I'll busy tomorrow getting everything ready for my son to babysit my beloved doggies. So I did the clothes and packed. I'm traveling light, thinking I'll do 2 loads of clothes while at the hotel. It's an extended stay and it has laundry facilities. And I did pack my swimsuit and beach towel. Daytona might be a little chilly, but the hotel pool is heated. And I also finished getting my computer done in both Windows and Mac. YEAH!!!! It was a lot of work but worth it.

Time to make dinner. I told DH I would call him when it's done since he worked all day. to him, it looks like I sat with my computer all day, until he saw my to-do list on the fridge and the X's through most of it.

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Old 02-08-2009, 09:36 PM   #217  
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Hi all! The wagon ride has been smooth all weekend - yay! I didn't even need my Saturday splurge day, since I just came off of 2 weeks of splurging, so I'll have extra points through the week if I need them. That will be strange!

I do have a splitting headache, as we are now in the middle of a HUGE family crisis, but I know that bad eating will not fix anything, so that's a plus. I can't really get into what's going on, but I wanted to mention it in case I'm MIA. It won't be because I'm off the wagon.

Marie, I'd love to have some assistance figuring out what to do, job-wise, so maybe when my head is in a better place and you're back from vacation... I hope you have a great time, and I have no doubt that you'll get in a lot of exercise in a heated pool!

Kathy, congrats on the 6/10 - any loss is a good loss! And the other missing 1.4 will show up, don't worry! Daily fluctuations are just part of the deal, and they don't know what day we want to be the "good" day.

Carol, thanks for the encouragement, and I'm glad you're doing so well on Sonoma! You got the book at the dollar store? Wow! I might check it out myself, to get some new ideas. Shrinking cravings and belly sounds good! Can't wait to see how your weigh-in on the 19th goes! And good luck with your jewelry sales!

Penny, here's you kick! Glad you had a nice early Valentine's Day, too! I'd forgotten all about that. I'm afraid that will end in chocolate for me. I guess as long as I keep it to the ONE day, it'll be OK. I hope you have some quality alone time and do something nice for yourself!

Off to bed now. Have a great Monday, everyone!
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Old 02-09-2009, 07:12 AM   #218  
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Penny they say the good dk choc. isn't so bad for us actually good in sm. amts. so see how good you did. Now I want a piece of choc. at 7 in the morning hah hah.
Marie yah know thats the best way to have it being paid during exercise time. I had that before too. Not so bad to take makes up for the suffering we did before hand. Glad to hear from you. I have missed this site and now will try to get on daily again. It is such a great support. Yes I feel this plan is working for me. Its about time I found something positive in this changing my dietary needs to still feel good about what I eat. I am off to buy my Sonoma cookbook today downloaded a Barnes Noble coupon it will save me on tax.
Aunite G I wouldn't of believed it if I hadn't done it myself but the cravings did go away. I have even had the will power to not eat cake etc. that comes in the office. I guess being satisfied with what I do eat helps. Frozen fruit is handy in the freezer. I love fruit the first 10 days without it was tough but went by quickly. I now have introduced it back in my food list. Just have to becareful of how much too much of any food isn't so great less its the veggie list. And yes the Dollar Store for my book crazy huh. But others on the site have told me the same thing all for a buck. Best wt. loss tool I ever got that cheap too less than a protein bar. Well good luck and have a super day. I just finished my breakfast 1 slice of wheat toast with a tsp of pb, one sm. bowl of healthy cereal and my coffee. Lunch is a salad with tuna, one sm. apple and a kashi bar for a snack in the afternoon. Dinner fish, veggies and 1/2 cup of frozen fruit w/granola and ff cool whip. Just thought I would add I am not hungry and if I was there is lots of veggies to grab which are unlimited. Wish I had found this a long time ago.
Take care have a good monday and only 4 days til fri. and then I have a four day weekend yah!!!
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Old 02-10-2009, 07:44 AM   #219  
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Hi, chickies. Marie, have fun in Florida

Auntie, when it rains, it's hard to focus on weigh loss when you're anxious or upset. If you can think of self-care--what will help you sleep better, feel healthier--you will probably make choices that will stop you from gaining, at least, until things settle down. You're in my thoughts

Penny, the training went well, thanks. And I think my sinuses are finally clearing up Except for feeling fat and stiff, I'm close to my normal self.

Kathy--yeah, the wagon has left skid marks me , thanks for that image. I weigh myself every morning--unless I've blown off my program. So guess who hasn't been on the scale in weeks? Stepping on the scale reminds me that I'm on a journey and reinforces good choices, so it's a good motivator for me. But if the daily fluctuations in weight work against you, by all means, do what works for you!

Carol, congratulations on the weight loss

Mariana, I'm so sorry to see the footage of these awful fires! I hope that you and your loved ones aren't affected.

I'm trying to get back on track. I haven't been sleeping well--stressing over my to-do list--so I think I'll leave for work a little earlier this morning and walk for a while, and enjoy the unseasonably warm weather. I'll be traveling this week and next, so I'll focus on "conscious" eating and getting back into moving around more, even when I can't work out.

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Old 02-10-2009, 06:18 PM   #220  
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Girls I hope your all doing well today. Marie when are you off to sunny weather?
Crazy here on wed. its to be in the 50's just nuts but I will take it anytime in FEB. I just finished dinner sweet pot. fries in the oven made with spices and olive oil. Then I made some turkey burgers which I changed from patties to smashed up added garlic minced, salsa, onions and then made them back up to patties instead to 2 I ended up with 3. Had it on a whole wheat roll with some lettuce and brussel sprouts. Not too bad. I purchased my cookbook today kind of looked up turkey burgers didn't add the mushrooms but my idea came from the book. I didn't exercise today but will fit it in on wed and fri. now hey as long as I get it done right?
Judy I have confidence in you jumping back on track. Life gets crazy and it doesn't take much to get off track how well I know. Infulence of others is one way today I did a no no went upstairs with the girls who go get choc. everyday of course I got mm with peanuts. Still it was a no no and my first candy in 3 weeks. Was it worth it NO!!! But live and learn back on track this evening though.
Take care and hang in there together we can all support one another in the goal of living a healthier lifestyle. Every little change adds up and that makes a difference. HAVE A GREAT EVENING.
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Old 02-10-2009, 07:15 PM   #221  
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Hi all! I'm still on track, 4 days in a row - woo hoo! My head still hurts with the messy situation going on, but so far I haven't let it derail me.

Carol, mmmm, I haven't made sweet potato fries for a long time, and now I think I'll put them on the schedule for the weekend. Turkey burgers sound good, too, and that was a good idea adding stuff to them, and making 3 out of 2. Now just watch out for those M&Ms! But you're doing great, keep up the good work!

Judy, thanks for the concern. There are some real problems going on, but luckily, my switch seems to be flipped in the right direction, food-wise. I think right now that my eating is the only thing I can control, so I am controlling the h*ll out of it! That's a new one for me, but I'll take it! I hope you got out for your walk to enjoy this wacky weather. The dang exercise should help you sleep better, too. I hadn't walked in a while until yesterday, and I slept so well that I didn't notice my alarm going off this morning- oops!

Hope everyone else is hanging in there! Have a good one!
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Old 02-11-2009, 12:26 PM   #222  
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Hi all, I'm sitting at the gate in Reno. We fly to San Fran, then to Orlando, then we'll drive to Daytona tonight. The plane is delayed from here because SF is having weather issues. I really didn't want to fly through SF because of fog, but a cheaper ticket... So now the day might be thrown off. We didn't have much of a layover in SF but I figured the SF will be delayed as well.

Auntie, I'm sorry about your family stress. That's so difficult and I'd probably be self medicating wit mochas and m&ms. You are doing great and keep controlling the h*ll out of if.

Judy, you are so right about the scale. I weigh daily unless I'm being bad. Then I delay and delay and 20 pounds gained I finally step on it. I know I won't do that again. I told DH to make me weigh if I don't keep him informed of my progress (or maintenance). Or if he doesn't hear me kick the scale...

Carol, I'm so happy you found the plan that works for you. To stay away from the peanut M&M's - think about the plants that process peanuts and the dire results. So that might make you stay away from them. I'm lucky - in this instance that I'm deathly allergic to peanuts.

Kathy, I hope that you're still doing great and exercising no matter what.

Penny, I hope you're enjoying your "me" time.

Mazza, stay safe and don't breath too deeply.

DH and I stayed at a casino last night and this morning I thought of traveling and not exercising. I was sad then realized they might have a fitness room. Voila, look at the directory and they had a GREAT fitness room. I did a full weight training and treadmill workout. So I'm pleased. I chose a 2 egg scrambed eggs with egg beaters, some red potatoes that WEREN'T greasy - who'd have guessed, and a decaf no fat mocha. I'm on plan. That's my goal this vacation. To lose a pound. So I'm going to log everything and be diligent. Yesterday I was under my cals and for me, traveling in a car for 5 hours is invitation to eat.

Well, I supposed I should post before the airport terminates my connection as I was warned.

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Old 02-11-2009, 08:01 PM   #223  
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Marie - I hope your trip to Florida went well, despite the weather related delay. I hope you have a wonderful time in the sun .

Auntie G - I'm sorry to hear about your family crisis. I hope things get resolved soon. In the meantime, hang in there - this too shall pass.

Carol - I figure chocolate is better than some other carbs like white bread and potatoes and a little bit goes a long way to satisfy my sweet tooth!

Judy - I'm glad your sinuses are a bit better. I hope you can get some good restful sleep as that's half the battle in my opinion. I'm definitely more on track after a good night's sleep.

I hope everyone else is doing well.

I'm enjoying my "me" time as Marie put it. I drove my DH to the airport on Monday in an unexpected snow storm. Luckily the snow was gone by the afternoon. I'm pretty much on track with food and exercise.

Last edited by penpal; 02-11-2009 at 08:03 PM.
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Old 02-11-2009, 08:07 PM   #224  
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Marie enjoy your time away lose wt. on vac. well good luck we'll all support yah on that idea. But its not my usual for vac. time.
The MM's idea is cute. Today it was have lunch out but I did pretty good we I choose to have chinese but only picked the healthier end of things. Like veggies, chicken without breading or fried etc. No rice, no noodles just meat veggies not to bad. Then I took an hr. off today at the end of my day p time felt I needed it. I went to the gym workout on some new stuff and put in some good wt. rest. stuff and treadmill. For dinner tonight I had some blue corn chips with salsa not so bad. Then ck. breast, dipped in hot sauce I made, and the rest of yesterdays oven sweet pot. Had a frozen fruit dish for dessert with a little almond, flax cereal on top. I am done now just ice water. Oh and I had my daily little red wine with dinner that is so nice what a treat. And its in the diet....
Auntie G my thoughts are with you times aren't so easy to get through. But I know you are head strong and have a good will to stay on your wagon watch out for the tipping corners. I fell hard and it took me awhile to get back on. I am not perfect but sure am headed in the right direction lately. Few little slips but thats normal as long as I notice them and acknowledge it so they don't come by to often.
Have a good evening everyone. Crazy weather here.
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Old 02-11-2009, 09:02 PM   #225  
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Autie G & Marie - Thanks for the encouragment about the scales. I weighed this past Monday and was down 3lbs. A friend and I agreed to not weigh for 2 weeks so I'm going to try my best not to. It is hard not to let the scale dictate, but I'm trying to let the change in my clothes be a bigger influence.

Life has been crazy in our house. My DH is working an hour away and working 12 hours a day for the next 2 weeks. So I've have been racing home from work to take kids to work and basketball practice and then pick them up again all at different times. The joy of children!

I have been exercising 3-4 times a week. This morning I pushed myself harder then I ever have. It felt good, but I was exhausted until I was done. I always feel better after I've exercised.

I must run. Have a great Thursday everyone!

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