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Old 02-01-2009, 09:17 PM   #196  
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Hey girls I am still around been pretty busy with making jewelry keeps my hands busy and out of food. I am still sticking with the Sonoma diet pretty much. I do like the less cravings of foods. I can't even believe that white potatoes don't even taste good to me me now at least mashed 2nd time its happened. First time I just took a little scoop then didn't eat them only a taste. Today made a pot roast sweet pot. for me reg. for the hubby again a taste no way. So guess in a way thats a good thing colored are better for me. I am sticking to whole wheat bread etc. only a little fruit after dinner, red wine with dinner one glass daily rec.. from the book. I did treat myself to pizza and a few wings friday evening. Made sure I worked out saturday for that treat. But right back on track today one slip up but thats way better than normal. I also read in the mag. Better Homes that the Med. diet is the way to go so I guess my choice was a good one. I made my lunch for mon. with those little ww pita, hummus, cuke, lettuce and a tomatoe to add in later on. The Gainesville and Slimville is a great idea. Hopefully the directions to Slimville are correct and I can stay on the road map. Marie your always so good with exercise I am trying my best. My daughter and I are going together a couple times of week. I was sore today but in a good way means I am working my problem areas I guess. Penny I surely wish I could see some good signs of spring we are working on 200'' of snow this year so far. Crazy huh Bear surely loves running around in it and becoming a snow ball. Its impossible to keep the floors spotless. Bear!! Judy glad to hear your feeling better and don't over do it at work before you are back to normal. You don't need a relapse. My work has been a bit stressful lately but I have been able to keep my intake under control. The office snacks are tough to stay away from. Today I shared a dark candy bar with the hubby at least I felt in control doing it. I was careful in my choice. I guess there even shrinking the sizes but not the price so in a way that helps me as well a little less cals.
Kathy congrats keep up the good work.
Auntie G I am sure that you will get right back on track. Super bowl parties etc. its all hard to stay out of the goodies. I am trying to have a different mind set this time I hope that it works out and I reach my goal. It is easier having the book as a guide doing it all by myself just wasn't working for me.
Well girls have a great week, hopefully all of us will have a less stressful work week, good exercise for myself good food choices!
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Old 02-02-2009, 08:38 PM   #197  
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Hi Everyone!

Just checking in to see if everyone had a good Monday. My work day started out crazy. It took me an hour and a call to our IT guy to get into my email and to Quickbooks before I could get started on my work today. All in all it was a great day and I felt good.

I also stayed on plan today and feel great. Each day on plan makes the next day easier.

Trust you all have a great week!

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Old 02-03-2009, 03:19 AM   #198  
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Hi Hi all!

Just checking in to wish you all the best, and let you know i'm still alive.

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Old 02-03-2009, 07:48 AM   #199  
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Ditto what Mariana said...New York was good, and I had a great dinner out with a good friend Friday night. The work week got off to a frantic start, ay-yi-yi. A young woman who did some part-time work for me a few years ago dropped by to say hello, but really to beg for a job, any job. We could tell right away that something's going on with her mentally--stiff body language, frozen smile, asking unrelated questions before I could finish answering the previous one, etc. Finally we put her in a cab (my co-worked handed the driver more than enough money) and sent her to her sister's house. I've been thinking about it ever since, wondering what we could have done differently.

Athough I'm feeling much better, I still have the sinus headache, so I'll make an appointment to see my regular doctor . I haven't worked out in two weeks, and I feel like a slug.

More later--judy

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Old 02-03-2009, 11:48 AM   #200  
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Morning everyone. I thought I'd check in before all work got to crazy to get back. I've been working on my Mac in the evenings. I rebuilt it and then last night added a boot camp partition so that it could run Windows as well. It is very cool. Penny, tell your DH that I got the courage to try it from him and tell him thanks.

Exercise is very good. The PT told me that not using my left knee (protecting it and wearing the brace for all exercise) has made it weaker. So this morning I walked without it and that was good. I've been using my bike for 3 weeks and that has made it stronger. And now the PT and home exercises from that. I really feel like there's hope - even that I could ski maybe once in March. One must keep trying.

Yesterday Mr Scale was kind, this morning I kicked it and it bounced of the toilet. DH heard and started laughing. So he knew it was evil once again. I love when it's evil the day after I've been angelic.

Mazza, I love your bike ticker. I hope you're having a cool breeze blowing your way, keeping you more comfortable in the heat. I'd love to have your heat, BTW. Although today it is sunny and will be in the mid-50's.

Carol, sounds like you're having a good time with the exercise and staying planted on the wagon. Good for you. I hope that work calms down, but in these times of layoff, furloughs and downsizing, those left are swamped and stressed. But that's not a complaint as I'm very thankful to be employed.

Judy, I'm sorry about the difficult former co-worker situation. You can hem and haw about what you could have done better, but the truth is, you couldn't solve her problems and it sounds like you handled the situation good.

Auntie, I hope you're finding the wagon and hitching a ride.

Kathy, I hope today's log in to your computer went smoother. How wonderful that you're feeling great and are on track.

Penny, I hope all is going good up north of here.
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Old 02-03-2009, 06:23 PM   #201  
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Hi everyone- count me in for a quick check in to say I'm alive. I've not found my way back onto the wagon yet, and now I'm in turmoil because DH is sick, and I do mean sick. He doesn't want to go to the doctor, but I'm thinking of calling anyway. I'm wondering if he hasn't gotten himself some of that salmonella that's so hot and happening in the news. Groan...

Hope you all are doing well, and I'll catch up one of these days!
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Old 02-03-2009, 08:46 PM   #202  
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Auntie G - Keep running after the wagon you can catch up with it. I have confidence in you. I hope your DH goes to the doctor before he gets worse.

Marie - My computer cooperated with me today. I didn't have a problem with my computer tody, but I was so tired I had to force myself to work. I slept about 4 hours last night because I had so much on my mind and couldn't keep my mind from racing. As long as I kept busy I was fine. It will be an early bed time tonight.

Even though I only got 4 hours of sleep my DH and I got up at 5:00 and worked our to 1/2 hour.

Have a great Wednesday!

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Old 02-03-2009, 09:40 PM   #203  
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Marie - I'm glad the boot camp worked out well on your Mac. I got a chuckle picturing you kicking your scale I find that kicking mine only makes it meaner! You're so good with exercise and counting calories I'm sure you'll soon be losing again.

Carol - Your diet sounds very healthy with all the colorful veggies. One of my girlfriends is also making jewelry out of "findings" - old bits of jewelry, buttons and other objects she finds at garage sales, etc. It's amazing the gorgeous jewelry she makes out of these old bits and pieces. She made a lovely pendant necklace out of a vintage hair clip!

Kathy - I hope you get a better night's sleep tonight.

Mariana - Hi, I was glad to see it's cooled down a bit in the Antipodes!

Auntie G - I hope your DH is feeling better. If you find that wagon, please send it my way!

Judy - I agree with Marie that you handled the difficult situation with the ex-coworker as best you could. I hope your sinuses soon feel better - I know how miserable it can make you feel.

I had a luncheon meeting today and the buffet was stuffed potatoes! I had half a small potato and some chili and it gave me terrible indigestion. I also ate a piece of cake that wasn't even good . The meeting went well, though and we got a lot done. The sun was out today and it was about 50 degrees.
I haven't been sleeping well and I'm sure that's why I'm getting the munchies again. My #1 goal is to get more sleep and hopefully that will help me get back on track.
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Old 02-04-2009, 02:49 PM   #204  
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Hi Everyone!!!
We're halfway through the week and that's reason to...

PT went good this morning. Heck I'm getting more exercise there. Can't beat that. I did 10 minutes on their bike and 12 minutes on a recumbant stepper (weird machine but I like it). So add that to what I'll do tonight and that will be good. I snuggled with my doggies this morning and didn't walk. They liked the snuggling, but I bet they'd have preferred to walk. c'est la vie...

Auntie, jump back on the wagon. I think it's circling your way as you read this. I hope your DH recovers soon.

Penny, the scale said the same thing this morning as yesterday and instead of kicking it, I gently slid it back into place. But as I left I did give it a middle finger salute. I just couldn't resist. Maybe it didn't see and because I was gentle, tomorrow it will be nicer. One can hope.

Kathy, way to go on the exercise. That's such a big difference when even if you don't feel like it or have a reasonable excuse not to exercise you still do it. That's BIG progress.

Well, back to work for me.

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Old 02-04-2009, 05:17 PM   #205  
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First sign of spring! They just opened up today.

Marie - I'm glad your PT is helping and hope you get to go skiing before the end of the season. I'm going to clean the dust bunnies off the bottom of my scale and see if that makes it behave better!

I hope everyone is having a good day.

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Old 02-04-2009, 07:11 PM   #206  
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Thanks, Penny! What a beautiful photo. I love your number-one goal

Marie, I'm glad you're feeling so good about your knee.

Kathy, you are a real trooper! It's good to have a supportive hubby to keep you from rolling over and going back to sleep.

Auntie, I hope that your hubby sees the light and sees a doctor...take care of yourself while you deal with whatever's going on with him.

I went to the doc's this morning and got antibiotics for what is now a sinus infection, and drugs for this ugly cold sore that's taken over my lower lip. I feel like a fat and listless slug!!! It will be great to feel normal again and NOT HAVE A NAGGING ALL THE TIME--Excuse me for shouting....I'm eating too much, in a pointless attempt to get a quick jolt of energy (sugar) while stuffing away the discomfort (sugar and fat). This is not the way I planned to begin 2009

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Old 02-04-2009, 07:56 PM   #207  
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Judy - Here are a couple of hugs - I think you need them. Take care of yourself and get well soon.

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Old 02-05-2009, 12:42 PM   #208  
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Morning everyone, only another day until weekend. I just adore weekends. This weekend is guard weekend, so DH has to work. So I have lots of alone time. I bet I can use it wisely.

I have PT in a half hour which is good. My alarm didn't go off this morning so no exercise. They start PT with 10 minutes of the exercycle and I ask to finish it off (when the real stuff is done) with 12 minutes of the stepper. If the weather holds out, a co-worker and I are going for a walk at lunch. If the weather doesn't hold, the PT should hold me over on the exercise till I get home.

Penny, I love the pictures. I'm so excited for spring. In six days I'll find warm weather in florida. Such a nice break from winter even if we're having a very mild one.

Judy, I hope you start to feel better. My siblings and mother get old sores and they look so painful. I've been blessed with only canker sores. I hope you can turn the start of 2009 around.

Well, I will work for a bit before PT.
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Old 02-06-2009, 07:46 AM   #209  
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Penny, thanks for the hugs. They seem to be working (with help from the antibiotics). I feel better this morning than I have in over two weeks--congested, but no cough or headache . In fact, I feel a light aerobic workout coming on

Marie, I'm surprised they let you use the stepper at PT. I've been essentially banned for life from using them, but then both of my knees are shot. The closest I get to a stepper is the elliptical, depending on how far apart the foot pedals are. Oh, Florida will be lovely...

Going back to New York this afternoon to conduct a training, cold sore and all, but I'll be back late Saturday night.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Old 02-06-2009, 03:09 PM   #210  
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Just a quick note, I'll post more later or tomorrow. But things are good and the knee is doing good.

Judy, the stepper machine isn't a real stepper. It's a recumbant (picture an exercycle recumbant style) and arm things. so you push out with your legs (every other one) and use your arms to balance the resistance. They start you off with not much resistance, mostly to move. Then you work upwards a bit. I could NOT do a standing up stepper for the life of me. My knees would buckle and collapse. And have a wonderful time in New York. Ignore the cold sore and just relax some. Then you'll start feeling more like yourself. Enjoy the light workout.

Back to work and I'll chat more later.
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