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Old 02-13-2009, 07:13 AM   #226  
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Happy Friday, everyone! I'm totally on track this week and feeling much better physically than I was during the off program weeks. I've decided to try to keep myself distracted from the issues at hand, since there's nothing I can do to fix the problems, so I'm just pretending everything is fine for now.

Marie, I hope you're having a fabulous time in Florida!

Penny, I hope you're on track and doing something good for yourself this week!

Carol, sounds like you're doing great on plan! Congrats!

Kathy, congrats on the 3 lbs! Seems like you're so busy you might not even have time to eat! Good job getting in the exercise even with your crazy schedule!

Gotta go to work, have a great day everyone!
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Old 02-13-2009, 10:14 PM   #227  
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Welcome to Weekend Everyone!!!

As I've been at weekend for a few days, I thought I'd welcome you all to my fun. We did make it to Florida, only 12 hours late. We ended up on the dreaded red-eye (the only reason I'd booked through SF was to avoid the red-eye). Anyway, we met up with my parents yesterday and now they're on to their next stop in their FL trip, but it was wonderful seeing them. I do so much better with my father on a limited basis.

After they left, DH and planned to lounge on the beach (as the weather is to turn rainy and colder). We're sitting there and were marveling at the parasailing. The chute turned and I saw the phone number and I called. The rest is history. It was the most awesome blast. DH and I are proud members of the 2000' Club in Daytona (with t-shirts to prove it). I thought I'd post a couple pictures. They're in order - taking off, flying high and splash down.

BTW, the ocean is a balmy 64 degrees. Eeeks!

I've stayed totally on plan, no letting myself use vacationing as an excuse. I'm really excited about that success.

Penny, my DS2 has bemoaned the snow and isn't pleased he's having to stay out at our house with the 20 mile snowy commute. I texted him and told him it's good he knows how to use the plow and that we left him a 4wd vehicle. I'm glad the "me" time is going good.

Carol, sounds like you're doing great on your plan. And way to go on the exercising.

Auntie, I'm sorry the problems haven't resolved themselves. At least you're not out of control on the eating front. Pride in your success does a lot to keep one sane.

Kathy, you exerciser you!!! Isn't exercising great??? DH being gone 14 hours a day is a tough one with all the childrens' activities.

Hi to everyone else. I'm going to close for the night. I'm exhausted and ready for bed.
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Old 02-14-2009, 08:31 AM   #228  
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Happy Valentine's Day!!

And a happy weekend, too! I had a great WI this morning, and was able to honestly update my ticker, hurray! I'm not sure what today will hold, food-wise- we're still trying to decide whether we're going out for dinner or not. However, even if today ends up with a splurge, I feel like I am strapped into my seat on the wagon and it's all good.

Marie, woo hoo! Parasailing seems like so much fun! I used to want to try it, back when I was young and got to go on vacations, but somehow it never happened. Maybe some day... Thanks for posting the pix. Glad you're having a good time, and staying on track, too - wow, that is something!

Off to walk my girl, then go to my nephew's basketball game. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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Old 02-14-2009, 12:43 PM   #229  
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Wow Marie - You're having just too much fun! Thanks for posting the great photos. Are you going to the Daytona 500?

I'm on my own today as my DH is still in Las Vegas. It was 28 deg. there this morning, so I'm not too jealous! Lucky for him, he remembered to call me this morning to wish me a happy Valentine's Day.

I'm making myself a special lunch of grilled giant prawns (from Trader Joe's) and gourmet spinach salad (also TJ's). We'll go out for lunch tomorrow when he gets back - at least we won't have to stand in line at the restaurant.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Last edited by penpal; 02-14-2009 at 12:45 PM.
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Old 02-15-2009, 08:00 AM   #230  
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Hi all, I'm still playing around in Florida. Yesterday DH and I went to the Nationwide (formerly Busch series - what I call the JV cars) race and it was really fun. Several of the Daytona 500 driver compete and my son's favorite won the race. I was cheering loudly in his absence.

Today is the 500 and I'll be cheering for my racer and my son's. But I'm not sure the race will happen as it's supposed to rain. So it might be delayed until tomorrow (when it's supposed to be sunny). I'd prefer the race today with clouds and rain, then the beach tomorrow in the sun.

Penny enjoy your meal out that will be without the crowds. DH and I ate in the room. It has a kitchenette and we made a lo-cal dinner.

Auntie, on the good weighin. I hope you had a nice dinner, whether or not you went out. I'm very glad you're strapped to the wagon.

Well DH finally got out of bed, so I'll get up. I'm still within cals and that's quite an accomplishment for me. Vacations = eating in my old mind set.
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Old 02-15-2009, 08:56 AM   #231  
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Marie congrats on having fun and on plan. And cheering must burn some cals hah hah. Anyways I was good with no candy for v day. But for me then I went for all you could eat crab legs first time in years and my overall favorite. I pigged out on them with my friend are hubbies just laughing as we squirted splashs of crab juice around. Oh it was fun but now its time to get back on plan so off to the gym today. I am planning on making some soup for dinner and making a yogurt dessert for after dinner.
Having a treat once in awhile I guess is not so bad as long as we recognize it as a special time and then get back on track soon. So I will be trying to do just that today.
Auntie g, Penny, Kathy, Judy and everyone else hope your all doing well. We can live through Maries fun on vac. how cool huh? Lets be strong and try to get right back on track today if we strayed off the road for v day. I even had a white pot. the first in almost a month. I started with a little dinner roll but only ate half and gave the rest to the skinny little guy I live with my hubby. What I would give to never worry about a cal, fat or other yummy things. Crazy how some folks just don't have to worry. I guess life gives him other struggles and let up on at least eating...
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Old 02-15-2009, 05:52 PM   #232  
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Hi Everyone!

It's been a few days since I've checked in. It sounds like everyone is doing well.

Auntie G - YEAH! I knew you could do it. Way to go for strapping into the wagon seating and having a great ride this week. Keep up the good work.

Marie - Congrats on staying on plan during your vacation in Florida. I don't think I could do the parasailing. My best friend lives in Florida and has been after us to move down. I like to visit but have no desire to live inFL.

This week has been a stressful week, but I stayed on plan and lost almost 2 pounds. After having struggled with the scales it was nice to see a loss. We didn't do anything for Valentines day so I stayed on plan.

My husband lost his job this week. He had been layed off for 18 months, got a job the week of Thanksgiving and now lost this one after just 3 months. That was very discouraging, but I know God will help us through.

You all have a great week!

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Old 02-15-2009, 05:58 PM   #233  
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Girls I made it out to exercise outside. We went to the park my daughter and I went around the two lakes. It took a good hour and it was a good workout. To nice to exercise inside the sun was shinning a bit cold and windy. Well food was on target today. I made spaghetti sauce no meat only mushrooms, onions and Barilla whole wheat pasta angel. Not to bad. Well take care.
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Old 02-15-2009, 07:43 PM   #234  
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When it rains, it pours... On top of the other mess, now my grandmother is in the hospital. She's doing better today than yesterday, and they're still trying to figure out what's going on, but needless to say, things did not go as planned this weekend. On the bright side, my wagon seatbelt is still holding. I didn't even have any real chocolate for Valentine's Day! I did have fake chocolate, though, and it actually was good enough. Hallelujah!

Penny, glad you don't have to put a hurtin' on your DH! How was your "day after Valentine's Day" lunch?

Marie, looks like you get to go to the beach tomorrow! I don't follow any of that race stuff, but somehow I heard that it ended early because of the rain, but they declared a winner anyway? I don't know, but I'd rather be at the beach! Congrats on still staying on plan. You've got your eyes on the prize!

Carol, crab legs can't be too bad, can they? I don't eat any of that kind of stuff (no seafood!), but it seems like it'd be ok unless it's dripping in butter, or something like that. At least you had a good time and planned to get right back on track. Ultimately, that IS what matters the most!

Kathy, sorry to hear about your DH's job. I think most of us live in fear of that nowadays, I know I do. But you're right, God will get you through. Keep your spirits up as best you can. I just looked at your profile since you put up your picture, and I see that we owe you a belated (If that's already been covered and I missed it, then sorry!) The 8th is a very popular birth date, apparently, as I already know four other people with the same b-day as you! Oh, and congrats on the almost 2 lbs, too!

Gotta go get set to watch The Amazing Race. Anybody else watch that?

Have a great week, everyone!
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Old 02-16-2009, 09:14 AM   #235  
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Hey, chickies, I'm still out here! I was in Nashville for a few days. The conference center had problems with the wireless in our rooms, and then I was too much of a slug when I got home this weekend to do anything but putter and zone out. I saw The Reader yesterday at the theater, but I left just before the ending--at warp speed--because I saw a mouse The manager was shocked, shocked, to hear of it, and I guess I won't be going back there for a little while.

Kathy, I'm so sorry to hear about the layoff. I hope that things pick up for your hubby--and for all of us--very soon. WTG on the weigh-loss, though

Auntie, you're right, it's never just one thing, it's always a dozen! I found out that my father (who I generally avoid) is in the hospital after traveling to another state, to his sister's funeral, without his medicine. Good for you, staying on track.

Penny, isn't the weather out west crazy this winter? Sounds like you had a lovely weekend.

Carol, you seem to be on doing great, making good choices

Marie, thanks for sharing these photos. I'm envious!

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Old 02-16-2009, 10:19 AM   #236  
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Morning everyone. Things are going good here. To be honest, I left the race early. I was surrounded by rude fans, so I went back to the hotel and watched a movie. Way better choice. Besides I didn't get rained on. Auntie, they'd run over half the race, so they can call it for rain and it's over. Today is gorgeous and sunny. We went to the beach and watched the sun rise over the ocean. It was wonderful. I posted pictures below. Then we did laundry - there are perks to a laundry mat - both loads done at once. We'll be heading to the beach for the late morning and afternoon. I'm going to listen to a book and lay on the white sand. It's a bit chillier than I'd like but the sun makes it worth it!

And now me...

Auntie, way to go staying strapped in. I'm sorry about your grandmother. I hope they figure out the problem quickly!

Kathy, I'm so sorry about your husband's job. How disappointing after it took so long to find one. Congrats on the 2 pounds and keep your head held high. My thoughts are with you and your DH at this difficult time.

Judy, sounds like you had a relaxing weekend. I plan to do that this coming weekend. I'm getting tired of the hectic go-go of a vacation but I can't complain as DH agreed to several hours at the beach.

Carol, I'm with auntie on the seafood (I swim with the fishies, I never eat the fishies) but I believe crab is low cal and full of good stuff. Unless you dunked it in butter, then I think some of the goodness goes out the window.

Penny, I hope you're rested with your alone time and are glad your DH is home.

Well, that's it for now.

Last edited by Marie; 02-16-2009 at 10:37 AM. Reason: Added pictures...
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Old 02-16-2009, 01:09 PM   #237  
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Carol - You had me drooling for crab legs! I haven't had them for years but it's funny I actually dreamed about them the other night (before you mentioned them) - how weird is that?

Kathy - I'm sorry to hear all the stress you're going through with your DH losing his job. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Congratulations on losing weight despite the extra stress!

Auntie G - I'm sorry to hear about your Grandma, I hope she soon feels lots better. Yes, thank you, we did have a nice "late Valentine's" lunch. We had sushi at our favorite restaurant. For dessert we had a couple of dark chocolate dipped candied orange slices - yum. A bit sinful but better than having a box of chocolates. I'm glad you're staying on track in spite of all your worries.

Judy - I hope you had a nice time in Nashville. Our son was just there for a few days last week. His firm sent him and a coworker to visit a supplier of industrial equipment. They had good time being put up in a nice hotel and taken to a hockey game. We're keeping our fingers crossed that he'll still have a job in 60 days when they will be deciding whether to let any more people go.

Marie - Thanks for posting the gorgeous sunrise photos. It must be wonderful to walk on the beach breathing the sea air. I enjoyed my alone time but it was good to catch up news from our friends in CA and hear the latest news from our industry (he was at a trade show). It's not looking too good as the show was very poorly attended. Luckily we don't have much overhead as we work from home, but lots of other small companies are going out of business. At least my DH is close to retirement age.

The sun is out and it's a bit warmer today - I'm looking forward to going for a walk with my DH this afternoon.

Have a great week everyone!

Last edited by penpal; 02-16-2009 at 01:13 PM.
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Old 02-16-2009, 01:20 PM   #238  
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I think I need to get on board with this thread I am Karen and I am getting back on track losing weight and getting healthy. I had lost a pile of weight before (over 50 pounds) but over the past three years have gained it all back... I was here in the fall and lost some weight but fell of the wagona bit when I hurt my back in December. At least I didn't gain back much of what I lost in the fall.

Anywho, I'm back on track and look forward to touching base here on a (close to) daily basis
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Old 02-16-2009, 06:12 PM   #239  
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Welcome Karen!! We're happy to have you join us. This is a great place to be and full of encouragement.

Penpal - Thanks for your thoughts and prayers for my DH job situation. He is still feeling very bad about losing his job, but we don't have control over some things and it will all work out in the end.

Today was a beautiful day in central PA. It was 34 degrees but the sunshine was beautiful. I love the sunshine, it just makes me feel happy.

Marie - The pictures you posted were beautiful. The sun rise picture was gorgeous.

Hi to everyone else. Have a great evening and a wonderful Tuesday.

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Old 02-17-2009, 11:22 AM   #240  
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Down 3.2 pounds from Sunday morning But I don't expect things to go that fast much longer since I am just back to eating better

Thanks for the welcome
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