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Old 02-17-2009, 05:46 PM   #241  
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Ah, the vacation end is near. Our plane takes off (hopefully) at 8:00 tomorrow morning and we should land in Reno about 1:00. Then it's off to my beautiful grandson's 3rd b-day party. Yes, the end of the trip was planned with his b-day in mind. I wasn't going to miss it like last year when a business trip took me away.

Today we went to Universal's Island of Adventure. More like Island of Waiting and Waiting and Waiting. Average wait time for a ride was 45 minutes. Nope, not me ever again. But we did have fun at the Hard Rock Cafe and had a great lunch. I didn't have lo-cal food but I didn't eat much so I think all was ok. I might try to log my estimated cals but I'm not too worried about it. Overall, I averaged 1500 cals a day or less while on vacation. I have never, ever accomplished that before in my life. A major milestone!

Karen, welcome to our thread. Accountability is the key for me. I go missing for a couple weeks and you can bet the house I'm eating like I have a metabolism. As I don't, I must check in regularly. on the 3.2 pound loss.

Kathy, keep bolstering up your DH's ego. In this economy, very people's jobs are safe. BTW, I saw the pretty sunrise again this morning before we left Daytona and came to the theme park capitol of the world.

Penny, I'm glad your lunch was nice. Its always good to catch up on friend's lives.

I guess that's it for now. BTW, DH and I saw The International last night and the movie was ok. I wouldn't spend $$$ to see it again. But we did rent Eagle Eye the night before and it was absolutely fantastic. I can't stop thinking about. So there you go, a highly recommended moving. I did want to see The Reader but I didn't get a review from Judy other than the mouse blew by and she ran screaming.
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Old 02-18-2009, 03:58 PM   #242  
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Marie - Congratulations for staying on your plan during vacation. I think that would be hard, but you deserve a big "A" for that.

My husband is doing better today. Losing his job was a big blow on his ego, but I keep letting him know that things will work out. He does have a job possibility. We're just waiting for a call for him to have an interview. I'm praying this will work out.

Have to get to choir soon so I need to get something to eat.

Have a great night everyone!

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Old 02-18-2009, 05:47 PM   #243  
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Hi everyone. I just wanted to do a quick check in to say that I'm still reading and I'm still on the wagon, but we have had a family tragedy, and I'm not really in the frame of mind to write right now. I'll be back when things settle down a little, but for now, I hope everyone is doing well. Go tell the people you love that you love them, cause you just never know...
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Old 02-18-2009, 06:32 PM   #244  
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Auntie G - I'm sorry about your family tragedy. I will keep you in my prayers.

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Old 02-18-2009, 08:13 PM   #245  
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Auntie G - I'm sorry to hear about your family tragedy - I hope things get better for you soon . When it comes down to it, our loved ones are all that counts. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Marie - I hope you had a wonderful time celebrating your DGS's birthday today. Good for you staying on track even on vacation!

Welcome Karen I've been down the same road as you. I lost 40 lbs. (very slowly over 3 years) but have gained 20 lbs. back in the past several months, partly due to having 3 surgeries last year. Sometimes it's hard to stay on track when we have physical or psychological stress (or both!). I'm glad you're back on the wagon. All of us here have fallen off more often than we'd probably like to admit, but the main thing is we keep on climbing back on and hanging on for dear life! Good luck with your renewed weight loss efforts.

Kathy - I'm glad your DH has managed to get a job interview. I'll be rooting for him that he gets the job. It's nice that you are in a choir - I wish I had a good singing voice. It probably helps you relieve stress. I sometimes sing in the car when nobody can hear me and suffer! Our DS used to beg me not to sing when he was little!

Judy - I hope everything is going well for you.

I have gone over a bit on calories today - I've been a bit greedy with the chocolate! I made a nice tri-tip roast for dinner which turned out very tender and delicious. I hadn't used that cut before but will certainly get it again. We have plenty left over for sandwiches and another roast beef dinner.

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Old 02-19-2009, 01:11 PM   #246  
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Quick check-in: I'm not pigging out as much as usual in San Francisco. I only sneaked into Ghiradelli's for a free sample of chocolate once .

Auntie, I'm thinking of you and your family's sorrow.

Welcome, Karen! And hey there to everyone else. Marie, The Reader was better than I expected (despite my not seeing the last few minutes).

I'm trying to reorganize my calendar so that I'll be home most of March. I can't go on like this--and I'll not be able to get on track until I can slow down and breathe.

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Old 02-20-2009, 01:14 PM   #247  
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Happy Friday Everyone,

I am back home in a nice quiet house. My doggies have filled me with joy as I really missed them. Kody is sleeping next to me on the couch, Blizzie is on the floor by my feet and Kai is across the room. It's very relaxing. Our trip was not relaxing as it was go-go-go. I did stay on plan except on Wednesday with the traveling and DGS birthday party. He turned three and it was great to be there.

Auntie, I am so sorry for you difficult time. Please know we are all thinking of you and you're in my prayers.

Judy, good job in SF on the staying on plan. It is so much harder staying good while out and about. I felt like every day food was begging me to eat it. I'm thankful I didn't as now that I'm home, I don't regret anything. I'm like Penny and get loads of water weight gain on a trip so I'm not weighing in until Monday morning.

Penny, you're so right that the trick is to get back on the wagon asap. I used to do the "Well I've screwed up today, I might as well have a few extra scoops of ice cream". I don't do that anymore. I get over the fact that I screwed up and start back on track. It makes the climb back on the wagon a lot easier! A shorter distance so to speak.

Kathy, my fingers are crossed that the job interview materializes. At least a lead is a step in the right direction. Keep DH on your exercise program because those endorphines exercising releases are really important when life is depressing.

DH and I took the doggies for their 1.5 mile hike this morning. They were so excited. The weather had been yucky here while we were gone so my DS didn't take them out much. In Florida, we walked miles and miles but walking in the mountains is way more work I pointed that out to DH as we climbed the first hill. Florida was nice and flat...

I think I'm going to work on my quilt today. I can't post a picture at the moment as I broke my camera on the sunrise picture day. The lens won't open. I'll bring it to the camera shop on Monday. I refuse to leave my house a minute before I have to go to work!
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Old 02-21-2009, 10:38 AM   #248  
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Auntie G you sure said a mouth full with the wisdom of telling folks you care that you love them. Yah just never know. Hope things get better soon for you and your family. Don't worry about the wagon it will still be waiting for you to jump on fully when its the right time. Know we care here!
Kathy sorry to hear about your hubby its hitting my family members to with plants shutting down. No one will be spared with no effects this time I don't think. I only pray the worlds problems straighten out soon for everyone. Thoughts are with you and your family.
Karen welcome aboard we are a fun group and work hard on being healthy. It is not easy to make changes and every little one counts. Stay aboard and we'd all be glad to have you.
Judy your sure one busy lady I hope your calendar plans work out well.
Marie wow your doing it vacationing and being good it sure is a good feeling huh?
Penny glad to hear from you missed all of you some days just get so busy. I don't always get on here. I have been so busy with my jewelry business. Hah hah one show thats all but it sounded good. I have 17 necklaces and most have matching earrings. I want to have at least 30 for my show got to get it going up at 6 finished a really cool looking Abalone piece today with a 3 strand chain of glass seed beads it looks great. What a pain though. I figure what I make I like myself so if they don't sell no big deal. Made a Lapis necklace with hematite czech beads the other day. Now that is a nice fun piece. My coworkers and friends give me lots of input which is good. Its fun to wear a piece and get feedback. One coworker asked me to redo a necklace for her and said you do whatever you want I trust your judgement. Cool to know. It sure is keeping my hands busy and out of the cookie jar. Hah hah. I am 4 weeks into my plan now and can't believe I am doing it. I go off a bit but mainly no whites. That feels great and I can see the difference and see it. Sure haven't gotten on the scale guess I figure it could be disappointing and that would be a road block. So instead I will just continue to learn to eat well and be healthier. My new director asked me to support her in getting back onto the wagon. So that was nice she noticed my loss and has commented a few times. Nice to know its noticeable. Well take care and hang in there everyone. Lots of snow this week here quite a storm yesterday and more to come tonight.
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Old 02-22-2009, 11:03 AM   #249  
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I guess this is the last official day of my long break from work. 12 days was quite wonderful! I've enjoyed my quite long weekend at home. It's truly the way to end a vacation. Relaxing with the doggies. I do believe I might be getting a chest cold but it's just nagging (22 hours now) so I'm not sure if it's a cold or allergies.

Yesterday I had a nice adventure. DH and I "broke" our digital camera on vacation. We think a piece of sand got stuck in the lens motor. So I couldn't take pics of DGS's 3rd b-day. I asked him to take it apart as it was out of warranty. He worked on it (boy the insides are so complex compared to old fashioned cameras) and finally said it was dead. While he was I researched a digital SLR camera (the expensive type with interchangeable lens). Costco had send an email in the morning about a special so I researched it. The reviews were great and I liked the features. So I called our costco and they had 3 in stock. so i drove over the mountain and bought it. In the meantime, DH got our point and shoot to work. But he thinks the grain of sand broke a gear as you can hear it grind a bit as the lens moves. So now I have my good point and shoot as well as this awesome camera. BTW, I wanted to be a professional photographer as a teen and young adult and am pretty good at it. Had my own darkroom and the fancy old equipment. So I'm very excited about my new toy. It was what I was exercising for next so I'm way in debt in my exercise log. I won't be getting a new toy in quite some time now!

Auntie, I'm thinking of you all the time. I hope you are coping and getting through this difficult time.

Carol, great job on the new plan. How cool a co-worker asked for support. That's wonderful. As much as I hate the scale, sometimes it's best to bite the bullet.

And I did re-acquaint myself with evil scale this morning. It was actually kind. I lost weight on vacation. Not much but it was a loss. So I'm moving my ticker to the next marker after I post this. I've lost 20 pounds since I jumped back on the wagon. Overall I've lost 37 pounds. I'd really like to lose 5 more pounds by april 15th, the day I leave for Thailand. My summer clothes would fit so excellent with that additional 5 pounds. Regardless, they do fit and that big progress!!!

Well, time to do other stuff. I hope everyone returns soon!!!
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Old 02-22-2009, 06:06 PM   #250  
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Judy - I hope your trip to SF went well and that you get a bit of a break soon.

Marie - Too bad your camera broke, but at least it was a good excuse to get a nice new one! Congrats on the 20 lbs. lost! You're living proof that you can fall off the wagon and get back on and win the fight with the darned scale! I'm rooting for you to reach your goal of losing 5 more pounds before your trip to Thailand. It must be cool to fit into your summer things. I have so many things in my closet that I can only look at - for now - but I WILL get into them again!

Carol - It's nice your director noticed your weight loss. It sounds like your new plan is working out very well for you.

I hope everyone else is having a good weekend.

I got quite a bit of yard work done this weekend and it was so good to get outside. The architectural company our DS works for has everyone on 3-4 days a week and it looks like a lot more layoffs are coming. He has found a part time job to fill in for the hours he's been cut. It's only just over minimum wage, but he has a good chance to work up to a better job. He's an engineer by trade but he's not choosy. He'll be working 12 hour days, but at least it's a job. We're so glad he didn't buy a house when he moved to Boise as the housing market is really tanking there right now.

Last edited by penpal; 02-22-2009 at 06:07 PM.
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Old 02-22-2009, 07:37 PM   #251  
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Hi Everyone!

It has been a few days since I checked in. I hope everyone is doing well. We have a very sick child. He has what they're calling Flu B. I searched it on WebMd and found out that there is flu A, B, C. Flu A is the worst. He has been on medicine since this past Wednesday and doesn't seem to be getting any better. He missed 2 1/2 days of school last week. We'll see how he is tomorrow and if he isn't any better he is going to the doctor again.

Tomorrow is also our court hearing for Guardianship. I don't forsee anything going wrong with it. We have a good relationship with the boys Mom and she is in agreement with her boys living with us.

Today was a good day. When I took my doggie out this morning it didn't seem that cold so I decided to walk outside. I walked/jogged 1.3 miles. This walk usually takes me 35-40 minutes and I did it in 25 minutes. I also was able to jog a lot further then before. This walk today showed me that I am building better stamina and I can push myself harder. It was an eye opener for me. My weight stayed the same on my Friday WI.

Auntie G - Thinking of you and praying God is giving you strenght.

Have a great week everyone!

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Old 02-23-2009, 10:32 PM   #252  
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Hi everyone, what a yucky day. We'll leave it at that, no sense in whining to you all as the bad part is over and is history.

Kathy, way to go on the long walk. You're doing great. Doggies are the best excuse to exercise. I hope the court date goes well. My co-worker is pretty sick and his daughter was just the 1st Flu B case diagnosed in our area. I hope my co-worker has the sense to stay home for a god long time.

Penny, the weekend was lovely, wasn't it? And now it's Monday and the weather is yucky for at least the next 10 day forecast. Booo. I'm glad your son is rolling with the punches. Maybe it'll be the push to get him totally in the law enforcement field he desires.

I did loads of exercise and will finish the day at 1450 cals. I'm so glad I can at least control that aspect of my life.
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Old 02-24-2009, 07:03 AM   #253  
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Marie you did great even lost any loss is still counted and especially when on vac. Sounds like you had a great time. I have ruined a camera before with sand stuck up my lens from coming out etc. I am sure you had saved your pictures right on a memory card oh I hope so. Well keep up the good work.
Penny yah I have cheated a bit but always am aware of it and make sure I get right back on with my new lifestyle of changes. It is an adjustment but worth it in the end result. I made some lentil soup last night but it is pretty thick and maybe I over cooked it. Guess I will still eat it maybe it will taste better today. Thanks for your encouragement. Hope all is going well with you.
Penny it is so hard to see our adult children go through these hard times. I am with you on this hard ride with my daughters husband who is going to lose his job this summer. He worked for 20 years at a company who know one ever thought would close. So sad! Glad your DS got a little something coming his way and hope for him much better things will come. Wish I could go work in the yard but 2 feet of snow has blessed my yard and still coming down a bit. I am ready to shut off the switch.
Kathy in the field I work in often I help assist families go for guardianship. Sounds like you shouldn't have any issues. I work in a bit different area serve folks with MR and dev. mental and guardianship serves them well ensuring someone is advocating for their best needs, wishes and desires. Good luck to you and your family the boys are so lucky to have .
Judy are you back from SF? Well hopefully you get a chance to relax soon.
I have been working on a few necklaces had one all together except putting on the clasp dropped the dang thing in my bathroom sink. I was checking how long it was did it look nice etc. down the drain half my beads went. I was a little upset to say the least. But now the 3rd time around it looks great and I am going to wear it to work today. It looks nice with my outfit. My little show is on the 8th at a friends house with some school teachers. I hope to sell some of my things and get a little more funds to buy some more beads hah hah. Tonight I have been invited to a bead shop for cheese and crackers to see her new beads from Tuscon she just returned with many new items. Thank goodness my tax ck came I will be buying a few new items. The necklaces I like the most I mark up a bit if they sell oh well if not thats okay too. I always have a gift for someone in my home at least the ladies.
Gotta go to work! I am off to exercise after work and having my daughter exercise on sundays really starts my week off and has been great for both of us.
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Old 02-24-2009, 06:16 PM   #254  
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Hi all. Just wanted to let you know that I'm still here, and I hope this is not offensive, but I'm just copying what I wrote on the other thread I post in so I don't have to type it twice.

I'm still not exactly ready for this, but I don't want to lose contact. Last Tuesday my brother died. He was 42. I'm a mess. Today we met with my sister's pastor to work on a Memorial service, and I'm hoping that will provide some healing. I know things will get better in time, but for now I'm just trying to keep it together as best as I can.

I don't want to be depressing, so I think I still need to lie low until I find a new normal. I haven't gotten on the scale, but then I haven't exactly been eating normally lately, so I'll have to work back into that, too.

You girls keep going! I'll be back...
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Old 02-24-2009, 07:23 PM   #255  
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Auntie G - I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your brother. You and your family are in our prayers.

cacmsc54 - The hearing for guardianship went well. It lasted 20 minutes and it was all over with. The boys mother was in agreement with everything and so were the boys so that helped to make things easier. We have a good relationship with their mother. We had her at our house for Christmas.

The boys are happy to finally be out of foster care. Their great kids and we love them a lot.

Since my walk on Sunday I haven't exercised because my body has been screaming at me. I plan on getting up early tomorrow and getting on the treadmill. After my walk on Sunday I felt great. If I would have had enough energy I would have done it again. The endorphines were flying!!
It is suppose to be warmer here tomorrow so I'm hoping to also get a walk in on my lunch break.

I need to run, have a great Wednesday everyone and keep up the good work.

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