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Old 02-24-2009, 07:41 PM   #256  
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I ate coffee, hot chocolate, my morning frap, salad with roasted turkey, salad with roasted turkey, boiled ribs with mustard, sour cream with cottage cheese and splenda. I had about 30 minutes when I was just famished and that is when I had the ribs and the other stuff. I am so glad for this thread. Probably wonl't loose an ounce by tomorrow but that was just the best I could do today. When I was famished I was thinking.......nothing to look forward to, bored, grateful etc etc etc. Oh well. Just don't want to loose any ground. Some days no matter what kind of caffeine I take in I still have ravishing moments.

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Old 02-24-2009, 09:29 PM   #257  
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Auntie, I am so very sorry for your loss. Words can not express how badly I feel for you. Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. We will be here when you find your new normal. Your old normal is forever changed.

Your friend,
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Old 02-24-2009, 09:41 PM   #258  
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Hi everyone, today was much better at work. I actually got work done - yesterday was spent totally on responding to email and fixing little issues. That doesn't include the irritation with my contract/pay that erupted yesterday, but I have a job and that is a good consolation. The short story, I have a memo of understanding that changed my pay over three years. The first two (up till this fiscal year) had the pay increase in lieu of any % increase and my longevity. This year, it's clearly not stated in lieu of anything and when my contract settled, they didn't give me my longevity or %. So now I'm fighting them. I could easily fight them in court as it's black and white, but I don't want to go there. As I said, I have a good paying job, but I'm not fond of being screwed with.

Food is on track, 1420 with dinner cals added in already. I walked treadmill 1.5 miles this morning and then the dirt roads were dry enough to take the doggies for a 1.5 mile walk. So I think exercise I'm doing good.

Grabec, welcome to our thread. I hope you find your way back. Sometimes famished is a monthly thing for me.

Carol, ah, the beauty of crafts. Sell some so you can buy more supplies. I've been done that road many times. I'm glad I'm not the only one whose camera died because of a beach.

Kathy, endorphines - the reason I exercise. That it's a little helpful in losing weight is nice, but I do it for the mental effect. I'm bipolar and I keep my mental status in balance with exercise, eating right, taking vitamins and light therapy. But it was the conversion to daily exercise 3 years ago that enabled me to go off my meds. I can just imagine how wonderful it would be to have all those endorphines and not need them because the brain doesn't produce enough on it own. So exercise, it's good for you!!!

My DS2 just arrived for dinner and a visit, so I will go.
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Old 02-25-2009, 04:25 PM   #259  
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Auntie G, I'm so sorry to hear this sad news. We'll be here when you're ready to reengage. In the meantime, I'm thinking of you and your family.

I have been missing for a bit. San Francisco was good, very busy. I zoned out this weekend (again), and the work week has been wall-to-wall meetings and deadlines.

I finally got back on the scale this morning: 231 . My clothes are very tight, so I'm not surprised. Still, it was an awful shock to see this number. I've just felt out of control for months, with half of me very upbeat and committed about working out and healthy eating, and the other half protesting that I don't have time or energy for anything beyond trying to keep my little nonprofit afloat. But I can't continue to grow! I've pulled my food log out again to track my mindless munching. The key thing is to get a handle on my life overall, which is the real issue....

Anyway, now that I've returned from Egypt (the Land of "de Nile" ) will come back for personals soon.

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Old 02-25-2009, 06:24 PM   #260  
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Auntie G - I'm so sorry to hear you lost your brother. I hope the memorial service will help start the healing process for you. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Kathy - I hope your DS has recovered from the flu. I'm glad your guardianship hearing went well.

Marie - I'm glad to see you are keeping on plan with your calories. I hope your contract issues are cleared up to your satisfaction. It doesn't look like our DS will get a job in law enforcement as they are cutting back and have a hiring freeze for 18 months.

Carol - Sorry to hear about your SIL's job problems. It must be very hard, especially after so many years with the same company. I hope he gets a good job offer soon. Good luck with the jewelry sales.

Judy - I'm sorry you're having a difficult time on your weight loss journey. We've all been there and just know we're all rooting for you. I hope your stress level soon goes down so you can start getting back on track.

Grabec - Welcome and good luck with your weight loss efforts!

I'm fighting the munchies as I've been very tired due to my arthritis acting up at night. My back also went out the other day after I did some yard work and is still very sore. Getting old is such a drag! Sorry for the whine . We got our downstairs carpets cleaned yesterday and they turned out so nice. We should have got it done sooner - I was so sick of looking at the dingy carpet.

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Old 02-25-2009, 08:47 PM   #261  
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Oh Penny, I hear you on the getting old is a drag. I'm the most active, fit and healthy I've ever been but the aches and pains from aging stink!!! One would think that my body would be happy with all the good I do for it but, no it protest! So Penny, you're not alone.

Judy, on the weigh in. But you took the first step. You faced your monster and I know you will beat it. My altered thinking with staying in my 1500 cals is I've turned it into a competition between and my munchie monster. I always let it win in the past and now I taunt it with my log. I know that's mind game but making it competitive really kicked me into action. I refuse to lose to the fat.

Auntie, I'm thinking of you often. I've thought about my brother who I never chat with because it's one-way, all from me. But I'm going to send him an email with a quick hi and love you message. I will take your words to not wait to heart.

Kathy, hope the endorphines were flying today.

Carol, I hope the plan is great today.

I had PT today and found a new machine to love. Elliptical trainer. It was like jogging with NO jarring to my knees. I got all sweaty. I actually asked to do it 15 minute more as I was having a ball. I'm going to start scanning Craigslist to keep an eye out for one. I told DH about it - he loves to run and did the ridiculous marathon stuff (why anyone chooses to run 26.2 miles is beyond me) but he can't run anymore because of knee problems (can you say marathons???). So I told him about it and how I kept thinking about him and how he'd like it. He was very interested. So I'll keep an eye out as I'm not going to buy new. I'm going to buy a used one for the price of a budget one that would be new ans it'll be a good one then. I'm not in a hurry as I have 2 weeks left of PT.

Food is on track and I also did 1.5 miles on a doggie hike this morning.
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Old 02-26-2009, 08:06 PM   #262  
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Marie - The endorphines took a nose dive after Sunday. My DS3 has been very sick. It started as Flu B and ended up with pnuemonia. We had to take him to the emergency after we already had him to the doctor twice. I think we have finally turned the corner. He is doing much better for which I am thankful.

I trust everyone else is doing well. Tomorrow is my WI and I am hoping for a loss. I have stayed OP and finally got to take a walk/run today. It was 51 degrees today so I couldn't pass up the opportunity to get outside.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.

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Old 02-26-2009, 10:49 PM   #263  
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Kathy, I'm glad your son is starting to recover. I was reading some stats about the flu and how many people die annually from it. The number was staggering. I guess I'd never thought about it being so serious (of course, I know it's serious, but it's more serious than I'd thought). So I'm glad your son is recovering the flu and pneumonia. And good job getting out into the nice weather.

I did it - I lied. I bought a brand new elliptical this evening. I'd narrowed the choice to a Sole E55 and Sole E95. I asked DH to compare and make suggestions. He did and we decided on the E55. The E95 was $200 more expensive and we didn't think the feature upgrade was worth it. I really was sort of astounded by the price for a good machine, but after hours of research last night and tonight, we went for the most expensive exercise equipment I have bought. Now that I think about it, it's about what I've paid for many of the fitness equipment all together. And DH did go to the base gym today and tried one out. He wanted the one he tried out until I told him they sell for 6500. He was ok with the one I chose after that (1400). I really hope he uses it as his waist has been getting what mine has lost.

The doggies took me out for a COLD 1.5 mile walk this morning. The winds were around 25-40 mpg, blowing down a mountain and whipping snow pellets in my face. It was actually 36 degrees but felt like -20. Walking the chunk into the wind should have gave me extra cals burned.

Food is good and on track. I'm going to go do yoga as I promised the PT I would do it before tomorrow's PT appt. So I must go do that.
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Old 02-27-2009, 01:47 PM   #264  
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I'm okay, after spending two days dealing with feelings of failure, anger and overall lumpishness. I've been tracking my food, and noting my primary Achilles heel (too many after-dinner calories). I'm pushing myself to do workouts in the morning, even if I only have 15-20 minutes. I haven't slept well so far this year, which have really impacted my most likely workout time. On the positive side, I've finally adjusted to the tweaking we did earlier of my thyroid meds, so once I'm up and moving my energy level is better than it's been since early winter. So onward and downward! I won't worry about a goal, for now...just getting my head pointed in the right direction.

Kathy, I hope your son recovers soon. And that your weigh-in went well today!

Hi, Grabec--remember, you want to look ravishing, not feel ravished...

Marie, I love ellipticals. My only complaint is that sometimes the foot pedals are too far apart (made for a taller person?) which does put a little pressure on my knees and hips.

Penny, I hope you're able to get back to work in the yard soon. The flowers--and the birds--will miss you.

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Old 02-27-2009, 08:37 PM   #265  
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Judy - You are not a failure. We you fall down get right back up, wipe the dust off and move on. I understand what you mean when your thyroid is out of whack. I'm on thyroid meds too and for awhile mine was out of whack, but for the last 2 checkups they finally have it under control. You hang in there and just keep movin forward.

Marie - Congrats on your eliptical. I have never been on one so I don't know what they are like. Way to go walking the doggies even though it was frigid.

My son is doing a lot better. He still has a cough but he has improved greatly. My WI was good, I'm down 2lbs. I'm now at 235.6. YEAH!

I didn't get to walk today because it rained, but I'm hoping to tomorrow morning.

I hope you all have a great weekend. Keep up the good work.

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Old 02-27-2009, 11:09 PM   #266  
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Judy, ditto on Kathy's words. No way is gaining weight make anyone a failure. You've been under tremendous pressure the last year. And you've caught yourself and didn't regain it all. I know how determined you are and know the weight will come back off.

Kathy, I'm glad your son is recovering. That is so scary. I'm asthmatic and lung problems are nothing to ignore so it's good the pneumonia is going away. And great job on the weigh in!

I had PT and man oh man, they wanted to punish my quads and hamstrings. It was pretty funny, they wanted me to do ultraslow leg presses and started me at 210 pounds. I couldn't budge it. I just started laughing. Moved it to 150 pounds and it was still so hard, 3 sets of 10, each one being 10 seconds lift and 10 seconds lower. I guess they're happy with my knee's progress. I know I am. And I got to do 15 minutes on the elliptical. Man that thing is fun! BTW Judy, the one I bought has adjustable footpads that can be angles to what works for an individual so that the joints move naturally. That was a big part of the reason I chose the Sole E55.

Food - I'm probably going to go 50 cals over today. As I did my regular workout at 4:30 this morning, then went to PT and expended more than the 50, I won't worry. The doggies took me on a walk this morning and it was crystal clear with stars shining. No moon and it was dark. My headlamp batteries started to die and I kept tapping it to keep it going. I'm not sure what I would have done if they'd totally died. It was so dark. DH replaced the batteries so i'm set for Monday morning.

Auntie, I hope you're healing and are coming to terms with your loss.

Carol, I hope you had a good end to the week.

Mazza, where did you go?

Penny, how's the program and Curves?

Well, I am ready to enjoy weekend!
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Old 02-28-2009, 07:41 AM   #267  
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Happy Saturday to all! I'm going to try to ease back in... Sorry, but I'm not quite up on everyone's current events yet, but I'll get there.

I weighed in today and was down 3½ lbs, back to the lowest I got to just before the Christmas insanity set in. I don't know if that will stick or not. I haven't been writing down my food in the past week and a half, and I have been eating some bad stuff, but I don't think I've been eating as often and I'm getting extra walking in. I guess it all balances out somehow. DH and I have been going to my parents' house to walk my brother's dog every day, in addition to our own girl's walks. I think it's good for all of us. I'll have to get a picture of her up here one of these days.

Tomorrow is the Memorial Service. I've got 3 posterboards of pictures made up, and that process has definitely given us all some laughter, which is a great relief. My sister was laughing at an old picture that she thought was our Mom, which gave me the best laugh because it was herself she was making fun of! Ah, memories...

Well, there's still a lot to do today, so I should get on it.
Thanks to all of you for your kindness. Have a great weekend!
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Old 02-28-2009, 02:56 PM   #268  
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Auntie, welcome back. We have missed you. I'm glad the poster board gave you some relief. Everytime I look at old pics, I feel an overwhelming urge to just dig through family history. That process started the healing process for you. Will you be adopting your brother's dog? Just know that once you have two or more doggies, it's impossible to go back to one. And heck, take that 3.5 pound loss and be happy with it. You need something to smile about.

We took the troublesome trio of doggies to the vet this morning. February is annual checkup month and Kai had her revisit from being sick. We asked about getting Kai on the other doggies' annual and the vet said it was fine to give her shots a couple months early. So February remains the time to visit. DH and I started that a few years back so that we'd have tax return money to pay for the visit. It's a good plan.

Before we went, we took them for a 1.5 mile walk and that didn't calm any of them down at the vet. Oh well, we tried. Before the walk I weight in and lost another 1.8 pounds. So I'm going to move the ticker again. YEAH!!! I was surprised by the reading and expect the scale was just playing tricks on me. Tomorrow it will probably take back what it gave today. It is a fickle machine.

I'm having major allergy problems since returning from vacation. I think it's either the new supplement I started taking or the new memory foam topper we bought for the bed. I stopped the supplement after last nights dose (when I finally thought of that) and I'm working on a cover for the bed. I'm so sick of sneezing and sniffling. I wish it had been a cold because it would be almost over.

Hi to everyone, back to the bed cover project.
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Old 02-28-2009, 06:27 PM   #269  
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Auntie - It's so good to hear from you again. It is always great looking at old pictures and remembering all the good times those pictures represent. Congrts on your weight loss! With all the stress you have been under any loss is good!

It was cold here today but the sun was shining beautifully. I decided to brave the cold and take my walk/run. It always feels so good to get outside. It makes me feel better.

I feel like I have gone non-stop today so I'm going to run along and just realax.

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Old 02-28-2009, 09:17 PM   #270  
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Marie - I hope you're enjoying your new elliptical machine. I hope you've found out what is causing your allergy attack. I hope it's not your new foam topper - although it might be worth avoiding it for a couple of days to see if it makes a difference. Sometimes they put antifungal stuff or other chemicals into furnishings. My sinuses get stuffed up immediately when I enter a furniture shop, sometimes in clothing stores too.

Auntie G - I'm glad the memorial service has helped you start the healing process. Congratulations on the 3.5 lbs. loss!

Kathy - I'm so glad to hear your DS is getting better. I know how scary it can be when our kids are sick. Congrats on the 2 lbs. loss!

Judy - I'm glad you're psyched up to go onwards and downwards! I hope I'll join you on the downhill (weightwise) journey soon.

I've been very achy the last week and wasn't able to go to Curves at all. My back has been acting up after I did some yard work. I forget to take it easy as my doctor told me to. As soon as it's dry out I get very gung-ho. I want to avoid any more surgery (the doc said I may eventually need to get my 3 lower vertebrae fused ) I'm going to start my back strengthening exercises again and hope that will help things. I'm so glad we have our heated massage bed - it's so relaxing and soothing when either of us has a bad back. I'm on track with calories and have been getting a bit more sleep - which I think is key to losing weight. The more tired I am the more I seem to gravitate to the fridge or pantry!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Last edited by penpal; 02-28-2009 at 09:21 PM.
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