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Old 01-03-2009, 05:59 PM   #61  
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Happy Saturday Everyone!!!

DH and I went to Crater Lake Nat'l Park (see my avatar) and went snowshoeing this morning. We were trying my knee out and it worked pretty good. Walking straight isn't too bad, so we decided to give it a try. We snowshoed for about 2 miles. It was GORGEOUS blue sky and cold (5 degrees). About 6" of fresh snow and it felt so good to exercise outside. I had a great time. Perhaps I will live without skiing this year. DH likes the idea of going every weekend. Except, his guard weekends as he won't go in the dark. Food is on target today as well. One would think Mr. Scale could start being nice, but alas, I thik I'm definitely in plateau stage (I haven't lost in a month and have been angelic). But as I'm not gaining, I'm not mad.

Hope everyone is having as fun of a day as I am. I'm going to do some quilting this afternoon after I continue to internet search for an ipod dock for my Jeep. DH found one he thought was good for $80 and I just stared at him - way too expensive. I think he liked my response. BTW, the ski area just called to let me know they processed my refund on my season ticket. yeah!!!

PS Auntie - I just saw that the Vikings won't be blacked out in the Twin Cities. Ya gotta love Viking fans - they almost didn't sell out a playoff game. Nice of the NFL to give them 2 24 hour extensions.
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Old 01-03-2009, 07:05 PM   #62  
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DisgruntledOne - That must have taken quite a bit of willpower to steer clear of the pizza. Kudos to you! I know they say one piece hasn't got that many calories but who can eat just ONE piece of pizza???

Marie - Your snowshoeing trip sounds wonderful - I can almost imagine the beautiful scenery. I'm glad your knee is cooperating enough to let you get out and about. You reminded me to update my website. I always dread doing so as something usually crashes! I use an old version of FrontPage, but haven't got the nerve to do it over in a newer program.

I hope everyone is having a good weekend.

I've been doing some much needed spring cleaning. I usually do a good clean up after the holidays are over so that everything is off to a fresh start for the new year. I just have the vaccuming and cleaning the wood floors to do and then I'm done. I'm itching to get outside and start cleaning up my garden, but will have to wait till the rain goes away (hopefully by April!)

Food has been fairly good since I clambered back on the wagon.

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Old 01-03-2009, 07:21 PM   #63  
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Happy Saturday! I FINALLY am back up on the wagon - yeeeee hah! I don't want to, but I must confess that over the past 3 weeks of terrible behavior, I gained 9, count 'em, 9 lbs. I'm sure that a few aren't solid ones, because I am in the midst of the PMS bloat, but holy cow! I think I seriously lost my mind in December.

So, today I'm back to my senses. Yay! I broke out my new pedometer and went for a freezing cold and windy walk, too. Of course since I don't know what I'm doing with this new pedometer yet, I screwed it up and reset it after wearing it for about 8 hours. I want to get at least the step count for the whole day, but alas, I shall try that again tomorrow. At least I got moving today.

Marie, I've got this scrapbooking mess all over the dining room table, and now you go and mention quilting, which makes me want to get that mess out! I'm not going to yet, I must be sensible, but I sure keep thinking about it! Can't wait to see your picture! Congrats on the successful snowshoeing - sounds like you had a blast! Oh, and since you're such a techno-wiz, I've got a techno-idiot question for you (me being the idiot, naturally.) I received a small device for Christmas that says it's an MP3 player. In my car it says MP3 right at the CD slot. These 2 things are not meshing in my head, and I didn't open up the Christmas package yet and read any instructions, so maybe I'd find out something that way, but I'm afraid to open it, in case I'd be better off returning it since I'm an idiot. Hey, I still listen to albums, so what do I know? But if you can shed any light, that would be awesome! And yeah, I saw on the news this morning that the game wasn't sold out yet. What's up with that? It's a playoff game, people! Oh boy. Well, I'm glad they sold it out now, but there's no chance that would have been a problem here. I'll be thinking of you, but rooting against you . Hope it's a good game!

Penny, hurray for an end to the sweet treats! Congrats on sticking with your calories, and hey, if you only put back on 20 lbs in a year with all the things you went through, I'd say that's not bad! But now we've got this fabulous new year to do things better, and we SHALL!

Disgruntled, congrats on being strong on pizza day! Pizza is probably my favorite food in the whole world, with chocolate running a close second. I don't think I could have bailed on it, especially after waiting so long for it. So, good for you! The skateboard must be getting you somewhere...

Have a great Sunday, all!

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Old 01-04-2009, 11:45 AM   #64  
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Auntie G - Isn't it amazing how quickly we can gain weight? . I gained over 10 lbs. between Thanksgiving and Christmas and the other 10 lbs. since spring. The first 10 lbs. I was in denial thinking "bloat" but now I realize it's not magically going to go away. I've read that even after we lose weight our "extra" fat cells are still lurking just waiting to be filled up! Not fair . Auntie, I just saw on your ticker that you've already lost 53 lbs. - that's fantastic! Keep up the good work .

I'm going to start tracking my calories in my online journal again. It's a real pain to do so, but I know it works for me to keep me honest. So let's keep on cheering each other on during our weightloss journey this year .

Last edited by penpal; 01-04-2009 at 11:48 AM.
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Old 01-04-2009, 01:17 PM   #65  
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Happy Sunday All!

Go Vikings!!! (I couldn't resist auntie - btw, DH says the reason they didn't snap up the tickets is Viking fans are conditioned to expect the team to lose in the playoffs. )

Penny you mention the logging of cals. After I'd regained the 20 pounds, I told my DH that I can't maintain or lose weight without logging. So if I EVER stop, he is to nag me until I get back to logging - even if it's loads and loads of food. Because I gave him permission to nag, I can't get mad at him. I also told him another trick for when I'm gaining weight - if I come home from work and immediately put on PJs or sweats - indicates my jeans are too tight. I decided if I gave him all my secrets, then I couldn't use them. anyway, I'm happy you're back on the wagon. You can lose that 20 pounds. It just takes FOREVER (I still have a couple more to go for my 20 to be eradicated).

Auntie, the MP3 by your car stereo means that if you burn MP3s to a CD, your car CD player will play them. Old CD players could only read original CDs but the newer ones read digital formats like MP3. I hope that helps. BTW, I saw at Costco they see a record player that plugs into your computer (USB connection) so you can play the record and your computer will save them to MP3, then you'd be able to put it on your MP3 player or burn an MP3 CD and they hold about 150 or so songs. Really nice CDs for traveling so you're not listening to the same CD's 12 songs over and over again.

DH and I took the doggies to the mountain behind our house to run free. They had a blast and are so tired now. It was pretty icky walking - cold (8 degrees) and the road was rutted ice/snow about 8" deep. Yesterday's snowshoeing was way better on my knee. Next time we're bringing the snowshoes and going off the road with the doggies.

Food was at 1500 cals yesterday and today is the first day I will be trying the 1900 cals one day per week Keep your fingers crossed.

Well, time to make a few more quilt squares. auntie, stick with your scrapbooking as that project gets you further and further behind with each day that passes. Me, I gave up on it as I could never keep my pics/book up to date.
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Old 01-04-2009, 01:26 PM   #66  
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Marie - I just started using my Sparkpeople log again today. Luckily, all the dozens of meals and "favorites" are still in their database. It gave me a calming feeling to log my food again - I already feel more in control. It's interesting you asked your hubby to remind you to log. I told my DH that it seems to be the only way I can lose consistently. I know how disappointed you were when you gained your 20 lbs. and it's been a real inspiration to hear how you've again conquered the fat demon .

I think one of my biggest mistakes was to stop wearing jeans when they got too tight and instead I've been wearing my comfy stretch pants. Now I have a closet full of size 14 and 16 pants and jeans I can't wear! In future I'm going to only wear the stretch pants for workouts as the tight waistbands are a good indicator that I'm off the wagon!

I'll keep my fingers crossed that your 1900 cal "experiment" works!

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Old 01-04-2009, 04:25 PM   #67  
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Woo hoo! It's almost game time! Well, I had the same pedometer problem as yesterday - it reset itself, but now I figured out why. I never set the TIME on it (never had one that told time before), so it reset, thinking it was the next day. At least now I'll get it straight tomorrow.

I've been scrapbooking my brains out today, and lost my window of opportunity for going out walking (aside from puppy walks, of course), but it's been a completely chocolate-free and on track day, so I'm good with that for now. I feel sooo much better being back on the wagon. It's ridiculous how icky I feel when overeating, and yet don't stop. So hurray for the new year, new wagon!

Penny, I didn't change my ticker to show the nine I gained back, so I'm not "legally" at -53 right now, but I will get back there!!! I know exactly what you mean about the "bloat denial"- that's how I got the nine back. Now I'm hoping a few really are PMS bloat, but I know the rest are FUDGE. And yes, tracking your food is definitely the only way (at least for me.) If you don't keep track, it's just too easy to go overboard without even realizing it. Oh, and you are also right on about the jeans vs stretchy pants issue. Gee, odd how I've been in sweats for the past couple weeks... Hmmmm, might there be a connection?

Marie, if those Vikings fans are expecting a loss, I hope we don't disappoint them! I like your idea about getting your DH on the job of pants monitoring. Mine would never know if I'm logging or not, but he should notice if I get changed extra early. Well, maybe not, but I think I will bring it up. Thanks for the MP3 explanation - it does make sense that way. Now I want to look into this record player to computer gizmo! Wow, that would be so awesome! Good luck with your increased cal day. I think it will be fine, it may even help kick you off the plateau from time to time!

Gotta go get in front of the TV. Have a great night, all!

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Old 01-04-2009, 05:55 PM   #68  
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Yaay, I'm back home again for a while, and working on starting off the year from a more mentally settled place than I ended 2008. I've unearthed my erasable notepad for the frig, so I can go back to writing out my meal plan for the day (one of the casualties of constant travel). I have a little calendar to log my eating (which I used in fits and starts last week) and a beautiful red journal called "Faith." I've decided to follow the Body+Soul magazine (Martha Stewart) 35-day challenge, in part because of its emphasis on journaling. I weighed myself after Xmas and nearly passed out . I'll bite the bullet and post Monday morning's weight on my ticker. I'm not going to worry about a weight goal right now. I need to focus on behavior first, starting with accountability.

Elyn, it's so good to hear from you. I'm looking forward to seeing you back here.

Marie, it sounds like you're having a good weekend! I can't wait to see you quilt squares.

Penny, if you have the urge to travel, c'mon over to DC, and bring your cleaning supplies . I always get a homemaker binge right around now, but I could use some help. I agree with the waistband issue. If I hadn't gotten rid of all my larger pants, I probably would've gained even more these past few months.

Disgruntled, congrats on walking away from free pizza! Even the smell of a room 30 minutes post-pizza makes me hungry .

Auntie, now that they are a lot cheaper, I've been eyeballing the record players and boom boxes that would convert my old tapes and vinyl into MP3 files. I would rather spend money on that than on shelving for all these ancient casette tapes...although I'll always keep some of my old records, or at least my favorite album covers.

Carol, where are you?

I've been on program since I got home yesterday, and enjoyed a nice cardio workout this morning. Tonight I'll get my clothes out for tomorrow, switch to my everyday purse, play a little Home Spa, and get to bed early. I hope everyone has a great Monday!


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Old 01-04-2009, 07:53 PM   #69  
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Hi everyone!!!! Just a quick note as my laptop is on red zone on the battery.

Congrats auntie on the Eagles win. Perhaps the Vikings will now go shopping for a quarterback that has leadership skills. One can hope.

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Old 01-05-2009, 04:54 AM   #70  
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Hi everyone.

Having a rough coupla days with eating etc. Don't want to get into too much detail on this side of the struggle but the 3FC support network has really helped.

Not much more to say right now. Work today was a blast and there was nobody in the shop. I was tempted to make rude calls over our PA....but I decided to gift wrap random items instead - like our 'not available' book for shifts times, empty cans of deodorant...etc.

Love to all.
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Old 01-05-2009, 08:11 AM   #71  
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Okay, here it is: this morning's weight is 223.5 . To perk myself up, I changed my avatar. It's a double rainbow that I shot last summer in Vermont. During that week, I made some promises to myself, around mediation and self-care, that got lost in the fall and early winter. I hope that using this avatar for a while will remind me to take time to breathe, listen and think.

I'm glad you're back on "this" side, Mariana!

Off to work soon. Apparently some of the streets near my office have been closed. The President-Elect and his family are staying at a nearby hotel, so traffic (and gawkers) will be circling aimlessly until the drivers figure out how to get around.

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Old 01-05-2009, 08:57 AM   #72  
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Gotta throw in a WOOHOO for the Eagles win! Who knows what will happen next week, but yay for now...

Today I'm cooking up my sauce for a spaghetti week- it's really the easiest way for me to get in a solid good week, and boy, do I need one! I think I've got the pedometer working now, so I'm going to get in a good walk, too.

Judy, a new journal can be so inspiring! Good luck with the 35 day challenge! The new avatar picture is beautiful! Great photo, indeed!

Marie, that game was stressful, but I never gave up hope! At least you'll have your Sundays free now. I couldn't stop singing disco songs during the game, thinking of the group Tavares, every time I heard that QB's name.

Mariana, don't beat yourself up about a couple bad days. You pulled through the holidays well, and you'll be fine! We've got the traditional January down time at work, too, but unfortunately, I have to do inventory now. By myself. I am not a happy camper.

Puppy's waiting for a walk. Have a great day, everyone!
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Old 01-05-2009, 09:30 AM   #73  
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ok ladies... this thread title is the easiest for me to check into (easiest to remember lol)

Today's going ok so far... i worked out yesterday, so today is a by day for me

i've only had 5points so far today too... leaving me with 20 more

so far:

mini wheats - 3pts
coffee creamer - 2pts


LC Four Cheese Pizza - 7pts
100 cal soft baked oatmeal raisin cookies - 2pts
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Old 01-05-2009, 11:06 AM   #74  
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Mariana - Sorry to hear you've had a rough few days. The support here has helped me a lot too. I hope you are feeling more on track today.

Judy - That's a beautiful photo - I love rainbows. The new year is always a good time to recommit to taking care of ourselves in every way.

Auntie G - Ugh, doing inventory is no fun. At least you have your Eagles win to cheer you up.

Sally - . sxulcmnky - that's an unusual screen name. It looks like you're doing Weight Watchers or something similar? Good luck with your weight loss efforts.

Marie - I hope your Monday is off to a good start.

I'm on my second day of journaling ALL foods. I'm going to get back into my regular routine of exercising 3x a week at Curves. I hope everyone has had a good start to the new year.

Last edited by penpal; 01-05-2009 at 12:24 PM.
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Old 01-05-2009, 12:23 PM   #75  
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Morning everyone (or Happy Tomorrow Mariana)

Welcome Sally. I do like the name of the thread - it's easy to pick out but not nearly as creative as some. I hope that you stay with us. You're doing great (by the looks of the ticker).

Mariana, i'm sorry it's been a rough few days. You'll get back on it. I'm proud of you for resisting the PA prank although I'm quite sure I'd have played on it.

Judy, the avatar is beautiful - I noticed it before reading your post and thought it was a painting. How awesome you took the picture. Perhaps you should share more of your travel photos... hint, hint. OK, now I could be wrong, but if I recall your weight at Christmas 2007 was around 230 and so you are down from the previous year. I realize that you were down further but you HAVE made progress. Very few people can say that. I just visited a site with Biggest Loser - where are they now? Nearly all the people have gained a chunk of weight back. A few were only minimal and just a couple were a lot. But regardless, it was depressing as there were typically 20-30 pound regains. I never have watched the show but that was depressing that people that are spotlighted for weight loss can't keep it off. Anyway, the point I'm trying to make is you have come so far, that a slight detour is not a big deal. You're back on track and 2009 will be less stressful as your former director is gone.

Penny, good job getting on the logging wagon (we live in Oregon - I couldn't resist). Be careful at Curves - you don't want to re-injure your shoulder.

Auntie - I could handle spaghetti for a week. DH couldn't so I don't do that. But there's lots of my portion controlled lasagna so I'll go Italian as well. My hubby will be on lots of temporary deployments starting in June (4 weeks gone, 4 weeks home). I was thinking of using the gone 4 weeks to try things like spaghetti week.

BTW, I flunked 1900 cal day. It was because of the dumb Eagles-Viking game that was televised smack dab in the middle of the afternoon. So our pizza because "lunner" a combined meal. So I finished the day at 1505 cals. I will try again to bump it up next weekend. I refused to mosey out of bed to exercise this morning so I got 50 minutes extra sleep and have to exercise after I get home. And I'll get home late as I'm having my hair low-lighted and cut this afternoon. Such a busy day and I have no desire to work.
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