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Old 01-23-2009, 04:19 PM   #166  
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Just a quick check in for me today - crazy busy day. I'm still on plan and hope the scale is friendly when I weigh in on Sunday . I hope everyone is doing well. Have a great weekend everyone!
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Old 01-23-2009, 08:42 PM   #167  
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Hi everyone!

I'm very happy it's Friday but today was a day I dislike as it was 1st semester grading and teachers are a pain about remembering how to post their grades to the student info system. I knew it would be yucky but I really started the day in a GREAT mood. By 11:00 the good mood was gone.

But I have a slight fever (I even took my temp) and my throat is a tiny bit sore, so I'm hopeful it was the teachers that have made me exhausted (as well as one dumb a$$ secretary - sorry for the bad word, but she's SO irritating). Anyway, I'm tired, cranky but thankful it's WEEKEND.

Penny, mr evil scale will be friendly as you just deserve it to be. You're doing great staying on the wagon.

Kathy, what about not turning off your computer at night, using Windows screensaver and password protecting it? And bring your keys to your desk home. And way to go on the foregoing of a dunkichinno. I think I'd succumb if I wouldn't have to drive 30 minute to a Starbucks. Instead, I logged my dinner and remaining cals and will make my mocha that I like better than the bucks skinny decaf mocha.

Hey auntie, if you only had one cheese fry and one slice of pizza, you're home free. And if not, it's in the past and you go forward. As you could tell from my moaning at the beginning of the post, I have the blahs too. Wrok absolutely executed my wonderful mood.

Carol, extra energy is such a plus. You're doing great. BTW to avoid the loss of password and username, switch to Mozilla Firefox as you browser, then let it save the password and username. And if you ever need it, you go to options>security and can see them on the screen. I've used the feature a couple times in the last two weeks.

Judy, the layers and boots added resistance training to your walk so I bet you had a better workout than a scheduled workout. Sometimes real life gives us great workouts.

Well, DH took pity on me and made dinner, so off I go. I'll be cheerier tomorrow. I promise. Unless I really do get sick.
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Old 01-23-2009, 08:51 PM   #168  
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Hi Everyone!

Today was my WI and I gained 1.4lbs. That was a depressing start to my day. I eventually got over it and stayed on plan until supper tonight. Tonight I had a Big Mac, fries and a root beer. Needless to say I feel like I have a ton of bricks in my stomach and I feel yucky. Tomorrow is a new day and I plan on getting back on track.

Marie - I hope you are feeling better. I did talk to my boss today about the situation with his brother. He told me to hide my keys to my desk in another place. I would take them home with me, but I can't because there are times my boss has to get a check out of my desk and would need the key to get in the drawer. Both my boss and I are changing the passwords on our computers so he will not be able to get on them.

I must run. Have a great weekend everyone.

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Old 01-24-2009, 03:21 AM   #169  
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Hey everyone!

I hope you're all doing well.

In the process of melting;

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Old 01-24-2009, 08:22 AM   #170  
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Good morning all! Well, I've been a bad, bad girl the past couple days, and I had a gain on the scale this morning. I've faced up to the truth and updated my ticker. I've just been feeling so yucky, in addition to PMS, I slipped back into comforting myself with food. I'm hoping to get a grip this week.

I'm heading out this morning to buy a new microwave. That might actually help my eating, since something new in the kitchen seems to be inspiring.

Kathy, looks like we've been in the same boat again. I hope you're back on track today!

Penny, good luck with tomorrow's WI!

Marie, I'm trying to forget the pizza and cheese fries. The truffles I had last night took my mind right off them! Groan... I've also got the slight fever and beginnings of a sore throat. Throw in stuffy sinuses, too. I hope you're doing better today!

Mariana, sometimes melting is a good thing! Hang in there!

Have a great weekend everybody!
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Old 01-24-2009, 11:27 AM   #171  
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Marie & Auntie G - I hope you both get over your bug soon. There seems to be a lot going around. I know how hard it is to 'deny' ourselves when we don't feel well or are stressed, I guess it's kind of like mothering ourselves. Maybe some chicken soup would help.

Mariana - I hope the 'melting' leads to some weight loss at least!

I'm stressed right now as our DS hasn't been well. He's had a chronic cough for a long time and has finally decided to get it checked out. He seems to get bronchitis every couple of months and coughs a lot. I'm hoping it might be allergies, not something more serious. He doesn't smoke, so it's not that. It wasn't until one of his buddies suggested he get it checked out he's decided to do so. Mom saying so would just be nagging! He's also been placed on furlough at work yesterday, which means he only gets paid if they have work. He's put out some resumes but engineering jobs are pretty thin on the ground in Boise right now. Poor guy is still limping around with his badly sprained ankle. He's in pretty good spirits though, considering. I seem to be the worrier in family!

I'm trying hard not to use this as an excuse to get back into bad eating habits.

Last edited by penpal; 01-24-2009 at 11:27 AM.
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Old 01-24-2009, 12:37 PM   #172  
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Morning all, I'm feeling way better today. Apparently the teachers made me sick. No fever and no sore throat, knock on wood.

Penny I wish you felt better and I'm so sorry about your son. Is he willing to move elsewhere? Sometimes that's not too much of an option. And you will not let stress drive you to the fridge. You know then you'd be depressed as well as stressed.

Auntie, I LOVE truffles. I have a bunch from Christmas. They're dark chocolate trufflettes from France. I buy them annually at Costco. They're 51 cals each. They're a bit smaller than the regular ones. I have one a day. I figure the two boxes DH bought me will last till next Christmas. But man oh man, I could eat non-stop with those. So I understand they're lure. Get on track and make that ticker go back to where it was. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! You've come so far, no reason to turn back now.

Mazza, I'm sorry you're melting. When you're cold in July, you can smile at the rest of us that will be sweating and melting.

Kathy, I'm glad you had the talk with your boss. His brother sounds like a treat. Find your circling wagon and jump back on it. You know you can do it.

This morning was cleaning day as the doggies (Kody and Kai) dug out of the kennel yesterday (it was rainy so they're tunnel was muddy). They mosey their dirty little butts back into the house (luckily they didn't tunnel out of a different side as they would have been roaming the neighborhood), shock all the mud over everything, then cozied up on the leather couch. I have the majority cleaned. With my donkey dogs, only a leather couch and wood floors will work. So they're all scrubbed. The floor I did a so-so job on it as it's still rainy and icky out. DH is currently gathering lava boulders from our yard to make it so they can't tunnel again. Tomorrow is supposed to be cold so all the mud will freeze and I'll steam clean my wood floors. For now they have a bad mop job. Kai keeps running outside to reload her feet with mud.

Once my to do list is done (I'm about 1/2 way there), then I'm going to quilt. I have 18 correct squares done (and 6 that I goofed up that I will use for a valance). I need 7 to 12 more so I'm going to play in my craft room today.

Time to get back to the list...


PS I changed my ticker as well. Apparently I haven't updated it in a while. I never look at my ticker so I didn't realize that I hadn't given myself credit for the 2 pounds I lost between Thanksgiving and Christmas. I haven't lost anything since Christmas as I'm in the dreaded plateau but I'm really shaking up the exercise so I think I'll be going down soon.
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Old 01-24-2009, 08:10 PM   #173  
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Marie - The wagon did circle around and I am back on today! I have stayed on plan. I did make choc chip and pntbtr cookies today and had a pntbtr one, but I counted it in my WW points. I made minute steak sandwiches for the kids for lunch but my DH and I each had a Lean Cuisine meal.

Penpal - I hope you son feels better soon. It seems like everyone is getting sick. My DS2 has a very bad head cold, but seems to be slowly getting over it.

Have a great weekend.
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Old 01-24-2009, 08:26 PM   #174  
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Could you please tell me how you found the cute ruler you are using. Thank you.
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Old 01-24-2009, 08:32 PM   #175  
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This flu is sticking around. I've been sleeping and puttering since Wednesday. I've been a total slug. A few times a day I have a low-grade fever, and the sore throat, headache and sniffles won't move on. Luckily I have a doctor's appointment Monday afternoon to go over some lab reports, so if this hasn't moved on by then, maybe drugs will help. But it sounds like this season's flu bug, in which case antibiotics aren't the answer. Not that I want to frighten any of you who have the same symptoms I did earlier this week...

Carol, it's good that your bosses still found a way to note your skills, even if you don't have the academic credentials. Maybe your case will lead to a change in the promotion policy.

Penny, I hope the scale rewards your good work!

"Donkey dogs," Marie? Is that a term of endearment or an insult? Congrats on shifting your ticker in the right direction.

Auntie, I love new kitchen toys, too! I would die without my microwave, toaster oven and hand-held blender. I live alone, so it's great to be able to cook up or reheat things quickly, in small batches, with very little to clean up afterward. I hope your purchase helps you get back onto cruise control.

Penny, isn't it something, how mothers can fret over their "kids" for decades? I don't have kids, but I still think of my sibs as if they are still children, when the youngest of them is in his mid-30s.

Kathy, I'm glad that you and your boss are on the same page, although it's a shame he won't go directly to the source of the problem. At least with a new password, no one has access to data that's off-limits. I hope you're able to start the new week feeling motivated about weight loss.

Mariana and MzLuv, I hope you're having a fine weekend.

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Old 01-25-2009, 11:48 AM   #176  
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Happy Sunday Everyone!!!

Judy, donkey dogs is a term of endearment. I can't but adore their stubborn tendencies. If I didn't, I'd stop adopting Siberian Huskies. They are doggies crossed with Jacka$$es. Actually, did I ever mentioned that I said that to a lady that was in my office who was drooling over their pictures? She looked at me (seriously) and said (and this is a quote) "How did they do that?" I nearly fell off my chair, trying not to laugh at her gullibility. Huskies are very smart, stubborn, loyal doggies. I love all three traits.

Anyway, Judy, I hope you start to feel better. I was thrilled when you mentioned antibiotics wouldn't help with a virus. My mom and sister (a nurse) take antibiotics like vitamins. I refuse to take them unless it's proven I have a bacterial infection. Someday I fear my sister and mom will get a real bacterial infection that meds won't be able to touch because of their abuse of antibiotics. So, I'm very happy that you wrote that!!!! But if it is bacterial, the doctor is the only way to go.

Kathy, I'm so glad that you hopped back on that wagon. My motto is to log everything, even if it's not a good choice. If I go over my cals, that's ok, but it better be written down. And of course, writing it down makes me stay in line.

DH and I took the doggies out for a 1.5 mile walk this morning before the temps went above 32. We had about 1/2" of snow so the dirt roads would have been slush. So doggies came back with clean paws and I don't have to spend an additional hour cleaning the house after them.

I was successful on my 1900 ca day yesterday. I had goodies throughout the day and ended at 1865 so I finally did it. Now, the real test is getting back at 1500 today.

Everyone have a great last day of the weekend!
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Old 01-25-2009, 10:18 PM   #177  
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Marie - Oh those naughty, muddy puppies - but don't you just love them! I'm glad you're feeling better. I agree with you about the overuse of antibiotics. Unfortunately, I've had to take them a lot in the last year and I'm sure it's messed up my metabolism even more. It was chilly here too but we managed to get a lot of yardwork done on Saturday.

Kathy - Glad to hear you're back on track.

grabec - Here is a link to the tracker (you need to scroll down to see where to enter the data. Hope this helps.

Judy - Sorry to hear you're under the weather. Take care of yourself and I hope your doctor visit goes well.

I'm up a pound today . Oh well, I'll take it in stride and just keep on track and hopefully the scale will be nicer next week.

Have a good week everyone.

Last edited by penpal; 01-25-2009 at 10:20 PM.
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Old 01-26-2009, 06:49 AM   #178  
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Hello girls well today is day 7 to my better lifestyle and healthier me. I have 3 more days to go and then can start adding in my fruits. It really hasn't been so bad and I am still amazed at how I am in more control with the whites mainly out of my system. Yesterday I was off plan a bit but still in the drivers seat not out of control. I attended a gathering at my sisters arrived a bit later due to my daughter and I working out at the gym. Well it worked out well because we missed most of the snacks before dinner. I picked on a few things but not out of control. Then wasn't crazy over what she served so only ate a little bit and had my turkey roasting in my own oven. So I made mashed potatoes for the hubby decided to have a small scoop. I left part of them behind they just weren't that important to me to eat. So I guess my taste buds are changing. Today I will pick up some more veggies and ensure I get some sweet potatoes as I can add them in this week. I will not get on the scale until friday to see where I am at there. But overall feel so much better. My working out is increasing and more on schedule as my youngest daughter is my buddy for the gym 2 times a week. I will get there another day or two on my own.
I guess my Sononma diet gives me guidelines to what to eat and thats what I needed a plan maybe. Trying to do it all on my own just wasn't making it.
Judy sorry to hear your not feeling up to par. Yes we'll see with budget crunches etc. if this gets approved. And if its offered with no inc. in funds I don't know if I will do it. My supervisor reminded me of the inc. a yr. and half ago. But that was for a different reason. I will just wait it out and what will be will be.Thanks for your thoughts.
Penny new gadgets in the kitchen are always great. Makes life interesting and more fun to putter in the kitchen. I bought my self a bullet and love using it for chopping, blending and making the little grandkids smoothies etc. I sneak in good stuff their unaware of.
Kathy sounds like your work is straightening out for you. Good its not easy dealing with issues and facing them several days a week. Been there before and never want to visit there again.
Marie those puppies are so funny. I think my Bear has similar manners and good spirit as your doggies. Loyal as all heck! But so naughty at the same time. But we love him. Even the hubby! My little gs called him Bar. It was so sweet he got lots of little droppings from him at dinner and snack times. Guess he must miss him as much as we do.
Well if I missed and one here have a great day, stay healthy, do something nice for yourself today. I just made a new pair of earring to go with the necklace I designed yesterday. I am working on some new items for a show my first this next month or so. Penny I am thinking of adding some of my soaps in as well for the show its at a friends house with a lot of upper class ladies hah hah. I guess that will be fun huh?
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Old 01-26-2009, 08:15 AM   #179  
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Good morning everyone! It was a completely terrible weekend, food-wise, but today will be back on track. I just felt so cruddy, and then I had my little niece over for lunch, but was expecting more than just her, so I made a giant vat of Kraft mac and cheese. Needless to say, since the boys didn't come to polish it off, I took care of it myself.

I just managed to get my new microwave out of the box last night, and it's so clean and shiny and inspirational. I don't think I'll be using it today since today is "real" cooking day, but it's still good to see it there. Today's mission is broccoli garlic pasta. The only way DH will eat it is if I put the broccoli in the blender and turn it to liquid. It can't have any broccoli consistency at all. He's so silly. But whatever works, right?

Penny, thanks for the get well wishes. DH has had this ongoing sinus thing for at least a couple weeks now, and I guess it's my turn. Blecch. Oh, I hope your DS is doing better! Isn't it funny that he'll go to the doc because his friend suggested it, but it wouldn't help for you to suggest it! "Boys" are just weird that way! And try not to worry too much about his job situation. (I know, easier said than done!) He seems pretty resilient, and he will find his way.

Marie, glad you recovered so fast! I'm still giggling about your "donkey dogs". I do believe my girl may be part donkey too! So, when are we going to see this quilt you're working on? Do we have to wait until it's finished? I'm still trying to get in a little scrapbooking each day - haven't switched to quilting yet. I'm determined to follow through on this project, instead of my usual starting several things and finishing none. Congrats on making it almost to 1900 cals, and I have no doubt you're back to your 1500 with no problem. You are so focused!

Kathy, congrats on getting back on that wagon! I'm climbing on board today...

Judy, I hope you're feeling better! This being sick is really not helpful to the overall plan here. I, too, feel like a slug. And I am with you on the kitchen convenience items, for sure! I've never had a hand-held blender, but I think I would like one! I do use the regular blender all the time, and it's such a pain to wash it. I freecycled my toaster oven because I never used it, but I don't know what I would do without a microwave!

Carol, you're on a roll - keep up the good work! And good luck with your jewelry show! That sounds like a good way of selling, and I'm sure you will have a lot of fun with it!

Guess I better get up and get moving if I want to get anything done today. I'm really feeling like just going back to bed. Thankfully, puppy won't allow that, so here we go... Have a great day, all!
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Old 01-26-2009, 01:43 PM   #180  
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So sad, it's Monday...

I hate that I wake up on Monday mornings and I'm just in a bad mood. It's like clockwork, every Monday at 5 am. Thing is, I like my job - I just like being at home WAY better.

Carol (and Auntie) I LOVE my Magic Bullet (a knock off actually as it was a gift from my financially strapped children). My real blender is in the garage. The bullet is the secret behind my homemade lo0-cal mochas. Unsweetened cocoa doesn't blend very nicely normally (cold or hot). The bullet takes care of it and froths it at the same time. And it's so easy to clean.

Carol, WTG on the new program. Sounds like you finally found the right workout buddy - doing the exercise with your daughter will be fun. I know you've tried such arrangements with you friends in the past but your daughter will stick with you.

Auntie, did you make the mac and cheese with Laughing Cow??? I'm just kidding. I bet it was good and if you put some in front of me right now, I'd probably have some too. I'm definitely a crank mood eater. So I think it you were sick, then it was your chicken soup.

Penny, sorry about the pound - my scale is so finicky from one day to the next, that might be all that it is. Give it a middle finger salute from me. It'll make you feel better. It made feel better when I saluted mine this morning.

Well, I should work. Actually I had an eye dr appointment that I walked out on. After waiting 35 minutes, no other patients coming or going, I walked out because they were ignoring me after checking in. I figured they called me to "remind" me of the annual eye test. It was clear they were drumming up business in the bad economy, then to ignore you once you agree irritated me. So I left and told them I'd reschedule when I felt like. I didn't mention the given, with another doctor. So that little experience didn't help my Monday blues. But now I'm going to work and accomplish things, then I won't be cranky. Besides a co-worker is going to pick me up a small decaf skinny mocha (150 cals) after her errands. Trying to be good but the desire is for a large decaf full fat mocha.
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