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Old 01-05-2009, 12:53 PM   #76  
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thanks for the welcomes!!! sxulcmnky = sexual sea monkey
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Old 01-05-2009, 06:03 PM   #77  
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Hi again everyone - and thank you all deeply for the words of support and encouragement.

Taking a leaf from Judy's book - I've also changed my avatar. It's a picture of me climbing up a rock wall thingy. It was part of our practise one day at a parkour jam.

I woke up at 9:13am today. I don't remember the last time i'd woken up so late. I'm a 7:00 am-er.

I'm growing impatient waiting for my new bike to be assembled... but I know the more I wait, the more I'll appreciate it when it does come.
It's boiling here lately and I'm finding myself in a catch 22 situation - I become really thirsty and end up drinking like 5 litres of water a day ( I think that's about 2 gallons, seeing as agallon is like...2.4 litres? ). Then, I have a low-electrolyte situation and sure enough, start craving salty foods. I always forget how cold it is in winter and how hot it is in summer.

Penny - good to hear you're back on track and at curves again.

Marie - I know what you mean about not wanting to get out of bed to exercise. I've been so lazy with exercise these past few days. Plus it's so hot... (excuses, excuses ) How's your knee feeling lately?

Auntie- you often mention things that you cook, and they make me salivate! Do you enjoy cooking? I like cooking, but I'm not that good (probably 'cause I haven't spent that much time doing it. laziness is the issue *nods*). Plus, I like inventing things. Weird food combinations that nobody will eat. Are you a recipe-follower or do you kinda just go with your own thing?

Adios everyone. I'm in my house with the curtains drawn - it's 10:16 am and I'm already sweating like crazy. Joy!

Saludos a todas,

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Old 01-05-2009, 07:35 PM   #78  
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Wow, what a busy day in here today! Thought I better check in before I get too far behind. Spaghetti was delicious, and I was completely in my points today. Didn't get out for my real walk, but got done some out of the way cleaning that doesn't get done on a regular basis. Whoopee! And even though I didn't get far today, at least I got the pedometer to work through the whole day!

Sally, hi and welcome! Are you doing Weight Watchers? I'm doing it, but not going to meetings- still using my info when I went a few years ago. Gotta love those LC pizzas! My fave is spinach mushroom. Mmmmm...

Penny, yay for journaling! Keep it up, and good luck with the Curves plan!

Marie, what was the Biggest Loser site you found? I looked, but there were too many to check them all, and the ones I did check were not current. They were just the before and after their shows. I'd like to see what the real deal is. And about the spaghetti week, I've accidentally found a way to make it work better for DH now. (I know I've mentioned before that it's not much of a problem since he goes to bed so early several days a week, but...) He is fine with anything that contains meat. I am not. So, we have a huge bag of meatballs leftover from Christmas, that he can just throw into his bowl and nuke up. So now with this new knowledge, I can make whatever I want, as long as I provide meat for him to include. Sweeet... Now, I just got to thinking about the football schedules since you said yesterday's game was in the afternoon. Well, of course I know we've got this 3 hour time difference, but it somehow never occurred to me that my 1:00 games are at 10 am for you. What's up with that? LOL! How in the world are you supposed to watch football that early? I guess there aren't a lot of football fans at late church services on the west coast.

Mariana, that's an interesting new avatar you've got there. How adventurous! Rock wall climbing has never been on my to-do list, but perhaps I need to expand my horizons! Oh, and I really hate to cook! Well, it's not so much the cooking, as the cleaning up afterward. I don't do a whole lot of recipe following stuff- only occasionally for that. I mostly like to make large vats of pasta-type things, using whatever I feel like using for sauces. Then I can easily divide and freeze, and I don't have to think about cooking on a daily basis. Ick! Hope it cools off for you soon. ¡Buenas tardes!

Have a good Tuesday, all!

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Old 01-05-2009, 10:06 PM   #79  
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Marie - I thought you might like to see my "logging wagon" - cute little logs huh? (wish they were mine!)

Disgruntled - You're in good company - we're all trying hard to get back in the swing of things for the new year.

Mariana - Looks like you'd burn a bunch of calories with rock (or wall) climbing. Our DS drinks lots of Gatorade (a drink with electrolytes) when he plays volleyball and sweats a lot. Maybe you have something similar in OZ.

Auntie G - I just read the story of a gal who won "Biggest Loser" in US Magazine. An amazing story - I hope she manages to keep it off. It seems like some of these contestants take the weight off very quickly, which isn't always a good thing.

I had a good workout at Curves and several of my workout buddies I hadn't seen for a while were there so the time went quickly. I can now 'gently' use some of the arm machines - yay!

Last edited by penpal; 01-05-2009 at 10:09 PM.
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Old 01-05-2009, 10:58 PM   #80  
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auntie, here are two links. The first is an article and the second is the one I was reading earlier. and

Hi to everyone else and I'll be back tomorrow with personals. Just thought I would peruse while procrastinating a trip to the treadmill. But off I go...
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Old 01-06-2009, 01:27 PM   #81  
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Morning everyone!!!

In about 2 hours I have my very first MRI - ooo la la. I guess we'll see if there's anything fixable in my knee or if old age is just settling in.

Yesterday I pedaled my bike on the fluid trainer for 15 minutes (instead of the treadmill). The knee, moving just straight (as in walking or biking) and no jarring did good. So that was nice to do something different. This morning I did use the treadmill again since I didn't just go back to sleep. Food yesterday was on target and so far today. On Saturday I'd bought Huckleberry Honey at Crater Lake and I had a piece of toast with a little on it this morning. Yummy!

My haircut and lowlighting turned out nice. I'm not sure anyone but me can tell but that's what I was going for. Just cleaning it up.

Penny, the puppies are adorable. I just LOVE puppies. I'm glad you had a good time at Curves.

auntie, you'd better watch out and you'll be a walker exerciser with that need to conquer the pedometer. But I'd rather go walking than clean...

sally, I really like the avatar - cookies shouldn't be giving orders.

disgruntled - I hope the swing of things is sticking and like is getting on track. BTW, I met a man from Kansas yesterday (he had a meeting with a co-worker). We talked about living in tornado alley. Tornados terrify me so I moved to a place where they're almost impossible to form.

Well, I just finally called around to find out exactly where the MRI is. Took 4 phone calls but I found it. So now I'm ready. I'm sure glad I called or I would have been an hour late!

Last edited by Marie; 01-06-2009 at 01:28 PM.
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Old 01-06-2009, 07:23 PM   #82  
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Ladies and ladies, I'd like you to meet a dear new friend of mine.

It's a beauty. I've been saving up for it for a while... not a cheap bike but worth it.

Auntie - Getting to eat delicious Spaghetti and staying within your points - does it get any better? Even if you didn't get your walk in today - it's great you got some cleaning done. I wonder how many calories per hour a person burns cleaning? I guess it would depend on the type of cleaning.

I hope your MRI went well, Marie. Good to hear that food is on plan! What's huckleberry honey? It sounds cool

Penny - we have gatorade here, but I generally try to stay away from it because of all the sugar. I'm drinking a colloidal mineral formula now (yuck) and It's helping. Also - they've just released sugar free gatorade but I don't know how I feel about all the artificial sweeteners.

I rode to work with a friend today (his work, not mine) and I had a good time. I don't remember the last time I went cycling with someone.

Off to lift some weights. Laters!

EDIT: Sorry, I tried 4 times but I can't get the photo any smaller.

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Old 01-06-2009, 07:53 PM   #83  
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Hi Everyone!

My name is Kathy and I would love to join your thread. I just started doing WW again on 12/29/08. I'm not going to the meetings I'm just doing it with the info I have from the last time I went to WW. I have been staying on plan everyday and have gotten into an exercise routine.

My husband and I both get up at 5:00 a.m. to exercise. I use the treadmill, AB Lounger, and lift weights. My body is screaming at me from the exercising. We are going to do it Mon, Tues.,Thurs., & Sat. for now. I really want to lose 104 pounds and get healthy again.

Best of luck to all of you!

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Old 01-06-2009, 07:54 PM   #84  
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It's been sleeting and raining since I left work today, so no walking again. Supposed to be icy into tomorrow. I guess that's winter for ya. I really feel better eating right, but I am itching to get some real walking in, now that I can't. Hmmmm... I'll probably find another excuse when the weather clears up, though. At least I've gotten a little chunk of scrapbooking done. Woohoo!

Penny, aww, such cute puppies - and a nice wagon, to boot! I haven't seen the US article you read, but I'm assuming it's about the newest Biggest Loser winner. That girl is adorable, and I really hope she keeps it off, too. Last year's winner seems to be doing great! But I agree, they take it off so fast, I'm not sure that's the best way to go. Congrats on getting back in the groove at Curves!

Marie, thanks for the links! Some of those updates were pretty surprising. Man, I would never want to go on BL! The whole weight battle is so hard, and when the whole world sees you lose it, then gain it back, well... not good. I wouldn't even go back to Weight Watchers because I was so embarrassed that I gained my weight back. And yes, the pedometer really does make me want to get walking. I want to "beat my high score" every day! Right now that's pretty easy to do, but by summer I expect to be a well oiled machine. How did your MRI go?

Mariana, congrats on the bike! Ah, I hope to have one some day... You seem to be able to find good ways to make exercise fun! Too bad you live on the other side of the world... I could stand to keep some company like you!

Almost time for Biggest Loser... Have a good night, all!
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Old 01-06-2009, 07:56 PM   #85  
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Oops, just saw your post as I posted, Kathy. Welcome aboard! I am also doing WW at home with old materials from the last time. Sounds like you've got a good plan going. Good luck, and keep posting!

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Old 01-06-2009, 09:10 PM   #86  
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Marie - I hope your MRI went well and that you get the answers you need as to what type of therapy, etc. you may need. We love honey too and I like to have it occasionally for breakfast - it's so sweet a little goes a long way. We mail order Lanier's Tupelo honey from Florida. It's from the same honey farm in the movie "Ulee's Gold". It has a unique and delicious flavor.

Mariana - I get exhausted just reading about all your exercise - good on ya! I like your new bike and hope you have lots of fun riding it. I forgot about all the sugar in Gatorade. I can't stand the taste of it myself.

Kathy - Welcome to our thread. I've found lots of support here and look forward to hearing from you again soon.

Auntie - I'm going to have to start watching BL - it seems to be a very popular show. Maybe I can pick up a few good ideas.

I had a bad day calorie wise as I was at a looong luncheon/meeting with lots of scrumptious food and a delicious birthday cake (with cream cheese frosting - my favorite) for dessert . It was good to see my friends after missing out on our annual Christmas party due to the snow storm. At least I logged everything when I got home and the day's total came to 2,025. I'll cut back a bit tomorrow to make up for some of the extra cals.

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Old 01-07-2009, 12:09 PM   #87  
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A quick howdy, since I seemed have missed checking in yesterday! Hi, Sally and Kathy! Sally, we are practically neighbors....

I'm doing good with logging everything, including random hard candies, this week. The journaling is good. I want to do it in the evening (when I'm tempted to snack), but if I wait too late I'm sleepy, grumpy and not feeling all that introspective. I'm off to the doctor's shortly. I'm bummed that my weigh-in won't be so good, but it will be a good chance to talk about hormones and diet, and get a bracing pep talk.

I'll try to come back later for personals. Just didn't want you to think that I'd already relapsed!

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Old 01-07-2009, 01:15 PM   #88  
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Good lord do I need this thread! I am new to the forum, and I am the secret eater type...out of emotion and boredom to boot! so Ill be coming back, as I have only just begun to get back on track.....*sigh* wish me luck.
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Old 01-07-2009, 01:35 PM   #89  
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WVU Jenn - Welcome! I just joined too and have already found it very helpful. You can do this and we will be here for you.

Since we had an ice storm here last night my kids didn't have school so that meant I needed to stay home from work!!!! I was able to get a lot of extra things done like clean my closet and dresser, laundry, vaccum, etc. It just feels good to be able to get all this done before the weekend. That leaves my weekend for FUN!!!!

I have only been doing WW for 2 weeks and I'm amazed at how good I feel already. Eating right and exercising has already helped me feel good physically and feel better about myself because I'm doing something for me.

I didn't exercise today because I felt like my body need a rest, but I'll be back at it again tomorrow. My husband and I get up at 5 a.m. so we can get it in before we go to work. Our evenings are full with wrestling and basketball that we don't have time to do it then. You know, life is good!

I'll quit blubbering. Hope you have had a great day!

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Old 01-07-2009, 02:23 PM   #90  
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Hi Chickies,
I just had to share this - don't forget to eat your veggies!

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