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Old 11-15-2008, 09:05 AM   #271  
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Smile Saturday!

I'm feeling a bit under the weather today. Nothing drastic, just some little bug that's been hanging around forever. Yesterday afternoon I ran myself ragged and at the end of the day I felt it. Too much! So this morning I'm going to walk to tai chi instead of running and then walking over. Enjoying my :cof2: here and hoping to get energized at least a bit.

We've got DGS -- Mr. Energy -- coming over late this afternoon and we're going to see the new Madagascar this evening.

I'm having a lot easier time staying OP since that Halloween chocolate orgy. Knocking wood, here.

Auntie g, the reality of Boxing Day is a little different -- people don't tend to give gifts but a lot of people have various traditions. Some get together to play games, watch movies, etc. Mostly it's a relaxing day - some folks don't get out of their PJs all day but some visit friends. It seems very appropriate for the day after Christmas.

Congrats on two more pounds off - wow! You're my hero!

Mez, congrats on the weight! You should be very proud of yourself for continuing to do what you need to do for YOU!


K, I'd better slug back the rest of my coffee, brush my teeth and skedaddle. Let's make this a good one!

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Old 11-16-2008, 07:14 AM   #272  
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Arabella – I hope today finds you feeling much better. Running oneself ragged seems to make that bug hang on a bit longer. It’s good that you are taking care of yourself. LOL @ Mr. Energy it reminds of my DGK’s they can be so much fun and make you tired. How did he like the movie? My GKs are always singing I got to move it move it. Which happens to be one of my workout songs. Halloween is such a trial for us all. It is nice that to have that past. Next Christmas! Which I have decided to only stuff my stocking with 1 chocolate and one candy item. The rest is going to be pampering mez stuff. I found some cozy aromatherapy socks at Wal-mart they are infused with many scents. I picked up a couple one is called Sleep it has a lavender/vanilla sent, the other is Renew with a eucalyptus/spearmint scent. They both smell wonderful. I did feel a bit odd smelling the sock while people walk by me. I also picked up some shower gloves. I love those things.

Update on the DS. Yoga and My Weight loss Coach – Yoga is fairly hard for me since I don’t know how to move very well and while the guided directions are fine I do like to see how it looks. It can be hard since I have to put the DS down and it’s not always in the best of place to see. I think once I have a few of the moves down I’ll enjoy it more. I like that I can do it anytime and not have to worry if my DS or DGK are busy with the DVD.
I have not opened My Weight Loss Coach. I will make that my goal today. I don’t know why I’m dragging my feet with this. Maybe because it has a pedometer and I know I’ll have to be accountable for how far I’m walking. I know I need to do it but a part of me is holding off. Well that ends today I WILL open it and try and do what it ask. I’m so nervous about tomorrow’s WI. If you look at my ticker you’ll see how long I’ve been working on this new lifestyle and I’ve never made it below the 200 mark. I know I shouldn’t place my hopes on this being the week but I am. I need to prepare myself for disappointment. *sigh* Well I better get a move on there are dirty clothes that need washing.
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Old 11-16-2008, 07:48 AM   #273  
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Good morning! The sun is out - hurray! Yesterday turned quite nasty with torrential downpours, high winds, and even some thunder thrown in just for fun. Today I am determined to get some things done, so first I must get off the computer...

Arabella, hope you're feeling better today. I guess you didn't get any rest with the DGS around, but I'm sure it was fun. Amen to the end of the Halloween chocolate! And your Boxing Day description sounds very nice. That's pretty much how I think of New Year's Day - sort of a day of relaxing and recovering. Personally, on the day after Christmas, I'm one of the crazy people back out to the stores looking for bargains, but a day in my pj's is sounding better and better!

Mez, you got to move it, move it! That should be our theme song here! Oh, you've got me wanting to run out to Walmart and look for those aromatherapy socks! That's a great Christmas gift idea! I've been really struggling with trying to come up with something for my sisters that A) isn't an unhealthy treat, and B) they would actually use. I'm thinking of putting together baskets of little stuff, and the socks are definitely going on my list. OK, now, go get that Coach opened! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your weigh-in!

Have a great day!
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Old 11-16-2008, 11:33 AM   #274  
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Thumbs up Sunday... ahhhh!

DGS has gone and DH and I have had our long Sunday walk. DH is talking about going out to the library this afternoon. I so rarely have any time home to myself it'll be a treat if he goes for a couple hours. Not that I'd do anything too wacky - at this point I'm thinking practice for the Messiah and clean the house But I just like to have the place to myself sometimes. I vahnt to be ah-lone!

In fact, there's nothing much in the world I like to do better than sing and clean the house However, you'd never know it to look at my place. I'm just slow to get started. But I think I'm going to try to change that today. I'll get a lot done today and then make a list of single chores that I can do in a few minutes and take care of at least one a day.

Auntie g, it was lots of fun with DGS and then we all had a good night's sleep. I'm feeling better today. I was telling myself yesterday that if I was still feeling crappy after DGS left today that I'd pretend it was Boxing Day, stay in my PJs all day and alternate between lounging on the couch and going back to bed.

I think next time he's visiting I'll get together a bunch of craft stuff and we can make Christmas decorations and stuff. Too much TV! And it only keeps him half-interested anyway. He's pretty non-stop interactive. But sweet -- his mom told me he was excited all day yesterday because he was coming to stay overnight.

Mez, those socks sound great -- guess they must also be moisturizing? My feet need and deserve some pampering. Maybe I'll add a pedicure to my to-do list for this afternoon.

I'm always smelling stuff in the stores -- candles, shampoo, whatever. If I'm considering buying something and it has a scent, I'm going to smell it. Although I do admit that smelling socks might look a little unusual.

You should feel proud of your progress! After all, in that same time period you could have stayed the same or you could have gained a lot of weight. And we'll both get under 200 soon!

Well, DH is making noises like he's actually heading out so maybe I'll get off the computer and actually get something done instead of just talking about it. Let's make this a good one!

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Old 11-17-2008, 08:27 AM   #275  
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Good Monday morning! Nothing seemed to go as planned over the weekend, so I have a ton of stuff to accomplish today. Going to put sauce in the crockpot for another spaghetti week, and then off for a million errands.

Arabella, hope you got your alone time. That is definitely a necessity now and then! And making Christmas decorations with DGS is a fun idea, for sure. Last year my nephews and I made the old standard paper chains, and they LOVED it! What was the funniest part of it was that their dad was so excited because the chains reminded him of his childhood, and he, who normally has no opinion whatsoever on decor, wanted to be in charge of protecting our "artwork" until it could be displayed. Ah, a good time was had by all...

OK, I've got to move it, move it! Have a great day!
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Old 11-17-2008, 02:22 PM   #276  
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Auntie g – It is also sunny here! Yea it sure makes ones mood. The snow is gone. I love shopping the day after of any holiday. Christmas is the best because they have so many gift sets. I got to move it move it sounds like a great theme! Yum spaghetti is one of my favorite foods. Actually any pasta dish. But my body doesn’t handle pasta very well even the whole grain full of fiber stuff. I always gain. It was a hard choice but I have pretty much given up eating it. I use to make spaghetti once a week. So it was hard at 1st but now that I think of it I’m doing better at not missing it. I don’t crave it like I use to.

Arabella – Totally understand the alone time! Great idea on the listing short chores to finish once a day. I am a huge craft person. Have you seen the new issue of family fun mag. It has some really cute crafts for kids. They have a web site that is loaded with fun stuff. My grandkids love crafts. He use to say craps when he 1st started talking. It was funny he’s say grandma lets do some craps. Sorry if offended I have a weird sense of humor. I’m not sure if the sock are moisturizing they do have the same material as my aloe socks. I don’t see why one can’t put lotion one and lounge.

Ok I wasn’t as good as I should have been I did open my weight loss coach but didn’t put in any data. GEEZ !! I did read the book. It does sound good and I will program it today. I guess I’m really baby stepping this one.
I did my workout yesterday real late. I finished at 11:30 pm. I was just so busy and I wanted to get it in no matter what.
I have to see the heart Dr. for an ill regular fast heart beat. So will have an EKG and X-Ray. Heart problems run in my family.
I stepped on the scale and it said 200.0 sooooo close. I do have a question. Say if I get below after today or later this week but before Mondays normal WI. Can I post that I hit Onelander? Or does it only count if I post it the following Monday? I weight myself everyday sometime several times during the day. I’ve always done this. I so want to know right away when I hit below 200. I think it will make me work even harder for my official Monday WI. So if you guys don’t mind I think I will post it. Well the DGK’s want to color so off I go.
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Old 11-17-2008, 09:57 PM   #277  
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Hey, Mez! Congrats on making it to the edge - 200! You'll be under any minute now! You can change your ticker whenever you want to, I don't think there's a ticker police - LOL. I weigh every day, too, but only count Saturdays. I've seen lots of people do it different ways, though, so whatever works for you is fine! Good luck with the medical issue!
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Old 11-18-2008, 10:42 AM   #278  
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Morning Everyone....hope you all are doing well...I am still hanging on, not doing 100% but not doing horrible either...still trying to keep my head in the game, ha ha

Mez - WOW you are sooooooooooo close to being in Onderland...I bet you are in there by this weekend...congrats on doing so well...

Auntie G - hope you got all of your things accomplished yesterday...Mondays are hard to get going with I know...enjoy the spaghetti week

Arabella - I know what you mean about needing alone time at home...anytime my dh says he is going out with friends or leaving it is to myself, watching whatever girley show I want...and oh the quiet ....

Well hope you all have a good day !! It is so cold here, we had flurries yesterday and our highs have only been in the thirties...

Talk to you soon.
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Old 11-18-2008, 01:24 PM   #279  
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Default I`m a sicko.

I`ve been slightly under the weather for seems like about a month now. I`d say today I officially feel sick. Would have said the same thing on Saturday except that DH would have made me cancel visit with DGS. Nuh-uh.

Anyway, trying to take it a little easy today.

Confession time: I ate two big chocolate bars in the middle of the afternoon yesterday. It seemed semi-controlled, in that it didn`t catapult me into eating everything that wasn`t tied down but still, a lot of calories.

Nevertheless, my weight was down almost as low as it`s been this morning. Probably would have been under ticker if it hadn`t been for the dang chocolate. Oh well. Onward. I`m trying to convince myself I`m one of those people that loses their appetite when sick.

Mez, thanks for the info about the website. I`ll have to check that out. I love doing crafty things too and it`s such a lovely way to spend time with anyone, especially kids. I used to love to make crafts with my sisters too.

Oh, congrats on getting to the border of Onederland! Feel free to pop in and change your ticker as soon as the magic number appears on your scale.

Auntie g, guess what happened 20 minutes after DH left -- you got it, he returned, smiling away. I told coworkers that I was sick and i`m going to try to take some time off today and tomorrow. Hasn`t happened yet though.

Carri, time for both of us to get a lovingly administered I know I`m not going to make real progress until I start giving my plan more focus. Let`s do it!

K, Chicklies, let`s take this day we`ve been given and do our level best with it. Yay us!

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Old 11-19-2008, 02:13 PM   #280  
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Arabella - Sorry to hear that illness still has it's grip on you. Do take care. What is it with us women and chocolate!! Your welcome on the web site. If your a crafter you'll really enjoy it!.

Satine - Kudos for hanging on. Don't you let go! Just know we are here to help you hold tight! Sending will power dust. Flurries UGH!! I'm so not ready to shovel snow.

WELL I DID IT!! I'm 199!!! YIPEEE Thanks everyone for being here for me. I can't thank you enough for all your help.

It's a bittersweet victory for a when I 1st signed onto 3FC a wonderful woman messaged me and inspried me to never give up. She did with humor and advice you name it she did it. Sadly she past to cancer. She would be very proud of me for making it here. I know I'm not at goal but I feel I so darn happy and sad that sarah wasn't here to see... I know she's looking down from heaven saying something witty. After 4 years of making mistakes and never giving up like you said. This onelander victory is for you girl!!!
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Old 11-19-2008, 04:31 PM   #281  
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Default Woo-hoo for Mez!

Congrats, Mez! You did Sarah proud.
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Old 11-19-2008, 06:55 PM   #282  
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Congratulations! Keep up the good work, and "never give up" sure is great advice...

Carri, I seem to be drifting to "less than 100%", too. The Hershey Kisses are still lying around at work, and I've been staying away from them until today. They kept calling me and calling me until I broke down and had one. But one always leads to another, and another... Oh boy. Tomorrow shall be a better day! Now with the approach of the holidays, it is sooo important to at least keep hanging on. We can do it!!!

Arabella, aaaagh! The chocolate monster got ahold of you, too! Congrats on not letting him take you under... Hope you're on the mend. Did you get to take any time off?

Well, I am working on a Christmas project (making photo calendars for my mom and MIL. It's taking forever, trying to pick the right the ones for each month, so I best get back to it before Christmas arrives!

Have a great Thursday, everyone!

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Old 11-20-2008, 11:24 PM   #283  
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Thank you! You've been there to guide me on my way. Many many thanks ..
Arabella - Your right she would be and that brings a smile to my lips. You know when Sarah when to the doctor and found out she had cancer one statement the doctor made to her was her huge weight loss. She told him staright out that wasn't due to cancer but hard work! Of course she said it with wit and humor that made one have a full belly laught ..that is the sarah I was lucky to know for the short time she had left. There was so many other stories about her she inspired others. I went to the cancer thread and she moved so many other people there she was a wealth of knowledge in WL and then learn about cancer she shared all and truely care about everyone. I could go on and on ...
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Old 11-21-2008, 07:21 AM   #284  
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Happy Friday, everyone! It's snowing here and I wish I could stay home today, but no... I'm staying away from the chocolate today, though, no matter what! Hope you have a good WI, Arabella! And Mez, isn't that big old ONE extra motivational?

OK, back to business. Have a great day!
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Old 11-21-2008, 08:51 AM   #285  
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Thumbs up That big old ONE

Well, I didn't get any closer today. I'm pretty much where I was last week but had to change to winter clothes today so I took a 1.6 hit. I'll get a loss next week. And if not in Onederland, I'll be closer. Don't know why I have to approach a centimeter at a time. But I will get there. Still feeling determined and optimistic. Now I just have to work a little bit harder. However, I'm not exercising as much while I'm sick. Just don't think it's a good idea.

Mez, I wish I'd known Sarah. She sounds like a very special person and now she's a very special spirit!

Auntie g, yeah, I'm thinking the two big chocolate bars were a factor in the no-loss. Your calendars sound great!

K, Lovelies, let's take this day and make it work for us!
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