Sugar Shakers for followers of Sugar Busters and other GI based diets

View Poll Results: So, Halloween is over, how well did you do on your prediction?
I did exactly as I said, just one piece! 1 4.17%
I did exactly as I said, not one piece! 9 37.50%
I did exactly as I said, just had a piece of SB Legal Chocolate! 1 4.17%
I did exactly what I said that night, there after, it's a different story! 1 4.17%
I failed, but not too bad! 4 16.67%
I failed, and miserably at that! 1 4.17%
You mean Halloween is over? I'm still celebrating! 0 0%
I plead the Fifth. I'm not saying anything to incriminate myself! 2 8.33%
You better hitch the wagon and come get me-it's bad! 1 4.17%
Other (care to explain?) 4 16.67%
Voters: 24. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 11-03-2003, 06:08 AM   #1  
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Post Sugar Busters Weekly Support Board 11/3-11/9

This is the
where all of you who are following this WOE, or are thinking about doing so, are welcome to come join in and be a part of our wonderful group.

Other than finding support and friendship on this board, we also try to do something during the the week to add a little difference to our board.


Please take some time to check out our extensive recipe boards. Our RECIPE BOARDS can be located at the link below:

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We have SEVEN INFORMATIVE BOARDS!!!! Please take a few minutes to visit them! New information is continually being posted, so please make sure you visit them often!!! The boards are listed below as well as the link that will take you to the boards:


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Then there's our latest addition to the SB BOARDS which is called OFF THE EATEN PATH This board is for everything NOT related to SB. You can use this board to post questions or comments on just about anything (okay, within reason). A book you recommend, a cleaning tip, a great website deal, etc. etc. Here's the link:

NEWBIES! (aka new members) If you would like to REPLY to any of our threads, please hit POST REPLY not NEW THREAD, then type your message in and hit SUBMIT REPLY. If you need to edit your reply, just click on edit located in the body of your post and make changes as you need to, then hit SUBMIT NOW.


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Old 11-03-2003, 06:10 AM   #2  
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Will post my usual morning post sometime later, but wanted to make sure I got our
done early in the morning, so here's my contribution for MM, there's 2 of them to read today, read between the lines


It's amazing what some good, sustained effort can do. Effort is far more effective than worrying, far more effective than complaining that things aren't going your way.

Whether the situation is wonderful or whether it is dismal, focus on what you can actually do with it. Focus on where your efforts can be put to best use.

Don't let the details of what has already happened cause you to lose sight of the efforts necessary to move forward. Direct your attention to what you can do now. Then go ahead and make the effort. Go beyond wishing, thinking about it, planning to do it, and just get started.

Positive effort will make a far more meaningful difference than arguing about who is to blame. If you feel passionate about the situation, put the energy of that passion to good use, by putting it into positive, productive effort.

Always remember that your effort can take you where you want to go. The faster you start, the sooner you'll be there.

-- Ralph Marston



Let all that has happened before serve as a guide but not as a constraint. Each moment is an opportunity to be more fully alive, more filled with positive purpose, than you have ever been before.

Each day is a new beginning with which you can build upon the best of what has been. Each day you can move forward to make life even better. Today is a new day. And on this new day there is a way, something you can now do to move toward your most treasured dream.

Your shortcomings in the past are all over now. This day is your chance to get it right, to make it work. On this new day your biggest disappointment can begin to be transformed into your most stunning achievement. On this new day, what were once obstacles standing in your way can become stepping stones to your dreams.

A new day is now in front of you. Make of it the best you can possibly imagine.

-- Ralph Marston

Have a wonderful day, and a fabulous week!!!!!

SB since 3/22/00
Reached goal 6/10/01
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Old 11-03-2003, 06:11 AM   #3  
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Will be back later today to post have an appt with the college counselor at MICHAEL'S school then yoga class, not sure if I'll do the class or not, all depends, but have to go there anyhow to leave a book for the teacher.

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Old 11-03-2003, 07:43 AM   #4  
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Good Morning everyone.... Well here is my new start. And Debilli's motivation A NEW DAY is a perfect new beginning to me. Hopeing to be way more aware of the carbs for a week or two. I'm needing a jump start. I'll walk at the campground this morning and make a turkey breast for dinner. As you can see my day is really planned out. Looks like the weather is beautiful to go along with everything else. Now lets see if I can take one hour at a time and get through this day. It was a nice and relaxing week end. But I'm glad its over. Hope everyone has a good day....
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Old 11-03-2003, 08:51 AM   #5  
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Good Monday Morning.

Hope everyone survived the weekend. All the candy is gone and ready to forge ahead.

No problem with the candy. All is gone except 3 suckers and 2 smarties (candy for the wee ones). Will give them to a co worker for her DD. We had homemade pizza while they rang the bell. The crust was left over and frozen, it was a little thin. BUt it was ok. Sat eating at the track was fine. Acutally I was never hungry. Ate some turkey and salad. Skipped the desserts. Did have some wine. But I think it was ok. Had wings for dinner and watched that marathon UK game at a bar. Only had 1 glass of wine and the rest water.

Did have a MCDona;d's sausage egg biscuit on the ride to get wood after church. I was kinda stuck. I figured the egg and sausage would bring down the high GI of the bread. It was going to be my only carb for the day,but ended up having 1/4 of a sweetpotatoe for dinner. All in all I was pleased with my weekend eating.

Gator, glad you had fun at the game. Wow those kids go all out don't they? That is pretty low when they say things about the coach's wife.

Teensey, wow you are one skinny lady. Great pic.

Lynn, I know you will hate leaving your tree house. Nov 10th is not far off so you have better get started on that list.

Emma, sounds like you have all kids of techo problems. When it rains it pours. Good luck

Monet, the pumpkin was wonderful. So detailed.

Melf, Happy belated anniverary. Glad you have the empty nest again.

Dave, congrats to the old farts on the win.

Sef, glad you liked the joke. Those dirty old seniors!

Deb, the pumpkin was great. Lauren did a wonderful job. Wanted to ask about Michael's SAT? Does he feel he did good? Such a shame about Lauren and the T&T. Kids can be so cruel. Good talking with you yesterday.

Chris, sorry the Bucs lost. I was pulling for them,.

BOb, DId you see the UK game. What a nail biter. The colts pulled another one out yesterday. That Freeney guy save Payton's butt. Good luck with the computers today.

Toni, you hit the nail ont he head. Your day is planned out. Plan each day and you will do great. It's those days when we have no plans for food and we fly by the seat of our pants that we get in trouble. You can do this. We can do it together.

I quickly skimmed last weekend's post, so if I missed anyone, it was not intentional.

Have a great day. Be back later.

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Old 11-03-2003, 09:18 AM   #6  
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Good Morning!
Trying to start the week off right by posting as well as a new start on this WOE. Did great yesterday. Did not eat ANYTHING off plan. Scale is down a lb from last week, so maybe it will continue.

I've been in a really foul mood since Sat. & I HATE it. Have to do something to improve the mood as well as the figure.

Got to get going. Have to bring DD to the dr to get birth control. Her OB/GYN would not prescribe them when she went for her 2 wk check up after the baby because of Medicade rules. She has to see her GP which she did not have, so we've had to work through all the red tape. Her GP today will refer her to a GYN for the BC. What a mess.

Have a great day everyone!
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Old 11-03-2003, 09:18 AM   #7  
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Good Monday Morning everyone. Survived Halloween with no candy encounters, but did not avoid the popcorn at the movies this weekend. I am so bloated up today from the salt. When I was at the gym this morning, I swear you could smell salt and grease coming out of my pores! Hope you were all able to stay on plan this weekend.

jackK- Sounds like you had a good time at the track. The track here is about to open in a few I am very excited. Don't know what I am more excited about, the races or the corned beef!!

Toni- I am with you on the limiting of the carbs. I find I do much better if I exercise severe portion control with them!

Deb- How did Michael make out with the SATs? Where is he thinking of going to college?

Hope you all have a great day. Will be back later!
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Old 11-03-2003, 09:21 AM   #8  
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Thumbs down Good Monday morning!

Morning all!

I think I'm finally back to normal--thanks for all the good wishes! When I got home from B-ham I was wiped out. I crawled into bed Sat night and did not get out until this morning. But I feel fine today.

I answered "other" on the quiz and will now explain. I did not have any Halloween candy so I did meet my prediction on that. I attended a dinner on Friday night where the restaurant is very famous for its orange rolls. I had one of those. I chalked it up to my new-found philosophy. I tried it, it was good (worthwhile cheat) and went right back to eating OP.

Saturday was kind of odd--since I didn't really get to watch any football games. I came home in time to see the last three minutes of the NC State-UVA game. State won it in those last three minutes, so I guess I got to see the good part!

Jackie--I understand about getting stuck! It sounds like you did great and you should be pleased!

Toni--Hey! It's a good time to get back to basics as they say! That's what I'm trying to do too--so far so good.

Deb--Sorry I missed your call yesterday. I must have been asleep because I didn't leave the house all day! Have fun at yoga!

Let's commit to having a great OP week everyone!

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Old 11-03-2003, 09:29 AM   #9  
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Default Monday

Hello everyone.

Dang it all!!! I had a post going and the stupid page went nutso and I lost it. I know I won't remember what I had put in here, so I'll have to start over.

My weekend was horrible!!! If it was food, legal or not, I ate it. I don't know what got into me. Oh well, it's a new day and a new week. I'm more then determined to be good from here on out, even if I have to kick my own butt, or have Autumn do it for me!

I've got to go back and look at the posts from the weekend. Hubby hogged the computer all weekend and I didn't even get a chance to look at it much less touch it to read anything.

I've got a pretty full day. Have to run up and down the basement stairs to get that neverending laundry done, the rest of the house could use a good cleaning too. Have to run to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things. Geez, I had better get a move on, I still need a shower.

Gonna go look over the posts from the weekend and get ready to head out. I'll check back later.

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Old 11-03-2003, 10:09 AM   #10  
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Good morning guys! Just wanted to check in to say hello to everyone. Its going to be a busy week, my grandmother just moved down from NY. She came in yesterday and got admitted into the hospital last night. She had congestive heart failure. I am waiting for my SIL to come and watch Dominic so I can go see her. My mother is there now and said she is doing OK.
Halloween candy is getting thrown out today, I cannot have it in this house ANYMORE. Not that I did that bad over the weekend but I did have some...a bite here and a bite there...but it could of been worse. Today is a new day, and I promised to be OP until thanksgiving.

JACKIE- Yes Im sorry too, they played horrible. Its like we had no offensive line...among other flops. Gramatica should of gotten the first field goal then it would of been tied then OT. But whatever...I cant stand football stresses me out too much.

DEB - Did you get my email. Sorry about not getting with you all weekend...I will call you this week...just let me know when you will be home in the morning or afternoon!

BOB - See my post to jackie.

gotta go SIL just pulled up

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Old 11-03-2003, 10:37 AM   #11  
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Gheeeezzz, where do I start. I was pretty much down to 122#, but am at 123.5 today, and it will keep going up if I don't chill out on the candy....there I said it...I was bad. Friday night was o.k. since I planned it; I had a glass of wine, a slice of pizza and three baby candy bars. But Saturday and Sunday, every time I walked by the freezer with all the little frozen candy bars, I ate one. I probably had 8 Sat & 8 Sun. I think getting back into our normal routine today will help a lot. I won't be sitting around here eating all day, since I won't be home. I plan to get to the gym. I didn't work out one day last week since the kids & I were sick.

It finally feels like Fall around here. We got some cool temperatures over the weekend, and we should be in the low to mid 70's this week. I made Deb's pita bread, but it didn't puff up like hers, but was still tasty; I used it as my pizza crust last night while DD made a pizza for the family on a Boboli pizza crust. I also made the zucchini loaf recipe, but made individual muffins, instead of the loaf. I like them better. The loaf always seems to hold the moisture more in the middle. With the individual muffins, they seem to be moist throughout.

My kids have been sleeping in the past few days; it must be the wanna stay under the covers.

Well, I have to say that Britt had a great, fun Halloween, and brought home a few pounds of candy. Lane & I didn't have a great Halloween at all. When we got to friend's house, she was playing in the backyard, and we were watching and talking. Well, the lady whose house we were at had cut up some apple wedges, that Delaney happened to "try." Well, she got one stuck in her throat and started throwing up apple and mucous. She started playing again, and seemed fine, until the pizza came. I cut it into tiny pieces, but she couldn't keep it down, she would throw up the pizza and mucous. She started to drool, and couldn't drink. SO, off I went to the ER, while Britt and dad stayed to T&T. We went to 4 different treatment facilities before I found someone who could help her. They ended up taking x-rays and finding something stuck in her esophagus. They sent us to Phoenix Children's Hospital where they told me they would have to sedate her and scope it out of there. I was all by myself and having to go through this. I had been trying to call friend's house since I left, and it was busy....they had unintentionally left phone off hook. When I got to PCH, they took her right back and said that they were going to do everything they could to get this apple chunk down so they don't have to sedate her. They started giving her carbonated beverages to open it up as well as some other drinks. Well, to make an already long story a tad shorter... they ended up getting it down without having to sedate and scope her. It was a very scary thing, especially since I am so careful with what I give her, and cut everything up so small. She was such a trooper, and we didn't get home until 1:00 a.m.

I am going to post this before I lose it, and then re-post some replies.

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Old 11-03-2003, 10:46 AM   #12  
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Okey dokey...on to some replies:

Deb: Great pumpkin. Sorry to hear about Lauren's Halloween. What a cute idea to hand out books for little kids. Glad you have a lot of food recipes to get you through Thanksgiving; I am sure that will be my next downfall. I made your pitas yesterday, but they didn't puff up as much as yours; do you roll them really thin? I didn't. Also, with a pizza stone, do you warm it up before using it, or put it in cold? Mine didn't come with cooking directions, only cleaning directions.

Monet: Neat pumpkin that Ruth made for you.

Yellow: I've toyed with getting a Tanita scale, but will re-think it now.

Melf: Welcome back; I can understand your frustration; hope all gets back to normal soon. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!

green: I have a Kodak EasyShare digital and love it, but don't know much about the others. My parents got a Fuji and said it was way too sensitive, you have to hold it really still to get the picture.

Teensy: LOVE YOUR PICTURE...YOU SHOULD BE SO PROUD!! You look awesome.

Emma: Hang in there. You'll have to burn off the beer first, but it is mostly water weight, I am sure. Good luck with your meeting.

Toni: Good luck getting back OP; you will do great.

Gator: You always do so well. You deserve a splurge every once in awhile on special occasions, so long as you can get back.

Jack-K: You did great with your eating; you should be proud.

JackieO: Glad you stayed away from the candy. Popcorn isn't so bad for you, after all.

Fillise: You'll be fine. Glad you enjoyed the roll.....just don't make it a weekly tradition (Ha).

jecrites: Me too....I was not so good. It's a new week and a new day. We'll get there.

chrisd: Sorry to hear about your GM; I hope she is better soon!!

Well, I better go get some stuff done around here, and make some oatmeal; I haven't had breakfast yet.

Take care, and have a great OP day.

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Old 11-03-2003, 12:19 PM   #13  
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What a scary thing for you to deal with! Choking is like the worst thing!

For everyone who fell off the wagon and climbed back on Wahoo for you!
I was not so great. Halloween I was at my cousins house and she is such a great cook and baker! Cookies and pie are my downfall and guess what? She make an apple/cranberry pie and yummy chocolate cookies with frosting!
I ate like 7 cookies and a piece of pie. Then I ate a mini Almond Joy and a mini Snickers bar.
Oh then Saturday I ate Wendy's for lunch and MacDonald's for dinner. THEN Sunday I had MacDonald's for lunch again!! I love the cheeseburgers! I think it was because I was planning to start South Beach induction today so I lost my mind.
Then last night I said to my lovely daughter "I don't feel like starting SBD tomorrow, you wanna wait?"
She said NO!! So I felt like a bad example and did start it today.

For those of you who keep losing their posts, why don't you type your post in like Word or Outlook (e-mail program) where a draft gets saved in case you have to stop posting for some reason. This way a copy is there. Then just copy and paste it into the SB forum.
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Old 11-03-2003, 12:19 PM   #14  
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Hey Everyone!

Just got back from riding with Ruth to get lab work done. The doctor is checking her for all the problems I have...hyperinsulinemia, thyroid problems, autoimmune diseases...and the poor thing HATES needles. She about passed out when she had her blood tests for her marriage license! She insisted I go in with her. I did...and tried to distract her. What are moms for?

After the lab, we went to IHOP for breakfast. I ate some hash browns, and their Harvest Grain and Nut pancakes with a bit of maple syrup on them. Not a good start to the week, I know.

We came back from the lab the scenic way. There is a road that runs through a rather rural area surrounded by new subdivisions that is really beautiful. It was fun, but it sure feels hot here! I wish the pool were still open! I would go jump in it!

No work for me until Thursday. Hooray! I need to do some housework, since I spent the whole weekend reading!

DEB: The pumpkin was made by my married daughter, Ruth. She has always been really artistic. Her first attempts at pumpkins, even as a fairly young child, were always ambitious, and she was usually successful. I think her creativity and design skills are what make her such a good cake decorator. She is the lead decorator where I work, and finds it great fun to be able to boss me around. Pay back time, she used to claim. Until Tom said once in response to me, "And it can be payback time for you, too, dear, and you can be like she was and just not do what she tells you!" Everyone laughed but Ruth!

PANCHO: What a scary situation with your daughter! I would have been going bonkers having to handle it all by myself! Glad she is ok, and they did not have to do anything invasive to clear her esophagus. I can relate to the candy thing. I have heard its siren call, and have not been altogether successful avoiding it.

FILLISE: I am glad you are feeling better, and got a chance to rest up.

JECRITES: We all have those falls from grace occasionally. Just get right back on program and don't let it keep you down. Sounds like you need two computers at your house!

MELF: I am sorry about your foul mood. I felt cranky for several days too. Maybe we can blame it on the weather? Hope things are better now!

JACKK: Sounds like you did really well over the weekend. The McDonalds biscuit hopefully was not too bad, due to the protein, as you said. I told myself that as I was eating hash browns this morning with eggs and bacon. I have to face the fact I am the worlds most gifted rationalizer!

TEENSY: The picture is great! You have done awesomely well! I am so happy for you!

Ok, time for me to get something done. Will check in later!
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Old 11-03-2003, 01:07 PM   #15  
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Like Fillise, I also chose "other." I had no trouble with the trick or treat candy here. I never do Halloween. We were out of town this year, but when we are here, I just turn off all the lights and go in the back and read until all the hobgoblins are finished. I sound like a grump, but I just LOVE!!! those little candies. So, I figure it is something I am doing for myself not to have any of it around. I could get sourballs or some sort of hard candy, but I figure it will just get left in the bottom of the bag or thrown out, so why bother.

( I don't care for the hard candy that much, so it's not much of a temptation.)

However, I did pig out during the weekend with all sorts of stuff, as I described in my Sunday night post. I even ate some candy that someone had at their home for trick or treaters there. So, "other" it was.

I'm back on track now. Protein shake for breakfast and soup and salad for lunch. With sautéed chicken breast on the salad.

Jack-K--we watched most of the UK game and were pulling for your guys. But they just don't seem to be able to pull out a win. They had it in their grasp. We finally went to bed after 5 OTs. We'll be pulling for you at the next game, for sure!!!! Your guys can do it, they just need to believe.

We had a big tree planted in our back yard this morning. We lost a huge laurel oak that shaded our patio. It died very quickly. So we had a live oak installed. It is about 25 feet high. (Instant mini-shade) I'll miss that old tree.

Gotta go. I have a very busy day and week. Just wanted to check in. I read all the posts. HI everyone. Glad you're doing OK. Stay on plan.
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