Sugar Shakers for followers of Sugar Busters and other GI based diets

View Poll Results: How long have you had a REAL weight problem?
All my life-since I was a baby 2 3.85%
Since I was a young child 10 19.23%
Since I was a teenager 9 17.31%
Since I was in my 20's 15 28.85%
Since I was in my 30's 13 25.00%
Since I was in my 40's 1 1.92%
Since I was in my 50's 0 0%
Since I was in my 60's 0 0%
Longer than I care to even remember 0 0%
Other 2 3.85%
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Old 03-28-2002, 05:12 PM   #121  
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I thought it was...NyQuil, the sniffling, sneezing, stuffy head, fever, what the **** am I doing on the kitchen floor medicine.
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Old 03-28-2002, 08:19 PM   #122  
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DEB Have a WONDERFUL TIME on your trip and BE CAREFUL....

You have a FARMERS MARKET between you and Ashville...

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Old 03-28-2002, 08:33 PM   #123  
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Default thanks bunches

You know when I first joined this site I thought it would just be another place to chat and have light chatter. BUT YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!!!!! all the lines I got back from everyone when I posted my little note about cleansing and conceiving, you all are sooooo encouraging. This place feels like home and like you're sitting around just chatting with friends about life and you get all this feedback from you all that just makes you hold your head a little higher and know in your heart "I'm o.k." THANKS.
BKM: My heart goes to you in your troubles right now I'll say a little pray to help you and your family get through this time
Once again to all those "friends" out there thank you and thanks for giving me your support.

have an awesome day!!!
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Old 03-28-2002, 09:13 PM   #124  
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Red face Thursday evening

Evening everyone!

Deb--have a good trip--come home safe, sound, and weaned from the scale obsession!

Gottabeme--Awwwwwww. It is amazing how you immediatly feel like part of a big family here. I know I felt that way when I found this board a year ago. We're glad you found us.

Beth--the lemon juice in your water doesn't affect your water intake. I often add a squeeze of lemon to my water. Prevention magazine had something a few months ago that talked about the fact that your body gets water out of most non-carbonated drinks, fruits and vegetables and that maybe they've stressing the 64 oz of water too much (that said they were carefule to point out that coffee and diet drinks STILL don't count as water. But your lemon juice is fine).

Vesnoid--I looked at your fitday journal and agree that you need to be eating more--especially today. I'm hoping you haven't logged everything in yet. The one think you don't want is for your body to think it is starving and start CONSERVING fat stores!!!!

BOB--Loved the bumper stickers! Who got voted off tonight? I've been waiting for surviver NASCAR--after every race they vote one driver off the oval and the last guy racing is the champion!

Frog--where are you? I miss you. Hope everything is ok and if your lurking know that I'm holding a good thought for you!


I've been thinking about the "when did you get big" question. I was "normal" weight as a small child--till third grade. School was miserable that year and I started gaining weight. I lost it in highschool and stayed ok (with a brief weight gain after my boyfriend and I broke up--but lost that quickly) until after I graduated from college. My first job out of college was miserable and I began gaining weight then. I was on a steady climb from then until 1 and 1/2 years ago when I began SB. So let's note the emotional connection! I'm now at a weight I haven't seen in 16 years. I'm shooting for a weight I haven't seen in over 20 years--yeeeha!

Have a good evening everyone--time for Green tea and ER.

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Old 03-28-2002, 09:40 PM   #125  
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Evening all.

I need yalls help. Ive been craving sweets the past couple of days, and have given in to it, not a good thing at least its all been SF. What I need is something to help with the cravings. Ive tried protein, doesnt work. I have little or no will-power so that doesnt work. Any ideas?

Worked out in the yard today, cutting back my boston fern which had been frostbitten; also cut back my purple fountain grass. worked up quite a sweat. My arms and back are sore from cutting and bending. So I got about 2 hours worth of exercise. Going to start my Leslie Sansone walk away the lbs tomorrow. I have a treadmill but am having problems with my hip when I try to up the mph, so I figue I will do this for a couple of weeks then get back on the treadmill. I have to get in shape as golfing season is beginning soon.

I dont remember who asked , I live in Texas City. There are so many posts its hard to keep up with whats going on, especially if you only get on the board 1 or 2 times a week.

Hope everyone has a good weekend and a Happy Easter. If anyone is going out of town , drive carefully.
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Old 03-28-2002, 10:30 PM   #126  
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HiedieHo All!!!

Sometimes time gets away from me. Am not sure of my lost post, but it has to be two or three days. I know I posted Monday.

Tuesday morning we had one heck of a lightning storm! I sleep with my bedroom window open; I was asleep at 5a.m. when a flashbulb went off in the room and I heard what sounded like a gun shot! I was raised out of bed!! This was followed by another bolt of lightning that lit up the room and shook the rafters! You can bet I shut that window in a hurry, a few minutes later it started to pour.

Later that morning two girls, sisters, were in different bathrooms each using curling irons. Lightning struck their house, blew out one of the outlets and blew the curling irons out of their hands. Each got quite a jolt, but went to school anyway. Later one passed out and was taken to the hospital and later on the other got ill and passed out on way to hospital. Officials said it was real a freak thing that both were using irons at the same time. Also when lightning goes though a home's electrical system it usually starts a fire. Both girls are home now but are very tired and resting.

I have been doing my usual stuff...NH, choir, librarian, gym. Got my hair cut. Today my DIL joined the gym so we met there after my NH visit and her work. It was a lot of fun, she used to teach execise classes and did weights so she showed me a few things more to do each time!! Afterwards the only thing that really HURT was my left hand. I am now wearing a neutral brace at night and in between tasks, she suggested wearing it when I exercise. So will try that. I know it feels better with the splint doctor recommened. But it's a pain in the neck, will I need this until the wrist gets severe enough for surgery? Oh well!!!

I know Deb is on her way, but if any of you haven't tried her Crustless Spinach Quiche, you're missing something that is super. I made it the other night and we just loved it!!!!

I know I am behind and impossible for me to catch up. Congrats to the losers, encouragement to the gainers or stay the samers, and welcome to the newbies.

Take care, Shirley
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Old 03-28-2002, 10:35 PM   #127  
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Red face Good Evening

Been a long day, and I'm pooped.

I had the pleasure of meeting up with MARIE (ROSALIE) today! She is a very lovely lady and we chatted for an hour and a half! It went by so quickly. It was like old friends just picking up . I saw pictures of the gang in Orlando. It really is nice to put faces with the names (I gave Marie a pic of me with my guys for her to post, so you'll get to see me soon ). We met at a coffee shop and I had told Marie I would bring the Agave for our coffee. I had forgotten the whole reason for our meeting was cause she was brining me 2 cases that she brought home from Florida for me. I was telling my family how Marie offered to bring home the agave, Deb had ordered me some, others had offered to order some and just how nice everyone on the board is. My aunt commented that it's nice to hear there are still such nice people in the world. So EVERYONE give yourselves a pat on the back.

GOTTABEME I agree with you that the people on this board are amazing! It's not just getting support and help with this WOE but we're also here for each other for everyday life problems and accomplishments. It's amazing how much people on this board have in common besides SB.

CATLOVER Speaking of stuff in common (As mentioned above to GOTTA), I'd love to be able to help you out, but all I can say is try to ride it out. Last week I was where you are now. Nothing could satisfy my sweet craving. I ate protein, tried almonds (there's supposed to be another nut too, but I can't think of the name just now), tried drinking a lot of water and milk, ate fruit---and then I just caved and ate non-legal chocolate. KEEP STRONG! How about adding vanilla to some coffee? (I never tried that) It would make it kind of sweet. I totally understand where you're coming from. Fortunately for me, after a couple of days I didn't crave the sweets. Hormones are so evil

FILLISE Congrats on getting to where you were 16 years ago. And thanks for mentioning the green tea. You remind me to make some.

BKM Hope your son's surgery goes well and that he has a quick recovery. Sorry to hear he also has to deal with the loss of his friend.

I have to go nite nites now. I'm gonna fall into the computer.

Have a nice Easter or Passover or time spent with loved ones--whichever you're doing this weekend.

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Old 03-28-2002, 11:04 PM   #128  
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It was a beautiful day in North Texas today. My DH even had to mow the weeds. I'm glad the warm weather has finally decided to stay.

I'm feeling better, sinusitis wise, but my asthma has kicked in like it hasn't for a couple of years. I hope that's not a sign of a bad pollen season ahead.

I was so excited on the scale number I neglected to say how much of a loss that was. It was 3 pounds. That's quite a feat for me as I'm a 2 pounds per week person.

Fillese: Congrats on your milestone. That is truly wonderful. And gives us all such motivation and encouragement.

Pooch: Did you see the news about the Texas Navy man who proposed to his girlfriend as their ship docked yesterday? They dropped a huge sign over the side. It was neat. They're going to get married in April in Dallas.

Deb: Have a great vacation. Sounds like you're going to a beautiful part of the country.

Gracious: Congrats on the winning licking challenge.

I feel guilty because I can't respond to everyone. We are going to visit family in Louisiana tomorrow and I still have to pack.
Thunder: We are coming to Olla! My DH's grandmothers live there and are not in the best health so we are going to visit.

Have a good holiday weekend everyone.

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Old 03-28-2002, 11:25 PM   #129  
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Unhappy Sigh...

Well... My week started with a crappy birthday, and today I find myself unemployed.

Technically, I quit, but it was under extreme duress. My 10 year old was manhandled, and mistreated by his teacher, and when I raised the roof, the boss took HER side, called my kid a troublemaker, me a lousy employee... and I told them he was a great kid and I believed him and they could stick their job where the sun don't shine.

Now I have no job. My mom is proud of me though..LOL. She said the 'life lesson' I taught my son was worth more than I could have ever earned at that job anyway. Especially since he knows I believed him, and believed IN him enough to leave my job for him.

I still wish that paid the mortgage!!

Well... I believe I will be in BED for the rest of the week, because I"m not sure I can take it getting any worse!
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Old 03-29-2002, 02:02 AM   #130  
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Default PHOTOS

Just a quickie to let you know I have posted some pics on the photo board of ZANNE and her family and some from the ORLANDO GET TOGETHER.

Have a good Easter/Passover weekend everyone.

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Old 03-29-2002, 05:56 AM   #131  
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SB since 3/22/00
Reached goal 6/10/01
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Old 03-29-2002, 11:15 AM   #132  
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Default BETH...

Good morning Beth...I'm so sorry you are having a lousey week...but it's bound to be better next week. ((hugzz))


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Old 03-29-2002, 11:50 AM   #133  
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Thumbs down Good Friday Morning!

Hootie Hoo!

I'm going to celebrate the scales moving again by getting my hair cut, my eyebrows waxed and a new Easter dress!

Beth--You've had a horrible, no good, very bad week. I'm so sorry to hear about both the birthday and the job--but your son has to be awfully proud of his mom! I'm hoping that this turns out to be a positive thing in the end and you will end up with a better job and a grateful son!

jred--WTG on the three pounds!!!!!! That is a great loss for the week!

Zanne--it sounds like you and Marie had a wonderful time. I'm glad you two got to spend some time together!

Sef--WOW that sounds like quite a storm. I'm glad to hear that the two girls will be fine. My mom used to tell me a story of a storm when she was a little girl. Lightening hit the house and a ball of fire rolled down the wall of her bedroom. Scary stuff. i'm glad you didn't suffer injury or damage to your house!

Cat--I go through the sweet cravings every now and again. Most of the time on SB I don't crave sweets, but every once in a while it gets bad. I went through this a couple of weeks ago and finally found some Russell Stover SF chocolate pecan candy in my cupboard. I ate two pieces and it really did satisfy the sweet craving. So give in and have some SB-legal chocolate or a couple of pieces of SF chocolate candy--or SF icecream or frozen yogurt and see if that helps.

OR go to the recipe baord and make the lemon-cheesecake bites--they are very sweet and SB legal!

Good luck!

Have a good day everyone!

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Old 03-29-2002, 12:05 PM   #134  
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Happy Friday to Everyone.

Don't really have much time today, busy putting a presentatio together, but just wanted to get a few things posted.

Trish, hope your surgery went well and you are not to sick afterwards.

Rose, hope yur colonoscopy went ok.

Vesnoid, thanks for the salad recipe. What is bugar wheat?

BKM, so sorry about your son's friend. That is really tuff on kids. They think they are invinsible. Hope his surgery went well.

Filsie, WTG on losing 65# I am jealous. Hope to be there soon myself.

Rosalie, I have the opposite problem with my water, I can drinks tons at work. Keep a big glass on my desk and drink all day long, but on the weekends, I can hardly get it in.

Beth, You have had the worst week yet. You should do the whole week over. I'm with you on the job and I know your son will appreciate it (some day). THere is a better job out there anyway. Things happen for a reason. Good luck. EAster is Sunday and surely that will bring a better week. Good luck.

I know I have missed some people. Not on purpose, just short for time. To Everyone, Have a Blessed Easter/Passover. Stay away from the candy.

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Old 03-29-2002, 12:51 PM   #135  
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HiedieHo All!!!

Can't figure it out, the last week or two I have been waking up at 6a and not able to get back to sleep. Going to bed usual time. So this morning I have have stripped bed, done three loads of wash, dusted, emptied the freezer to defrost it (it's old!), vacuumed, and a few other things. I'll [probably die this afternoon. Still have to make bed, clean and refill freezer, fold and dry more wash!

BETH - You're cup is certainly running over. We'll pray that it will be filled with better things. I know it is a hardship, but what you did for your son will be always remembered by him! God Bless!

JRED - Enjoy your LA visit!

Well, I sprayed the rug with carpet foam and was waiting for it to dry. It's dry so no excuse to play here.

Take care all!! Shirley
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