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View Poll Results: How long have you had a REAL weight problem?
All my life-since I was a baby 2 3.85%
Since I was a young child 10 19.23%
Since I was a teenager 9 17.31%
Since I was in my 20's 15 28.85%
Since I was in my 30's 13 25.00%
Since I was in my 40's 1 1.92%
Since I was in my 50's 0 0%
Since I was in my 60's 0 0%
Longer than I care to even remember 0 0%
Other 2 3.85%
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Old 03-28-2002, 09:51 AM   #106  
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Good Thursday Morning

Just wanted to say hello as my day goes on and the hours to leave lessen.

Had a good dinner at my sister's for Passover. I made the cheesecake which was a hit, and the only dessert we had. I ate 1 1/2 pieces and then sliced a piece to bring home, but ended up telling myself I didn't need it and left it for my sister to eat

Got up really early and got in my 4.5 miles BEFORE I took Michael to school-no one could believe my butt was out of the house by 6am! Even had a decent time of 44:39-I think it was the fear of having to get home in time to take him so he wouldn't be late that had me moving a bit faster.

Lots of laundry to do, ironing, etc. Have to go to the grocery store and get some vittles and then p/u my Mother and her junk to take with us this afternoon before getting Lauren and rushing home to start to get ready to go see Mama Mia tonight with Eli. Don't think I will get home before 11amish-not sure what the heck I'm going to do about dinner.

Will not be taking the scale, nor will I weigh on any scale that I happen to come across. I will go through BOARD & SCALE WITHDRAWLS and it may be worse than DETOX for me!!!

If I can, I will try to hit the library one day and get on the board to say hello.

Looking forward to seeing FROG next week!!! maybe MONET if we decide to go home via Atlanta.

I doubt I will be able to post tonight or anytime before I leave. I hope you all have a good week ahead of you and I'll be thinking about you all while I'm away. I have started the boards for APRIL so ROSALIE has less to contend with. She will start the new WEEKLY EXERCISE BOARD and the new WEEKLY SUPPORT BOARD either late Sunday night or Monday morning-thanks again MARIE!!!

I'm sorry I can't reply to everyone, don't even have time to read the boards-I know you all will forgive me!!!!

Take care everyone-will definitely miss you!! Will be home late Sunday night, April 7th.

SB since 3/22/00
Reached goal 6/10/01
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Old 03-28-2002, 09:51 AM   #107  
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Default HEY....BETH!!!!!


There is a menu at the bottom of the page for all the other

I addressed this to Beth because she always gets a kick out
of all the recipe sites I find....

BUT everyone can take a look if they want to


Last edited by BOBatwork; 03-28-2002 at 09:53 AM.
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Old 03-28-2002, 10:00 AM   #108  
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Thumbs down Good Thursday Morning!

Gosh, what a beautiful day in east central Alabama! I'm going to have to ride around and enjoy the flowers some today!

OK--trumpets please: I'm happy to report a new low of 235!!!!! That makes a total of 65 lbs lost on SB! Ten more pounds and I will be halfway to my goal.

Kimmy: WOOOOHOOOO! ON REACHING YOUR GOAL! At 5'7" I think you must be positivley sleek--but it isn't a bad idea to have a little cushion--5 lbs below is probably reasonable.

Gracious--what will power! You are to be congratulated for resisting temptation!

Monet--Destructo-kitty? Not this sweet kitten purring in my lap? Do cats get multiple personality disorder? Perhaps I should have named her Sybil! I keep reminding myself that one day Belle will be older and quieter, and I'm sure then I'll miss her kitten-hearted antics. I bought her some balls with bells in them to play with last night and that seems to be helping her use up that kitten energy!

Quilter--have fun this weekend with your house full of guests! I'll miss my nieces this Easter. I'm going to have to borrow some children to dye eggs with Saturday night!

I hope everyone has a good day today!

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Old 03-28-2002, 10:22 AM   #109  
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New York is beautiful this time of year! Bryant Park by the New York Public Library is gorgeous. I sit and eat my salad there everyday now.

Still a newbie so I'm still looking for recipes myself! Although I found a sugar free Newman's Own Salad dressing...Check them out the grocery store.

Feeling good about my loss and just hoping I can stick to SB over the weekend. My mom is so supportive. She asked me what I should make so that I can stick to it. What a sweetie!

BigknightsMomma: I'm sorry for your son's loss. It's a terrible tragedy that someone so young should their lives like that. My brother's best friend (only 26) was killed during 9/11. None of us have completely accepted it yet. Hope his surgery is successful and that he has a quick recovery.
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Old 03-28-2002, 10:42 AM   #110  
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Well the end of the week is almost here. Surgery is tomorrow, yuk and I'm not on the schedule until 10:30 a.m. so who knows when I'll actually go in to surgery. Oh, well. Hopefully, this is the last one and my shoulder can get back to normal.

BKM - I'm so sorry to hear about the trials your son is going through. He's so fortunate to have a loving and caring mom like you to help him get through all of this.

Judy - How do you like the ICE Botanicals. I've seen them but have never bought them. Are they really sweet or is it just a little flavoring.

Deb - Have fun on the trip. By the way, are you going to be posting one of your hot Glamour Shots pix? I did it once with a girlfriend and it was so much fun.

Fillise - Way to go girl!

Tree - Have fun with your sister.

Catlover - Where in Texas are you? I'm in Pflugerville (just outside of Austin).

Gracious - How's hubby doing? Glad to see your weather's finally improving.

Quivondra - What flavors of Newman's Own dressing did you find in the sugar free version. I love those dressings and can't wait to find them.

Sol - Sounds like you and Deb had a great visit.

I know I probably missed someone, sorry. Everyone have a great day. I probably will be MIA until next week.
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Old 03-28-2002, 10:49 AM   #111  
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Mornin' everybody. I've stayed OP two whole days!!! Really an accomplishment for me lately. My goal today is to avoid all the candy floating around the school. We have Easter egg hunts today, so the chocolate abounds.I have avoided the cake in the teacher's lounge so far. Good for me. We're expecting a rainy weekend for Easter. The plan is to have the big family egg hunt at MIL's hounse Sat. but it's supposed to rain. I hope it doesn't. The kids will be disappointed.

BKM: I'm so sorry to hear about your son's friend. It's sad at any age, but especially someone so young. Hope his surgery goes well and he recovers quickly.

FILLISE: WTG girl. 65 lbs is great!

KIMMY: CONGRATS on reaching you goal! And you with 5 kiddies. It gives me hope that I can get back in shape after my three. But when you're OLD when you have them, the body just doesn't want to return to its former self.

Debbie: Walking at 6 am?Too early for me. I am continuing my walking tape with a few other teachers. We're moving up to the 2 mile tape next week.

GRACIOUS: WTG on resisting the temptation to lick the spoon. We are having special services tonight and tomorrow night along with sunrise and Easter services on Sun. We are having a Seder supper tonight (in Baptist church of all things).

COUNTRYMOM: Your pictures are great. CONGRATS!

QUILTER: Hope you have a good visit with your parents.

Must go. Time for class.
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Old 03-28-2002, 10:56 AM   #112  
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Default Mornin' *smile*

Good morning all! ((hugzz)) I love reading all your post this morning. A really nice way to start the day. Still taking day I will remember who everyone is...I hope.

Kimmy as for going from my smallest to my largest I don't remember exactly how long it took. I went from a 3 to a 16 kinda gradual. But after I had my son and quit nursing I went from a 16 to a 24 in just a matter of months. The 80 pounds that I lost on SB took about 10 months. I gained a couple over winter but it's coming off and then some now. So hopefully I might reach goal one day.

BigKMomma I'm so sorry you are having a bad week. Praying all goes well with your sons surgery. And that he has the time to grieve the loss of his friend. It's so hard when you are young to face death.

Fillise...I can just see your kitty running wild. Sounds like a fun little kitty.

Well, as much as I would like to respond to more I have to go grade the kids school before they get too distracted. Have a GREAT day everybody.


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Old 03-28-2002, 11:04 AM   #113  
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Default WTG Fillise

Somehow I missed a page..duh. After I posted a minute ago. I just read of your new loss...that is AWESOME.

Thank you Music teach.


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Old 03-28-2002, 11:38 AM   #114  
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Good Thursday Everybody!

I am finally in my last stages of arranging the electrical service upgrade. I found a good company that will do it, and my kiln has finally arrived in one piece. Soon...there will be pots galore!

This morning I FINALLY dropped down to 156 or 156.5 Couldn't tell which one, really.
[DId I ever tell you I have a magnifying glass I juggle just so I am able to count the tiny notches on my scale?]
I was VERY happy, especially because I had such a great day yesterday eating some seriously delicious stuff.

BKM - I am very sorry to hear about the tragedies in your son's life. That can really put a damper on person's outlook on life. Thankfully your son has a great support in his family, and I am sure your kindness and love will prevail over the misfortunes.

HAPPY - You are so nice. Thank you. I wish I was at my maintenance weight! I think part of the weight being stuck was that I am building muscle. Remember - when you saw me, I had already lost solid 6 or 7 pounds, and was actually able to fit in my jeans . So far I lost almost 2 inches around my butt! So if I stay at about 156, 157 for the next month, I should be happy.
The last time I was skinny (my version) I had almost no muscle left. I don't want that to happen this time. I found that exercise makes a bit difference and it makes it easier for me to stay OP. I know things haven't been easy for you lately, but you may feel better if you go out, and clear your circuits exercising a bit, you know? I find that when the world makes me crazy, I "hit the road". Makes a big difference.

GOTTABEME - All the best in your quest for a child. I share your frustration regarding healthy babies being entrusted to alcohol or drug addicted parents, who really only want to get rid of their babes in order to be able to fully pursue their addiction. It is not fair, and it is not right. But you know, justice is blind and there's nothing we can do but hope and pray. And also - you know you will make the greatest parent and if it is an adopted child, you will have the satisfaction of offering him/her something they might otherwise never get a chance to experince. Loving and supporting family.

Checking out for now!

BOB - thanks for the recipes. INNNERESTING>>>!

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Old 03-28-2002, 12:06 PM   #115  
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> > >
> > > 1) My husband and I divorced over religious differences.
> > > He thought he was God and I didn't!
> > >
> > > 2) I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it.
> > >
> > > 3) I Work Hard Because Millions On Welfare Depend on Me!
> > >
> > > 4) Some people are alive only because it's illegal to kill them.
> > >
> > > 5) I used to have a handle on life, but it broke.
> > >
> > > 6) Don't take life too seriously, you won't get out alive.
> > >
> > > 7) You're just jealous because the voices only talk to me.
> > >
> > > 8) Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.
> > >
> > > 9) Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.
> > >
> > > 10) Quoting one is plagiarism; Quoting many is research.
> > >
> > > 11) I'm not a complete idiot, some parts are missing.
> > >
> > > 12) Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.
> > >
> > > 13) NyQuil - The stuffy, Sneezy, why-the-****-is-the-room
> > > spinning-medicine.
> > >
> > > 14) I want to die in my sleep like my grandfather...not screaming and
> > > yelling like the passengers in his car.
> > >
> > > 15) God must love stupid people, he made so many.
> > >
> > > 16) The gene pool could use a little chlorine.
> > >
> > > 17) It IS as BAD as you think and they ARE out to get you.
> > >
> > > 18) I took an IQ test and the results were negative.
> > >
> > > 19) Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.
> > >
> > > 20) Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?
> > >
> > > 21) MOP AND GLOW - Floor wax used by Three Mile Island cleanup team.
> > >
> > > 22) Beer ~ The Reason I Get Up Each Afternoon!
> > >
> > > 23) I Must Be a Proctologist Because I Work With Buttheads!
> > >
> > > 24) Frankly, Scallop, I Don't Give a Clam (seen on Cape Cod)
> > >
> > > 25) Computer programmers know how to use their hardware.
> > >
> > > 26) Wrinkled Was Not One of the Things I Wanted to Be When I Grew Up
> > >
> > > 27) Procrastinate Now
> > >
> > > 28) Rehab Is for Quitters
> > >
> > > 29) My Dog Can Lick Anyone
> > >
> > > 30) I Have a Degree in Liberal Arts - Do You Want Fries With That?
> > >
> > > 31) Computer programmers don't byte, they nibble a bit.
> > >
> > > 32) Finally 21, and Legally Able to Do Everything I've Been doing
> > > I was 15.
> > >
> > >
> > > 34) West Virginia: One Million People and 15 last names
> > >
> > > 35) FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION. It comes bundled with the software.
> > >
> > >
> > > 37) A hangover is the wrath of grapes
> > >
> > > 38) A journey of a thousand miles begins with a cash advance
> > >
> > > 39) STUPIDITY IS NOT A HANDICAP. Park elsewhere!
> > >
> > > 40) DISCOURAGE INBREEDING - Ban Country Music
> > >
> > > 41) They call it PMS because Mad Cow Disease was already taken
> > >
> > > 42) He who dies with the most toys is nonetheless dead
> > >
> > > 43) Time's fun when you're having flies...Kermit the Frog
> > >
> > > 44) POLICE STATION TOILET STOLEN .... Cops have nothing to go on.
> > >
> > > 45) FOR SALE - Iraqi rifle. Never fired. Dropped once.
> > >
> > >
> > > 47) A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS, but it uses up a thousand
> > > times the memory.
> > >
> > > 48) The Meek shall inherit the earth, after we're through with it.
> > >
> > > 49) Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
> > >
> > > 50) HAM AND EGGS - A day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment
> > > for a pig.
> > >
> > > 51) WELCOME TO KENTUCKY - Set your watch back 20 years.
> > >
> > > 52) The trouble with life is there's no background music.
> > >
> > >
> > > 54) The original point and click interface was a Smith & Wesson.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >Just my thoughts for the day

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Old 03-28-2002, 01:35 PM   #116  
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Hi Everyone

Just a quickie report as I didn't get to post for WIW. I was up one pound from last week but two pounds from a couple of days ago. I am at 197 pounds which is still 4 pounds more than my pre-holiday low. I've been staying mainly op this past week and had expected to show a loss so was a little disappointed. I have been slacking on the water intake so will try harder to get in at least 8 glasses a day. When I am home I do o.k. with the water but find it harder to keep up while working.

It's a beautiful sunny, springlike day here to-day. Which is a relief after the nasty snowy weather we had the last couple of days. I was out this morning to meet ZANNE. We had a very pleasant coffee and chat. I have a picture of Zanne's family which I will post soon.

Trishaloo - Good luck with the surgery on Friday. I wouldn't worry about staying op immediately following the surgery but here's a few things you may be able to tolerate post op: chicken noodle soup (old faithful), chicken or beef bouillon, tea with lemon. Just eat whatever you fancy and are able to tolerate and worry about getting back op when you are feeling better.

Chris - So sorry to hear bout your son's friend being killed. That's very sad. Also sorry about his injury. I hope the surgery goes well for him.

Deb - Happy Holidays. I will start the two new boards either late Sunday or early Monday morning.

Congratulations to all the losers this week. Looks like there were quite a few pounds lost this week.

Have to get to the kitchen to do a pile of dishes before I head out to work. Haven't time to finish reading all to-day's posts. I hope I can catch up on the reading while at work.

Bye for now.

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Old 03-28-2002, 01:47 PM   #117  
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Hi everyone

Tree: Mackinaw Island is between the upper and lower penisulas of Michigan. You have to take a ferry to get to the island. It is so beautiful there and you really do feel like you stepped back in time. Here's the web site for the Grand Hotel where the movie was filmed.
They even have a fan club of the movie that meets there every year. If you stay there they have a dress code in the evening that makes men wear coat and ties and ladies wear dresses or nice pants. It is expensive to stay there so there are a lot of smaller B&B places on the island. If you want to just walk around the Grand Hotel it will cost you an admission charge. I love going there. When I was a little girl we would go vacation there every summer. My DH and I stopped there on the way back from our honeymoon - very romantic. Its been years since I've gone back but may have to schedule it in our trip to Michigan this summer to visit the relatives.

Congrats to all the losers of yesterday's WIW

I bought some SF Turtles yesterday to have on hand when the kids get all their Easter Candy. Better eating them than the kids stuff. I have bought the Russle Stover Pecan Delights but not the Turtles so of course I had to try one. It wasn't bad but the RS are definately better.

The dyas a wasting and the kids will be home soon so I better get some more work done around here -
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Old 03-28-2002, 02:17 PM   #118  
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Default FITDAY


I went back and re-read some of the posts you guys put up. I realized a missed some the first time.

SOL - I have been wondering about you. You seem to work very hard on your fitness and also exercise regularly, but are still not loosing. Perhaps that suggestion about checking your Thyroid might be well founded. Have you ever consulted an endycrinologist (probably misspelled to high heavens)?

Anyway. I have PCOS AND underactive thyroid, and I am closer to my desired weight than you. I thought perhaps looking at my fitday schedule could give you some ideas. I am sort of bad about recording every day, especially the exercises.

Naturally, you may have a whole set of different health issues, and my type of diet could be unsuitable or unpalatable for you.
I just think that with all that effort you are putting in, it is your GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO SEE THOSE DARN HAPPY AND POSITIVE RESULTS!!!!

OH - muscles. You know what they told me at the Y when I started working out years ago? They said that my body will first get BIGGER before it would get smaller. THat is because you are bulding muscles under your skin. This is probably what is happening to you, because I just can't see it being any other way.

Anyhow, keep your faith and good eating!

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Old 03-28-2002, 02:55 PM   #119  
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Default Howdy :wave:

DEB - I'm 4 hours outside Atlanta... you need to go home through HUNTSVILLE sometime

QUILTER - My wedding anniversary is April 13th also, 13 is my lucky number, and always has been... funny then that I met him on the 13th of April, and married him that same date 2 years later. I set my next mini goal to be down to 180 by then I'm sure you have more years than I do though... we'll be together 8, married 6.

Ugh... I am having a HARD time eating enough. I'm averaging about 1400 calories a day through the week, sometimes more on the weekend. I'm supposed to be up around 1800, and I just can't seem to do it. Yesterday I did manage to hang on to my 2-3 servings of starchy carbs though!!! And I've upped my water intake the last few days... I'm hoping the next time I head over to the MIL's her scale will be kind

Hope everyone is having a good week... we have baseball practices/scrimmages tonight from 5-9pm... so I'll be taking a sandwich to the ballpark... haven't had any starchy carbs yet today, I'm saving it for the 2 pieces of bread for my sandwich

See Y'all Tomorrow
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Old 03-28-2002, 03:18 PM   #120  
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Default Oh Yeah...

Forgot a question I was gonna ask...

I know that if you drink things like diet drinks, crystal light, etc. It doesn't count as water for your water intake... is this because of the artificial sweetner?

I'm just wondering, because I found that I stomach my water better with about 1/2 tsp of lemon juice in each bottle... and I'm wondering if that takes away the fact that it's my water for the day

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