Sugar Shakers for followers of Sugar Busters and other GI based diets

View Poll Results: Of the 4 fruits listed in the SB Book we can't eat, which do you miss most?
Pineapple 1 3.45%
Watermelon 10 34.48%
Raisins 2 6.90%
Bananas 8 27.59%
You mean we can't eat these? 1 3.45%
I eat at least one of these from time-to-time. 7 24.14%
I don't like any of the 4 listed, so it's not an issue with me 0 0%
Voters: 29. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 09-03-2001, 07:00 AM   #1  
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Default Sugar Busters Weekly Support Board 9/3-9/9

This is the SUGAR BUSTERS WEEKLY SUPPORT BOARD where all of you who are following this WOE, or are thinking about doing so, are welcome to come join in and be a part of our wonderful group.

Other than finding support and friendship on this board, we also try to do something during the the week to add a little difference to our board.


Please visit our LATEST BIO BOARD where you can learn more about everyone who is on this board:

Please make sure you post your BIO on the NEWEST VERSION of our BIO BOARD everyone!!!!

Our SEPTEMBER 2001 RECIPE BOARD can be located at the link below:

We have SEVEN INFORMATIVE BOARDS!!!! Please take a few minutes to visit them! New information is continually being posted, so please make sure you visit them often-make sure to visit our newest board, MY FAVORITE SB LEGAL FOODS at the link below:





and our newest board MY FAVORITE SB LEGAL FOODS

We also now have a SB WEEKLY EXERCISE BOARD that you can log your daily/weekly exercises on:


VISIT OUR NEW SUGAR BUSTERS 2001 PICTURE GALLERY at the link below. You can upload pictures or post links to pictures on this board

NEWBIES! (aka new members) If you would like to REPLY to any of our threads, please hit NEW REPLY not NEW THREAD, then type your message in and hit SUBMIT REPLY. If you need to edit your reply, just click on edit located in the body of your post and make changes as you need to, then hit SUBMIT NOW.

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Old 09-03-2001, 07:07 AM   #2  
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We have some BIRTHDAYS TO CELEBRATE THIS MONTH!! and 3 of the 4 are this week!!!

MELF 9/8
JRED 9/9


Last edited by Debelli; 09-05-2001 at 07:08 PM.
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Old 09-03-2001, 07:09 AM   #3  
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Old 09-03-2001, 07:11 AM   #4  
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Good Monday Morning Everyone!

Just wanted to get in a quickie before I head out the door and get in my walk, before it gets much hotter out there.

It's MOTIVATIONAL MONDAY and here's my contribution:


What are you willing to work for? It's a simple question, yet an important one. There are lots of things you might wish for, but wishing doesn't take much effort, and consequently it won't produce results. There are things you may plan for, and yet planning alone will not bring them about.

What matters is what you are willing to work for. What you achieve depends on what you are willing to work for. The person you become is based on what you are willing to work for. The quality of your life is directly related to what you are willing to work for -- not what you need, not what you want, not what you think you are entitled to, but what you are willing to work for.

There are things you won't be willing to work for. That's OK. There's no need to feel guilty about not being willing to work for them. Just don't expect to have them. Forget about those things and focus your energy on what you are willing to work for.

There are goals and aspirations that will drive you. There are things that you will gladly be willing to work for. Find them, follow them, work toward them and make them happen.

-- Ralph Marston

I'll be back on later. I hope you all have a wonderful week, and a great Labor Day!!!

SB since 3/22/00
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Old 09-03-2001, 08:13 AM   #5  
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Old 09-03-2001, 08:30 AM   #6  
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Good morning everyone

I hope everyone is having a good holiday weekend. I was out most of the weekend watching gs's play soccer. The ten year old's team won most of their games and made it to the final. They lost to the other team in the final after going in to overtime. I never thought that I would get excited over soccer It was fun to watch. We all went out for dinner after the game. I also had a good shopping day yesterday. My jeans were feeling a bit baggy so I thought I would go and try on a smaller size, and what do you know they actually fit. Then I bought a sweater to go with them which is a bit clingy so now I need to fix up my boobs. They are not very big but look a bit floppy in my new sweater. So that will be my next shopping trip.

Fillise - HAPPY BIRTHDAY - I hope you have a good time with your nieces to-day.

Sol - I still like to have bacon and eggs occasionally but I usually save it for a day when I am working and get it in the cafeteria. It always tastes much better when someone else cooks it, also the bacon is less greasy the way they cook it.

Fly - Thanks for asking about my dd. Luckily she doesn't get migraine too often. I think this was the second time - hope it is the last. My cold is getting better although still have a bit of a cough. That's my excuse for not doing much exercise lately. I'll be glad when it is cleared up so I can get more active again. I am reading the Katherine Neville book "The Eight" - it's an interesting read.

Sparkle - Welcome back. Please don't stop posting because you have fallen off the wagon. Who hasn't at one time or another. If we were all so perfect we wouldn't need to be here for each other. Hope you enjoy your hip-hop dance class and, of course, driving your new truck.

Lamap - Glad to see you are still losing.

Nance - Hope you had a good time on the 'Great Escape'. Isn't it great to have time alone without the kids sometimes.

Deb - I agree with you that there are more important things on this woe than that metal monster. I think that I am controlling my eating more by not getting on the d.....thing every day. And even though I have not lost many pounds lately I must have lost a couple of inches as I was able to get into those smaller jeans yesterday. I tried them on in the store about a month ago and they were way too tight. Have you finished all those bran muffins yet I checked out that book in the library but they didn't have it. Will have to check the bookstore.

Jred - Welcome to the board. I know what you mean with the scales. I was in the habit of getting on them every morning, it was like an obsession. Just a couple of weeks ago I decided to cut it down to twice a week. (See my note to Deb above.) I hope you enjoy doing SB. It really is a healthy woe.

I found another website about the Glycemic Index which I think you might be interested in. It has information about the labelling of foods with a GI symbol - mainly in Australia but it does mention North America. There is also a list of some more recently tested foods. There is also supposed to be a link to a GI Database (I think it is the same one that I posted a while ago) but it hasn't been available the last couple of days. Maybe it is being updated.

Have a good day everyone.

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Old 09-03-2001, 09:02 AM   #7  
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[color=teal]Happy Monday morning everybodee!!! I'm up and the sun is shining! Last sleep in day of the summer and I thoroughly enjoyed it! It's wonderful to have older babies now so I don't have to be up at dawn! A little nervous about taking 4 year olds to and from school. They cut funding this year in the schools and now the regular ed buses take them to their preschool programs at the school. (It's like Headstart-giving underpriviledged kids a head start in school). Anyway, I know how I'd feel if I had to put my 4 year old on a huge bus with 59 other elementary kids. eek
The good news is they are going about .4 miles away and they are up front with me, getting loaded and unloaded first. Thanks for letting me go on about that. Still excited and want to get started with the dears so we can all get "settled".

We're going shopping today for Ben (16) finally had to lasso him to stay home so we can go. That will be fun since he likes to dress like he got his clothes out of the trash! Well maybe not quite that bad. They don't stink. It's hard to think about a great motivation after Debbies inspirational one. But I promised myself I will get on daily and participate this week. Especially after the pizza incident. I have a tendency to get lax on my plans when I hit this mark. The old pants are baggy and everybody is noticing. I will not do that this time!!!!

Happy Birthday Fillese, I hope you have the "best" day

Deb-wonderful motivation! I printed it out. It's so true for the accomplishments in my life thus far. I found out the boy was 50 yards from shore and I let my boys go maybe 2. But, I'm not taking any chances. We're not swimming until I'm sure there's no "unusual" shark activity going on anywhere on the Eastern coast. Maybe it's some kind of shark cycle or disruption in the normal eco balance or something.

jred-Welcome, welcome, welcome. Glad you took the plunge! I, too, am in my 40's and desperate to avoid Type II. I have to admit that I honestly didn't believe I could lose weight because I was so "old". Now I know how silly that was. The others here convinced me to try and I know I couldn't make it without their support and I will always be grateful for them! So, as Bob (Miss Bob) says, climb on the wagon with us. Always room for more. How old are your girls? I have a 16 year old boy and a 12 year old soon to be teen boy.

Rosalie-Sounds like you had fun this weekend. Congratulations on your gd making the finals. So sorry they lost. And let's hear it for smaller Jeans!!!!!! Way to go. It was sweet for you to treat the family to dinner too. I had to on the boob fixing. Let me know how you accomplish that because I need a major overhaul!!! Glad you are feeling better. I had a sympathy sore throat yesterday for you!!! With all the kids next week I know I'll soon be joining you!

Well, bye for now
Love 'fly
sb since 6/29/01
185/165/145 20 down, 20 to go

Last edited by VAbutterfly; 09-03-2001 at 09:09 AM.
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Old 09-03-2001, 11:45 AM   #8  
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Hi Again!

I got in my 4.5 miles with 17 jogs just in time before it rained here this morning. It was not as hot as it could of been due to the overcast, which was nice.

TOM should be here today, but hasn't made it's "appearance", scale was down a 1/2 lb from yesterday, but I'm sure it will be inching it's way back up much to my dismay-I know it's temporary, but I hate it just the same. I decided to keep myself well hydrated, I read that you tend to bloat less if you drink enough water. So, I had my 1.5 liters before 9:30am-will try to get in some more as the day goes on-so far, I've visited the potty more times than I'd like to remember!

ROSALIE, congrats on being able to buy a pair of jeans smaller-even though the scale doesn't want to budge, it seems the inches are, and that's definitely more important than the stupid scale. Umm, can you give me your best tips for fixing up your boobs? I have always wondered what mine would look like if they were normal-they hang due south and have so for as long as I can remember. Thank goodness for bras!!!! I've contained myself and had 2 bran muffins last night, and one this morning. They seem to taste better today than when I took them out of the oven last night. There's no nutritional info on the book, so I am going to guesstimate them to put into my food journal. I know they have a copy of that book on you are interested, but do try to see if you can find a copy somewhere, or at least a used copy. If you'd like, I can send you a coupon for $5 off your first order-I'd think they'd ship to CA. I had that website you posted in my files-it's a good one!

FLY, have "fun" shopping today! I dread taking either one of mine shopping, it's never enjoyable. Down here in Fl, they think the shark attacks are due to cloudy waters and the sharks coming closer to shore, and when they see something reflective, they are thinking it's a fish-who knows if it's that or not, just hope things settle down soon. I have a cousin who loves to surf in Jax. area, and I'm sure this makes him a bit more leary.

Would you believe, my kids are still asleep. Michael was up late from what Eli told me, on the computer. I'm going to put time restraints on him during the week, it's getting absurd!

QUESTION: Should we change the chat time for tomorrow night due to BB on at 9pm EST, or cancel it for this week, or just keep it the same - any thoughts????

I guess I'll get in the shower and go make something to eat. I'll check in withy ou all sometime later today.


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Old 09-03-2001, 04:31 PM   #9  
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Hope you have a good one.

DEBBIE, Thanks so much for the link to the NewZealand site about the low carb eating. How did you find it???
I have Emailed Jok'nAl to ask for a mail order form.
Its those jams, sauces, pickles that I want to get with out the sugar. The time I drove miles out of my way to a store that supposedly stocked there products had 2 flavours of jam and at there web site there is lots of things. I would like to start cutting back on the whole families consumption of sugar after all the articles Ive been reading I think it would do everyone a whole lot of good.
Well Im getting my hair cut today and Im getting nervous about it. Im tring to grow it and they always end up lopping off too much. The ends are getting 'frayed' loking though so its time for a trim.
It is very windy, good day for folding the washing and watching telly.

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Old 09-03-2001, 05:12 PM   #10  
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Hey, where are you all today? Not laboring, I'm sure-guess those of you who haven't ventured onto the board are having a good time with family and/or friends

I just woke up from a nap, didn't realize I was so tired, but must of slept about 2 hours! I guess I needed some extra beauty rest!

BEE, glad to be of some help My fav. flavour of the JoknAl jelly is raspberry, then strawberry, I don't buy the apricot or grape. I've heard some of their other products are good, but those are harder to find here and quite expensive. I find these useful sites by just being creative and putting words into my fav. search engine, - here's a page you can check out - I'm sure you can find some other good information within these sites listed. Hope your hair comes out good. I desperately need to get mine done, haven't had it cut or colored since the middle of February, wow, almost 7 months! I really wish I would of let NANCE do my hair while I was with her, she does her own and it looks fab!!!!

Guess I'll go fix the kids some dinner, though someone out there seems to of made them something to eat in the last few minutes, I can smell food!!!!!!! Am I the ONLY one who's house, they eat at all different times???????


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Old 09-03-2001, 06:40 PM   #11  
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Default Happy Labor Day

Did any of you ladies labor today??? I sure did...LOL It's been a long & busy week-end at work for me. Sorry I have been MIA, but had not turned on Computer since Friday! I was having withdrawal!!!

Have not really read the board yet, so I'll just say hello for now & let you all know that I'm still kicking. I was down for a few days, ate a few things that I shouldn't have & saw that scale go up to 146, but am back down to 144 today. Hoping to be down another lb by WIW.

I see that I'm not the only September gal on the board!!! Great!!! I always knew I was in good company here
Happy Birthday SUSAN!!!

OK gals, it's time to get to the kitchen & fix Zucchinni pizza for dh for supper. He's been asking for it, so I'm going to treat him with it tonight & I'm hoping he will share with me.

May not get another chance to check in till Wednesday. Miss all of you... I feel so disconnected but I'll be back!
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Old 09-03-2001, 08:19 PM   #12  
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Default I sooooooo miss bananas!!!!

Well I'm back from shopping. Pooped(as in tired), fed and happy. Only 1 hour 'til bed. After Ben & I shopped and I convinced him to buy two new pairs of pants and three new shirts. One of them was "Spongebob Squarepants" of all things. At least he's going to wear new clothes. One step at a time. Peter and I went shopping and we saw some killer deals on shirts for him and I found two pairs of shorts for me. Liz Claiborne for $8 I'm happy. Then went to Barnes and Nobles and shopped. Found a hard back called "Gap Creek" by Robert Morgan for $5.99 that looks good. I'll let you know.

MOTIVATION MONDAY CONTRIBUTION: "A man (or woman) who wants to do something will find a way; a man who doesn't will find an excuse.

Bee-have fun with that new do. I need to get mine trimmed again too. Oh, I almost forgot about the "Ethics"

Teenage Code of Ethics

There is a certain code of ethics and beliefs that go along with being a teenager, please pay close attention and make special efforts to follow these simple rules:

1. Your room must stay messy at all times – even if you want to clean it,
You must keep it as messy as possible.

2. Always insist that you are right – even when you know you are wrong, it helps to keep the image of immaturity and irrationality.

3. Never help around the house unless threatened with bodily harm – if
Your parents ever thought they could count on you to be helpful and part of the family where would it ever end? Before you know it they would start trusting you and expecting you to behave in a mature and adult-like manner – NOT!!!

4. Eat like a slob – if you eat in a civilized way your parent might mistakenly think you are mature enough to act with proper dignity and manners in public and might take you places with them.

5. Never act like you are glad to see them at any special events in your life, like coming to your games, concerts, special events at school. Place huge amounts of guilt on them if they don’t attend any of these events, but if they come act like you don’t want them there!

Well, these five will be enough to get you started at least.

Good night all. Gonna get babies ready for school tomorrow!!!
sb since 6/29/01
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Old 09-03-2001, 08:22 PM   #13  
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Just a quick hello before I head off to the treadmill. Another day of rain today. I am so sick of the rain. They are forecasting more for tomorrow. You would think that there is a storm out in the gulf.

Welcome to the newbies. You will get lots of motivation and encouragement from this wonderful group of ladies.

Well I hear the TM calling my name so I shall say good-bye for now.
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Old 09-03-2001, 08:23 PM   #14  
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Hello Girls!!!!

How is everyone????

Dan and I had a wondeful day yesterday at Forest Falls. We went hiking up to the falls, sat on some rocks, at just sat there and enjoyed natures music. We went cruising around and looed at cabins and saw a BEAR roaming around in someones back yard!!!! HOLY SMOKES!!!! We couldn't believe it. Then we drove into a nearby town and picked up some fresh produce, then went to lunch at a great Italian restaurant, and cruised around looking at the beautiful Victorian homes. Of course we found another home that Dan the Man and I both fell in love with, called the realtor, and found out it was $259,000! YIKES!!!! Wish we could, but that is out-of our range. Came home only to get a phone call from one of my brothers saying he was on his way for a visit, and had a big bbq. Finished up school shopping for the kids today...what a relief to be done with that!!!

Debs....miss ya...think of you everyday when I'm brewing coffee! Went back to Albertsons and got some of that San Luis Sourdough. Nadia and I are totally addicted! You'll be proud of me, got Nadia a pair of shoes on sale, then the cashier told me it was buy one, get one free. SCORE!!!!

What a bummer about your romatic evening!!! SOunds like something that would only happen to me! Thanks for asking about Faris. He's doing fine. His cast has been off for about a week, and he's being a rebel and not wearing his sling. To cool for that. I'm getting ready to cut his hair (can you believe he actually trusts me???)

J Red
Welcome to the gang!!! You will find great support here, and as you can already tell Debbie is AWESOME. She is a walking eating, exercising, smart, intelligent, friendly, living SB expert...a mentor in every way! The rest of us are A-O-K too, but we all strive to follow her lead! Ask her about the before and after pictures!

Well, the bbq is calling me again. What else is one to do on days like this? We know what BOB is doing....except we didn't get a movie line-up for the three day weekend topped off with Big Brother tonight!!!!!!
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Old 09-03-2001, 08:36 PM   #15  
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Default Hello

Hi everyone! I have an unfair advantage, I've been lurking out here for about a month and feel I know all you. You can't imagine how much you've inspired me and kept me going. I started SB on 7/24 after getting back from a trip to England where I ate potatos with evey meal (fried, boiled, mashed, whatever) and at least a pint of good British ale at each sitting, and couldn't even zip my jeans on the plane ride home. Not that I was svelte to start with, but what a disaster. Also I had gestational diabetes with my last pregnancy 11 years ago, so I know the possibility of diabetes is lurking out there for me.

My father and step-mother have been SB for the last year and seem to be doing so great even though they eat out constantly, that I thought I would try it. So far, I've lost 15 lbs and have been VERY strict, but it's working and I'm obsessive anyway.

15 down, 25 to go!

Now I just have to figure out all the posting stuff- I worked as a computer programmer and systems analyst for 15 years, but feel totally illiterate here. Gotta figure out the color thing.

I hope I can keep up with all of you fantastic posters, and contribute some for all the inspiration you all have given me without knowing it!

Bye for now, Mel
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