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Since I was in my 40's 1 1.92%
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Old 03-27-2002, 09:29 AM   #76  
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Smile WIW

Well....contrary to my prophetic statement from yesterday, my scale did well by me and I weighed in at 164 this morning!!!!! I am so utterly thrilled because this is now my all time low..well..since I first got overweight that is! You know what I mean Perhaps my scale had mercy on me, one will never know. Perhaps that is what I get for giving emotions to an inanimate object...but we must have fun with it or it drives us does me, anyway.

ZANNE- It arrived, the snow that is. It came last night while we were sleeping. It came and left. It turned into freezing rain so we had ice pellets hitting the windows early this morning. The schools were closed so all the kidlettes are home for the day. I am presuming that this rain will take us back down to no snow on the ground and I like that! 'Cept of course that takes us to lots of mud for the kids to get dirty in. We are going to colour the eggs and get ready for our hunt on Friday after our Good Friday Service so that should keep them relatively clean today.

TRISHALOO-Thanks for your thoughts on my poor hubby. He is not a happy camper and was nauseated again yesterday afternoon. Got word from the doctor that they didn't see anymore stones in the xrays so hopefully they are in the bladder but he hasn't peed them out yet. Perhaps he has a touch of the flu or something that is making him nauseous...guess we just have to wait it out. I am keeping myself on track and he is not a bad convalesing male so I can't complain

Today I am going to bake 5 cakes for the Good Friday Service. We are providing a lunch afterwards so I would prefer to bake cakes to making sandwiches. I figure I better get them started today and have them done so I can get all the other things prepared as well...our church is hosting this and the whole community has been invited. Off to the kitchen.....

Loopy Burgerhead signing off
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Old 03-27-2002, 09:50 AM   #77  
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158 this morning. This whole yo-yo effect is starting to frustrate me. I exercise, I am carefull what I eat, and still - stuck between 158 and 160. I am not noticing any significant clothes change either. Well, as long as I can fit in my jeans....

DEB - Blister? Yuck! Sorry to hear that. I had to take 1 week off from walking, because I hurt my knee. Instead of that, I've been weight lifting with a friend. SCALES - leave the thing at home. You know it - even though the mountains would proably make it look like you are lighter - the gravitational pull slacks off! (weight - force with which the earth's gravity pulls on you).
The eating at 1600 does NOT work for me. If I eat within my calories, I gain .5 lb per day. Go figure. Perhaps it was starchy carbs - I guess I can't have ANY AT ALL!

BETH - Sorry about your sucky B-day. Definitely do a repeat in a B-day sensitive environment. AND HAVE FUN for YOUR sake!

GRACIOUS - Good job on your low! Keep it up. What a boost. OH - my friend had kidney stones once upon the time. They said beer helped to wash them out. Do you know anything about that? She actually did pass them later.

CATLOVER - MExican heather has to be deadheaded? I have a bunch and it's blooming like crazy. Would it do better if I trimmed it back?

FRUIT - WOW! I don't know how you do it, but keep it up! So good to read about people who have great success on this WOE. GIves the rest of us some hope.

GOTTABEME - where I come from there is a lot of alternative medicine, and some of my family members are deeply into Reiky and bioenergy. Slovenia is actually increadibly active as a whole country on this subject. I am glad to see people around here are starting to appreciate it better.

SLAPHAPPY - My best wishes are with you and your family.

YELLOWROSE - happy belated B-day. I hope yours was good!

EVERYONE ELSE: Welcome to all the NEWBIES - You got yourself a fine place of support!

To all I've missed - FARE WELL!

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Old 03-27-2002, 10:19 AM   #78  
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Wink Good WIW Everyone!

This will be quick as I need to hit the road in just a minute. I just wanted to let everyone know that I hope WIW is good to you!

Fruit--AWESOME! I hope you are feeling great today because that is a great loss!

Gracious--congratulations on your new low! It feels great to be breaking new ground!!!!!

OK gotta hit the road. I've eaten breakfast, have dinner planned, but just found out I'm going to a Luncheon in Montgomery. Have no idea what that will involve, I'm hoping a buffet or ordering off a menu instead of a pre-selected dinner.

Deb--I hear you--will work on it!

OH yes--the scale is holding steady this morning.

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Old 03-27-2002, 10:23 AM   #79  
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Well, down 2 today. Was looking for more. Had the Dr visit this morning. He was very pleased with the loss of 56#. Liver was ok this time.

Deb, have a great time with Mel today. Have a great trip to NC too. Leave the scale. I really enjoyed the chat room last nite. That was a first for me. When I told my DD what I had been doing she thought I was nuts for entering a chat room, and when I told her it was SB char, she just shook her head. She tkinks I'm obsessed with SB. Whatever works!!

Fruite, WTG on the 6# loss. It really helps to keep you motivated when you get a big one once in awhile doesn't it. Keep up the good work.

Gotta, Wake UpWednesday? I guess it beats the alternative. LOL
Hope your cleansing goes ok and it helps you get your body straightened out. Don't know much aboutn alternative medicines though.

Gracious, WTG on reaching an all time low. Hate to hear your DH is not better yet. Will keep him in my prayers.

Guess I better get to work. Was 60 minutes late anyway due to Dr visit. Hope the scale is good to everyone today!

BTW, does anyone know of any foods that act as a diuretic? My dr didn't want to give me one, but the NP thought I needed one, so she suggested parsely. I didn't think anyone ate that, it was only for decoration. Appreciate any help.

Have a good day!
Jackie (aka Buttercup Gizzardkisser)
Since 10-10-01

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Old 03-27-2002, 10:28 AM   #80  
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Thumbs down WIW

Finally good news to report on WIW. I'm down 2 pounds since Monday! I think I've finally gotten back into the right mindset to follow this WOE. I don't know why I got off track to begin with, but here we go again.

GRACIOUS: WTG! The evil scale has succumbed. Hope hubby is feeling better today.

GOTTA: I can identify with having trouble conceiving. DH and I tried 6 yrs before we had our first. Wenever did find out what the problem was, but now we have three beautiful kids. Debbie said, keep the faith.

CATLOVER: Welcome back.

FRUIT: CONGRATS! WOW, 6 pounds. That's great.

HAPPY: Good thoughts for your uncle.

ROSE: Good luck on the colonoscopy. I had one a couple of years ago. The procedure itself isn't too bad. It's the prep for it. Hope you get a good report.

Time to teach a class. Hope everyone has a great day.
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Old 03-27-2002, 10:30 AM   #81  
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I'm on the run this morning with a zillion things to take care of but wanted to get my numbers posted for WIW - I am down 2 this week

Have a great one ladies!!
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Old 03-27-2002, 10:44 AM   #82  
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Morning everyone!

Congratulations everyone on their losses.

Fruit: Great 6 lb loss. Keep it up. That's awsome.

Jack-k: I drink parsley tea. You can get it at the health food store. It does help. Also drinking a lot of water.

Debbie: Have fun on your trip.

Well, WIW is not good but not bad either. I am still at 274.5. Not back to by low of 271.5 but going in that direction anyway.

Have lots to do today. Everyone have a great day.

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Old 03-27-2002, 11:42 AM   #83  
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I am sad! WIW finds me at 202 - that's up 7.5 lbs. from 2 weeks ago and up 2.5 from last week. WTF, over??!?!? My body demands perfection or it won't give one ounce away. I'm going back to logging everything in fitday and I'm gonna check out the other links you lovely ladies have posted. I'm walking 2 - 8 miles 3-4 days/week and doing weight training the other 2 or 3 - taking 1 or 2 days off during the week depending on my schedule. You BFL-ers how do you know your stats when you say you've lost X lbs. fat and gained X lbs. muscle? Just wondering if I could figure that out - or if it would be of any help. The tape measure isn't moving either.

Today I wore a dress that's tighter than is comfortable - it didn't seem that tight when I put it on. To top it off - it's shorter than I'm comfortable with and I had to take my slip off cause I was putting on a show in the hallways.

I hope everyone else is having a better day.

BETH - How'd the job interview go? When will they give you the good news?

SHEANN - Janet Evanovich is so similar to Sue Grafton with her style that I have to wonder if one of them was inspired by the other. The only difference is that Janet's main character is a Joisey girl with a little more sassy attitude than Sue's. She also has a tad bit more comedy in her writing. I love them both!

SLAPHAPPY - I like your 'chosen' name better than CRUSTY DIAPERBRAIN! Sorry to hear about your uncle. We certainly have enough nurses on here for you to get any information you might need.

GOTTABEME - You're no pervert? DARN!! I just don't know if you'll be able to fit in here, then…..and I was really starting to like you, too…………… Just kidding! I don't think any of us thought you were a perve.

FILLISE - I really miss the long massive thunderstorms in Mississippi. Some of my fondest memories are sitting out on the porch swing with my Daddy watching the storms. They just aren't the same here in FL. You are having Green Tea before bed?!? Must be decaf - please tell me it's decaf!

FRUIT - HOT DIGGITY DOG!!! CONGRATS TO YOU!!! I wouldn't mind if 6 pounds just disappeared from my body.

DEBBIE - Leave the scale at home!! Have fun while you're gone - you'll eat properly and that's all you need to be thinking about.

JACK-K - Parsley is a staple in the ME diet. I eat it with my hummus and I LOVE Tabouleh and add extra to it! My mantra at home is "I think I'm turning Lebanese. I think I'm turning Lebanese - I really think so!" Eli doesn't seem to mind. Caffeine is also a diuretic.

CONGRATS YOU LOSERS!!! I say that very sincerely!

Have a great day, Everyone!
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Old 03-27-2002, 11:44 AM   #84  
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Default Good morning!!!

Good morning all! I had such a blast last night. The little icons in chat are so cute. It was a pleasure meeting everyone.

Since this is WIW I will post new weight: 153. It feels so good to be back eating and drinking right. Making sure I don't skip on the exercise isn't hurting either. *smile*

Thank you FRUIT for your sweet words. I think alot of the slim face came from the camera angle. I made my daughter take like 10 pictures till I found one I liked...LOL Vanity...*smile*

DEBBIE: so glad you decided to leave the scales at home. To many variables weighing somewhere else. My doctors scale's weight me more than my home scales but these have been with me since the begining so I use the lower number is nice...LOL

WTW ladies on the weight drops. And those that maintained.

JACK-K my family was the same way when I started SB. They just don't understand. My hubby is awesome though. He has supported me in all aspects of this WOE. He jokes about following it with me but with some modifications..he can have pasta and rice and sugar....*smile* Can't blame him for tryin'.

I found the fitday site you were talking about. So I thought I would give it a try. The first thing I found out is I eat too much big surprise really. So that is what I will be working on for the next little bit. Putting down your food is hard when you eat a bite here and a bite there...

Have a great day!

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Old 03-27-2002, 12:09 PM   #85  
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Woo hoo! I am happy to be able to join in on WIW with a loss! I am down one to a new all time low of 250! (that is on MY scale..the doctors is about 15 more! I think I will use mine!) I am really pleased, since it is P time for me, and I usually gain five pounds! (I don't use the TOM thing..since I am very much in love with my husband Tom, and don't want to associate cramps and bloating with him! )

DEB: Leave the scale, this is a vacation you are going on! What is the proper thing to say, um, have a blessed Passover? Such a beautiful reminder of God's provision for His people. I will email you my phone number...

TREE: Thanks for the reminder about not taking Ecinachea long term. I forgot to mention that, since I do not take it. My hubby has a schedule I can never keep up with of weeks on and off it.

GRACIOUS: I am sorry your poor husband is still ill. I sure hope he can get all better soon. Have fun making all those cakes! Just keep your fingers out of the batter!

SOL: If you are exercising that much, and not losing while remaining on program, have you had your thyroid checked? If you are anything above a 3 in TSH, you might benefit from thryoid meds. The trick will be finding a doctor who will treat you. If you are gaining inexplicably, do get it checked. Check out the thyroid pages at if you are interested.

FILLISE: I am interested in your caloric intake thing. If you increase how much you eat, and lose, I am going to have to think about trying that. Of course, I have thyroid problems, so my metabolism is pretty screwed up, but I eat about 1300 to 1500 calories a day. I am wondering if I would do better if I ate more? that is a scary thing to consider however. I do exercise about 3-4x a week, minimum. Decisions, decisions. How is your kitty? Found out my son is getting two more cats...Siamese, from his boss who can't keep them anymore. One plays fetch! I had a Siamese growing up that played fetch. I wonder how his crackhead kitten is going to like the two new ones....when he was here on Christmas day, he wanted to play with my old yellow tabby, who wanted NOTHING to do with him. Fur may fly!
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Old 03-27-2002, 12:13 PM   #86  
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WOW! nearly noon and I'm just getting on. Can't believe it's only Wednesday and already on page 6!

Got about 4 inches of snow. Today it's all melting away. Just came in from making a snowman and having a snowball fight with DS. But it's really wet, sloppy snow, especially where the sun has been shining on it.

Didn't like WIW I'm up to 166! I guess all the overindulgences of a few days ago caught up to me. So I'm gonna have to try a lot harder to keep with the plan. I usually eat about 80-90% OP and have allowed myself one almost every day. Yesterday it was perogies. (I'm gonna have to try making some with SGWW flour).

I'm going to try to journal. That usually helps a lot.

NOTE on the Chickpea salad recipe--I made half the recipe with the beans leftover from making half a hummus recipe. Both recipes turned out great even tho they were halved.

GOTTABEME How'd you do with the storm? I'm like you--trying to get in shape to conceive. We've been trying for 12 years! (we adopted our son 3 years ago). Sometimes easier said than done, but just take one day at a time. I know sometimes it's very frustrating but we have to remember that we're trying to get ourselves as healthy as possible.

FRUIT WTG!!! 6lbs lost! I think I found a couple of them

CONGRATS to all the losers this week! There seems to be quite a few.

DEB & MEL Have a great day together!

DEB Have a great trip. Leave the scale at home!

GRACIOUS That's wonderful you hit a new low! Sorry to hear DH still isn't feeling well. I hope the stones pass soon. We had a Scotch mist in the middle of the snow yesterday. I think I'd rather have snow than freezing rain. We'll be coloring eggs on Friday to give us something to do.

CAT You're starting where I first started and we're close in our end goals. How tall are you? I would love to get to about 160 by the end of May (anniversary is the 27th). Maybe we can help each other stay on track.

Big HI to everyone. I just can't keep up with answering everyone.

Gotta run and make lunch for the munchkin.

Last edited by Zanne; 03-27-2002 at 12:20 PM.
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Old 03-27-2002, 12:19 PM   #87  
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Default A quick reply to Jack-K


As far as diuretics go - I'll look into some alternative home stuff.
As far as parsley goes -

Make yourself a tabouli salad. The spelling is different everywhere, but the idea is that you use the following recipe:

1 bunch parsley
1.3 cup green onions
1/4 tsp garlic powder
1 tomato
1 cup bulgur wheat (there's a recipe on the back of the package)
green peppers to taste
garlic (if you'd like to add some)
Juice of 1 lemon ( I think, but you can add more)

The parsley salad is very refreshing and you won't be sorry you made it. DEB is the reigning expert on Middle eastern cuisine, so I'm sure she knows sth better. You can always check the internet for parsley dishes. You'd be surprised.

Good luck

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Old 03-27-2002, 12:20 PM   #88  
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WOW! nearly noon and I'm just getting on. Can't believe it's only Wednesday and already on page 6!

Got about 4 inches of snow. Today it's all melting away. Just came in from making a snowman and having a snowball fight with DS. But it's really wet, sloppy snow, especially where the sun has been shining on it.

Didn't like WIW I'm up to 136! I guess all the overindulgences of a few days ago caught up to me. So I'm gonna have to try a lot harder to keep with the plan. I usually eat about 80-90% OP and have allowed myself one almost every day. Yesterday it was perogies. (I'm gonna have to try making some with SGWW flour).

I'm going to try to journal. That usually helps a lot.

NOTE on the Chickpea salad recipe--I made half the recipe with the beans leftover from making half a hummus recipe. Both recipes turned out great even tho they were halved.

GOTTABEME How'd you do with the storm? I'm like you--trying to get in shape to conceive. We've been trying for 12 years! (we adopted our son 3 years ago). Sometimes easier said than done, but just take one day at a time. I know sometimes it's very frustrating but we have to remember that we're trying to get ourselves as healthy as possible.

FRUIT WTG!!! 6lbs lost! I think I found a couple of them

CONGRATS to all the losers this week! There seems to be quite a few.

DEB & MEL Have a great day together!

DEB Have a great trip. Leave the scale at home!

GRACIOUS That's wonderful you hit a new low! Sorry to hear DH still isn't feeling well. I hope the stones pass soon. We had a Scotch mist in the middle of the snow yesterday. I think I'd rather have snow than freezing rain. We'll be coloring eggs on Friday to give us something to do.

CAT You're starting where I first started and we're close in our end goals. How tall are you? I would love to get to about 160 by the end of May (anniversary is the 27th). Maybe we can help each other stay on track.

Big HI to everyone. I just can't keep up with answering everyone.

Gotta run and make lunch for the munchkin.
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Old 03-27-2002, 01:09 PM   #89  
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Hi, everyone.

Well, the scale is still sitting where it was last week, 250. I've been eating alright, but I know I haven't been drinking enough water. Trying to get back on that right away. Who was it that was looking for the natural diuretic? I think I remember reading somewhere that lemon juice added to your water is also a diuretic.

Ok, all you SB guru's I need some help. I am going in for another surgery on my shoulder on Friday morning. I have awful reactions to anesthesia, nausea and vomiting (sorry to be so graphic at lunchtime) about 24-48 hours after surgery. I guess it's the anesthesia trying to work it's way out of my system. I need some suggestions for things to eat or drink for the first few days that are OP that won't upset my tummy. In the past it was always Coke or ginger ale, jello, then followed by potato soup or mashed potatoes. I haven't had a white potato in 3 months, so I'm afraid to think what that might do to me. Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Congrats to all the losers.

Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter or Passover, whichever your beliefs.

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Old 03-27-2002, 01:26 PM   #90  
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Good afternoon everyone! Lost 3 lbs. this week. 213/200/130 so I'm really pleased. Yesterday I finally started losing the cravings...

Zanne- Wow 4 inches of snow! Oh my its sunny here today finally, we've got a rain storm coming in...Your chickpea salad looks great.

Vesna- Your salad sounds great!! I'll have to try that...I just can't believe some of these great salad recipes....

Monett-Congrads on your weight loss! You're doing great. Its so fun to hit a new number!!

CountryMom-I know what you mean about the fat. Thats the first thing I found out on the fitaday to. It sure does feel good to be eating right....

Solshine-I hope this coming week is better for you. You sure are trying hard.... And then wearing an uncomfortable dress has just added to it... Hang in there gal!!!!!

Sheann-sometimes holding your own is GREAT!!!

Catlover- Good luck reaching your goal!

Debelli-Hope you have a great day...

Fillise-Good luck on your trip. Hope you get to order your own lunch.

Jack-K-Congrads. on your 2 lbs. and glad your liver checked out okay...

Music theach-Congrads on your 2 lb. loss..

Gracious- Congradulations to you. Hope your husband is feeling better today...

Rose- Good luck on your colonoscopy...

Happy- I'm sorry about your Uncle. Hope he's doing better...

Fruit.- Oh my gosh 6 lbs. You go girl!!!

Gotta- Hope it all goes good with the body cleansing....

Sorry if I missed anyone. Hope everyone has a great SB day. Now its time to go play with those precious Grandboys. We dyed eggs this morning and had an Easter egg hunt. Not much time left they leave Friday morning....
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