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Old 05-16-2007, 03:31 PM   #91  
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Good Afternoon

Just checking in to say hi to you all. I'm happy to say that my br is now finished and I've just finished putting all my stuff back in there. Now I have to vacuum - haven't done much of that the past week or so as I had too much junk lying around but now I have no excuses. My ds was down on the weekend and put the carpet down on my balcony and put up the umbrella so now I just need some good weather so I can sit out there and enjoy the fresh air. My exercise bike is all set up - my dil dropped by this morning and helped me put it together. Oh for the days when you could buy things ready made. Now you need to be a mechanic to put them together.

Beth - Welcome back. I am glad to hear you are doing well.

Gotta go jump in the shower and go to the store. I didn't get my walk in this morning so can walk around the mall looking at shops for a change. I usually go for my walk before the shops are open in the morning.

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Old 05-16-2007, 07:03 PM   #92  
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Has anyone noticed this cute broccoli in the smilies?

Sabres are on!! Hopefully not for the last time till next season!!

Let's go Buffalo!!
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Old 05-16-2007, 07:16 PM   #93  
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BETH!! Welcome back! I missed you and wondered if you had deserted us forever. I am sorry you are having complications from surgery...what a bummer! But how awesome about that 5k run! And in 44 minutes! Stay put! We NEED you on here....
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Old 05-17-2007, 07:45 AM   #94  
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I am off to north Georgia! It ought to be fun, as James is coming with me. He bought a new camera for work, and gave me his old one...a very nice SLR digital. We are carrying the cameras with us and will do some photography as well as pottery!

I will check in tonight!
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Old 05-17-2007, 09:53 AM   #95  
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Default Good morning

Just stopping in to say howdy this morning. Not much going on in my neck of the woods. I did pick some beans last night that I was too lazy to put up so I'll be working on that in a bit. A little cool front came through and it got downright chilly last night. But it is going to feel GREAT today.

Welcome back Beth. It was great to come online and see you again. It sounds like you are doing great with your 5K.

Monet...have fun.

((Everybody)) I hope you are having a good day.

Love and hugs,
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Old 05-17-2007, 10:07 AM   #96  
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My DD arrived earlier than expected which was nice. She drove than than she thought she would on Tuesday so that put her here sooner. So far things are calm.

Just a quick hello.

May good things happen, Shirley
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Old 05-17-2007, 03:40 PM   #97  
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Good afternoon ladies.

This is the first chance I have had to get here. Bunco went well last night. Only 1 lady did not show up. Had tons of food, of course. Oh well, now we have dinner for tonight.
Got to get out and get a shower present tonight. Should get a walk or gym in sometime.

Mo, Congrats on reaching 170. I said the same thing with 170, but it creeps up on me now and then. At least I think I can say I will never see 180 again. Please Lord.

Thin, you are one busy lady. Enjoy the recital. I know Rachel will be great.

Sef, hope youa re feeling better soon. Hope things are going well with your DD.

Tech, My DD ran around with girls whose houses were nicer, etc. I figured, we have what we have and it is a wonderful, loving home. She can enjoy the rich life at their house. If they don't want to be her friends b/c she doesn't have a big mansion, then they are not people shewould want for friends anyway. Wishes for a happy birthday and some prayers for you for handling the "teenage" years.

Country, you are such a wonderful, down to earth person. You always find a blessing everywhere you look. Thanks for being part of our group.

Monet, That cold water will burn more calories too. How nice James is going with you today. Have a great time.

Beth, good to hear from you. Wish you would be around more often. Sounds like you have done great with your wt and exercise. Good luck in the race.

Rosalie, I wish everything came assembled. We just got 10 pieces of lawn furniture and 9 ieces came in 1 box. DH is not happy. He hates putting things together. Glad your room is all finished. I'm all for the nice weather.

Got to run. Have a great evening.
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Old 05-17-2007, 05:58 PM   #98  
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It's been a rough week. My BIL went into a coma Sunday night & has been in ICU since early Monday morning, unresponsive until this morning when he finally opened his eyes & has nodded "yes" to some questions. He's been paralyzed on the left side but when we went in to see him at 1pm he moved his left hand up to adjust the oxygen mask. He did this about 4 years ago & the ct scans have not been able to confirm a stroke. The doctors think it's the results of what they call "Complicated Migraines". The first time he was out of it for 12 hours but this time, over 72 hrs. Needless to say we are all much relieved that he is finally showing some improvement.

So I have also been doing a little stress eating & the scale was up 2 lbs this am. Have only walked once this week, but hoping to get out there in a while since it''s so nice out.

SEF, hope your DD's visit is a good one. Thinking about you!

Thinking about making a Greek Spinach Pie for supper with salad.
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Old 05-17-2007, 06:27 PM   #99  
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I had an INTERVIEW THIS AFTERNOON.....I feel really good about it. For a group of Orthopods who I have known since I moved here 20yrs ago! The Operations Mgr got behind, and my 3pm appt turned into 3:50 pm, but I did notice that everyone who went in was in there no longer than 30 min...I was in there FOR AN HOUR AND FORTY MINUTES!!!!! I have a friend who works there that I have known since I moved here and we worked side by side for quite a while so I told Jane (the mgr) to feel free to ask Joanie anything she needed to. I told her that Joanie could tell here anything she wanted to know about how I work. SO.....KEEP THOSE FINGERS CROSSED and PRAY HARD!!! BOB NEEDS A JOB!!!

This has been a good day all the way around...I also got my back pay for my retirement (lumpsum) AND this months payment

I know I've not been around much, no excuse except I've been feeling sorry for myself and guess I needed some ME TIME....I know...I know...y'all would have been here for me and I know that, but losing your job after all these years is embarrassing to me and I felt like everything was going down the ...Things are looking up though...

I got home late, didn't think I'd be out there that long. I've got to fix supper, but I wanted all of YOU to know...I've got to go right now, but I'll be back!!!

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Old 05-17-2007, 06:47 PM   #100  
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DD, DIL & GD went to N.O. for a walkabout. They called DS and said they were staying longer so I guess they are having a good time. DD doesn't seem to have issues with them, just DS and me.

SOLLY: I had never heard of Bunco until I moved here. Still haven't played it. Anytime you have leftovers means the cook doesn't have to cook!!

MELF: Hope you BIL is okay after his episode. I worked with coma patients (caused by head trauma) sounds like he is responing well. I have heard of Migraine complications. Will keep you all in my prayers.

BOB!!!! Hooray on the interview!!!!. Will say prayers and cross everything I can!!!! I know how you feel, when I lost my job I was on food stamps a while; I couldn't bring myself to shop at the local store, went over to Port Jeris where I was less likely to meet someone I knew. Of course, the whole town knew, small towns no business is your own. Pity parties are not good! Get your arse back here!!

No real news just hanging out. Took a long nap this afternoon, unusual.

May good things happen, Shirley
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Old 05-17-2007, 08:35 PM   #101  
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Well I didn't walk, instead, I mower the front yard with the push mower & made me 2 blisters on my right hand. I should have walked instead! LOL

SEF, I just thought about it, this is my DS & BIL that was with us the first time we met a few years ago. They had just lost their only son & they were coming with us on vacation to FL.

BOB, praying that you get this job!
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Old 05-17-2007, 09:31 PM   #102  
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The girls are still not home.

MELF: After I wrote I wondered if it was Gloria's husband. Senior moment........can't remember his name. Floyd and George are whirling around but I don't think so!

May good things happen, Shirley
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Old 05-17-2007, 10:43 PM   #103  
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Hello! I am back from north Georgia. We had a fun day. James took a bunch of pictures, I made some plates, broke my portable potter's wheel and helped unpack our new extruder. I am tired from the driving. Tom and James are taking my car down to the shop to get a few things fixed tomorrow, so I will be without a car. Bummer!

I just had a hypo episode, so I had some triscuits and a slice of cheese. I hope that helps just enough to keep me stabilized. I sometimes really hate having to deal with blood sugar issues.

I am tired, and need to scoot to bed. Night all! Sweet dreams!

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Old 05-18-2007, 08:18 AM   #104  
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Good morning ladies. Happy Friday!

Got my clothes packed last night, I think. It is so cool here now but supposed to warm up, I never know what clothes to take. Probably have too much as always.

Ran around last night and got my shower gift for Sunday when we return. DD went on and got the wedding gift too, but I think I will wait and get some of the china they want. More wedding like. Had to take some clothes back the JC Penneys and of course shop a little. Found a pair of jean capris finally, but then this morning when I wore tham before I left, they get falling down and getting bigger. Took them off and will take them back and hope the next smaller size fits. I was fustrated. I am so in between sizes.

Melf, how horrible about your BIL. I have never heard of that before. Sending paryers your way.

Sef, Hope things are going well with your DD.

Bob, crossing, my fingers, toes, eyes and anything else that will cross for your job. I think it helps when you know someone working there. Hang in there.

Monet, glad you had a nice time in the mountains. Maybe you can relax today w/o a car.

Better get going here. Have a great day and weekend.
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Old 05-18-2007, 08:22 AM   #105  
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Good Morning

It's a bright sunny morning here. A little cool but should be warming up this afternoon. I didn't walk this morning but did do ten minutes on my exercise bike. I plan on going to the mall later on for shopping so that will be my walk for to-day. For dinner yesterday I had chicken parmesan with green beans, carrots and rapini. I "breaded" the chicken in shredded wheat and bran crumbs mixed with a little parmesan cheese, baked it for 30 minutes then covered it with sf salsa topped with a little shredded cheese and baked for another 30 minutes. Yum Yum.

Melf - Sorry to hear about your bil. Hope he is doing better to-day.

Sef - I hope your visit with your dd is going o.k.

BOB - I am keeping my fingers crossed for you hoping that you get positive results from the interview.

Solly - Did you get your lawn furniture put together in time for your party?

Tech - Don't worry about your house not being a "mansion". My dil goes through the same thing with her kids and their school friends but we tell them that having a loving family and a happy home is more important than the physical surroundings. Hope the kids have fun at the party to-nite. I see the Sabres are still hanging in there but I have to hope that they go down in the next game. I am not really a hockey fan but I would like to see the only Canadian team left make it to the finals.

CountryMom - Did you get those beans done? It is a lot of work but the end result is worth it. Do you freeze them or can them? I used to freeze a lot of veggies when the kids were small like brussels sprouts, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli but was never very successful with beans.

I better go and put the coffee pot on. My dil will be here soon - she's bringing over her daughter's fish which I have to babysit for the weekend as they are all going to the cottage tonite for the long weekend.

Monet, EricsMommy, Beth, Thin -

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