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Old 05-01-2007, 07:48 AM   #1  
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Default Sugarbusters Monthly Support - May 2007

Welcome to Sugarbusters!

This is the Sugarbusters support board, where anyone following, or interested in following, Sugarbusters is welcome to come for discussion, and support. We hope you will become a part of our great group!

We try to have different themes for different days of the week.

MONDAY: MMM, or Metal Monster Monday, is when we weigh in, and post our progress. This is voluntary.

TUESDAY: Is tip day- we try to share a tip, or two to help each other.

WEDNESDAY: Is Wonderful Wednesday. On Wednesdays, we share something wonderful about our selves, or our lives.

THURSDAY: Is Thirst Day! A reminder to drink your water! Its a good day to share a recipe too!

FRIDAY: Is FF, for Friday funnies. Everyone needs a laugh on Friday!

You are welcome to post questions, vent frustrations, whatever, but please be respectful of others and their beliefs.

Please take some time to check out our extensive recipe boards. Our RECIPE BOARDS can be located at the link below:

Look for our QUARTERLY RECIPE BOARDS to post your favorite recipes and to see the most recently posted recipes. Recipes from the quarterly boards will be archived in proper categories at some point.

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Old 05-01-2007, 07:51 AM   #2  
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Thumbs up Challenges!


Ok, we have not had a challenge in a while...and folks, we NEED something to spur us on to victory here!

Post daily! Share your menu, and exercise.

Once a week, try a new recipe, and post a review and the recipe!

Once this month do something special for YOU. Share it with the group! (it helps the rest of us with ideas )

Let's make MAY the best month we have had this year!
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Old 05-01-2007, 07:59 AM   #3  
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Good morning! I woke up at 3:30 and sleep eluded me. I got up and went to the garagio and re-did my large bowl. I had put grapevines on it, but Tom and Laura were critical, so I removed them, and re-did it with ivy. I think it looks better. I just hope it sticks. The lip was getting kind of dry, and dry clay doesn't adhere well to dry clay.

After working on the bowl, I cleaned in the kitchen, and then about 6:30, when I heard Tom up and moving, I fixed us some espresso. After sitting on the bed chatting and drinking espresso, I promptly fell asleep for two hours.

I think I will go to the gym mid morning and workout, then I need to take my car for tires. I might get my neighbor to go with me so I can drop the car off and not have to wait.

The toe seems a bit better today. It is not as purple, and the swelling seems to be down some. I got tape to use on it last night, so today I will try taping it to the second smallest toe and see how it does.

Menu for today will be:

B: smoothie
L: chicken sandwich with lettuce
D: chicken casserole of some sort...not sure yet.

Exercise: gym- weights and water aerobics (no class..will do on my own)
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Old 05-01-2007, 08:50 AM   #4  
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Monet, when I started this I could post on the old board, but by the time I finished, you had started the new board. I couldn't figure out why my post wouldn't go through.

Good morning ladies. I had a minute so thought I had better get a quick post in. I won't be on here Thursday or Friday and Wed will be very busy. Thursday the office goes to the track all day. It is a fun day (once the bosses leave). Then Thursday night we have a big Derby party we go too (about 500-800 people). Friday we head out to the track for the oaks. Then Friday night, we have a party to attend. Normally we would go back to the track on Derby day, but this year I think we are going to skip it and just go to a party. Four days and nights wear me out. Guess I'm getting old.
But is is Derby week and that is the whole fun of it all. Can't wait to get on the scale next Monday, I'm sure it won't be pretty.

Monet, sorry about your toe. Northing worse. It affects every move you make. I agree, taping will help.

Country, Punta Cana is in the Dominican Republic. we love it. We have been there 3 times already. 5 pounds is awesome. Keep up the good work.

Melf, 12 lbs since feb is great too. You are doing so good with your diet and walking. Keep it up.

Bob, Hope things turn around for you soon. You are in my prayers.

Tech, that is the way business works, especially for men. They think they can do anything they ask at a drop of a hat. I guess the world will never fully get out of that men are the breadwinners, woman stay home idea. I just heard the other day that women's salaries are still so much lower than a man's for the same job. Progress??

Thin, planted 3 herbs this year. I am excited about it. Dh got all the flowers in. Now just keep watering.

Rosalie, you sound like me, always have to have somethign to do. It is nice that your DIL will paint for you.

Sef, got to keep moving or youget old.

Anyone else I missed Got to run. Have a great day and week.
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Old 05-01-2007, 04:30 PM   #5  
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Well, the little tornado I babysit didn't come over today. I went to pick him up and he wasn't there. The teacher said he was absent. Nothing like calling the babysitter to let her know you won't be babysitting her son! SO inconsiderate. At least my house is nice and quiet tonight...I like THAT.

I just had a frozen coffee thing...put in my leftover coffee from breakfast in the blender with some ice, added some half n half, two packs of splenda and a little ovaltine (who said I was being legal?) and blended it. Yummy!! But now I'm freezing and have to turn up the heat in here.

Kyle and Shelley both had dentist visits today. Kyle had NO cavities...Shelley, on the ohter hand...has a big, nasty brown cavity on a brand new molar that hasn't even come in all the way yet! WTG!! She also needs two teeth pulled. We get it all done on the 15th. Should be fun!!

Okay...that's it for now...will talk to you guys later!!
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Old 05-01-2007, 06:41 PM   #6  
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Hello!!! Hope everyone has had a good day! The scale dropped more this am, showing me the lowest I've seen in a LONG time! I went back & checked to see how much I've lost in the last month & it's 4.6 lbs, an average of 1.15 lb loss/week. I think that's pretty good, even if I do wish it were more! LOL

I slept in this morning so I missed breakfast.
Here's my intake of the day:
brunch: Coffee, 1 slice WW bread w/ 2tbsp PB & SF fig preserves
supper: Subway sandwich on wheat

I know that's not enough for the day so I'll probably had some cottage cheese or ricotta with fresh strawberries later.

Monet Sorry to hear that you're still having problems sleeping. Is this something new? I know you have mentioned it several times in the past month or so. Hope the toe feels better soon.

Solly, Sounds like a fun week for you which might be a welcome break from work. Just do the best you can each day with the menu & plan to do damage control next week!

Techwife, I often use up the rest of the morning coffee to make an afternoon drink, especially in the summer. I add a scoop of protein powder in mine with some Calorie Countdown Chocolate milk & ice or I'll often freeze some of the coffee & store it in a ziplock bag to use instead of ice cubes. It's a good way to use up that left over coffee! I also like to sprinkle some cinnamon on top.
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Old 05-01-2007, 08:44 PM   #7  
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Default Good evening

Howdy ya'll. It is raining again this evening at least the garden is loving it. So are my herbs. I lost my lemon basil but the rest are doing okay. Today has been an okay eating day, no complaints. Sorry to cut this short but I wanted to sneak in and say hi why I had the chance. ((Everybody))

Love and hugs,
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Old 05-01-2007, 09:48 PM   #8  
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I just finished up dinner, and clean up afterwards. We had chicken and brown rice, fixed in the pressure cooker, and green beans. Yum! I had a very small portion...I am trying to cut down so the Byetta doesn't make me sick.

I opened a package I got is a 'softtent' for photographing stuff. It is a pop up white tent cube with an opening for the camera. I opened the package, and it popped open before I could look at it good. Now I can't figure out how to twist it back down to fit into the carrying case! I almost bent it trying and now I am afraid I might ruin it. Grrr.

I got an email from GatorGal. She seems to be doing well. I tried to convince her to come back and post even though she is not following Sugarbusters totally anymore.

I am going to go chill for a bit... Night all!
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Old 05-02-2007, 09:48 AM   #9  
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Good Morning

I was just finishing up a post when suddenly - whoosh - it was gone. I would love to know what the heck I do to make this happen. There must be a key I hit to close the page but no idea which one. Anyway don't have time to write it all again. I want to go to the store to buy some hinges for my kitchen cabinets. Will try to check in again later.

Have a good day everyone.

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Old 05-02-2007, 01:09 PM   #10  
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Good Morning,

Today will be a day for home activities, so of course I am doing wash. I also put some split chicken breasts in the crockpot....not for sweet and sour MONET....didn't have all the ingredients and too lazy to get dressed half decent and go to store.

I also have to get my music sorted for tomorrow's entertainment program, we start May. I still have April in my folder.

Tomorrow will be a double dip day, NH in morning and entertainment in afternoon. Jeff is in CA, Bubba just had surgery, Martha won't come w/o Bubba, so that leaves Vicki and me. We've never done a two woman show before. One time Jeff and I did a trombone and singer show. Vicki forgot to come. That was an interesting program, we were there all set up so we did it. Audience was very kind!

Have been struggling with weight. Gained back so much after crowing about great loss. Part is due to my life right now. DD is coming for GD graduation the 18th. DS is up with several others for promotion, would mean a move to Jackson, MS if he gets it. Also depends on the package offered.

They are also considering if we don't go to MS they would like to move to Folsom, LA. They liked the area when they firat come here but choose Slidell for the school system. They want to downsize which means I have to downsize too. That's where DD comes in, she has always wanted some things but I have been using them. Now downsizing means I won't have room for a side-by-side, Wells Fargo trunk, 46" round table. etc. Told her she better prepare herself to hire a UHaul trailer. Some smaller items are special because DH gave them to me and I'll find room for them oak medicine chest that he found, it was painted w/ layers of white paint. He worked so hard to restore it to it's original glory; also a small dropleaf table and a Gone With The Wind lamp. It all remains to be seen, what happens.

What happens is...I think and I eat.

Did talk to DD yesterday, she was pretty good about it but disagreed with a couple of suggestions on taking stuff back. It should be an interesting visit.

Sorry I sounded off. I'll just sit here and cry alone.

MONET: How did the bowl w/ the ivy turn out? Is the toe feeling better now that you taped it? Don't you know you can never get something folded in the original manner? Something to do w/ Murphy's Law!

SOLLY: Derby festivities sound like so much fun. I used to love to do things like that. I was quite the goer in my youth!

TECH: I never thought about saving the coffee, of course I seldom have any leftover! I love to make shakes though. People can be so inconsiderate. When I was GS leader, so many parents would not be on time to pick up their girls. I had a life too with family waiting on supper, but that wasn't a consideration in their books.

MELF: You are doing so great. Sent you an email.

COUNTRY: You're having rain? That means we'll have it in a day or two!

ROSALIE: Life is full of little frsutrations isn't it?

Think I heard the dryer buzz. If I'm watching TV I can't hear it, but sitting at the computer I'm at the head of the stairs and I usually hear it. Gotta get busy. Will try to check in later.

May good things happen, Shirley
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Old 05-02-2007, 04:32 PM   #11  
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Hello my buster buddies!

I went to Water Aerobics, then to Whole Foods. I used to LOVE Harry's Whole Foods, but they closed the Harry's and opened a new store. It is actually closer to me, but I HATE it. The prices are MUCH higher, the store is beautiful, but just feels too swanky, if you know what I mean. I like Trader Joe's better, but they don't have as big a selection as I would like. I went to WF for Hain's sea salt because it is the only brand I have found that pours freely when in my salt shakers. Well, WF doesn't carry it anymore. They have six or seven different brands, including their own, but no Hain's. I think Kroger has it, so I asked my neighbor who shops there to check for me. I may ask Publix if they can carry it. I have no compelling reason to set foot in WF again.

I have Kaeleb this afternoon. Both his parents are at work. I just put him down for a nap. I took him to Publix with me, and he loved riding in the cart. He has not been grocery shopping much, so he was fascinated by all the stuff to look at. And because I am such a chatty person, all the employees at Publix know me, so they all had to stop and talk to Kaeleb. What fun! I found him practicing walking holding on to the side of his baby bed today...he is going to be heck on wheels in another month!

Breakfast was a protein bar and a bottle of water, I did have espresso before water aerobics, but had the breakfast after. I just finished an after noon snack of grapes and some nuts. Lunch was a brown rice cake with deli chicken meat on it. We are having sirloin steak, and asparagus for dinner.

SEF: I hope Vicki showed up so you did not have to sing solos! Don't worry about the changes coming up. They are definitely not worth eating know the eating doesn't make them any better!

ROSALIE: I hate when I lose a post! I have had it happen too where I just could not figure out how I managed it!

COUNTRY: Yippee! Rain by you ends up here in a few days! We can sure use it! Tom planted okra, tomatoes, peppers, green beans and some herbs so we need that rain too!

TECH: It might have been nice of the mother to let you know! Sheesh... How would she like it if you couldn't keep him one day and just 'forgot' to let her know???? Why is the world getting so RUDE?

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Old 05-02-2007, 06:42 PM   #12  
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I was just wallowing in a self pity party. I am sorry I burdened y'all.

Tomorrow is my double dip day. I think Vicki will be on time for music. She has been getting much better. I don't sing "God Bless America" without her. You need that resounding accompaniment behind you. One time when she was late with tried it with just the trombone and sax......awful. That's sort of a theme song we open with, it is most requested if we don't do it. But I think the most requested song is "When The Saints Come Marching In"........after all we are in N.O. area!!!! I did get my music in order; that, the wash and dinner preparation is about all I accomplished. Don't ask me what I did all day, I don't know!

I went in the pool this afternoon. A little cool by southern standards but I found it refreshing. As I tiptoed in I thought "Am I crazy?", but after the initial shock it was wonderful. DS came home to find me in kitchen with old robe over my bathing suit doing final touches on dinner. In shocked tones he wanted to know if I had been in the pool. I avoided sarcasm (I was in a wet suit!). Did tell him it was probably too cold for his sensibilities, he's become very southern temperature-wise!

MONET: Don't you hate it when a store drops a favorite product. I also don't like it when something is "New and Improved", they usually aren't!

I know you're right about the eating. I just never realize it until it's too late. I have thrown away half eaten food. I don't cheat with candy at least, it's usually real food.

I don't mind moving. I can always find new friends, new church, another nursing home to volunteer in and other groups, but will never find a new Joyful Noise. I will miss that terribly. It is such fun.

Bitsy is looking at me pleadingly. She has an inner clock like all dogs that says when suppertime is.

Thanks MONET.

May good things happen, Shirley

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Old 05-03-2007, 09:41 AM   #13  
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Hi everyone! Well, I got a barking collar for the bigmouth. Cost me $109!! I don't even want to think about how much this dog has cost us over the last two years...between buying him in the first place, grooming, a barking collar and the first thing he does with it on? Goes right around the barn and starts barking his fool head off at the dogs next door. The package says that it takes time for the collar to adjust to his barking level. We'll see.

Anyhoo...just popped in to say hi and to bring our weekly board up to the top again. I have some yardwork to do, so off I go!
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Old 05-03-2007, 09:52 AM   #14  
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Good Morning!

I set my alarm, got up & went for my walk. Was surprised at how warm & humid it was when I got out there, not even a breeze!!! I was almost a mile down the road & the clouds were getting closer & closer so I decided I'd better turn around & head for home. As soon as I did, the wind picked up from the north & it got cool. Thought sure I'd get rained on but made it back to the house just as I started hearing the thunder. Seems like we're going to have a stormy day ahead but I'm so glad I got out there when I did. Today made 4 days in a row of walking!

SEF, I did get your email. Thanks I will email you back soon. Glad you had a chance to get out in the pool but you won't be doing that today!!! LOL
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Old 05-03-2007, 10:27 AM   #15  
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Morning! I got up with Tom for a bit this morning, then went back to sleep while he was getting ready for work. I was out like a light until 9! My trip to North Georgia got cancelled last night because she had to do an emergency graphics job. We were both bummed, but will get together next week. I should be glad with the price of gas what it is...but I am not.

I just finished breakfast...three scrambled eggs, cheese and a whole wheat tortilla. Now I am snacking on a few vegetable chips. I can't believe they are legal, but I can't find anything about them that is not!

I am going to try and make some progress at cleaning the house today. Wish me luck! I am really going to need it...that and a front end loader, a dumpster, and a ton of energy to accomplish it.

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