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Old 05-22-2007, 09:50 PM   #136  
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Monet-Could you believe the smoke that made its way up here! Craig said it was heavy even up in Ellijay and I heard reports that people were using their head lights in Blairsville! Rachel uses advair every day and I'm going to get her as needed inhaler refilled so she will have it with her next week when she goes on a trip with her best friends family. They will be spending lots of time outside swimming and such and I'd hate her to start having trouble if the smoke shows up again.
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Old 05-22-2007, 11:10 PM   #137  
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THIN: My MIL lives down in south Georgia and she says it is really bad down there! I was not out much today...but I could smell the smoke. It smells like the neighbor has a wood fire or something....
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Old 05-23-2007, 11:23 AM   #138  
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Since I kept the weight off two days I went ahead and moved my ticker. It is all mental but it gives me a little boost. Lilly had a ball teasing her memaw yesterday. She is so fun to be around.

I think I'm going to make some guacamole today for lunch. We were watching the food channel yesterday and all the mexican food gave me a craving. I FINALLY found some cuban oregano plants online. I got a couple for myself and one for my mom. The site where I found them has 40 different kinds of herbs. If shipping wasn't so high I would have bought some more. I'm a sucker for the herbs.

((Everybody)) Be good to yourselves because you are worth it. I hope each of you has a fantastic day.

Love and hugs,
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Old 05-23-2007, 01:11 PM   #139  
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Hi Everyone

I got out and walked this morning. The sun was shining and it was good to walk outside. I did twice around the outside of the mall, plus what it took me to walk there for a total of about 40 minutes. Later I need to get on the exercise bike. I missed yesterday as I was out most of the day. I've only been doing about 10 minutes a day so shouldn't be making any more excuses that I don't have time.. I was out shopping yesterday and bought myself a long black skirt to go with the top I have. I need it for the cruise I am going on at the end of June. I was hoping to find a dress but 99.9% of the dresses are sleeveless, which I don't like to wear. Also some of the prints are kind of ugly and the style of some of the tops look like maternity. Certainly don't suit my figure. The scale was down a little this morning which was surprising as I was munching on ww crackers all yesterday evening plus I had bread for bf, lunch and dinner. Anyway it gave me an incentive to stay on track to-day in the hopes of keeping it off.

I made some oatmeal bars this morning - didn't have anything legal in my freezer for snacking on. So hope that keeps me out of the cookie/cracker bin. For bf I had a 2 egg omelet with red/green pepper and zucchini and one slice sprouted grain bread with fruit spread. (I cooked up some frozen raspberries and blueberries yesterday with a little lemon juice and agave. Thickened it with arrowroot and had it on pancakes. It was the leftovers that I had on the bread to-day.) For lunch I just had 2 small slices of bread with cream cheese and dinner will be leftover chicken curry and rice.

BOB - Good luck with quitting smoking. I know it is a hard thing to do. I quit about 18 years ago. Apart from your health, which is the most important reason to quit, think how much money you can save. It should be another incentive for you knowing that you cannot smoke at work.

Country - Glad you had fun with your grandbaby yesterday. Hope you get lots more days like that. It always feels good to be able to move that ticker. .

Have a good day everyone.

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Old 05-23-2007, 01:24 PM   #140  
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You GEORGIA people are getting what we had a couple of weeks ago with the smoke. It's really bad on the lungs. THIN...if it's real bad, I would reconsider Rachel being outside even with the inhaler. And just wait until you see what it will do to your cars. The ash was so heavy that my car which is a sand beige was black! We're still experiencing some and today the wind is terrible and really blowing some crap around. I took KATE to the beauty shop and left her and then ran over to PUBLIX and the YUK in the air is unbelievable!

Thanks for the encouragment to quite the smoking. I think it's time and YES Rosalie...the money is a big factor...a carton down here is $42 plus tax...I swore years ago that when the price got to $10 I was thru and here I am...

I'm going to throw some chicken breasts on the grill. I picked up some POLE BEANS and will cook them a little later. I need to decide what I'm going to take for my lunch at work. There is nothing but fast food around there...there's also the cafeteria at the hospital next door which I will check out. I'm sure we will get a discount over there. If I can get a good salad, I can take the grilled chicken to go along with it.

I've got to straighten the house, my BROTHER and SIL will be here on Friday and I've got some major picking up to do. AND OF COURSE there's laundry to do....ALWAYS LAUNDRY TO DO!!!

I'll check in later

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Old 05-23-2007, 02:36 PM   #141  
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I am waiting on the kiln to fire off. I tried throwing a few pieces with porcelain and it just doesn't seem to be my day! In addition, the mechanic called and told me the price to fix Tom's vehicle...$400!! We just spent $700 on mine. PLUS, he told me Tom needed new tires IMMEDIATELY. Oh joy! That will be ANOTHER $300. I really NEED to sell some pots!

I have a replacement piece for the commission I had for mother's day that blew up in the kiln right now. If it makes it through the bisque, and I can get it glazed ok, I will be SO happy!

Justin just left for work, so I have the baby. I better go check on the little bugger.

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Old 05-23-2007, 03:51 PM   #142  
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Hi all
Wow the smoke sounds bad, hope all of you affected by it stays indoors as much as possable.

Country, Congrads on keep the weight off and for finding your herbs, my Dh loves herbs so l know how it is when your looking for the one u want.

Monet, l hope your pots turn out ok and that you sell lots to make more money.

Roselie I am glad you got to walk outside, it's always nicer to do it in nice weather. Sorry you could'nt find a dress but the skrit sounds nice, where are you crusing too? Is it your first cruise?

Jackie how is your mouth today? glad you went to the Dr's better to be safe than sorry.

Everyone else have a great day and keep smiling.
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Old 05-23-2007, 04:03 PM   #143  
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Good afternoon ladies,

It has been a busy day and I don't have much time to post so this will be short. Nothing going on. Went to the gym last night. I'm sore today, it has been a couple weeks since we have been. We are going tonight too. My mouth is some better. The roof of my mouth still has lots of blisters. At least my lips are going down. It hurts to eat and now when I do, all the blisters are breaking and it is driving me crazy. I want to chew on them and pull them off. I'm hoping each day will be better. The scale isn't moving down though.

Bob, you can do it and it will be easier this time. I'm proud of you for doing it again before you start your job. Maybe smoking had a lot to do with all your sickness last winter. Wow, that is a lot to spend on cigeretts. I would have to quick before I paid that much.

Country, I thought that might be the situation with your grandbaby. Sending prayers that it works out. I don't understand why parents can't do what is right for the children. Congrats on the loss. You are catching up with me quickly.

Monet, I'm a little sore today in my arms. Best thing to do it work it out so get cleaning. Please post your recipe for the chicken.

Rosalie, sounds like you got in enough walking yesterday to earn a day off. Congrats on the loss. You are doing a great job.

Mo, Hope you are having a great day.

Have a great evening everyone.
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Old 05-23-2007, 05:35 PM   #144  
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Well DD left about 6:15 this morning. There were some tense moments but no outbursts. Mainly because she was getting what she wanted, except the side by side.

She was sarcastic about a couple of jobs I asked her to do for me that are beyond. DS & DIL always do for me what is beyond me. Thought DS would be glad to help out....not necessarily so!

MELF: How is BIL doing?

SOLLY: OUCH! Hope it heals quickly.

BOB: HOORAY! The power of prayer and your talents. Am so happy for you.

Have to go, phone ringing

She took us out for dinner at the Outback. Sweet potato & steak to die for.

It's always something with me. Am fighting a sore throat and feel a cold coming on.

The chiropracotor has been helping. My DIL is very sweet, hasn't said "I told you so!"

I am tired, I think from the stress.
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Old 05-23-2007, 05:36 PM   #145  
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Wel, two days left! Yea! The winds shifted overnight so no more smoke! I went ahead and got Rachel's inhaler filled. There may be some smoke in the air even if we don't see it, or the wind may shift again next week. Who knows!?!
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Old 05-23-2007, 09:58 PM   #146  
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I ran by Publix and got fried chicken for dinner. We both pulled all the breading off that we could. I sauteed some spinach with olive oil and shallots. It turned out really tasty!

Here is the recipe for the Chicken Piccatta:

For six servings, use six chicken breasts. Put the breasts one or two at a time in a heavy plastic ziploc bag and pound until about 1/4 inch thick. Salt and pepper the cutlets. Lightly dredge in whole wheat flour. Heat pan with a couple Tablespoons of olive oil and saute the cutlets until lightly browned, just a few minutes- you don't want to over cook them!- take out and put on a warm plate. Cover with foil to keep warm.

Cut a fresh lemon in half, slice the middle part thinly into about six slices, juice the ends. Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of bottled lemon juice to make about 1/4 cup lemon juice.

Deglaze the pan with 1/2 cup dry vermouth, and two tablespoons of minced shallots. When the shallots are golden brown and pungent and the liquid is almost gone, add 1 cup of chicken broth, 4 Tablespoons capers
drained,lemon juice, and two tablespoons butter to finish the sauce. Put the chicken cutlets back in the pan and simmer for a couple minutes in the sauce. Just before serving, add the lemon slices- they look really pretty in it! Serve with sauce spooned over the chicken, with a whole wheat pasta or brown rice.
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Old 05-24-2007, 07:30 PM   #147  
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Howdy ya'll. I guess it is really good evening. Where did the time go today. Dinner was a hamburger patty, apple sauce and some cauliflower. The board is really quiet today. Ya'll must be very busy. :0 I should be busy but I'm being lazy today.

Sef...I'm so glad you had a good visit and things didn't turn ugly. are you doing?

Thin..I don't know what smoke ya'll were getting but I'm glad it went away. My youngest is allergic to any kind of smoke. Once we were seasoning some pans and the house got really smokey. He had an attack and it was SO scary.

EricsMommy...thank you. Do you use your herbs or just grow them? I use some but mostly I grow them for the smell. I love the fragrance on my porch in the summertime.

Thank you Rosalie. It was so hard when Lilly went back home yesterday. I hope they let us have another visit soon.

Monet..that chicken sounds yummy. We really like chicken that has been pounded thin.

Toni...Missy...Tech...howdy if you are peaking in.

((Everybody)) Each of you is a blessing.

Love and hugs,
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Old 05-24-2007, 09:45 PM   #148  
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Evening! I have been busy all day. I unloaded the kiln and was ecstatic that everything made it without blowing up or cracking. I glazed it all, reloaded it and it just fired off. I can't wait to see how it does! I will be able to open it up tomorrow probably after lunch.

Dinner was a hamburger patty, and some sauteed spinach. I did not eat enough because I got a terrible hypoglycemic event that scared the heck out of me. I need to go crawl in bed, as I feel wiped out from it. Tom had to get me some juice, then some ice cream to bring the numbers up.

Sweet dreams!

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Old 05-24-2007, 11:53 PM   #149  
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Had a call from my niece in Holly Springs, NC. DD drove about 14 hours to stop over there before returning home. Home is about six hours away from there. Niece said they had a nice visit and DD said she had a good time here. So that's a relief. She did complain about the side by side but niece talked her through it, telling her it must be hard for me to give up certain pieces as they have such memories and it will be hers eventually. Then distracted her by asking what she did get and where she was going to place it.

Embarrassing moments. Jeff knows I don't have much money. We are good friends and he says he likes my company and enjoys going out to dinner or lunch with me. Today is his birthday so I told him I would take him to his fav restaurant a place that has all you can eat catfish on Thursday night. I had never paid there before, Jeff had always paid. As we go in I notice a sign "No Plastic Accepted". I was going to use my debit card. So had to borrow the money from Jeff!!! On way home I wanted to stop at ATM at my bank and he was driving so fast he passed it. He said not to worry he would remind me I owed him. I wasn't terribly embarrassed, we are friends, but it wasn't exactly as I planned. I am not big on buying cards they are so expensive and did not think of it, but DIL asked if I got one. She said he might appreciate it. He did, thought it was great. He is of strong faith so I got a Christian birthday card for a friend. So we had a nice time as we always do.

Trying to remember posts.

MONET: What an adorable grandson. He will be a heartthrob for sure.
The spells when the bottom drops out are scary. On graduation day we went out for lunch, then in evening went to ceremony. We were busy and I forgot to eat. At 9:30 on way home, it hit me. I didn't take a pocketbook so didn't have my food stash with me. Fortunately, when DD travels she always has munchies and I perked up til we got home. Not many places to stop on I 10. Had OJ as soon as I got home. Does make for a funny feeling!!!

SOLLY: Hope mouth is better.

MO: Glad you had a nice visit. I like herbs but never grew them. I do like the aroma of flowers around the patio.

I am tired, did wash today. Going to put my feet up. Felt bad this morning, but sore throat has improved.

May good things happen, Shirley
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Old 05-25-2007, 07:55 AM   #150  
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Morning! I woke up at 4:30 and could not go back to sleep. I got up, went down to the garagio and worked on a piece I was doing when I got hypo last night. Then I came back up and tried to go back to sleep, but still couldn't. It was about time for Tom to get up by then, so I just got up and made us espresso.

I am going to suit up and head to the gym for water aerobics in a few....

I hope everyone has a great day and a wonderful weekend too!

SEF: I am glad the DD is dealing with stuff. Grown kids can be more trouble than toddlers! Feel better!
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