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Old 05-14-2007, 09:08 AM   #76  
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Mother's Day was just a quiet day at home. DIL and GD went off on a bonding day trip. DS and I just hung out. DD called.

Off to chiropractor and then to NH. Then I want to pack up a few pieces of cut glass I have in the side by side I'm giving DD. Will miss that. I worked many hours cleaning houses at .75 and hour back in the 60s to earn the $140I paid for it. Solid oak, worth much more now.

Gotta go. Oh, one more pound.

May good things happen, Shirley

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Old 05-14-2007, 10:21 AM   #77  
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Good morning. I've been up since early, went for my walk & now trying to decide what I'll do with the rest of my day. Scale was up 1 lb from yesterday which was my lowest weight in ages but that scale sure has been doing the yo-yo this past week & still not sure why.

DH took me out for lunch yesterday & I did well with 1 little slip...I ate a slice of carrot cake but since it was a late lunch I didn't even eat supper so that shouldn't have done too much damage. Glad to hear that all of you also survive the day & enjoyed it.

Sef, I know it's hard to part with things that have meant allot to you for whatever reason. Sometimes those things can be little things that might be worthless to others but they bring us comfort because of the memories we have attached to them. I hope your DD has at least of a hint as to what you are passing on to her.
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Old 05-14-2007, 11:21 AM   #78  
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I didn't do so well this weekend and the scales show it. I didn't eat a lot of no no's just higher calorie food. I'm up a pound.

Rosalie...I love different kinds of basil. I'm growning three kind this year. I have the cinnamon, a purple one and then the regular kind. I had a lemon basil but it didn't make it. And I can't find the globe basil this year. If you have the cinnamon one it is real easy to root and will come back next year if you let it go to seed. One of my favorite herbs is cuban oregano and I can't find it anywhere this year. Next time I find it I'm going to baby it over the winter so I don't have to go through the extensive search I have this year.

Sef...I hope you are feeling better today.

Melf...even though the scales are up a pound that is less than the other day right? So not too bad, you may even have that off by tomorrow if it is water weight. I don't know about you but one piece of cake or any high carb meal can make me retain more water than normal.

Solly...I hope you have a GREAT week and hope you find time to take care of you while you are running around.

Ericsmommy...awesome on losing your vacation weight. You will see that 170 something real soon. did your catering go? I have got to start exercising and I'm SO not motivated. By the time I pick the beans or work outside I'm reading to come in and just veg. Today is bean day again. I usually have to pick every other day until the season is over. I think that is about a week and a half..maybe two. This year I may end up with some good peas to pick. The zipper creams appear to be doing very well.

Fruit, Toni, Bob, Thin, Tech...if you are peaking in I'm thinking of ya'll today also.

((Everybody)) You are the best you there is. I hope you have a GREAT week.

Just about time to hang the wash. Later ya'll.

Love and hugs,
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Old 05-15-2007, 12:47 PM   #79  
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Hello everyone! I slept until 9:30, then hit the ground running. I just came in from 45 minutes of water jogging in the pool. Boy is it ever COLD! Feels good though.

The dinner went well last night, so I am pleased. I am especially pleased that it is over.

I am feeling kind of washed out from being hypoglycemic, so I need to go find something to eat.

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Old 05-15-2007, 02:17 PM   #80  
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Hi Ladies,

The board is slow today.

Spent all last night cleaning. Ugh! I hate doing that, but then I love a nice clean house. Tonight I have to fix my cake. It is angel food with pudding and crushed pineapple and cool whip mixed together between the layers. Pretty low fat and low sugar too. I am having a chicken salad with cranberries and oranges and strawberries. Some type of bread to dip in the oil like Italian restaurants. Really can't do the salad until tomorrow night. I made a cheese torte for a snack. I am having mimosas too. That is the best.

Going to get my nails done right after work. Went Saturday, but she forgot to make my appt so I have to go back tonight and then we are going to get a patio set. Going to put some fresh Cod on the grill after that. Yummy.

Monet, glad your dinner went well. Knew it would. I bet that pool water is a little chilly right now.

Countyr, I wouldn't worry about that pound either. It will come off. Hey girl, all the gardening is exercise. So you are moving.

Melf, you are doing so great with your walking and losing. I don't think that piece of cake will hurt you. The important thing is to eat it and be done with it and not let it lead to a binge.

Sef, Some things have such deep memories, they are hard to part with. Plus, you can't find furniture made the way it used to be. I hope she appreciates it. Hope the chiropractor helped today. How are you feeling?

Lunch is over. So I had better get busy. Have a great day.
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Old 05-15-2007, 08:04 PM   #81  
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Man, it is so dead in here I think there is an echo!

echo echo echo....

If you are lurking, please check in and say hello. I get so tired of talking to myself in here.

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Old 05-15-2007, 09:12 PM   #82  
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Hi Monet

I am here so l thought you sounds lonely so l would say hello.
I am doing good, but very tired today, Eric had me up most of the night, for some reason he wanted to play all night long, now he is in the tub (daddy's job) and when he gets out l am gonna have a hot bath and then crash into my bed.
I have finally gotten into the 179 area and l am loving it, took forever to see the 180 go. Hope l never see it again. Tomorrow l am going to the Dr's for a IUD and l am a bit nervous but excited cause l am sick of using condoms, and we are done having kids. I will be glad when it's over.

Hope everyone else is doing great and enjoying there evening,
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Old 05-15-2007, 09:23 PM   #83  
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I'm sorry I haven't been around, but I have good excuses! We have 8 days of school left and our boxes were finally delivered yesterday! We have to have everything packed and ready to go in the next two weeks!

Also, Rachel's dance recital is this weekend, so I'll be busy with two dress rehearsals on Friday and two recitals on Satuday. AND my parents are coming up for it, so I've been cleaning my house!

All of this plus our normal end of the year stuff!

I'm planning to really get back into the right path once all of this is settled! Have a great week!

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Old 05-15-2007, 10:21 PM   #84  
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MO: are half way to your goal! You are doing wonderfully! Sweet dreams!

THIN: I know you are busy! I sure remember how hectic May was when my kids were in school.
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Old 05-15-2007, 10:46 PM   #85  
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Thanks Monet I am proud of myslef too, but also thankful fior finding this site and all your wonderful people who are here, l check in everyday just to read and your stories give me insperiation. So thanks again for letting me join.
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Old 05-15-2007, 11:11 PM   #86  
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Just checking in to say hi.

Am doing better but can't sit here long.

Thanks for understanding about my piece of furniture. I emptied it out yesterday. DIL & DS if we move they will try to find a place for it in the new house, if not then DD can take it. So we'll see, I'm sort of psyched up to losing it now, but I love that side by side. No rhyme or reason for it I just do.

Have to try to clean up here before she comes tomorrow night. Have a chiro appt in morning.

When I need a rest will try to do a real post.

May good things happen, Shirley
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Old 05-16-2007, 07:30 AM   #87  
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Well, my Sabres are probably going down in flames tonight. I'll watch it anyway. I told Derek we should take the boat up the Rideau to see if we see any hockey players on vacation. (The Rideau is a canal connecting Kingston to Ottawa that is a favorite boating place for Canadians - and hockey players!) And, I'm pretty sure my favorite is being voted off American Idol tonight. So, I'll not have much to watch on TV for a while.

Just popping in to say hi to everyone. I have to work today and then Shelley's 13th birthday is tomorrow and her party is Friday. I always hate the parties because the girls' parents seem to spend more and more on parties and mine always seem lackluster now. I used to be the only one that had parties when she was little, but now everyone seems to be a professional at planning them...or they have pools to swim in...or bonus rooms or rec rooms to play in. And I'm embarassed of my house because all of Shelley's friends seem to have mansions. It gets annoying. I'll be glad when the weekend is over.

Okay...have to get ready for work. Talk to you guys later!!

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Old 05-16-2007, 11:16 AM   #88  
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Default Good morning

It sure is good to see ya'll. The other day I thought you all abandoned me...LOL ((Everybody))

Tech...don't be embarassed about your house. It is about the love inside and not the size. We live in a tiny rundown farmhouse. I used to compare it to all the neat houses everyone else had and was really missing out on the blessings I had here. I hope Shelly has the most fantastic 13th birthday and it is the start of a great year.

Sef..I hope you continue to improve.

EricMommy...wtg on the new lower weight.


Solly...your cake sounds delicious. I've been craving some sweets lately. I'm sure if it is stress or hormones.

Monet..I hope you are feeling better today.

Love and hugs,
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Old 05-16-2007, 02:13 PM   #89  
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I did my water aerobics with my neighbor this morning. We opted for my pool as it was faster...supposedly...than driving up to the gym. We ended up taking longer by having two cups of before and one after! The water was cold, but we got in 30 minutes, so that is better than nothing. I kept a friend of my son's two kids while he went on an interview at my son's company. They are probably going to hire him part time to do accounting stuff. His two kids are 7 and 5 and are homeschooled, and delightfully oddball. They WANTED to try the potter's wheel, but both of them were horrified when they found out their hands would get dirty! The older one wanted to use sponges instead of her hands. I tried to explain why that would not work. I am not sure I got through to her. She DID try it, and I think enjoyed it, but it is really hard, so she did not do great.

Breakfast was a splenda sweetened yogurt, with some low sugar granola, lunch was some tabouli salad with fresh marinated mozzarella balls.

I will check in later!
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Old 05-16-2007, 03:08 PM   #90  
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Exclamation Why YES, it *is* a GHOST!!! =)

Hello Everybody!!

Yes, I know it's been AGES since I posted, but no I haven't fallen off the face of the earth!! I've actually been doing quite well... I participated in a state-wide diet contest and lost 14 more pounds. I've been going to Curves every day and now I've been training for the Cotton Row Run 5k that will be here on Memorial Day that I'm going to run (jog/walk) with my dad. I can do the whole 5k right now in 44 minutes, I wanna get it under 40 before the big day.

It's nice to see familiar faces still around!! I can't possibly catch up, but CONRATS on everyone accomplishments and PRAYERS for anyone who needs them and I'm going to do my best to check in more often and get my butt back on track HARDCORE!!

I don't remember if I posted after my surgery last June, but I'm STILL having complications from that and it's been horrible. I go see another specialist in July in Birmingham and we shall see what that brings. I'll post another time about what's going on.... it's a drawn out story.

It's good to 'see' everyone.... Keep up the fabulous work!!

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