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Old 02-22-2011, 06:48 PM   #256  
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Hi Coaches!

My life has been busy and very emotional. The unchangeable event is over and can't be taken back. Our friends have so much love and support and really all we can all do right now is pray and wait….My DH finally cried at lunch today...we are all trying to remember our friend wouldn't want us to be sad. They are doing surgery today to move the ventilator to his trachea.
My eating since the day after the accident has been 99% OP while tracking calories (which is new for me). *credit* I know in my heart that my eating OP now will have a direct relation to how I process my emotions later when we know more about the long term prognosis for our friend.
~always eat while sitting
~no tasting
~weigh myself and track every day
~recording all my food.
~I bought a recumbent bike for our upstairs and logged 8 miles in 30 min this morning. I'm happy that I made it a priority to set up an exercise system in my home.
*could do betters*
~I am not writing down my plan the night before. (with my sister here, I rarely know)

BillBlueEyes, when I get to Boston someday you and my DH can discuss guys increasing numbers on barbells...I listen to him all the time. I commend you for the continual decluttering, which has such a strong emotional component. Despite our wanting to hold on, I'm fairly certain that letting go helps us think like a thin person.

skygirl, Jump in however you feel comfortable! I started posting here as soon as I started my Beck books. Don't feel compelled to respond to everyone individually. For many, this group is a spot for accountability from the previous day.

jmaf, hope your DH is still recovering nicely. It has probably been busy for you. Are you still considering your hunger experiment?

RubyJan, sharing in your excitement of finding heaven in non fat yogurt with pomegranate seeds. Today I was overcome with happiness in being satisfied with my blueberries and NFY.

CeeJay, still counting down??

Beverlyjoy,glad you got through your procedure. I hope you got some rest afterwards.

Shepherdess, congrats! that you have changed your ticker and your weight is right on track! Happy calving! Glad to hear it's going well.

MaryContrary, what a helpful idea, going back and rereading your last post! I save all of mine and have thought about rereading but….just don't. Yay! for listing your goals for evening and tomorrow.

Cheryl(seadwaters), glad to hear you ditched a major project! That means less work, right?? I hope you are able to hop back into your ritual behaviours with ease.

ChefJoona,glad you are finally feeling better! Enjoy your recipe for tonight.

onebyone, I really like your Zone system!! It makes so much sense. *credit* for checking things off already. BTW-Congrats on finding your next residence, too!

gardenerjoy, so glad to hear you have found your special energy to get those last pounds off.

pamtanga, I'm so happy for your newfound ability to get some walking in. Steps and steps add up to miles.

Andrea(masondixonmama), yay! for saying no choice to cookie cravings. You said, "I am happy with my progress." *credit* That is such a healthy attitude for lasting weight loss.

maryann, I know it's old news….but I was so tickled to hear that your son is enjoying learning things in the kitchen. My bro is an excellent cook! I'm much younger, but when I was growing up he cooked meals for his family….still does.

FutureFitChick,... counting down the days with you! *credit* for checking in.

I will check in tomorrow with the South Beach forum, but not here. I am leaving here at 6 am with my sis driving West. I have a mandatory meeting Thurs. night and we're going to do an overnighter and get some skiing in. DH will stay home with pups.

Take care! Thank you all for your kind words during this very difficult time.
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Old 02-22-2011, 08:13 PM   #257  
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'Lo, Beckmates,

Was just gonna read and catch up on posts, but then saw the reference from BillBE re: Stranger in a Strange Land. Yay for friends cool enough to give you a Heinlein treasure. My favorite quote of all time is from Time Enough for Love:

"Everything in excess! To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites. Moderation is for monks!"

Lazarus Long really knew how to live. Of course my living that way could have something to do with the weight struggle. Hmmm.

Only credit to report is continuing the Pilates sessions and feeling stronger. Might this be the spring where I actually am a bit in shape before diving into the gardening frenzy? One can only hope.
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Old 02-22-2011, 08:25 PM   #258  
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Default Back with Beck

I actually have two real people diet coaches at the moment, but am coming back to the program after a bit of relapse. I maintained my weight for about six months at five pounds above my lowest point, but wasn't losing because I essentially was on a maintenance version of the diet instead of dieting dieting.

So I went back to phase 1 of the South Beach Diet (I'm joined that subforun as well and am re-reading Beck--the original book. Not in order tho, one chapter a day that seems pertinent--i.e. I read about restaurants before going to a restaurant this week.

The real reason I am on this thread is ti change some habits that I just haven't been able to internalize--drinking water with every meal (and more) and the dreaded...dum de dum dumm...exercise, which I just find incredibly hard to do. I write down exercise on my food plan every day (I write each meal, allowable snacks and exercise every morning), but I just don't do it. I know, I know, ah, well...but could anyone share how they motivate themselves to actually start this habit?

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Old 02-23-2011, 05:27 AM   #259  
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Thumbs up Welcome skygirl


And, in case you didn't get one of these two and a half years ago,

How did you hear about the books by Dr. Judith Beck?

And how did you happen upon the Beck Thread here on 3FC?
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Old 02-23-2011, 05:28 AM   #260  
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Thumbs up Welcome Sharon (jicarilla)

Sharon (jicarilla)

And even though you've been here a year,

How did you originally hear about the Beck Diet Solution?
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Old 02-23-2011, 05:31 AM   #261  
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Thumbs up Wednesday (Fells like Tuesday)

Diet Coaches/Buddies - Last night I faced a table of homemade goodies when friends did a slide show about their recent trip. I planned to have one of something and then stop. I had one. I stopped. CREDIT moi. I don't count the fresh strawberries which I ate for distraction as we stood about chatting with every one else stuffing themselves with baked goodies. I like the Weight Watchers notion that fruits and veggies have zero points.

maryblu - Love the Heinlein quote, "Everything in excess!" Glad you're doing your Pilates as prep for your gardening summer.

onebyone - Yep, digging into old stuff is emotionally draining. Kudos for your progress on your "zones."

FutureFitChick - Yay for the notion that there's only 7 more days of over load.

Joy (gardenerjoy) - Yay for moving along.

Debbie (Lexxiss) - Continuing to beam my supportive thoughts your way as you and your DH deal with your friends accident. Kudos for getting that recumbent bike for your home.

maryann - Ouch for a tough weekend. Glad you found an open road to get to Tahoe to ski.

ChefJoona - Love the reminder that Spring is coming. Good luck back at work after being out sick.

Andrea (masondixonmama) - Standing down those cookie cravings is worthy of a Kudos. Neat to plan ahead for your mom's dinner.

pamatga - Kudos for savoring small progress, per "Not miles but steps and steps."

skygirl - Join right in, right now. The most fun time to share is during the initial confrontation with trying the new strategies - frequently because of the shock that their deceptive simplicity uncovers some of our behavior we didn't know we had.

Feel free to design you own way of using the group of us as Diet Coaches / Buddies. You can see a bunch of different styles each day. Yep, posting progress against goals is a good way. Some folks have posted their Advantages Card (leaving off any that are too personal). Glad you've joined us.

Sharon (jicarilla) - That's super neat to have real life Diet Coaches - few of us have reported that. We'll be your backup coaches.

Yep, making exercise happen is a challenge if it has a negative connotation. It worked for me to start out by simply walking, initially only around the block when that felt like all I could do. What sucked me in was to design a group of routes where the houses, plants or wildlife interested me. You might try to find some exercise that you really want to do. We've had some avid Zumba fans here, for example. Glad you're here.

Readers -
chapter 2
Experience the Difference

This time is going to be different because the Beck Diet for Life Program is different. Here is how:

. . .
It teaches you how to stay motivated. If you are like most dieters, you feel motivated during the initial weeks of any diet. But you don't know what to do when you motivation inevitably wanes. On this program, you will learn to motivate yourself every day through a number of techniques. You will continually rehearse the reasons you want to lose weight. You will give yourself credit for every positive eating behavior you use. You will create a Memory Box to store your positive diet-related memories: how terrific you felt the first time you successfully conquered a craving; how wonderful it was to buy clothing in smaller sizes; or how pleased you were when you received special compliments. You will read these positive memories often to remind yourself that it's worth mastering and using these skills.
. . .

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D, The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pgs 23-24.
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Old 02-23-2011, 06:34 AM   #262  
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Good morning,

Really getting back into things, as I'm feeling better. It was hard being back at work- a lot of headaches that couldn't get solved. Oddly timed meetings had me eating lunch late in the day too.
Threw away extra dinner portion I took- had sabotaging thought about it going to waste and felt the urge to eat it, but reminded myself it would go to waste in my body too, so into the garbage it went.
We have lots of candy around from Valentine's Day. It is a struggle, but I am planning in a little treat each day.

Meals are planned and packed for today.

Welcome skygirl and jicarilla!
I very much relate to your challenges with exercise! I am still working to find my motivation. Walking/ hiking outdoors is an activity I really enjoy, but living in New England in the winter makes it very hard to do. I have never been able to establish a consistent gym routine either. I am interested in hearing what others offer as ideas!

Good day to you all!
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Old 02-23-2011, 08:43 AM   #263  
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Hi Beckies - here's hoping, wherever you are, is having better weather than we've had this winter. It's cold where I love - yet, only an inch of snow on the ground. YAY

Yesterday my sister had major back surgery. It was six hours, five fusions and 5 or 10 medal rods. Yikes. I am hoping this will fix all the problems she's had the past few years.

I got on the scale today and saw that number was up. I am not surprised. Vacation was conscious eating - but, not so low calorie. So I will move forward doing what I know works the best. Dr. Beck's principles are good for me. I will carry on. I have my journal, arc/rc cards, book etc ready. I am planning my day.

I was thinking about how I really wish I didn't have to face this daily 'struggle' of making all the healthy plans and everything it takes to live in a sane manner with food. It's these things for the rest of my life. It's a daunting thought. However - not being aware is so unhealthy for me. I have always been 'on' or 'off' with little in between. Almost anything that ails me is a result directly or indirectly with food. But - if I were a diabetic I would have to monitor my daily blodd sugar. So.... I need to get out of my pitty party and do what I need to do.

I am still 25 pounds less than I was at this time last year. I am grateful for that.

Last edited by Beverlyjoy; 02-23-2011 at 08:45 AM.
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Old 02-23-2011, 09:28 AM   #264  
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Hi Coaches! I've purchased the BDS and have begun reading. YAY (credit). I've only made it into the intro so far, but will be reading every day.

ChefJoona & Jicarilla - I found belly dancing on one of the free "On Demand" channels. REALLY fun! After doing two 12 minute beginner lessons I was "glistening" and my body felt both worked out & limber! I've been hitting the gym consistently since January - Eliptical, Treadmill, stepper, and bike mostly. Added weights about two weeks ago. I'm feeling great! More energy all day, and a wonderful "soreness" that reminds me I DO have muscles! Try a different exercise program every day on "free on demand" TV (you may find one that you'll want to do everyday!)

Keep working out a little every day -
  • walk in place & stretch while watching TV,
  • play with an excersise ball - toss it to a friend (I use my DH and grandchildren!) or just lift and throw it by yourself.
  • dancing in the kitchen with music on while preparing meals,
  • leg lifts & plie's while brushing teeth
  • use the wall for push-ups (push-offs?) in the shower
  • arm and leg lifts and stretching in bed before you get up (I've created an entire "bed-aerobics" routine)
Those are the ways I've started exercising and it ALL adds up. You'll start to feel the urge to move more and more, and each session will last longer and longer. My motivating self talk when I'm having a lazy day is "JUST DO IT"

YAY BBE - I don't think I'd have stopped at one. (Rather certain actually.)

Skygirl - Have you found the "Weekly Weigh-in -- Let's get accountable!" thread? I look forward to reading the book simultaneously with you!

My scale is broken - it keeps bouncing from 201 to 205 DAILY - just don't know where I'll fall on any given day. Seriously, I'm sure it's not, but I don't understand why its not moving steadily downward. BIG credits for not blowing it this week with "comfort" food. I don't know what Beck says yet - but to me "comfort food" is food that make ME feel comfortable with myself... The comfort factor of any food decreases according to how guilty and misserable I feel after eating it.

HELP NEEDED - please advise of a good website or blog I can read for portions and food choices to make the scale start gliding downward!
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Old 02-23-2011, 11:03 AM   #265  
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Credit moi:

My steps are now equally miles. I easily do 2-3 miles a day. Granted, some of those steps are done walking with a cane or hanging onto the support on the treadmill but on the treadmill I do let go as often as I can.

Taking care of myself while I have the flu. I cut back on everything yesterday and slept 11 1/2 hours, taking Emergen-C and really drinking the water--80 oz is easy for me now.

I have all kinds of attacks on me in the past week: our bank put a 10 business day hold on my husband's payroll check even though it's been the same payroll check he's received since 2005. Since we have all kinds of auto bill pays coming out I had to do some creative scrambling to come up with the extra money so we wouldn't become overdrawn.

Someone managed to hack into my computer last Sunday. I called my tech support and they took care of the security issues right away but Norton AV is still reporting to me that they stopped someone several times after that, including giving me their IP address. OY!

Then, a credit card that I have good credit with declined me citing poor credit history even though I have good credit with them and $400 available credit with them!

D***n the that's all I got to say!

I have a lot of chronic joint pain, for the new folks here, and I just knew that I needed to start out very slowly. By doing certain stretches and strength building exercises for my muscles, I am able to do more and more each week.

All this takes patience, perservance and having realistic expectations. I know the absolute ecstasy of climbing a mountain up to 25,000 feet in the Rockies back in 1992. I was not always this way. I remind myself that if I can do it once, I can do it again.

Believe in your untapped potential! We can be heroes, if only for a day.
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Old 02-23-2011, 11:28 AM   #266  
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I had an extra snack yesterday. I've recently reduced my plan by one snack to see if I can get the weight loss rolling again. I suspect that's necessary. But I also suspect that I don't have to eliminate it every day and yesterday was the sort of day that benefitted from having it, so I'm going to allow that occasionally and see if that works for me. One of my "all or nothing" thinking patterns is that I have to eat the same way every day, even when things would improve with a little variety.

WI: NAkg, Exercise: +45* 985/1300 minutes for February, Food: 80%op, Read my Advantages and Responses: yes

Good luck, FutureFitChick! Here's a bit of advice from my recent experience: make a list of all the things you wish you had time to do right now so you remember next week when you finally have time to do them! My recent week-long breakdown was right after a week of deadline pressure. Like you said my "mental health day" turned into something that wasn't healthy at all and lasted a week! I think I would have done better if I would have gifted myself with the time to do the healthy things I'd been missing during that deadline pressure.

Welcome skygirl and jicarilla!

For jicarilla, ChefJoona, and anyone else working on getting exercise into your life, here's some of what worked for me.
  • Count minutes! Minutes are easy to count. I include stretching and strength-training minutes, too. That encourages me to include those in my exercise and gives me good alternatives for lower energy days.
  • Set monthly minute goals. This gives me some leeway if I miss a day here and there. It also makes it easy to notice improvements over time. If you're really starting from 0, start with a goal of 10 minutes a day (310 minutes for March, say), then increase that by 10% each month until you get where you want to be. You'll be surprised how fast you'll get there! I log my exercise in the monthly challenge thread on 3FC (Here's February: and record my progress in my daily Beck post.
  • Reward myself for meeting monthly goals. I buy myself a new exercise DVD, a new Wii game, new workout clothes, or new music that makes me want to move.
  • Do workouts at home. This is key for me. Other people seem to get results by going to the gym, but consistency eludes me with that approach. I walk on a treadmill in the basement, walk out my front door and around the neighborhood, rake and shovel and haul things in my yard, do workout videos from my DVD collection or streaming from Netflix, play with my Wii, or just put on some music and dance.
  • Do whatever it takes to get yourself to do it. Fairly frequently for me these days it's watching an old TV show streaming from Netflix while walking on the treadmill or doing one of the Wii games. A lot of people listen to podcasts or music.
  • Aim for variety. This both keeps the interest up and reduces aches and pains from doing too much of the same thing. The * on my exercise log is for doing a different workout than I did the day before.
  • Walk with a friend. I do this once or week or so and making sure that I can keep up with her is one of the things that motivates my exercise the rest of the week.

Gwen: you might try SparkPeople or one of the other sites that lets you log your food and then gives you analysis of it -- that's really helpful information in figuring out what portion sizes and nutrient profiles need to change.

Hugs to Lexxiss (and her DH), Beverlyjoy, and everyone!
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Old 02-23-2011, 12:05 PM   #267  
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Hi All,

Still here! Haven't had a chance to post since last week - things are still a bit crazy. DH's foot is much better and he's getting used to his crutches so I don't always have to feel I need to hover around him to make sure he doesn't fall.

Still doing well with eating, and I've been adding in exercise. I need to up that a bit, though. It seems the only way I can consistently fit it in is to wake up at 5 am and get it in before work. Sigh...

Down 2 lbs at yesterday's weigh-in! Very happy about that - I know I can't count on that much every week - but it *is* nice every now and then!

Beverlyjoy: I had a 3-level spinal fusion (with rods/screws) almost 10 years ago that was *very* successful and literally gave me my life back. I'm hoping the same for your sister. It took a while to recover, and I still have to really watch out for what I do, but it was worth it. Unfortunately, I know everyone doesn't have the same success, but hopefully your sister will be one of the lucky ones.

Welcome skygirl and jicarilla! I'm also pretty new here. Regarding motivation, I saw this quote the other day and thought it was really good:
"Don't wait for motivation - push forward and let it catch up to you. If you wait for motivation, you will wait forever."

ChefJoona: "We have lots of candy around from Valentine's Day. It is a struggle, but I am planning in a little treat each day." This is a really great way to deal with this - by learning to plan on a small treat of this every day, and yet to have it around, is truly a success! I'm working on doing the same. I want to be able to 'live' with food around and not feel obsessed with it or feel it has some hold over me.

BBE: Congrats for 'stopping at one!'

Lexxis: You deserve LOTS of credit for staying on-track under such circumstances. I'm hoping for the best regarding the long term prognosis of your friend. As far as my 'hunger experiment' - I was able to make it to dinner on Friday without my snack, but I haven't yet progressed to the 'day without lunch' - I might do that on Friday.

pamtanga: Every step is a step in the right direction! to run - meeting at work starting soon! Everyone have a good day!

- Jan
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Old 02-23-2011, 01:24 PM   #268  
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Thumbs up Wednesday already?


Lots of phonecalls today. I'm behind already! I have my food planned for today *credit* and I weighed in*credit* at 280 (-2) so am on the threshold of meeting my Feb moving frenzy goal to be under 280. Almost there. My best hope would be to be what my ticker says, 276.6, by the 28th of Feb.

*credit moi* I did not eat over discovering DH did not give J, who runs the studio where I got a workspace with GREAT and EXCITING FUTURE POSSIBILITIES, the full amount of $ we owed him. DH says it was my fault-I told him the wrong amount. I claimed it as my mistake, contacted J, and was, once more invited to the GREAT PARTY to be held at the studio this Friday, starting at 9pm. J said "You're on the list," and who isn't flattered to know they have made someone's list? It's a 1970's theme indoor bbq party to celebrate completion of the "photography cove" within the studio space.

I am DYING to get back to work already.
Remind me of this coaches when I am stressed out by art deadlines in the near future

Speaking of deadlines, I need to get to the packing. Tomorrow I am out of the house meeting people so I need to try to even do a bit extra to make up for tomorrow's lost time.

Enjoy your Last Wednesday in February 2011.

Today's zones:
#16 stuff on shelving DONE
#17 take shelves down/tape together for moving DONE
#18 stuff in electronics cabinet*leave equipment for DH*


#14 the coffee table DONE
#15 in front of the shelving DONE

sort laundry____
wash shower curtain (exciting) Done
load/turn on dishwasher Done

ZONES COMPLETED: #13 #14 #15 #16 #17= 5/45
note to self: an average of 2 zones a day will get me to my goal and it doesn't need to be PERFECT either

Last edited by onebyone; 02-23-2011 at 07:13 PM.
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Old 02-23-2011, 02:32 PM   #269  
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Default Miss a Day and Miss a MIllion Stories

Dear Everyone -- and welcome to Skygirl and jicarilla,

I am in the middle of administsration **** at the moment.... not worth listing what it involves, except that it also involves me having to make charts and write references and mark a gazillion essays, all before Sunday.

And when I weighed myself this morning, I had gained a pound!!! Maybe slow and steady is a hard way to do things....but I am going to stay with my plan and with luck I will be back on the way to my next pound...and then another one...
But tomorrow is a pilates morning, with an hour and a half class before I go to work from 10 until 8pm. I am worried about eating in the day because when I do tasks I hate, I sort of turn the hatred back on me, and eat lots of stuff that I then also hate, even though if I had 1/10th of it and planned it, it might have been delicious. SO I am going to make a plan for tomorrow that is organised and includes things for snacks (two in the afternoon: one at 3 and one at 5) that I will enjoy and that might keep me going.... etc. etc.

I am going to make myself report back tomorrow night, and I really plan to get some credit for myself when I do...

Lexxiss I know how terrible it is to go through what you are going through now, and I really feel for you and with you. I have lived through the death of a very close friend of mine -- also unexpected, and also painful in a way that I hadn't known before -- so I wish you the best, and I think its great that you and you DH are letting yourselves do the mourning and weeping.

Everyone seems to have lots of stuff on right now -- is it the month? or is it the global speed-up at work combined with inflation (don't know about the states, but our pound is buying less and less every week..)? So it is very comforting to know that we are all working on managing our eating at the same time as trying to manage Life in the 21st Century.

Good Wishes to All,

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Old 02-23-2011, 09:12 PM   #270  
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Thanks Lexxiss! The accountability for the day sounds good and I’m sure will be helpful for me.

Thanks BillBlueEyes! Someone here recommended the book and thread to me, and I also noticed it recommended by others several times since then, as being really helpful.

Thanks ChefJoona!

Thanks Gwen for recommending the weekly accountability thread, I’ll look around for it, thanks!

Thanks GardenerJoy!

Thanks Jmaf! Great quote!

Thanks RubyJan!

I got to the part of the book that discusses giving yourself credit, so I now know what this means.
I made it through yesterday and today eating on plan healthy whole foods and did an hour of cardio each day.

Hope everyone is doing well.
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