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Old 06-10-2021, 06:01 PM   #436  
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Sounds good, Trish. We started out for Texas Roadhouse but the sky was so dark like a storm was coming so we went to Rodneys which is much closer. As soon as we got inside there was a downpour and it was over by the time we left. I had baked scrod and green beans which I liked better than anything I would get at Texas Roadhouse.


Every time we go to Wal-Mart the candy aisle is empty. DH buys a lot of candy. He was talking to one of the workers and asked why they weren't ordering candy and she says its in the stockroom but they don't have enough employees to stock shelves. Candy is not a priority. Well, it is to DH. So many businesses can't find workers. At Bob Evans the manager was bringing meals out.

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Old 06-10-2021, 10:27 PM   #437  
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Carol Sue I've heard that everywhere that it is hard to get people to work. You see signs everywhere places needing help. Very sad.

I finished off the fiber one bars I have that could pass on SBD because calories are only 70 for 1 bar, but I won't buy them because I have a tendency to eat more than one. I will have to buy myself an ice cream that will fit that too. Of course SBD recommends those no sugar added popsicles and fudgesicles. I ate so many of those when I did the original SBD that I got tired of them. I hope I will be able to eat them now. Calories were still good and carbs weren't bad either.

I will go to the beauty shop and then go get some SBD friendly foods that I want to get from the local store. Hope we all have a good nights sleep.
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Old 06-11-2021, 07:47 AM   #438  
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Weight stayed the same, 189.0 which is good. No bump up. I did not take a nap yesterday and got great sleep. Fitbit rated it at 87 and I've been in the 70s lately. 7+ hours. I think because my dinner was very light I didn't get sleepy.

Trish, I forgot about fudge bars and popsicles this year, which makes me happy because I don't need more food. If I buy sugar free DH won't eat them, anyway. I want to make some Fiber One haystacks but never get around to it. They would give me the fiber I need plus fill a desire for a taste of chocolate.
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Old 06-11-2021, 01:36 PM   #439  
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I just typed a whole message and lost it.

Carol Sue Glad you had a good nights sleep and the weight stayed the same. Mine was up a lb but that isn't unusual on Friday since I weigh a good 2 hrs early. Strange how our bodies change because my lowest weight years ago was earlier in the day. I've decided not to worry about it. Just stay OP and let it do what it does.

I went online site for Cheddar's and I am able to stay OP and keep calories at 535 by having a steak, salad with Balsamic vinaigrette dressing and steamed carrots. Although mine will be a little less because I will use only half the dressing in my salad, So I am 100% SBD today. I don't go back to beauty shop until July 2nd so I should be able to do the Phase 1 with no problems. Came home and had 2 eggs, Canadian bacon and a little bit of grated Velveeta cheese.

Went to the store and was able to get ice cream that fits the SBD guidelines so I am good to go.

I guess we will be celebrating that DS got good news from the urologist yesterday. She has been having some bladder problems so they ran tests to see if anything serious was going on but he said she is fine. They check everything, heart, kidneys and bladder. So we are so thankful for her good report. We will eat out today and then the next plan to be together will be 4 of July when baby sister and her Hubby will have a cookout here at my house with all the kids who want to come. We haven't had anything like this since Daddy passed away and then of course the pandemic hit. So it will be nice to see those who can come by.

Hope every body has a great day today.
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Old 06-11-2021, 06:53 PM   #440  
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I hope you enjoy your dinner out, Trish. We went to Applebees. We only went there years ago and now I remember why we never went back. It was just ok. They have no baked potatoes. If you want salad its extra. No bread or rolls. Only good thing is its close.

I fell asleep around 2 pm even though I slept good. I don't know why.
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Old 06-11-2021, 07:22 PM   #441  
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Carol Sue DH and I went to Applebee's one time yrs ago and we didn't care for it. I don't remember the diet I was on at the time, but there was nothing they offered that I could have on my diet plan.

Really enjoyed out time with sisters and BILs. It is also nice that BS does keto because it makes it so easy to stay OP. I did change my plan some because they brought out these beautiful Honey Buttered Croussant rolls and DH only wanted half of one so we shared one. Then I decided to get the 170 calorie cole slaw instead of spending the 250 calories on the salad. Going by the Cheddar's website the 1/2 crossant cost me 109 calories so I ended up eating 567 calories for the meal. I came home and had a serving of the Fudgesicle fudge pops and a serving of pecans. All SBD and except for the cup of coffee with the collagen later, I am finished eating for the day and happy with the way my day has gone. My total calories are between 1200 and 1300 so I have had a good eating day.

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Old 06-12-2021, 09:12 AM   #442  
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The first time we went to Applebees was 25 years ago and it was my first time having Tilapia. That's what started me eating it. That location was in another town so we never went again. When this one was built in our town Several years ago we went there to use a gift card and didn't like it. I wanted to try it again because my BIL and SIL go there often and like it. But my tastes have changed and a lot of things I used to like don't appeal to me anymore. Here's another thing. There was an electronic game on every table. We thought it was there to entertain while waiting for our food, so DH was playing it. We were charged $2 on our check for it. There should have been something there to tell us it was not free! LOL

Yesterday ended up being an eating day so no fast and poor sleep. Weight is up but still below 190 but just barely. I need to get back on track to stay in the 180s.

I would never think Cole slaw would be lower calorie than salad! I like Cole slaw but not when its soupy. Its very soupy at Texas Roadhouse. I make good Cole slaw but rarely make it. It has to be made ahead and I don't cook ahead any more.
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Old 06-12-2021, 12:09 PM   #443  
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Carol Sue I agree they should have a sign to tell people that it costs to play the game. I wouldn't like that either. I don't know if I would like Applebee's or not. I think their food did have some WW friendly foods back then but I was doing Atkins so that is why I didn't go back. Please DH is picky and he wasn't impressed so that says it all.

I did like the fact that the menu at Cheddar's had the calories on it. I think a lot of places do that now which will make things easier. I too was surprised that the slaw was less cals than the salad but then I don't know what they had it in. Perhaps croutons and the dressing was full fat no light. A lot of places don't offer FF or low fat or light dressings any more.

I ended up with more calories because I am working to follow the SBD plan and I was shocked when I got up this morning and my weight was down to 183 even down 3.6 lbs from yesterday and the sodium was up. I did cheat and take a Lasix because the sodium is high on this plan as well, but then I can control that better eating at home. I'm not sure that sodium has to be as low as they recommend or the cardiologist wouldn't recommend some of the things they do. So I am going to try to not worry about it and just work the plan. If I find I do need something then I will talk to the doctor about it. Summer is coming up and I can drink plenty of water.

I hope Madeleine is enjoying her time at the cottage. Miss hearing from her.

Have a nice day everyone.
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Old 06-12-2021, 02:01 PM   #444  
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Trish, I don't pay much attention to sodium. I know it is in processed foods, I don't eat many, and restaurant food. I use salt at the table for eggs, and mashed potatoes, but rarely on other food, and I don't like salty snacks. I taste my food beforehand to see if it needs salt. My DH puts salt all over his plate before he even tastes. That makes me angry, but he won't listen to me. That's why when I cook I put very little salt in the food, because I know he is going to add it no matter what. My doctor checks my sodium twice a year and it is in a good range, so that's why I don't worry about it. I know it will bump me up a little on the scale but it is fluid, not fat, and everyone has fluid fluctuations. I wouldn't worry about it if your sodium is in a healthy range. Too low sodium can be dangerous, too.

You can look at Applebees menu online and see what they have. Many things are a little hot and spicy but a few are not.

I was looking at the Outback menu as we have 2 gift cards that we never spent. I don't know if you are allowed to combine the gift cards or only use one per visit. One of the gift cards is from 2014 but I checked online and it is still valid. I don't know why step-daughter gives us gift cards to places we don't go to. Outback is out of our way. It's OK going to it but coming home we will hit a traffic jam at the dinner hour. DH is terrible in busy traffic. Outback has a few things I would like to order, and they have salmon and steak which DH can choose from. We went there once years ago and didn't care for it, but with gift cards it will be a free dinner. DH used to be much more adventurous and try different restaurants. He told me that atmosphere is more important to him, but I want to like the taste of my food. I used to eat anything and everything but the past year or two I've learned that if my food tastes good I am satisfied longer. If I eat something I don't really like then I'm still looking for something to satisfy me. So many restaurants use sauces and seasonings, and I tend to prefer my food plain, just salt and pepper. Those sauces are where the sodium and extra calories are hidden. Some people like that, but it's not for me.

You can never tell what the scale is going to do. Sometimes you are perfectly on plan and the number goes up. Other times you think you over ate and the number goes down. I'm glad yours went down, girlfriend!


I just ordered a new clothes dryer. Ours is old like the washer was and last week some of the clothes seemed damp after the dryer was done.. I figure ill get the things we need before DH gambles away all our extra money. We went to Home Depot and picked out the one we wanted and DH talked me into a better one, just like he did with the washer. The next thing I want to get is a new sliding glass door, but that will not be until fall because I don't want them installing it until we can turn the air condition off.

Last edited by Wannabehealthy; 06-12-2021 at 07:00 PM.
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Old 06-12-2021, 10:01 PM   #445  
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Carol Sue We haven't been to Outback since we moved here. We used to go there all the time SC until their steaks started having more grizzle and fat than beef. Then we started going across town to the Longhorn or Charley's steakhouses. About a year or two before we moved to TX they built and opened a TX Roadhouse and we went there on special occasions because they didn't open until 4pm. We don't go TX Roadhouse here because they play their music too loud. I think it must be a TX thing because they didn't play it that loud in SC.

I don't add a lot of salt on my foods either. I figure there is enough in most foods as it is. I still eat my salad but instead of using salad dressing I used light mayo on it instead and I made Parmesan cheese crisps that I made to eat in place of the crackers I usually have. My ending calories is approximately 1100. I wasn't really trying to keep it that low but just following the Phase 1 SBDSC plan. I'm hoping the Phase 1 will help me get my scale moving again.

I know you being a diet book lover like me, I just had to order Dr. Agatston's new South Beach Keto Diet book. It will be here Monday. I just would like to know what he was willing to change to make the diet a keto plan.

Any way, it has been a really good SB day.
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Old 06-13-2021, 07:23 AM   #446  
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Trish, I notice sometimes Texas Roadhouse music is louder than usual. DH likes to get a booth in the bar area so he can watch sports on the big screen TVs. I noticed when we had to sit outside the bar area the noise level was louder. We never went to Longhorn and we don't have Charlies here. DH says he never got a bad steak at Texas Roadhouse but has at other places. I rarely order steak. I really like prime rib but not many places have it and its pricy.

I used to have the original South Beach book but never got into it. I need to be able to eat what I want and just concentrate on portions and time restriction. Having said that, I didn't fast again yesterday and have bumped up to 190. You can't hide from the scale. This is not going to give me a lb a week loss now, is it!! You are very diligent at following a plan and making it work for you.

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Old 06-13-2021, 10:55 AM   #447  
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Hi friends: am home for a bit. I have only been doing IF 8:16 and gained some weight. I am fasting today and hope for at least 42 hours.
In my area we came out of lockdown this weekend and people are doing a lot of gathering out of doors. Restaurants are also able to open up patios (no indoor dining) so people are enjoying that as well. That's why I was not fasting before this, we had gatherings on Friday and Saturday nights, and I had some cocktails. It was fun, but now I won't need them again for a long while.
I will still enjoy the social part though. Almost everyone in my circle has had at least one dose of vaccine and are just waiting for their 2nd dose. I have DH booked for his 2nd dose on Tuesday. He had AZ for his first dose and is getting Pfizer for the 2nd, Apparently one gets better coverage and immunity this way, but a stronger vaccine reaction. Will see how he does.

I am doing pretty well otherwise, only the neuropathy in my right had fingers is bothering me, and my knee still a bit of an issue. I have found that using the LivRelief cream with a few drops of CBD oil rubbed on the knee was helping, not only the knee but the fingers too, so am doing that a couple of times each day. Even typing can be hard with the finger pain, so I am glad to find something that helps.

The few pounds of weight gain also resulted in a whole inch on the belly, and I do "feel" fatter than the scale says. SO I am going to be working on the fasting for the next couple of weeks. We go back to the cottage at the end of the month and I am trying to decide about taking a scale to be more accountable while there. We will be there for 2-3 weeks at a time all summer, so its a thought. Anything that helps, because I just CAN NOT keep gaining and losing the same weight, and I CAN NOT go back up to where I was before my big losses.

Otherwise, I am doing ok. I noticed the other day that energy is a bit better, and brain fog not existing at all these days. Mood is also better. Not sure why. Was it getting the 2nd dose, more sunshine and able to get out more? Sleep has been better too. I have been more careful not to be on the laptop in the late evening, so maybe sleeping better for that reason? No arguments, just happy to be feeling better, but wish knew how to make it continue. I will continue with the good changes I have made in my life.

Blessings friends, Happy Sunday, and have a good week. I will keep checking in this week.

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Old 06-13-2021, 12:19 PM   #448  
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I am hopeful I have things turned around. The scale is showing a 1 lb loss. I will have to wait until next week to confirm. This week will be unusual. We are going camping for a couple of days and then my SIL will be here for 1 night. Then next weekend, my daughter will be going on a weekend trip without us.

I saw the discussion regarding Dairy Queen and lactose intolerance. Technically Dairy Queen does not serve ice cream. They serve a dairy treat. Their 'ice cream" does not have a high enough cream content to be called "ice cream". It has a higher milk content so that could be why some people have an issue with it but not with proper ice creams.
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Old 06-13-2021, 01:37 PM   #449  
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Pipsicle I hope the scale starts being nice to you as you do work so hard at it. Sounds like you have a busy week coming up. Enjoy.

Mad So good to hear from you. I think some of us here in TX found it harder to lose when we first started being able to get out more. It is so freeing I think even though still some places are restricting things. It just takes getting back into the normal for each of us. I hope your Hubby doesn’t have any major problems with second vaccine.

I think you will find it easier to get back into the groove of your original plan. Like you I refuse to gain back the weight I’ve lost. I will follow whatever plan I have to get the weight moving down again. I found that IF helped me maintain so I could stay under 190.

Carol Sue I usually get a steak when I can unless I go to a place where I know they have good fish. Cheddar’s lemon fish was higher calories than the steak. The only steak they had that I would even try was their top sirloin and it was only $10 so it was a good price. BS and her hubby got it too and we were all surprised as to how good it was. It was a good cut with no fat and cooked exactly like I wanted it. This place isn’t even a steakhouse and their sirloin was better than any sirloin I ever got at a steakhouse. It will be my go to meal at Cheddar’s as we all decided we will go again.

I’ve found that steak helps me stay OP when doing a low carbish type of eating when eating out.

Weight this morning was 182.2 lbs. I am excited to find that the higher sodium that pops up in red on MFP is no problem for me, but I still will be careful. I am not sure I am 100% SBD because I found a sheet to go by and it says that snacks are required but I don’t do snacks. I’m so used to doing just 2 or 3 meals or 2 and a snack although I don’t call it snack. Being from TX I just call it supper and I am going to have .5 c of lentils at that meal which will give my fiber along with protein.

Have a blessed Sunday everyone.
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Old 06-13-2021, 10:16 PM   #450  
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Trish, to me, the word snack seems like something bad. Snack food gives it a bad rap, since its mostly salty snacks. So many dieticians say that diabetics should have 3 meals and 2 snacks, figuring that eating small meals a few hours apart keeps blood sugar from spiking. I think that's what South Beach is aiming for. I can't say how I feel about that. I guess I would have to know more about the diet plan.

Mad, I am surprised that your restaurants are outdoor dining only. Ours had that several months ago but have been gradually increasing and are now at 100% inside. As of the 28th all restrictions will be lifted, vaccinated or not. There are still cases of the virus and some hospitalizations. You still see some people with masks. Most employees everywhere are still wearing them. I am uncomfortable without it and I like that people can't tell who I am.
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