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Old 06-16-2021, 05:32 PM   #466  
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Carol Sue Glad your weight was down and you got a good nights sleep. That is great.

I decided that although we were going out to bank and store that I would not get up until almost 9 am. I think I get a good WI at that time because I get almost 8 hrs sleep doing that. My weight this morning was 180.4 lbs and I would so love to 179 in a few days. I never was sure about the sleep and weigh loss relation, but evidently there is something to it. The banana with pb affecting the bs is just another one of those things that shows that everybody isn’t the same. This one thing I like about Dr. Agatston. He is aware that what works for one isn’t may not work for someone else and he takes that into consideration. I think that is because we all have different preferences of foods. While his new plan has basic guidelines, he does say they are guidelines that are flexible. He basically says what my SC doctor said that if you can work the plan so that you can eat what you like and enjoy it then you will be able to stick with it.

He doesn’t think you should work for perfection all the time but to be flexible with it for other things. If I understand how he does SB is that he follows Phase1 when at home but when traveling or on vacation he switches to Phase 2 and it all has to do with how it makes him feel. That is probably how I will do this. I know there are days or times I can’t be 100% OP, but it would be nice that I could still be almost OP and not mess myself up like today fasting and having ½ serving of fries. He also has included a vegetarian woe as well as IF although he he says you shouldn’t fast more than 24 hrs without supervision. I still would love to get back to 20 hr fasts at a minimum and 24 hrs is something I am only able to rarely do.

Another thing I saw in the book as I read coming home is about Gluten. I am now beginning to wonder if I have a gluten allergy. I really don’t want to bother with gluten free but he says doing keto will help that so maybe I won’t have to. He says gluten can cause problems with psoriasis and pcos. He tells of a woman who reversed pcos and got pregnant. So something to think about. Makes me want to buy a book and give it to my niece and even DH DD. I also thought of DH dealing with the itching which I never thought the dermatologist really knew what it was. Gluten also causes joint pain, brain fog, bloating and lower abdominal pain, neuropathy, heart burn, asthma, fatigue , migraine headaches along with other symptoms that are triggered by an autoimmune reaction. So it is something to look into although my doctor swears that the only reason you have to worry about gluten is if you have celiac disease which I don’t.

Thanks to Dr. Agatston I finally understand about statins and although I do take a natural statin (my SC doctor told me it is a natural statin) I would take the statin medicine if I needed it. Dr. Agatston says some people need it and some don’t but it is determined by the size of your LDL particles and they pass through the intestines. Only people with small LDL particles should take statins no matter what their cholesterol is. Those with large LDL particles don’t. Statins can definitely prevent heart attacks and strokes.

Since today is takeout and we were getting McDs CB and fries, I decided to fast until we ate around 3ish. I think I ended up almost 17 fast today. I came home and threw the bun down garbage disposal and made myself what I call a CB salad and ate it along the usual 1/2 serving of fries. I plan to have my collagen coffee and s protein shake around 6 and giving me a 3 hr eating window.

I do think I need to eventually move into the KSB plan 100% most of the time because I not only want the energy that I can have but I really want to keep the neuropathy from progressing and hopefully it will even reverse.

Hope everybody is having a good day.
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Old 06-17-2021, 07:26 AM   #467  
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Trish, I can't wait til you go over the hump to 179! Soon!! . You are doing so well. Its amazing.

Wt stayed the same today. I slept ok. I woke up at 3 AM worrying about a bill I forgot to pay. I have to remember to pay it today before we leave for the casino.

Trish, gluten can cause a rash that is very similar to psoriasis but it's not. It will go away once gluten is removed from the diet. That is a common misunderstanding. Back when I was doing strict low carb there was no change in my psoriasis. All I was eating was meat and vegetables.

By the way, is there any sign of your Keto rash since you started on this plan?

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Old 06-17-2021, 02:23 PM   #468  
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Carol Sue I hate it when I forget something like that and it keeps me awake until I get it straightened out. Glad your weight didn't move. I always think that is a good thing. In fact, mine stayed the same today even after eating the fries. I personally believe that when it stays the same that means it is real my body is adjusting also remember low carbing the scale isn't as important as how our clothes feel. I should use my measuring tape but I don't.

I almost forgot that today is my new WI day and I was excite to see that I actually lost 5 lbs this week. Down from 185.4 to 180.4. I don't know if I've ever lost 5 lbs in one week or not. Probably when I was much younger. It is enough to make me stay OP.

No I have not had any sign of the keto rash this time. I think if I limit the fat maybe I won't have it. I am wondering if the Bullet Proof coffee didn't cause the rashes. I think I ate too much fat when doing keto in the past. In fact, I was thinking about the first time I ever did the original SBD. I didn't buy into such low fat because I had been strictly Atkins at the time and saw the importance of having some fat in my diet. I switched to SBD back then because I could have the fruit etc after 2 week Phase 1. I still had the bacon and used some healthy fats but not excessive. Then they came out with the SB Super Charge that added some other foods we hadn't been allowed on the original. That is probably what I will do this time by taking some of the science in KSB and applying it to the SBSC diet plan. Plus I am adding IF to my woe as well.

I'm on a 21 hr fast right now and we will have pizza for dinner today. Trying to decide if I'm going to try making a keto pizza with a from scratch almond/cauliflower crust or just use the lowcarb flatbread I got from Aldi's. I may use the Aldi crust since I don't know how to count the calorie/carbs on the home made one.

I decided that if I keep my carbs grams between 50 to 75 net and protein around 90 grams the fat will be higher just because that is the way it calculates. So I'm not worrying about fat as long as I can keep my carbs and protein where I want it. I don't have to track on MFP according to SBD but I do like to do it any way but making things keto probably will make it impossible to track on MFP. I don't really don't want to change much of what I am doing right now because it is working and Dr. Agatston says this new plan is to be flexible to fit into our own lifestyle so it will be long term. So I am taking that into consideration.

Hope y'all have a nice day at the casino.

Have a nice day Everybody.

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Old 06-18-2021, 02:06 AM   #469  
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Headed to bed in a few minutes and I just read something interesting on Dr. Fung's IF FB group that I found interesting.

There was a lady who has been doing IF since 23rd of May and has only lost a couple of lbs in that time doing OMAD and was discouraged.. They told her not to do OMAD everyday. It was suggested by many others to maybe alternate it but they said that there are people who actually gain weight eating only OMAD. I found that to be interesting because I seem to lose better when I eat more calories than I do when I eat lower calorie even doing SBD. I worry that I'm eating to many but maybe not. In fact, Dr. Agatston says while calories are important, it isn't necessary to count them. I had just under 1500 calories today and yesterday with just 2 meals but I lost eating more. Will see what happens tomorrow.
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Old 06-18-2021, 09:02 AM   #470  
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Trish, I know of people who have done OMAD and lost well and others who do not, but these are online friends and I just assume they are truthful about their eating or losses. I believe in mixing things up but some say keep the same general eating schedule day to day. But if your losing stops or slows down switching things up can break a stall. Just my opinion.

Whatever you're doing is working for you. Keep up the good work!

The casino was good, in that we didn't lose any money. I was sitting in the food court around 5 pm reading and got so sleepy that I wanted to put my head down on the table and go to sleep. But I didn't, naturally. It was one hour after eating. DH wanted KFC again. He's getting into it and I'm getting tired of it. LOL. The sleepiness wore off after I walked around a bit.

Weight is up a bit. We will eat out today but I don't know where. If DH wants Texas Roadhouse I will get salmon salad.
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Old 06-18-2021, 02:10 PM   #471  
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Carol Sue I think it goes back to what even Dr. Agatston has learned that “One Size DOES NOT fit All”. CAD came out of the fact that Rachel Heller ate only OMAD. Mad does so well on OMAD and/or Extended Fasts which Dr. Agatston doesn’t recommended but Dr. Fung does. That is why I like reading and learning different things and then take what I can fit into my plan and make a good healthy Personal Plan of my own. Sometimes the work for me and sometimes they don’t. I throw out what doesn’t and keep what does.

While I like to eat at nigh, I think I do better with breakfast/brunch and then main meal. The only time I can or should add a 3rd meal is to keep my protein up.

Weight is up 2.2 lbs today but that is my fault. I ate OP foods at 7:30 but I didn’t weigh the cashews I ate and I know better. Plus I’ve learned that nuts at night raises FBG as well. I didn’t drink enough water either. So I am back to eating breakfast so I can cut out evening meals/snacks. I looked back at last weeks daily WI and weight was up the 2nd day so this could just be a pattern. I will still do OMAD from day to day. I’m not sure I am really SB at all, I think I am just doing low carb.

Glad your casino day worked out and sorry you are still getting tired during the day. I am doing that some too. I wonder what our bodies need that we aren’t getting or if it is the type of carbs we eat. I slept really good last night but had to drag myself out of bed and got up late. I keep hoping to get that energy I should get doing low carb.

We are having spaghetti today and I am having mine on spiral zucchini as I am really to take advantage of these few weeks I don’t go to the beauty shop to really get into this woe.

Fatmad Miss you. Hope all is well with you and your family.

Have a good day everybody.
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Old 06-18-2021, 06:13 PM   #472  
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Trish, so many people say it doesn't matter when you eat, but for me, eating at night has never been good. I feel that I am more active to burn it off during the day than I am at night. That has always been my reasoning.

I did not get sleepy today but the day is not over. I don't know what I did different, except that I did not have toast with my eggs this morning. I didn't think a slice of bread could make that much difference.

We are all ready for the new dryer to be delivered tomorrow. The gas is shut off so DH will not be able to cook breakfast tomorrow. They are delivering it between 1 and 5 so DH might not have it installed and the gas back on until sometime Sunday. We only have the microwave and the toaster oven.


DH got mad because I said he cares more about the dog so now he says he will never cook eggs for me again. Yay!! LOL. I can't wait to see that. He is back to cooking them and sitting them in front of me whether I want them or not. He will not stop.

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Old 06-18-2021, 10:06 PM   #473  
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I did get sleepy after dinner but all of a sudden I was wide awake and I'm doing fine now. Did an 8 hr eating window but stayed OP.

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Old 06-19-2021, 08:20 AM   #474  
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Very good sleep last night and no nap yesterday. I had a large meal yesterday so I'm afraid to get on the scale. No one can cook until the dryer is delivered, hooked up and turned back on. I don't know when that will be. DH couldn't find a new gas connector in Home Depot so he hopes the old one will fit. DH said eggs can be cooked in the microwave. Or he can go to McDonalds. Listen to me! Talking like I might starve to death if I do t get my eggs. I am getting stomach rumbling already at 8 am. That's probably because I had spaghetti last night. Carbs make me hungry sooner. I will survive. Yesterday we went to Rodneys and I had chicken parmesan with spaghetti. The chicken was outstanding. A thick breast cooked perfectly. I could have ordered vegetables instead of the spaghetti but it was very good. Just not good for me. Now I have tried everything that appeals to me on the menu and lucky for me my favorites are salmon and baked error, two healthy and light choices. Seafood is a favorite of mine but not all restaurants have a healthy seafood choice. Food is always on my mind. I wish it were not so.

My step daughter made an offer on a beautiful home yesterday. I hope they get it because its perfect for them and she has been through a lot and deserves to be happy. I don't see her often and if she buys this house I will see her less. I wanted them to find a home near us or stay where they are but that is selfish. She has her own life to live.


Trish, when did Carolr pass away and how did you hear about it?

I was reading the old IE thread because I have to get back to it. I recently read Overfed Head and felt it was about me. I know if I only ate when hungry and stopped when no longer hungry I never would have this weight problem. I understand eating when hungry but not stopping. It seems to me that my hunger stops after just a couple bites. I was getting stomach rumbling earlier but it went away. DH just ate toast but I didn't. I WANT to eat, but I'm not hungry. IE is not supposed to be about diet or weight loss. Its about eating disorders. On the IE forum you are not allowed to discuss weight or diet. It seems that most posters there are recovering from bulimia. I have a very strong tendency toward grazing and I've done it for years. Its a very hard habit to break. For years I ate because I was afraid of getting hungry and not having food available. Its 11 am and DH has eaten 4 times already. But it was small things. Toast at 9, sliced cucumbers at 10, A sandwich at 11 and now a hard cooked egg. I made a salad for me and cooked hard cooked eggs in my egg cooker. I wanted baby kale and spinach in my salad but it went bad and I had to throw it out. It turned yellow.

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Old 06-19-2021, 01:47 PM   #475  
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Carol Sue I think Carolr passed away about a year before my Daddy did. She was on my FB friends and one day I saw her picture and decided to look her up. Her DH had just posted his and her story as a tribute to her. They had a lovely story. I can't remember much about her except that I think she had a stroke and may have had to live in nursing home or home care. I miss her a lot.

I saw you on the other lc website and saw a book that was recommended to you> Skinnygirl and I ordered it. I still like IE. I still want to lose weight but most IE groups don't like the fact that I want to lose weight to. I still think if done correctly you could lose weight on IE. There was a time I only ate when hungry and had no weight problem if I could get back to eating that way again. IF is good but there is still the rule of eating within an eating window and sometimes my hunger doesn't fall within those hours so what I am doing now is just planning my food for the day in the morning to keep carbs down etc. Still following "diet" rules whether I want to or not.

Weight back down to 181.2 this morning and FBG 103. I notice that both fluctuate depending on what I ate the day before so I am trying to learn to not get upset because there is an bump because as long as it isn't consistently going up, it doesn't mean anything bad.

I've got carbs planned very well today with an 8 hr eating window. I think that is what I'm going to do for a while. Not really worried about whether I am doing KSB or any SBD. I am just going to count the calories and eat the foods we like and keep them in between 8 hrs. I noticed on the other LC sites that a lot of the LC diet groups are no longer very active and haven't been for over a year.

If you want to get the 3fc IE group going again, I would love to join in. I think it should be open to both people who want to stop "diet mind" thinking whether they are trying to lose weight or correct some other eating disorder. Even overeating through following a diet plan which I have done over the years which is why I have to lose weight is still an eating disorder. Even in the IE book people came to them because they needed to lose weight but just could NOT follow another diet. JMO

Hope you can get your gas back on, but thank God for electricity. I hate having an all electric house because when the electricity goes out I have no way to cook anything.

Have a great day.
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Old 06-19-2021, 02:07 PM   #476  
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The dryer was just delivered, 1:30, and DH is starting to work on it. I hope he doesn't have problems.

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Old 06-19-2021, 02:43 PM   #477  
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Originally Posted by Wannabehealthy View Post
The dryer was just delivered, 1:30, and DH is starting to work on it. I hope he doesn't have problems.
I hope all goes well with the hook up.

BTW You do know that carolr was the one who started and kept IE thread going. Of course when she couldn't post any more it pretty much went downhill.
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Old 06-19-2021, 07:10 PM   #478  
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Yes, Carolr also posted in Walk Away The Pounds. I only remember 2 other posters from IE. So many posters have left. I wish there were more active threads.

DH had to buy another part for the dryer connection. Gas is more complicated than electric. I told him to finish it tomorrow. There's no rush.

We,went to Bob Evans for dinner and I left my phone there. I went to put it in my purse and I guess I missed and it was on the seat in the booth, so we had to drive back down and get it. I'm glad I realized it was missing as soon as I got home.
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Old 06-20-2021, 12:23 AM   #479  
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Carol Sue I too miss the active threads we had before.

Glad you got your phone back. Does your Hubby have the part for your dryer? I have to say that I love how clothes dry with gas. I always thought my clothes dried fluffy which you don't get with electric dryers.

I did the 8 hr eating window and I have to say I did very well. I can't say that I did KSBD but I did do low carb. I surely would love to do this more Intuitively. I always have liked doing IE.

I have actually felt really good today and hope that means that my low carbing is starting to give me energy.

Here's hoping we will have a good nights sleep.
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Old 06-20-2021, 08:48 AM   #480  
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I woke up at 4 this morning and read for a while then went back to bed, so I got 6 or 7 hours, total. DH told his kids not to come over for Fathers Day but they might still come. He thinks its silly. I won't cook for them because they eat different than we do. Anything they would eat, DH will not eat, and I still don't have the gas turned back on. DH has installed all of our gas dryers, 3 or 4 of then over the years but this time none of the duct work fits. Having them install it is costly but maybe that's what we should have done. Around here, electric costs a lot more than gas, that's why so many homes have it but the newer homes have all electric. The only v time I had electric was in my apartment.

My weight is still up. I'm just over eating. In Overfed Head it says it does not matter what you eat or how much, it only matters that you eat when you're hungry and stop when hunger is gone. It makes sense and sounds so easy. He compares it with feeding a baby who will refuse the bottle once he is no longer hungry. We were born with that naturally but over time many of us have lost it. The only other way I can keep my eating under control is to do brunch and dinner, no more than 2MAD 5 hours apart. Otherwise I overeat. Bad habits are so hard to change!
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