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Old 12-07-2011, 08:05 AM   #61  
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Hello coaches,friends!
Having trouble sticking to the "plan" of food for the day exactly, feel the reigns loosening, and wondering what happened. Feel like Im doing a lot of beck principles, but then not others and sort od feel bad for that. Came home to HUGE choc chip cookies on the counter that DH bought nd know I had a stressful day, but did I need to eat half? Im such a stress eater, nibbling is happening again so I feel lazy about working the program, not good! I also have never worked the book through on a daily basis just started incorporating the principles all in a weeks time and that seemed to work for me, but maybe its backfiring

But credit here: meals are slower, I sit for most of them, planned exc done, new unplanned exc is getting done which i never did before, I do feel a little more in control with food, I do like myself more that BB (before beck), and nibbling IS less than before!
So those are some good things I shall credit myself for

Sabatoging thoughts: I havent had a cheat meal since I dont know when, and isnt real high cal food good for you sometimes to rev metaboilsm? Oh my...
I was grumpy yesterday and OP all day but for that.

@Sarahbennett, wondering what a zero scale is? That sounds cool and just the thing for me! Loving your posts, this is my therapy here

@ladym, welcome to the group!

@Beverlyjoy, best of luck to you today at your physical
@BBE, I will make it my goal today to leave one bite, why do I keep forgetting that one?
@Lexiss, good job on your lists, love costco!
@maryann, I too feel like Im losing time from my life dieting and obsessing about food and coming here has brought me some sanity and reality check. Along with Beck. I totally heard you on that one

Warm thoughts to everyone else for a good day,

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Old 12-07-2011, 08:18 AM   #62  
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Morning everyone,

So, another good day yesterday. I managed to get a half-hour walk in, and actually cooked dinner (my semester has been so busy that DH has been doing most of the cooking). I also ate mindfully for lunch and dinner, and (a big one for me) resisted food after dinner. Credit!

Today is busy too. I have a choir gig in the afternoon and a rehearsal in the evening. At the moment I'm relying on frozen meals for these days. I hope eventually to home-cook in advance for times like this, but at the moment the frozen entrees are portion-controlled, convenient, and tasty. At least I try to choose the ones with mostly organic ingredients most of the time …

maryann - kudos for repeating the hunger experiment! How did it turn out?

FutureFitChick - more ((((Hugs)))) for you - I have spent a whole lot of time in grad school trying to live on a shoestring and it is definitely very stressful. Is there any way you can negotiate your teaching schedule at all? I know a lot of schools are trying to graduate people faster and they sure as heck can't do it by overloading students with teaching!! Just a thought … Also, health and wellness vibes to your furbabies!!

ladym0208 - welcome!! I am doing WW as well. We would be more than happy to be your coaches and I for one am looking forward to getting to know you

Debbie (Lexxiss) - Love your very sane perspective on this very busy time. Kudos!

BillBE - Kudos for leaving food. That is something I haven't managed to adopt yet … but I admire it! I have the same aspiration about clothes as you do. First I need to clean out my daughter's overflowing chests of drawers, LOL!

sarahbennett21 - WTG getting back in the rhythm! LOL at the benefits of clotted cream and mince pies for your immune system.

hollyp - I can empathize so much with your feeling of doing some of the principles but not others. I personally do find that adding one skill a day (or less!) works best for me so I don't get overwhelmed and confused ... I know everyone needs to find their own way. Credit for the principles you've incorporated - sounds like it's quite a few!

Time for a visit with my good friend Joe (Java Joe, that is)! Have a great Wednesday, all!

Last edited by eusebius; 12-07-2011 at 08:20 AM.
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Old 12-07-2011, 12:32 PM   #63  
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GD everyone!

This is the longest that I have been able to go to bed and fall asleep by 11 p.m. that I can remember. I think, it is now going on three weeks!! What a big difference it makes. Let's hope I can keep it up.

I C/P many of your individual thoughts so I can reflect on them at a later time. I really resonated with many of your thoughts, feelings and ideas these past couple of days. It sure feels like synchronicity in this group right now.

Credit: although I ordered delivery pizza last night on the spur of the moment, I did first check with my food plan to see if I could have it and that it would fall within my daily calorie range, nutrients, etc. It did so that gave me the "go-ahead". I ordered the least "offensive" (more vegs, less meat, cheese and sauce). I also ate to "normal fullness", which came quicker than I had expected. There was 1/2 of a slice left of pre-measured pizza. So, this satisfied both the "leave some on my plate" and stopping when hitting "normal fullness". I promptly put away the rest of the pizza that I had measured out for myself. As a distraction, I strung lights on our Christmas tree then watched a B/W Christmas movie. It worked like a charm!

A new habit that I am working on fostering is turning the computer off after dinner. It is another habit that I want to break. Again, BALANCE! I have been doing that for about a week or so now. I really like doing that. To me, the "act itself" signals to me that to "move on" to something else, which so happens to be Q-time with my beloved, Paul. When he saw me leave 1/2 of the last "pre-measured" slice of pizza, he went "YAY!" spontaneously. It is moments like that when I just ooze love for him. He "gets" me!

ladym! You are quite a brave lady to be taking on the holiday season but you do have the right arsenal with you: Beck will serve you well! GL.

maryann your words dig deep in my heart and soul. I spent the majority of my only child's life, deep in the throes of addiction, depression and withdrawal. I have since forgiven myself but I wept bitterly as I began the slow and painful process of recovery knowing that I could never return to his youth. I asked his forgiveness and he has so now we have a wonderful relationship. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful adult child. He has turned out beautifully.

hollyp I just went through a "test" regarding my food plan and being so physically sick. Yes, in the past, I "used to" count being "sick" as a "special occasion" and therefore, I need to nurture and coddle myself....usually with highly sweetened carbs and/or salty foods, since that was the only foods I could "taste". Well, this past time(mid-November to a week ago), although it was a challenge, I did much better. I logged my food, ate my meals as planned and didn't ply myself with those foods that I had "erroneously" thought would aid in my recovery. I remember the quote, "Feed a cold, starve a fever..." but, what if you have both?? This time I focused more on getting adequate rest and fluids. Hope you are feeling better soon. This is a terrible time of the year to be sick!

eusebius I personally call the frozen food meal plan (your back-up) as "damage control". Yes, it is not ideal but what in life is?? I applaud your realistic take on the situation. You are doing the very best you can!! Major Credit for seeing the wisdom in your present choices and accepting that. NOTHING meaningful in life has ever been accomplished in SELF-HATE, only SELF-LOVE. I see self-love in your words.

FFC So very happy to see you back in top form!! Major Credit for coming back to share how your journey has been. As a result of both the global economic woes and my own personal finances I too have had to learn to live on a lot less. It has been over a year now and although I don't necessarily like being so conscious of how I spend money, I have also learned that I can and actually don't mind some of the changes I have made. I feel that there is a "life lesson" in every turn of the road I am on but I will only see it if I acknowledge that it exists. As a person who once had quite a menagerie of pets, I sympathize with the difficulty of the choices you have to make. Our pets give us so much.

Lexxiss, I totally agree that when we are organized, we bring our stress levels way down. I might also add that having adequate rest also contributes to feeling like I can take on a lot more without feeling added stress. When we take care of ourselves, more things get taken care of.

Bill By George, he's got it!!

Did I ever tell you my book story? A year or so ago, Paul and I made the decision we were going to part with our huge voluminous collection of books. (this is what happens when you have one who loves to click on and the other can't resist bookstores at retreat centers during "alone time")

Plan A: I set out two large laundry baskets. I told Paul to put the ones he didn't "want" anymore in the basket nearest him and then I would do the same with the other basket. Well, I was sitting in a folding chair next to both baskets. As Paul was putting one of his books he was willing to let go, I picked it up, looked at it and put it back on the shelf (I hadn't read it and it looked "interesting"). When Paul said he was done, we looked down at the two baskets: one was nearly empty and the other one was empty.

Okay-- Plan B: I told Paul he could have one very long shelf to put his favorite books he wanted to keep. I would have the shelf below that. Anything else would have to go. Period. No debate. Well, that worked better (both baskets were filled with books) although we did have a third shelf we half-filled. Better but I knew we would probably be buying more books so that was a "concern."

Finally, Plan C: I said that we needed to make an "oral agreement" that as soon as we finished one book, we would donate that to a used bookstore or something/someone. That has yet to be tested but it is still is an idea I hope to "enforce". And so the book saga continues......

sarah already you have fallen in so easily. Thank you for your insights. We have so many here who have so many wonderful and helpful ideas to share. I actually worked the Pink Book (the first Beck book) day by day as Dr. Beck suggests. Although at times it seemed stifling, it does teach patience and if you are going to tame this beast, patience is something to foster.

The #1 thing that I have taken away from the Beck Diet Solution is that more than half the battle of losing weight permanently is between my two ears. I instinctively knew this but I never acknowledged it or openly admitted it as I do now. Also, this methodology has given me confidence. I know that I will succeed. Talk about "easy mindset". You bet!! I no longer view food as "forbidden, bad or gross". I have made peace with it all.

Now, I am going to tackle putting up the outdoor lights. It is overcast, cloudy and it has been raining non-stop since late yesterday. Perfect day to be out on the porch stringing lights.


Last edited by pamatga; 12-07-2011 at 12:38 PM.
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Old 12-07-2011, 01:59 PM   #64  
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Hi Coaches/Buddies
Had the day from heck yesterday (that is when everything goes to heck in a handbasket). Possibly a result of all the stress from the previous day. I am working on something long overdue at work. For some reason I have a hard time finishing up stuff. The closer I get to finishing the more I procrastinate (doing that now). So I also had a lot of phone calls, etc to make with respect to my Mom and I was in a panic state that they would eat into the time to work on the project. Upshot: lots of self pity, lots of unplanned and unhealthy eating.....

Well today is a different day. I am on the day I'm supposed to clean up my space from temptation. I already have pretty much eliminated stuff from my home that I can't handle (which is a lot of things). I have to avoid certain areas of my workplace. But I will be sure to give myself credit when I do have to go near them.

Would like to comment on you all, but time is limited. Just had to say FFC so sorry to hear about your kitties, and Pam thanks for the words on patience.

More later
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Old 12-07-2011, 03:08 PM   #65  
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Hello All:
Quick check in during lunch. The hunger experiment was in many ways disastrous. I did it much more easily two years ago when it was a DAY OFF in summer. I should never have tried it when I face 93 twelve year olds and then come home to DS who needs help through homework, music practice, dinner, etc... By 3:30 I was shaking and had a a trigger temper - having used all my patience at work. I found myself screaming at him, I was unable to concentrate and pretty much beside myself. I ate at 3:30 not wanting to have my kid bear the brunt of it. It took hours to feel "normal"
What I learned:
I have improved drastically in keeping my blood sugars balanced. Yesterday's nightmare was tribute to how I help myself everyday through 6 small meals like those I have eaten over the last two years.
I can say "no" to crap food at school.
I am grateful I don't have to live that way anymore.

Nevertheless, I am angry at myself for putting my family through it. I will never have to do it again.

On to today - anti craving. I have looked at the clock to notice when the cravings go away. I am twenty mins into the last craving. I am going to get a low calorie beverage to help. Credit for a balanced meal of protein and carbs. Credit for not going crazy overeating last nite. Credit for yoga tonite.

Off to a meeting.
Mary Ann

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Old 12-07-2011, 09:22 PM   #66  
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Hello Everyone,

Was having a really good week, once I got that carb eating under control, until dinner tonight. Made a beefy macaroni soup mix that I was given and biscuits with it. The soup was not really good so I ate 2 biscuits and feel extremely uncomfortable now. The family was so busy chatting at dinner and catching up that I totally forgot to eat mindfully and am now paying for it. But it's behind me and this discomfort will remind me to move on.

Got out for swimming on Monday night, my friend does 20 lengths of the pool (25 meter) so I said sure I'd try that. I did do all 20 with a few rest breaks every 5 or so laps. Felt really good until I got passed by a 10 year old, however she was using one of those floating board things (cannot remember the name now) so it really helped propel her through the water. I'm hoping to get back to the pool on Saturday as I have my last event to work on Sunday and my exercise will be lots of walking. I have to update my pedometer steps on my signature as well. Not sure many steps my swimming would translate to but I did swim .5 km and for me that's a good start. I really want to be doing Zumba again now but the classes don't start again until Jan 15.

pamatga Credit for breaking through from 250, saw the change on your ticker. Yeah for leaving a piece of pre-measured pizza. You asked how difficult is was for me to get around in the winter. Like Lexxiss I'm in an area where its generally pretty easy. Calgary is a city of just over 1 million people and a really good percentage forget how to drive in the winter. We only seemed to get slowed down by snow when we get a dump of over a couple of feet. I come from good, hardy, Canadian stock that can get through any winter weather. I am much more uncomfortable in a tropical storm with a lot of water than in a blizzard.

eusebius Welcome back, we've missed you here.

ladym0208 Welcome to the group!

BBE Credit on leaving food to allow you to follow your plan. Are your boxes of winter clothing going to be your next project to sort through? Over the past couple of months I've been getting rid of things that don't fit, however I don't have a tendency to replace it quickly and am finding that I could use more warm winter clothing!

This discomfort from dinner is really bothering me so I think I'm going to find some form of exercise to do in the house. I'll check in again soon.
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Old 12-07-2011, 09:42 PM   #67  
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Coaches/Buddies, I did really well with food choices today until dinner. DH made crescent rolls and canned soup. I didn’t leave a bite nor pay attention. Breakfast was 100% on plan, but worked during lunch (brought my planned lunch and ate it). Did not leave a bite at lunch either, but did for my snack. It’s funny. I thought of you all when I was walking to my office today that I wanted to share about my breakfast success. I didn’t think about posting, however, when I was not paying attention at dinner. Just a reminder to get back in the habit of getting out my advantage and response cards before meals.

Thanks again for everyone’s kindness and support. I really appreciate it!

Yesterday/Today’s Essentials:
Weigh-in: Didn’t weigh
Read Advantage Cards two times: NO!
Read Response Cards at least two times: NO!
Ate slowly, sitting down, noticing every bite: some
Gave myself credit when I engaged in helpful eating behaviors: yes
Did spontaneous exercise: yes
Did planned exercise: no
Wrote out food plan for tomorrow: no
Tracked today’s food: no
Left food on my plate: some
Ate only to normal fullness: some
Identified and responded to a self-deluding thought: yes

BillBlueEyes, great job hauling boxes and not the potatoes (to your mouth).

Eusebius, thanks again for the hugs! Unfortunately, a change (for the MUCH better) in advisors at 2 ½ years into school + a husband that wants to move out of the country ASAP + no grant funding has me backed in to a corner. Thanks for the advice. It helps a lot knowing others here understand academia culture. Frozen dinners are a useful crutch when the freezer’s empty of home-cooked meals.

HollyP, you totally have earned those credits! Great job!

LadyM0208, welcome! This is a great group of people. I think you will really like it here!

Lexxiss, thanks so much for the hugs! That means a lot to me. Great job for getting organized! Hope you found a calm environment for planning today.

MapLover, are you a perfectionist? Your description of getting more delayed the closer a deadline comes sounds like me. I’m glad you put the bad eating day behind you! Thanks for the extra support.

Maryann, I am sorry the day was such a struggle for you. But, I think your family will forgive your behavior for one day. (And most of the rest of us want to give you a medal of honor for handling 93 kids on ANY day, much less while doing this!) I also guess that your family sees that you struggle and want to support you. I REALLY struggled with the skipping a meal day the first time I did it. I put it off for the longest time. When I did do it, I ended up coming home early and taking a nap during part of the day. My husband told me he thought that missed the point of the day, so I ended up repeating it. The second time wasn’t as bad, but I’m not sure why. I think I just planned for a busy day that wasn’t too stressful, which helped. Thinking about my actions over the last few months, it sounds like I will be repeating it after the semester ends, as there have been a few too many “tide-me-over” unhealthy, unplanned snacks. Thanks for the reminder.

PamAtGA, great job with the impromptu pizza. I’m not sure how Beckian it is, but unless I am able to juggle like that occasionally, while staying on my food program, I end up giving up. I just need more flexibility/occasional spontaneity in my life. Thanks for your supportive words. I’m definitely learning that I don’t miss certain standard events from when I worked full time. One example is eating out. My husband and I were going to go out to eat tonight. We spent 10 minutes trying to find a place that suited our moods, and we didn’t come up with anything with less than an hour drive. Thus the soup and crescent rolls.

SarahBennett21, *slap*! (That’s a loaner slap though. I’ll need it back when I’m getting sick next. That is totally a go-to reaction for me!) Glad you were getting back in the swing of things!

Tazzy, good job putting dinner behind you, and exercising to get over that feeling. Great job with swimming, in spite of Phelps passing you!
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Old 12-07-2011, 11:58 PM   #68  
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Hello coaches and buddies!

Well, did so good today and stayed OP until dinner, did pretty good but had a bite of ice-cream and some popcorn that was not planned. I was shoveling into my mouth thinking how stressed I was today with all this Xmas gift planning and the twins school stuff! Loving hubby and even my mom offer to help!

But overall not a bad day

Read cards 3x
Planned exercise yes
Unplanned no
Sat for most of meals yes
Nibbled. Yes slightly
Stayed op. 90% so
Ate slowly yes
Mindfully? Does computer work make it unmindful? Probably so
Dinner was at table. Credit
Non sabatoging thoughts all morning
Left 2 bites of breakfast

Tomorrow work again on snacking, no planned exercise, REST day
Plan meals, will do now
Try to de stress!!! Getting a little carried away today with stressors

@LadyM how are you doing?

@Tazzy, hope you alleviated your fullness, my goal is to wake up hungry in the am most days, don't like waking full!

@Maryann, I'm very scared to do the skipping meal day but I know
I can do it and be just fine, beck has given me the courage that I can push through hunger and be fine, still procrastinating in that one

@Erika, hi! In just jumped into the book and really didn't do it a day by day organized thing, but this seems to work and the things I struggle with are what I've always struggled with, some things just don't change just improve I guess

@ pamatga, great job thinking the pizza through. I am proud of you for that. Hard to do when it comes to pizza and your distractions worked beautifully

Have a great night all,
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Old 12-08-2011, 03:35 AM   #69  
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Hey there everyone! I'm joining in. I've been eating healthier for the last week. I've been scouring my entire house for my Beck Diet book (pink one), finally had my husband get the book from the library, and then found my Beck book.

My Advantages are:
~I will look better
~My hooping practice will be stronger, faster, and more diverse. I'll probably even be able to downsize my hoops and do tricks that I can't do currently. Hooping costumes would be more feasible for a smaller body, too.
~My scrubs will fit better. I will be able to fit into the scrub pants that are are too tight now and replace the ones that have just torn (two pairs in three weeks). Scrubs are so expensive in fat girl sizes.
~I won't have to worry about diabetes and my knee will feel better.
~I could get an atomic hoop.

Over the last few weeks, I was implementing a few of the things I remembered from Beck like standing while eating (still not fantastic about it) and giving credit. Hopefully I will last more than six days compared to the last time I tried Beck. I'm more motivated this time than the last. I tell my husband that weight loss may seem more expensive now but in the long run, I'd say we could save $1000 for the extra 10-30 that are added on all fat clothes, bras, coats, ordering stuff online that's my size, etc.
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Old 12-08-2011, 05:48 AM   #70  
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In honor of your first post,

How did you learn about the books by Dr. Judith Beck?

And how did you find this Beck Thread on 3 Fat Chicks?
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Old 12-08-2011, 05:48 AM   #71  
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Just in case you didn't get this 4+ years ago,

How did you learn about the books by Dr. Judith Beck?

And how did you find the Beck Thread on 3FC?
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Old 12-08-2011, 05:57 AM   #72  
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Thumbs up Thursday

Diet Coaches/Buddies - It rained all day - if it had been colder, I'd still be shoveling snow, LOL. The call to eat something came with some frustration that, one more time, the thing I was doing was turning out mediocre. I thought about my Advantages and that the urge had nothing to do with my body's need for food. I stood it down; CREDIT moi.

Erika (eusebius) – Yep, Kudos for resisting food after dinner.

Debbie (Lexxiss) – LOL at living a week in two days - Yep, I've had those. Hope you find some WiFi drifting by while you're with your mother for her eye appointment.

FutureFitChick – Kudos for breakfast 100% on plan and for giving yourself credit for that. Congrats for choosing a husband who'll make dinner for you.

Pam (pamaga) – Yay for ample sleep. [LMAO at your Plan A/B/C attempts to control books - that sounds so much like our house. DW has found additional places where she donates our books that have the feeling they're sure to be appreciated. It's easier for me if our nature books go to a group known to appreciate nature than just to Good Will. Someday I hope to let go of the feeling that I'm responsible for finding a good home for any material item that passes through my life.]

maryann - Ouch for a tough hunger experiment, with my continued admiration for accomplishing anything in the presence of 93 twelve year olds. Kudos for giving yourself a neat list of credits.

Tazzy - Interesting that it seems to happen that over eating is easier when some food isn't that good. It's always bugged me that I wasn't carrying extra pounds from gourmet foods but from store bought cookies. [Yep, I've got to sort my clothes - seems stupid to put stuff back in the dresser that I never intend to wear.]

maplover – Ouch for a rough day, with Kudos for surviving it and seeing a better day arrive. Kudos for working on your environment - it helps me when I do that.

Hollyp – LOL at the Sabotaging Thought that a high calorie meal is good for revving metabolism - laughing because some people really believe that. For me it's just as you put it, a Sabotaging Thought. Ouch for that jumbo chocolate chip cookie - seems like you need a training session with your DH, LOL. Kudos for leaving those two bites at breakfast.

sarahbennett21 – Kudos for putting yourself back on track. Now you've reminded me that I've never had clotted cream and drool every time I read about it. Do I only use it in tea or can I dish it out over anything that, say, whipped cream might cover, like a hot apple pie? [Same here, raised to never throw food away.]

ladym0208 – Diet Coach / Diet Buddy is what we do here. We'll be glad to be yours if you will, in turn, be Diet Coach for us. If you haven't looked around yet, you'll find a bunch of neat Threads here on 3FC that might also interest you - including a Weight Watchers group. Glad that you've joined us.

Daimere – Gotta laugh at your hunt for your Beck book - because that's so like what goes on here. I've found three copies of the same book when I finally got some order into our shelves because I'd keep buying replacements.

You mention hoop costumes - does that mean you are hooping competitively? What a neat exercise, and a great place to think of rewards as you stick to your plan. Glad that you've joined us.

Readers -
chapter 4 Stage 1 The Success Skills Plan
Success Skill 7

Plan and Monitor Your Eating

I really want you to take the pain out of dieting. The painful part comes when dieters are tempted by foods they know they shouldn't eat and struggle with the decision of whether or not to give in.

Judith S. Beck, Ph.D., The Complete Beck Diet for Life (Green book), pg 89.
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Old 12-08-2011, 06:28 AM   #73  
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How did you learn about the books by Dr. Judith Beck?

And how did you find the Beck Thread on 3FC?
I don't remember. I remember buying it years ago when I lost 80 pounds but didn't really use it. I think at the same time I bought Think Thin, Be Thin, Body Esteem and the pink book. I was on Weight Watchers then and loved that it was all mind and no diet. I want as much mental things that will help me be successful! Like an arsenal in my skull when I'm feeling weak. Also, I'm a collector of diet books. If I get one good idea out of it, it's worth it.

Before finding my book, I kept lurking in here which was motivating me to get that book. Funny thing is that it was in a pile (I moved months ago) that I checked 3 times. I just never looked at the last book in said pile. My thought was like, "It's bright pink, surely I will find it!" Nope.

You mention hoop costumes - does that mean you are hooping competitively? What a neat exercise, and a great place to think of rewards as you stick to your plan. Glad that you've joined us.
Not yet but I want to dress up for my hoop videos but to cover all the things I want covered sucks! Also, I want to join the March Madness Marching Band and I would have to have costumes to be festive for the parades. Then when I go to hooping retreats, costumes are awesome at the big hoop jams!

Sometimes when I'm working out and I feel like quitting, I think to myself, "If you finish your reps, this will make you a better hooper." It keeps me going till my reps are done. ^_^ I'm pretty sure my dedication to my hoop will keep me going.

Last edited by Daimere; 12-08-2011 at 06:35 AM.
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Old 12-08-2011, 07:00 AM   #74  
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Hi Coaches/Buddies/Friends!

Once again, yesterday defied planning. My plan for WIFI at mom's appt. evaporated when DH decided to go with us. Instantaneously, I had to plan for what he wanted to do AND arrange to take the pup with us. My thought of a quiet day got very complicated, but I recognized DH did need to get out. I had encouraged him to come, but hadn't figured on his saying yes.
I had not one sample at Whole Foods or Costco AND didn't even think about it.*credit* Lunch was a "treat meal" (sinceDH was with us) but I really thought it out beforehand. (DH and Mom both wanted Mexican). I drove an extra distance to a restaurant with healthier preparation, took time in ordering for special requests (no cheese, whole beans-not refried, extra lettuce/tomato) AND gave bites to DH. I remembered to hop on the scale even as I rushed to get ready and was rewarded with a good reading. *credit* for all.

Hollyp, you mentioned yesterday to Erika, "the things I struggle with are what I've always struggled with, some things don't change just improve I guess"
I want to share with you that the longer I persist and work this program the greater my possibility for change VS improvement. Yesterday I did not realize until AFTER I had negotiated BOTH Whole Foods and Costco that I had not one thought of looking for free samples. My take is that we did not get this way overnight and a quick fix would be short of a miracle. The physical act of "keep trying" WILL lead to a permanent fix. The catch is that part of the permanent fix is to "keep trying". Kudos for making a plan to work again on snacking...and the rest of it.

BillBlueEyes, perhaps your dream "to own only a select set of clothes that I wear regularly" can be put on a card. That dream can become reality as you visualize satisfaction in the simplicity of it. Yay for leaving that baked potato for the worms.

Daimere, Great job finding your Beck book and listing your Advantages. I have found that this group of coaches/buddies has made the difference for me in sticking it out for the long run.

ladym0208, Thanks for posting and credit for chosing your two diets!

FutureFitChick, great that you recognize that reading your cards before meals will help. My dinner cards sit right near where we eat and it really helps. Yay for 100% OP breakfast AND thinking of us, too.

Tazzy, yay for lots of exercise, which I really believe helps to keep us mindful of all the other weight related influences in our lives.

MaryAnn, great that you did not respond to your very stressful day by "crazy overeating".

maplover, I have had to come up with a "plan" for procrastination, because I acknowledge that it affects my food obsessions. Making a list really helps and I target the "most procrastinated" chores first. Once I can cross the worst one off the rest get easier. It's acceptance for me: my environment affects my food choices. Period.

Pam(atga), congrats on breaking that significant number on the scale! Fantastic! Yay for checking with your plan for the day "before" ordering pizza. I believe that is a major skill for long term success!

Erika(eusebius), I'm really glad you're back checking in with us. I've been over a week w/o personals BUT the checking in is so important to me. I, too, live an ultra busy/crazy day to day life. My WL is very slow but by keeping up with checking in I am really finding an ability to do away with the big scale swings up and down. Yay for finding some frozen meals which can help you to stay with some portion/ingredient control.

sarahbennett21, *big smile* and kudos for finding out that your own rhythm tip put YOU back on track! PS I find that there are many 0 calorie zippy beverages for boosting one's immune system and keep them in the cupboard to counter sabotaging thoughts.
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Old 12-08-2011, 09:12 AM   #75  
Fighting Piano Butt!
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Morning all,

Another successful day and this time the exercise is making a huge difference. Yesterday I did an hour of yoga and it really paid off. For once I didn't have any aches and pains! (I did, however, have an aching back after standing and singing for an hour and a half at choir rehearsal. I hope this will be mitigated in future when I'm not lugging so much extra weight around …)

I got on the scale this morning and I was already down 4.8 pounds since Sunday. I realize this is mostly water but it's nice to see. I think I'm getting to the age where I really need the exercise as well as proper diet to see weight loss. It's taken me a few months to get up the gumption to do serious exercise again so I hope I can stay on track.

Today the piano technician is coming, so it will be nice to have a cleanly tuned piano with no sticky keys again

Pam (pamatga) - WTG with your healthy habits, and controlling your pizza portions!

maplover - I can really sympathize with the procrastination issue. I have to keep saying "one thing at a time" to myself … it is a mantra sometimes! Big kudos for eliminating temptation from your kitchen!

maryann - (((hugs))) - sounds like the hunger experiment was a valuable but painful experience. Even blood sugar is very important to me too. Kudos for the balanced, healthy lifestyle you have created for yourself!

Tazzy - credit for noticing when you had eaten past full last night and getting back on track. Very impressed that you're swimming - I find that one of the most challenging forms of exercise for me.

FFC - good reminder about reading response cards before meals!

Holly - kudos for being honest with yourself & us about your unplanned food. Sounds like a good day otherwise - well done!

Daimere - Welcome!! Thanks for sharing your advantages card with us. Keep posting here - it really helps and this is a great group of supportive people.

BillBE - Well done remembering your advantages and strengthening your resistance muscle (You must have a Schwarzenegger-sized resistance muscle by now, LOL!)

Debbie (Lexxiss) - Kudos for your graceful handling of a chaotic day!! Very inspiring that you could stay OP in those circumstances. Thanks for welcoming me back - it means a lot and you're definitely someone I missed hearing from/about!

Time to enjoy some coffee and the second chapter of "The Tale of Genji" which I'm enjoying very much. Happy Thursday, all!
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