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Old 06-03-2013, 10:24 AM   #121  
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Hello all...

PERSONAL INFORMATION: 56 years old (as I mentioned) I live alone with two cats and a couple hives of honeybees in the back yard. I'm a librarian at the local community college and also a professional musician. I have, perhaps, too many hobbies - gardening, beekeeping, cooking, sewing & quilting, historical reenactments, and I read quite a lot. I own a 100 year old house in an historic district that is a wonderfully functional neighborhood. A lot of my social activity is with my neighbors, which is a nice situation to be in.

DIET / EXERCISE REGIMEN: I've been struggling with my weight (real or perceived) all my life. I'm fairly tall (5'9") and because of my height I appeared (and felt) big even when I wasn't heavy. I didn't really become overweight until I hit my forties (though I always thought I was) then gained up to 205. I managed to lose 40 pounds using the Prism program. That was 8 years ago, and for the past couple years I've been gaining again (15 lbs now). I have tried Weight Watchers a couple times but never could get into it. My current plan is simply to log my food, count calories (staying between 1200 & 1400 daily), and exercise at least 3 times a week. Sounds simple but isn't (as I suspect most folks here already know).

SPECIAL HOPES / ASPIRATIONS / ACHIEVMENTS / CHALLENGES: My hope is to get to a point where I eat in a healthy manner naturally. One of the problems I had with the WW meetings I attended was the attitude that bingeing is a given. They would laugh about it, but there was never a though given to overcoming bad habits, only managing them.

In addition, I have some celiac issues which extend beyond gluten intolerance. I have trouble digesting grains of any kind - some more than others, wheat, rice & soy are particular problems; corn, millet, amaranth aren't so bad. So in addition to having to think about calories and I also have to think about what kind of digestive distress foods are going to cause.
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Old 06-07-2013, 12:52 AM   #122  
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Hi, I’m 56 years young. Married for 30 years and live in northern Wisconsin. I have 2 sons, 2 daughters and a stepson. My 4 kids all have been or are in the Military. We have 3 cats, 2 were inherited when our boys were deployed. My husband and I enjoy going to Renaissance Faires. And yes, we do dress in garb and love it. I enjoy reading and walking.

Somewhere between the time we got married and now, I gained 105 lbs. I have been on and off diets and diet pills for years. I have always wanted to lose NOW. I always gained the weight back and then some. This time I have mini goals and a final goal that I am working towards. I also am not trying to lose the weight fast anymore. It is working better, for me, to lose slowly and consistently. Two months ago my weight was 236 and I am now 219. My first goal is 200 by August. The final goal is 150. I have joined Medifast because I have to be “accountable” to someone regarding my weight.

At this time my biggest challenge is getting over the stress I have. For the last 10 years our 4 kids have been deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan. Our youngest son is deployed to Afghanistan, again. All together “we” have been on 10 deployments with our kids. This is our last deployment. I can’t wait for him to come home and see the “new” me. Our oldest daughter lives in FL, youngest daughter lives in NC and oldest son lives here in WI. The girls do not know I am losing weight. I also want them to see the new me when we all get together for our sons homecoming. All the deployments have caused stress which equals eating a lot of junk food. It all stops now!
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Old 06-16-2013, 01:21 AM   #123  
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Hi, I'm a 62 year old married 240lb women with a slight disability who is angry that I have done this to myself again. Have had back "issues" for the last 15 years which resulted in surgeries. The last one when the 12 screws went in I had complications that left mobility issues. I loved to exercise went to the gym and did pilates up to then. My last surgery I weighed 170 and then stuff happended and now I'm 70 pds heavier I have to get the weight off. My health will benefit greatly and my sense of worth as well.
Joined WW last week and slowly getting on board. Wish the weight would come off as easily as it went on.
Would like to be down 15 pd by Aug, when a family reunion is planned. With the help of this site and all the people who share the ups and downs I am hoping to be successful.
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Old 06-21-2013, 08:17 PM   #124  
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* I am 55 years old ... I am HisWinterRose: I LOVE roses & I'm in the WINTER part of my life which means MENO - PAUSE has officially come to stay !!!

* I've been married for 35 years to a wonderful man whom I met in my SENIOR YEAR of HIGH SCHOOL as he was in the Air Force at the time that we met.

* We have 3 cats ... 2 females & 1 3 month old kitten whom we call Silver Surfer. I also enjoy photography & scrap booking in the fall & winter mos. As for work ... I am NOT working at this time as the ONLY JOB I have is MOM & WIFE and that is enough for me !! Sometime I will be GRANDMA but for right now I'm having a good time w/ my daughter as she is still here at home with us !! Music ... I am one who LOVES the OLDIES but then my daughter and her sweetheart have gotten me hooked on COUNTRY !!!

DIET / EXERCISE REGIMEN: I want to loose at lease 20 POUNDS by next year if I can as I want to get it off before I have to see my DOCTOR again for my YEARLY CHECK UP !! { I am 160 right now so I am wanting to get to 140 } so my exercise regimen is having to be on hold till I can get my knee 100% as I have just had a good cleaning out and I need to get it feeling good so for right now I am just getting my exercise walking up and down the stairs !!

SPECIAL HOPES / ASPIRATIONS / ACHIEVMENTS / CHALLENGES: I will have to get back with you on this !!

* My Children ... As I said I have 3 adult children. My oldest son is 31 years old and married for almost 5 years in August, My #2 son is 29 years old and, single with his pet cat & works all the time, My daughter { who just joined - here tonight < somebodys_angel - I think > and so she is 24 years old and is engaged to a wonderful young man who right now is away from us and so she wants to look good for him and so I am going to work hard to help her reach her GOAL so ... those are my kids !!!

So if you want to know more just ask or send a request !! See you soon !!
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Old 06-21-2013, 11:03 PM   #125  
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Welcome to all of you. Gosh! I'm so sorry that I haven't been over to Welcome you sooner... Things just seemed to get so busy and I sometimes find myself coming when I should be going! Glad to have you join us and come check us out at Hope to see you there and I know you will love it as much as we all do!!
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Old 07-26-2013, 09:12 PM   #126  
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Hi to everyone! I am now 60. I have been on IP now for one month. I have lost 16lbs and very happy about that. I am a wife, mother of two women and a grandmother of 4+(waiting for number 5 to be born any day now). In June of 2011 I had gastric sleeve surgery and lost 80lbs. Last summer I started to gain weight back and found myself with 30lbs back on. I knew a friend of mine that did this in 2011 and it worked well for her. So here I am learning alot from all of you and so happy about my first month's loss. Right now I have zucchni chips in the oven drying. Love all the info on these sites and the support. I started at 272 and looking forward to each week on my journey.
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Old 07-28-2013, 11:18 AM   #127  
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Hello everyone, I am 53 years old and I have a lot of weight to loose it was getting the better of me. I found this site and the people on it inspired me to go on a 1500 calorie diet and to think about exercising. I have one daughter and two grandchildern. Before I got so overweight I enjoyed walking and hiking which I would love to do again. I live in alabama.

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Old 07-31-2013, 02:41 PM   #128  
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Hello to All,
I am a 57 years old, at 5'1" am tipping the scales at 160 pounds. Would like to try and loose @ 40 pounds before next Spring. Who wants to start the New Year with another weight loss resolution? Well, not me!
Looking forward to getting support and giving support throughout my weight loss journey. I am planning on a balanced 1200 calorie diet, full of big leafy green veggies to help fill me up and keep me from the snacks.
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Old 08-11-2013, 11:24 AM   #129  
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Hello all,
I am 54, wife of a wonderful man, mother of two beautiful daughters, daughter of a spry 90-something dad, teacher of special children, adopted mom of a seven-pound terrier, and scared silly that my excess weight will cause some terrible disease to creep up on me.
I love life. Adore the saying, "Life is Beautiful" and have displayed it all over my home. I'm not so beautiful though. I weighed 130 pounds at my wedding 35 years ago and now weigh 250 pounds. I've had a 50 pound weight gain during the past two years, but I've been struggling with my weight for almost 20 years and when I look at old pictures of myself I want to cry. I know I'll never look the same, age has taken my skin's elasticity, but I could look great from behind, maybe?
My hobbies are learning new things, reading, writing fiction, trying to establish a cottage garden, decorating my home with handmade or upcycled items, and my most enjoyable times are with my much-loved family.
I'm looking for support here. I need it badly. I've set tomorrow as the day I begin to try in earnest to eat wisely and exercise. I hate to exercise. I can't tell you how much I hate to exercise, and now I have plantar's fasciitis which is extremely painful and throws my balance completely off at times.
Sorry this is so long. I'm hoping to find a few supportive friends to help me with this weight battle.
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Old 08-11-2013, 12:08 PM   #130  
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Welcome Rytre ~ come on down to the Golden Girls thread ~ pretty awesome bunch of ladies. Looking forward to getting to know you.
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Old 08-11-2013, 02:35 PM   #131  
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I'm Annette. I'm nearing 52 and I saw this group and decided to join in. It's good to see so many of you out there enjoying your lives.

I've had weight issues my whole life. Was the cute but fat little girl who got picked on so much in school that I was extremely shy for much of my life. I starved myself down to goal weight in high school but it wasn't like in the movies where I was suddenly dating the quarterback. These were people who were used to picking on me so it only got worse and being shy and hating the extra negative attention I regained most of it. After I got married just out of college my weight went up and down a lot. We had an autistic son and his early years were very stressful. In my early 40s I got obsessive, lost over 100lbs but ended up bulimic and sick. I've never looked so good in my life or been so absolutely miserable. It's not all about the skinny...that's for sure. My husband died in 05 and for the next few years I was in survival mode. I had to move and raise our autistic son alone and I gained all the weight back...but in some odd way I was happier because I was focusing on something besides weight and I vowed that fat or thin I would NEVER get obsessive again.

Anyway, now I'm in my 50s and yep...I LIKE being 50+. I feel like I know myself now... I can breathe. Nobody expects me to look like a super-model and I honestly don't really care what anybody expects now anyway. I fully intend to enjoy getting older and being a female curmudgeon. Not shy anymore...I say what I think.

For the first time in my life I can honestly say I'm going to lose some weight "for myself" and "for my health" and "just to feel better"...and actually MEAN it. I'm not in any desperate rush to look better for someone else so I can take my time...and if I get a little healthier and/or a little smarter every day...I'm good.

I'm gluten-free for health reasons and I'm going to be following a modified version of the South Beach Diet...MY way and in my own good time. Would love some support and laughs along the way.
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Old 08-11-2013, 03:15 PM   #132  
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Welcome to you too Annette ~ come join us down on the Golden Girls thread ~ very nice bunch of ladies.
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Old 09-02-2013, 12:35 PM   #133  
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Good Afternoon on a wonderful sunny humid day in Northern Florida.

Will be 62 in another month, married to my best friend/husband for forty years (wouldn't trade him for the world). Our children are four legged, horses, a spoiled rotten donkey, dogs and cats.

Currently want to lose 20 pounds for starters, when I reach that goal would like to lose another 10, but it will be one step at a time. This past year I went back to work in an office and the old saying "Office Chair Spread" is so true. My work day is usally 10 hrs and then commuting time, when I get home I am too exhausted to do much exercise and my eating habits are grabbing something quick, easy and not necessarily nutritious. Really need to get motivated and change eating habits.

Part of my motivation is to get back in shape is that I want to be healthier, but most of all to trail ride with my horses this fall/winter, love the peace and quiet of the woods and Mother Nature's beauty. Hopefully with the help of this group, this will be the kick start and encouragement to do so, and not give up.
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Old 09-09-2013, 11:45 AM   #134  
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I'm Kris form Iowa. I have 2 children and 5 grandkids. Our grandkids range in ages from 21 to 8 years old. They all live within 30 minutes of us.
We have 3 dogs (2 corgis’ and doxie) and 1 cat. They have all been adopted from shelters. My husband and I have classic cars and do plenty
of car shows and cruise nights. My hobbies is rug making. I have a large loom to weave rugs on. What I make is the old rag rugs.

I have had some health issues lately and I work a very stressful job. So,
last week I started back on weight watchers . I need to lose 60 to 70 pounds.

Wish me luck
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Old 09-17-2013, 07:18 PM   #135  
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Good Morning! I am new here, I just joined up. I am hoping somebody can tell me about the blogs and when they may return, as I would like to write down daily items. It helps to write things down!
Anyway, I am 58. My weight problem started once I had my daughter and did not get my figure back when I should have. I suffer depression and anybody who is depressed knows there is no motivation when you are down. That means when your mood goes up, you look at yourself and say "whatever did I do to myself, I must get back on the beaten path"
I had a lap band put in two years ago, and I went down from 287 to my lowest weight, 210, and then I stayed there between 210-215 for a long time. I wanted to get under 200lbs but I went through a long bout of depression which meant I didn't care about myself at all and just ate to feel good. Now I am on a new pill and starting to feel better, I find I have gotten up to 238lbs and if I let it go any further I will find myself up to 300lbs again. Also I have issues with high blood pressure, thyroid, cholesterol and my left knee and ankle is very bad. If I stand too long, I wear my two braces. So I have to get back on track and shift this weight so my body doesn't get any worse. I need to take weight off this leg.
I am married, have one daughter and 2 grandsons, who are the light of my life. The older one is 9, and the younger 1year and 3 months old.
I hope with sharing support with people around my age, I can get under 200lbs, and would love to get to my goal weight of, Cassilda
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