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Old 01-10-2017, 09:58 AM   #226  
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Hi Everyone,
Well this is a bit about me

Earlybird don't steroids make it difficult to control eating. Maybe that is the problem.Not sure when you had them or the length of effect but maybe if you know it is a temporary thing it will give you peace of mind . I know my eating gets crazy when I am worried.

I was on this site in 2005 and haven't been here in like 6 years but I need to be! And want to be!
A little about me.
I am 59, 60 in a couple of months. I have gotten too comfortable in my overweight body. It is easy for me to ignore it unless I am in front of a full length mirror or in a store trying on new clothes. I waitress and can run circles around the young people so I ve justified that I am fit but I am not but I will be.
I have a great family 2 college age girls and a great hubby and a group of supportive friends. But I don t want to talk about a lot of diet stuff with them I don t want it to be the focus of our conversations.
I started the diabetes Miracle Diet which sounds like one of those fad diets but is not. It is more of a long term plan to keep blood sugar levels even. My sister has a friend that was pre diabetic and went on the program and has been able to eat this way and maintain his weight loss for years.
So I will be on here when that carzy diet mentality hits me and I need someone to talk me down lol. Also hope to support others.
Ok out of here to go buy some program friendly foods
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Old 01-10-2017, 10:40 AM   #227  
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Hi Sharon (Thatsok)

Can you share with me the name and author of the book the diabetes miracle diet?

Thank you for your help ~ and welcome back.

You could join us on the Golden Girls Thread ~ it is a small group ~ the three of us happen to be diabetics. We share about diet and just life in general.

Hope you join us.

Take care ~ Gayle
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Old 01-11-2017, 09:51 AM   #228  
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Well, I'm back -- again -- for what is probably the tenth time. My "plan" to start a serious lifestyle change regarding eating on 1/04/17 (my back to work day) certainly didn't happen. Still hasn't. Waiting for motivation, which hasn't been a part of my life for a long time. I struggle with depression -- and foolishly thought at my advanced age of 67 that would be long gone. Not happened yet. And the night time eating which began WAY back in my 40's? Still here. But honestly, just logging onto this site makes me feel a teeny tiny bit more in control. Thanks, Chicks, for being with me thru "thick" and a few blessed years of "thin" (before the "thick" won out again, haha). Be back soon.
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Old 01-11-2017, 10:02 AM   #229  
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Hi OK Lizzy can really relate to your post regarding getting in control and each step feels like I am getting there. I also have/do deal with depression. Glad to see you here.

Gayle The book is called The Diabetic Miracle and the author is Diane Kress . Thanks for the welcome and the invite to the other group I will be there.

Well for me almost got into that diet mentality last night but stuck with it and made it through another day. One day at a time. I tried to get some low carb bread at our local store yesterday with no luck so off to the shop rite or Trader Joes to get that and othe program friendly food.

Have a great day!
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Old 03-13-2017, 05:09 PM   #230  
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Hi! I'm Nana T and I'm 60 years old. I'm a stay at home wife and mother of 7. My youngest is 14 (I know, I know) so I'm still mothering.

I never had any issues with weight until menopause and then suddenly, I started gaining. Before, I could eat anything I liked but it's clear to me now that those days are over. I currently weigh 170, an all time, non-pregnant high, and my goal weight is 130, which is what I feel best at as far as energy level. I'm 5'7".

I'm fairly sedentary because my hobbies are things like knitting, sewing, crocheting, writing and watching movies. I want to change that, too, and become a little more active. I'm fortunate not to have any real health issues that affect my daily life. I have a heart valve issue but switching to decaf coffee has taken care of the few symptoms I was having. I have a few aches and pains in my joints, which is probably my main reason for wanting to lose the extra weight. I'm hoping it will alleviate some of that but even if it doesn't, I'm sure I will have more energy when I get to my goal weight. Otherwise, I'm crazy lucky to be healthy and not on any medication.

I think I'm going to try the One Meal a Day approach since I never eat in the morning and often skip lunch. It's dinner and snacking that has put on the extra weight because my food choices are currently pretty bad. So I'm going to shoot for 1200 calories a day - at least to get my weight loss started. I'm joining this forum for tips and camaraderie and I look forward to getting to know people here.
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Old 05-04-2017, 03:17 PM   #231  
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Hi. I'm Lilion and I was here a thousand years ago. Well, okay...looks like I joined in 2005 and stopped posting February 10, 2011. I wonder why? I truly don't remember stopping, but long and short of it is this:

I lost 100 lbs. I weighed 228 at my lowest and was 28 lbs from my "goal" of 200. It took me two years to lose it. Then, it was over. It was like a switch flipped and I just stopped trying. I maintained for a short time and then slowly (though much more quickly than I should have) I gained it back. Now I'm starting over. A while back I found a letter I had written to myself that mentioned 3fc and I thought, "I wonder if that site even still exists?"

And here you are.

When I lost before, I did all the right things. I changed my lifestyle, my manner of cooking, I worked out and did more healthy things. It wasn't a "diet". I just stopped and went back to the way it was before. Sad, huh?

My husband was doing it with me and he stopped too. We just slowly went back to our bad habits...too many snacks, eating out too much, sleeping in and skipping the workout, flopping down in a chair at the end of the day and just vegging out instead of doing something - anything. He gained too...all he'd lost +.

So he and I are back at it. With an empty nest and time for ourselves, it's time we got healthy.

Back in the day I was very active on the 300+ and the 40-something group. I outgrew the second...and grew back into the first. I was amused to find my old posts and recipes and such still here. I belong in the 50-somethings. I hope you'll have me.
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Old 06-28-2017, 12:54 PM   #232  
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Cool losing that same 13#. sigh.

I'm new here and not even sure if I'm posting this correctly!

I'm 61, 5'7" and weigh 147. I am trying to lose 13#. I have been trying to lose this 13# for a long time. grrr

I'm a farmer and very active, but seem to have acquired a "friendly" muffin top and "exciting" spare tire. not happy with these developments!! When I remember to stick my little Fitbit in my pocket it usually reads between 10,500-15,000 steps/day. One would think this enough to keep skinny, but I think I will try to add 2 miles of race-walking/day and see if some of the blob comes off...

I do better if I weigh every day, and have an "event" to look forward to - then I know I will wear something other than my daily T-shirt and jeans.

I have some rendez-vous coming up this summer: birthday, sibling weekend, friends' anniversary party, in-law side picnic, friend's wedding in August, so there is plenty of incentive! I sew a lot and have some neat clothes, I just refuse to wear them with unconcealed bulges!

So looking for some accountability by coming here...looks like a great group.

Last edited by Beanisdead; 07-03-2017 at 12:53 PM. Reason: can't figure out how to post new message
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Old 06-28-2017, 02:00 PM   #233  
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Welcome beanisdead ~ glad you've joined us.
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Old 08-04-2017, 05:06 PM   #234  
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Making the rounds. Not here long enough to get a slider but I have been here a few days and have intro-ed in the 50+ and the general introductions. At 61 (soon to be 62) I am over 100lbs overweight and have fought the struggle many years. In not quite 2 weeks of Bright Line Eating I have lost 8 lbs and I feel good about that - I also feel good about the diet though I have not done the Boot Camp or anything. Honestly I am not hungry on this and am pleased how the taste of fruit now seems to be so much sweeter now that I have ditched sugar. I used to sweeten blackberries but today I had some and WOW. So I am hoping this will provide the long term structure I need. 3 meals a day, basic nutrient groupings. No sugar no flour. My reflux is improving. I don't feel bloated. And bathroom trips are easy. I think the payoff is worth it if this works.

I have tried many things over the years and never lost my post pregnancy weight from 35 years ago. I know there are folks here over 50 who have done that so maybe this is the most important sub forum of all to participate in. We know it is more challenging as we get older.

Looking forward to read about some of you!
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Old 08-05-2017, 07:15 AM   #235  
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Cool JulieC here --

Good Morning Everyone

My name is Julie and I am working towards a new me for 2017. I have been on a diet for as long as I can remember. I also remember my doc telling me back in my 20's I was too thin. Anyway-- I'm determined this is the year to drop some weight (again) but keep it off for a change.

I took on a full time desk job a little over 6 years ago. Prior to that I was a Curves coach and also a store merchandiser. Now I sit at my desk all day long. I was shocked when I got a fit bit last year and realized I was walking less than 2000 steps a day! This from a former 12000-15000 steps 6 or 8 years ago.

I have been married for 34 years. My husband is 22 years older than me and age has not been good to him. We have 2 cats that keep us company nowadays. Our daughter is married and we have a 12 year old grandson. There are also for kids from his first marriage and lots of grands. Almost all those grands adults now too.

My exercise the past few months has consisted of walking a mile and a half 3 days a week and one day of yoga. Sometimes, I get in a day or so more of yoga. I'm a former Zumba enthusiast, (my daughter instructs) but I've gotten away from that. I have a stationary bike but it currently is a coat rack.

I started the Ideal Protein Diet 1 week ago Friday at 190.2 lbs. Current weigh in was 185.2 . I'm hoping this diet gives my metabolism the jump this body needs. I lost 30 pounds with Nutrisystem 4 years ago but slowly gained it back and then couldn't lose more than 5 pounds or so. I'm a carb lover so I hope Ideal Protein smashes that love.

What a rude awakening to realize I am past being a senior citizen at 57. How did I get to this age? I still think of myself as the young one. lol Age is just a number. My hubby and I proved that for our entire married life. Yes, it's caught up with him now at 78 but he fought it for a long time. A couple accidents 2 years ago slowed him down.
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Old 12-27-2017, 10:14 PM   #236  
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Hi all
Just turned 50 this year and have been putting on weight steadily for a long time - have fallen into a doughnuts and netflix life which isn't doing me any favours! Hoping to get back in control and eat better, get more exercise and shift some of the 300+ lbs I'm carrying around at the moment.
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Old 01-05-2018, 04:34 PM   #237  
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I will be 60 in February. I lost 50 pounds on the South Beach Diet and really enjoyed the support and friendships I found in the South Beach Diet section of 3FC. I drifted away when my husband and I switched to a vegan diet. I've kept the 50 pounds off and have been happy and active even though I'm still overweight.

Anyway, I was recently diagnosed with an inflammatory arthritis and have been encouraged to get my BMI down to 21 or 22 to help with the pain. I know what I need to do - stick to 3 good meals a day and quit my junk food snacking. I can do it - but I don't like it! So here I am back at 3FC looking for support and camaraderie. I am looking forward to making some new friends, encouraging others and being encouraged.
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Old 02-15-2018, 02:09 PM   #238  
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I'm Ruth and I'm 56, and a diabetic. Haven't visited this board for years, but just rediscovered it.

I've been following a Keto diet for 8 months now and have lost 63 lbs. This has really brought my blood sugars under control, as well.
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Old 06-24-2018, 10:58 AM   #239  
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Personal Info: I'm 53 years old. I'll be married 10 years this September. I have a son, daughter-in-law, 2 yr old granddaughter and 1 month old grandson, plus a teenage stepdaughter and stepson. I live in Roanoke, Virginia and I am a Retail Merchandiser for Hallmark. I have a little pekingese/chihuahua mix whom I love so much. She is my baby and is the Queen of this castle.

Diet/Exercise Regimen: I just started once again, so I am trying to slowly ease back into healthy eating and exercise by doing it a little more at a time. I am striving to eat moderate protein, moderate fat and low calorie while walking 30 minutes 3 - 4 times a week. I may also try doing a few of the diet bets to have some small goals and have more motivation. It will also hold me accountable, plus I do not want to lose any money, so I must hit my goals. Last year I did the Keto diet and I lost almost 30 pounds but it was very hard and almost impossible to maintain, so I ended up gaining almost all the weight back except about 6 lbs. I have a couple of my previous pics in my profile. Healthy eating is especially challenging because I am an emotional eater eating when I'm happy, sad, angry, bored, etc., plus my husband wants absolutely nothing to do with eating healthy.

Special Hope's/Aspirations/Achievements/Challenges: I could kick myself because of the 30 lbs I lost last year that I let myself gain back. Now, of course, I want to look good in my clothes and feel confident and pretty again but my main reason for wanting to lose weight is that honestly I need to for my health. I feel horrible and exhausted all the time, I'm always hot, I can hardly get down and back up and I get out of breath so easily. And quite frankly I'm scared to death I'm going to have a heart attack. My mom had her first heart attack at 58 years old and she wasn't even overweight and I am about 45 lbs overweight. I have high blood pressure and high cholesterol and take tons of medication daily. I would love to get off medication some day. I want to be around for my precious dog, my son, my grandchildren and my husband. Besides my health, I want to feel pretty and look good in my clothes again and I want some of my confidence back.
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Old 02-01-2019, 02:19 PM   #240  
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Hi, Everyone.

I'm 59 years old, a former recreational gymnast and lover of barefoot hiking, yardwork/gardening, and fixing things.

In 2000, I left my orthopaedic surgery practice, moved out of the small central Illinois town I was practicing in, lost 77 pounds (really without much difficulty) and started a new career in software development in San Francisco. Over the following decade I put back on most of the weight, moved to southern California, lost 15 lbs doing P90X, got married and then put on over 30 lbs in the following year.

It turned out I had developed Hashimoto's thyroiditis.

The weight never came off easily again. It's fluctuated, usually within a 20-lb range, but was trending up again to an all-time high in the 220's last year. Finally, I've bought a new house (that I LOVE) in another county, been laid off from my last job (they beat me to the punch), and am well on my way to full recovery from a rotator cuff repair. I've narrowed my future career path to one of two directions and I'm actively networking and job searching. And I'm back on the weight loss wagon.

What worked for me before was:
1. No eating between meals. I must sit down at the dining room table to eat.
2. Portion control. Eat slowly enough to taste my food. Wait and think before going for a second helping. No more 20 oz tumblers of fresh-squeezed orange juice or homemade lemonade.
3. Cook my own, real food as much as possible. I'm not a big convenience food eater most of the time anyway, but my husband brings fast food leftovers home for me. No sodas or prepared juices.
4. Richard Simmons FoodMover to help me keep my diet balanced and to be able to see how much I've already eaten during the day.

I had gotten down to 190 last year using the Omada program through my work, and by focusing on physical and mental activities associated with moving and the early stages of my surgical recovery. But the holidays and a persistent lack of career direction saw me gain 15 lbs in 2 months (Aieee!), so that's when I finally got serious again and I'm using the FoodMover again. Actually, I found an Android app (Tap-A-Meal) that works very similarly, and because the FoodMover itself is kind of bulky, I'm using that instead.

So far, I'm down to 198 lbs in a week, but my % bodyfat hasn't budged from 44%. It will, though.

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