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Old 04-11-2010, 11:40 AM   #16  
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Default Good Morning from Northern Nevada

I'm new and I'm over 50 so this seems like a good place to post since I think those of us over 50 have distinct weight loss obstacles.

I have been married for 34 years to a guy I met in high school. So we have known each other for a very long time. We are originally from a south Chicago suburb (still miss the food, but I'd probably weigh 400 pounds if we still lived there). We moved to Nevada the same year we got married. We have two grown unmarried sons and no grandchildren yet. I love dogs but the last two we had died very young and I'm not prepared to risk my heart again (plus I have a new job that makes it difficult to adopt a puppy because I'm away from the house too long). I love to garden, but I live in a valley near Lake Tahoe so our growing season is extremely limited--great for a lazy gardener. We live near a river so there are all kinds of critters to watch along with some feral peacocks that seem to thrive here. I am a tv addict; love old movies, most romantic comedies (even Lifetime and Hallmark as cheesey as they are). My guilty pleasures are real crime and crime drama--Bones, NCIS, The Closer, Criminal Minds, also liked Without a Trace and Crossing Jordan. I also am a big Disneyland fan and I wish I lived closer.

I'm 5'7" and currently weigh 217 so I'm in the obese category. This is the highest I've ever weighed. I want to get to 150, but I don't have a time frame. 10 years ago I weighed 180 and got down to 147 using low carb and exercising a lot. I swore I never would get that big again. and here I am weighing even more after the big M. I am trying to do it by eating healthier; protein shakes for breakfast, lots of fruits, vegetables and good protein. I had a staph infection in my face from a root canal gone bad so it delayed my exercise program. Don't have time for a gym, but my goal is to exercise weight train including gardening for an hour every day. I love to walk and use my cheap rebounder. I also plan on using my healthrider when I can't walk. I also have a torso track, ab rocket, jackie chan resistance thingy, and a power trainer & free weights for my muscles. My bigger belly seems to be the biggest obstacle to fitting into my size 12s.

My hopes are that I can forgive the people that treated me shabbily at my last job--I need to start healing. My new manager at least has given me a renewed feeling of self-worth by fighting to keep me despite the dismal job situation our state faces. I want to lose weight the right way. I want to fit into some of my shorts before my next vacation in June. And I want to look good in a nice dress for my wonderful nephew's wedding in August. I also like the feeling when I get up in the morning when I am taking proper care of myself.

Thanks everyone!


Last edited by MaezieZ; 04-11-2010 at 11:43 AM. Reason: wrong word a instead of of
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Old 04-18-2010, 06:17 PM   #17  
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Default I'm 53 and trying to lose all this weight I gained up!


I'm Deb and I'm a 53-year-old widowed mom of 3. I just turned 53 this past April 13, 2010. NOPE! It was NOT Friday the 13th when I was born either although I wish it had been. SIGH! My mother says it was, I think, on a Saturday when I was born. My two oldest are grown and living their own lives and my youngest is 13 and, of course, still with me. I was widowed on January 29, 2003 and I have remained single ever since. While I have always struggled with my weight, I think my husband's death just triggered some stupid self-destruct thing within my head and I just gave up. I did not care anymore about anything and I just started eating, I think, to block the pain of my husband's death. Who knows? Anyway, the way I see it, is that I did this to myself so I need to do something to lose all this weight I gained up as a result. Anyway, that's why I'm here and I have also found out, much to my chagrin, that being over 50, this blasted weight is NOT coming off as easily as when I was in my 20's and 30's! Oh well! Let the journey begin....

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Old 05-03-2010, 11:22 PM   #18  
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HI! My name is lilith, I am 55. I weighed in at the Drs. the other day at 208' I am 5ft.4. I had lost an enormous amount of weight last yr. I was on Topamax 200 mg. and lost 31 pounds in 30 days. I could not believe how fast it was coming off me. I have had a wt. problem for that last 15 yrs. Before I lost that wt. I was around 250 . I finally got down to 191 . I was starting to get into clothing that I had not been able to wear. I was proud of myself. Now after moving, getting back with my ex, I have gained 18 pounds of that and I am sure still gaining as we speak. I also stopped taking the medication. I feel that I am never full. I eat healthy , I just over eat. I am always hungry. This is why I came here. I have been to several wt. sights but this one was different. You are all very intelligent people and have struggle with this weight issue. My goal right now is to drop that 18 that I gained, then lose about thirtsome or forty more. I had been walking but I have grown inbound due to a foot injury. Guess that I should finish telling you a little more on me. I am a mother of 3 and 7 grandchildren plus 1 great grand son. I am working on my bachelors in Human Services. I was an LPN for 22 yrs. It is very nice to meet you all .

Last edited by lilithb; 05-03-2010 at 11:25 PM.
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Old 06-12-2010, 12:41 AM   #19  
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Hi, let me introduce myself? I was 68 last Saturday, widowed 20 years, have a son, daughter-in-law, and 2 year old grandbaby, who live in Berlin, and a 99 year old father, who lives on the east coast of the states. I'm on an island in the Pacific, where I was working when I retired. I also have two wonderful pets -- Andy the Cat who'll be 18 on Bastille Day and a 5 month old male Papillon.

I've had 3 major weight gains in my life: when I stopped nursing and thought I could still eat 1,000 extra calories a day; when I developed hypothyroidism (which wasn't diagnosed until I gained 30 pounds); and since I've been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and have not been able (or, more likely, not willing) to exercise at the levels I used to. Enough ! I said on my birthday. Enough relying on being small boned to hide weight, and so on, and so on.

So here's my goal -- to lose 40+ pounds, exercise at least enough to give the puppy a good work out, and go to Germany for a while to watch the baby grow. In other words, re-write my life which has gotten to be a rather boring read in the past few years. I'll gratefully take all the help I can get. Over the past few days I've read almost the entire I P blog and have loved it -- so informative and encouraging, and not a whiner in the bunch -- that has to be a first, she said, sardonically.
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Old 06-14-2010, 09:15 PM   #20  
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I lurk on 3FC a lot but rarely post. I am having such difficulty staying focused I thought I'd introduce myself and maybe get some advice.

PERSONAL INFORMATION: My name is Jan and I live in SE Michigan. I am 58 but in my head I am 30 lol I was married for 24 yrs, divorced 11 yrs and have one daughter who is 32. I met a wonderful man a year after my divorce and we're very happily living apart lol We have no desire to marry or move in although it seems like we live together sometimes! He retired at 49 and I will be retiring next June - kinda sorta a forced retirement. I was leaving at 60 so 6 months early is ok with me. Between the two of us we have 4 dogs. We love doing home improvements, gardening, flea markets and estate sales. In my retirement I hope to volunteer at the animal shelter, library and the literacy program.

DIET / EXERCISE REGIMEN: I weigh 183 and last year at this time I was 176. I joined WW several times with slow success so I quit and went slowly back to my old "one bite won"t hurt me" mentality or as the WW leader calls it "the at home program that rarely works". While divorcing I got down to 157 simply because I didn't want to be at home. I was a mad woman and walked it off and also had help with Meridien. Many years later I tried it again with no success. I eat "good" during the day but when I get home it's a free for all. That scares me because in a year the fridge will be in the next room! I exercise daily mostly walking. I took two aerobics classes last winter and liked them so while I didn't lose any pounds my heart has to be healthy! I have taken water aerobics, like WATP DVD's and have a Wii.

I hope to make a connection with someone who may be struggling with similar issues.
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Old 06-25-2010, 08:51 PM   #21  
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Hi, new here. It's nice to read about all you lovely over 50 ladies. I am 53, currently weigh 230 (I keep writing it down to get it through my head it's real). A year ago I was at 210, recently put on weight but have been in denial! Then disgusted! Now determined! Counting calories right now, adding a little exercise to each day. Found this site doing calorie count searches. Trying to stay positive and not beat myself up while facing up to the facts.
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Old 10-24-2010, 10:41 PM   #22  
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Hi ! I am new here and for now just call me Jiggles ! It seems to fit so well as I am a 55 yr old Grandmother of 5 ! I have been married for 38 years to my husband and we have 3 grown kids and 3 yorkie furbabies . I have spent so many years taking care of one or the other that I somehow forgot how to take care of myself until I blossomed to 268 lbs in January 2010 . That was a huge wakeup call to me and I slowly started putting my life back in order and managed to lose 16 lbs by June . However with our camping season upon us and MANY holidays away I started creepying the weight back on to where I am sitting right now at 256.5 lbs on my 5' 3.5" frame ! My body just hurts and I lack the motivation to exercise but I know I must !!! Dh is not a great motivator as he works long hours and doesn't want to move off his chair in the eening .... especially if sports are on ! I spend many evenings just surfing the 'net or at my craft table . I am usually at my craft table while Young and the Restless is on during the afternoon but really do not watch a lot of TV ! I usually have my IPOD cranked up though ! I know I need to remove at least 100 lbs and become a healthier person but also want to be realistic about it and do it slowly ! I am no stranger to healthy eating just seem to get sidetracked by everyday life and challenges .
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Old 11-17-2010, 04:10 PM   #23  
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PERSONAL INFORMATION: Hi, my name is Cathy, and I'm 53 years old. I'm married...well if you can call it, my new hubby left 6 months after we were married on Valentine's Day 2002 to be an OTR trucker and has never been back! So been married for 8 years and after the previous 2 marriages I can safely say that this one is the best one! LOL
I have 3 children by hubby #2, a 26 yr old son with Down Syndrome, a 25 yr old daughter, who has given me a wonderful grandson who is 7 now and stays with me 24/5 and goes home on weekends, school vacations and for the summer, and a 20 yr old son with Asperger's. We have 2- 9 yr old cats, Katie and Freckles. I don't work, I have enough to do without adding that stress to my life.
I spend my a lot of my time on photography, quilting and reading. I sell a lot of my quilts, I mainly do pictorial wall hangings and have done several commissioned ones, as well as my photos. I taught my method at a fabric store for a year before I moved too far away and my car got totaled while parked. I read basically anything I can get my hands on . I watch a few shows, Law and Order SVU, Parenthood, Bones, NCIS, House, Biggest Loser and Project Runway when they're on and 1 soap opera, Days of Our Lives.

DIET / EXERCISE REGIMEN: I'm 5'4 (I've shrunk an inch!) and weigh 258 right now, have lost 5 lbs since Nov. 1 when I started this diet, was 10 lbs but for some reason after I started working out 5 came back . My goal is to get down to 140 lbs by spring...hahahaha...seriously though hoping to do that by next winter. Right now I am counting calories, have laid off my nightly snack of a pot of popcorn and 1/2 a liter of coke, and am eating 3 meals a day and a couple of snacks, usually fruit, instead of 1 big one at night followed by several hours of binging while being a couch potato. I was on the Atkins diet when I was younger and did really well, but couldn't live on it so all the weight came back. 8 years ago I lost 144 lbs by eating right, walking 4 miles a day and doing the Sweating to the Oldies videos and swore I would never gain it back....but did. This time I am using the Biggest Loser 6 week workout DVD, alternating a day of low impact cardio with a day of sculpting and walking (no car so I walk everywhere!) and bike riding. Had to tone the workouts back since my younger days, the knees just aren't what they used to be.
What got me started this time was my grandson. I gave him my old camera to my grandson so he could take pictures also when I drag him along on my photo shooting outings and his favorite subject is ME. What an eye opener after years of not letting anyone take my pictures He is upset with me since he says I am perfect the way I am!

My Goals: Are to lose the weight obviously, or I wouldn't be here . I need to be around for a long time for my family. I would really love to be able to buy clothes that I like that fit me (right now I am an xl chest and a 3-4x hip so shirts are so hard to buy), be able to tie my shoes with them ON my feet, and even do something as simple as cut my toenails without a major hassle, and of course do more stuff with my very active grandson! Next summer I want to take a photography course and then start my own business doing portraits of special needs children and adults. My self confidence at this point is close to zero, and I know from previous big weight losses that it gets much better when I am happy with the way I look.

So I guess that's all to tell about me, looking forward to meeting everyone here!


ps. I just noticed there seems to be several *groups* in this 50+ section...I apologize if I have posted to a group you have to join first...

Last edited by cathyo; 11-17-2010 at 07:16 PM.
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Old 01-18-2011, 03:27 PM   #24  
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Person Info - My name is Maureen and I'm 51 years old and married to the best man on earth ( 3rd time lucky) I have always battled my weight, but started losing the battle with the onset of menopause ( otherwise the big M is something that I wish had happened 30 years ago) and the beginnings of Insulin Resistance. Then I quit smoking and drinking diet coke in 2009 and the weight has been piling on ever since I didn't realize how bad it was until I saw a photo that my Niece took at Christmas - I was horrified - it is amazing how denial keeps me from really seeing what is the mirror.
Work and Hobbies - I am a First Aid Instructor and used to be a Registered Animal Health Tech ( Vet nurse) I'm also the part time Admin Assistant at the training centre where I teach. We have 3 English Toy Spaniels - one from the ETSRescue, 1 ancient 17 year old cat and...20 birds - we became a bit of rescue a few years ago. I like to garden, read, craft - I loathe cooking.

Tea Granny is name that my american relatives started calling me because I drink Tea not coffee - they just can't get over it I don't get how anything that smells that good can tast so bad.

I also have a Sister - who I do love dearly-that is a perfect size 0 - the last time I went shopping with her she put on a size 25 Levi button fly jeans and turned around and asked if they made her butt look big - I should have said yes - I have been putting up with sly comments like that for far too long.
Oh well onward and upward ladies!!
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Old 02-28-2011, 12:53 AM   #25  
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Hi everyone!

My name is Mary. I'm 53 and live in the great state of Arkansas. I'm originally from Mississippi, born in Jackson and lived there and around there for the first 30 years of my life before moving to Arkansas.

I'm divorced from my husband (his choice) after 25 years of marriage. I never saw it coming. It was very hard on me but I'm a lot better now. I live on my own for the first time ever in my life and I'm liking it. I have two grown sons, 25/23, and one moved out before the divorce and one after so a lot happened in a short period of time. My youngest son is getting married this October and I would really like to lose as much as possible by then.

I have one cat, female, that I've had for six years and I love her so much. Her name is Mama Kitty. My neighbor in the apartment across from me doesn't like that name at all and wants me to change it to Mocha. She's half-Siamese and has beautiful coloring. But I will not change her name.

I don't work. My ex and I had made the decision when we married that I would be a stay at home mom which I loved being and we both preferred me being home. But now that he's gone, and my job skills are very outdated and my health is not too great...I find it hard to get a job. I'm planning on going to technical college this coming fall semester to learn computer skills and update other skills because I need a job desperately. I only get a small alimony check every month and it doesn't go far enough at all.

I'm doing the South Beach diet and I find it really, really easy. I started dieting again this January 14 and have lost 22 pounds. I've a long way to go. But I aim to get there. There are two big issues I have and I really have to work hard on them. One is portion size and the other is nighttime eating. I haven't gotten ahold of them yet and they are trying to keep me knocked down. But I'm optimistic with this plan and that is not something I'm use to.
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Old 03-29-2011, 04:37 AM   #26  
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Hi there, I'm 66 years old and am retired. I have five cats and two chickens. I live in the country and am just a short walk to a lovely sandy beach. I do a lot of gardening having many perennial flower gardens. I also enjoy taking pictures of the wildlife around me.

I've put on a lot of weight this past few years and because I quit smoking two years ago I've put on an additional ten pounds. I'm 5' 5" and 163 lbs. I want to lose 40 pounds. I'm impressed by all the weight lost by members of this forum and hoping that I can do the same.
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Old 04-17-2011, 02:32 PM   #27  
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Hi All! I have been reading this thread and I enjoy it so much that I am finally joining officially! My name is Rie and I am from Montana. I am an administrator in a public service, high stress job that I love. I am 51 years old. (how did that happen)?

I have a history of Lupus although I have been in remission for a long time. Last summer I started developing skin rashes and was losing my hair. While the hair loss cause was being explored, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. The Dr. was cold and harsh with me as she explained that my 254 pound 5'3" body was the cause. I actually got lucky and found a very nice and kind endocrinologist. I started my health journey on September 1, 2011.

I try to work out every day. I love to do low impact aerobics and the wii in my own home. I have always been a solitary excerciser. I try to follow a moderately low carb, healthy fat vegetable emphasis with lean proteins diet. I only weigh in about every 1 to 2 months. It works for me. I currently am down to 198 pounds - my lowest weight in 18 years.

I love to fish and I own a drift boat for flyfishing rivers and a scruffy little motor boat for lake fishing. I am a competetive pool player and I travel for pool tournaments and play league pool.

I am happily divorced and I have two sons and two adorable grandsons. My oldest son left his wife when he discovered that she was abusing his son and so he has full custody of his 4yr old son. They live with me right now as my son has spent the last year focusing on getting his son healthy. He earns his rent by managing our house, including cleaning, shopping, errands and cooking. He also works a part time job and has a budding photography business. He loves to cook and has been a godsend by planning my food in accordance with my preferences. I always know that there is salad or whatever I need in the fridge and that he will cook a low carb supper for me. I am lucky.

My diabetes is completely under control and I have an A1C that is normal (5.2) My other blood work is pretty healthy too.

I am so grateful to have found this support site and I enjoy being on this site. I have told very few people about my health and I am a pretty private person so I need the support of my sisters on this site. Thank you for being here Golden Girls!
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Old 04-18-2011, 07:43 PM   #28  
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I've "stumbled" across this site a few times. Love the name! Anyway, somehow I found this forum, today. Kind of interesting, in regards to the timing.
My name is Robin, I'm 50. I"m single and live in southern PA. My family is about 4 hours due north and it's a wonderful area i live in. I've lived in Denver, CO, San Diego, and Los Angeles. Been here since 2004. Last year, in May I was 235 lbs. I started going to the gym, working out and watching what I ate. Hit 194 in November and have sat there ever since. So, fast forward to this year, started training for a duathlon (run/bike/run insanity) with a new trainer. I was "whinning" to her about not losing weight, yesterday and she "challenged" me to lose 8 lbs by May 20th (5 weeks). So, today I started watching my food, all over again. I'm not one to back down from a challenge (a fact my trainer knows full well!), so I'm going to do this. I'm a bit worried about the "feeling hungry" part but will work on muddling through.
my long term goal (ok, it's a little insane but I want to try) is to do an Ironman Triathlon. not THE Ironman, but an Ironman. We all need dreams, right?
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Old 04-20-2011, 02:49 PM   #29  
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Hi, my name is Nona. My username comes from a story by Tanith Lee that was published years ago in Isaac Asimov’s Science Fiction Magazine. It means “the love that does not die”. I liked the story and the idea, and it has my real name in it. I am going to be 58 on May 20th. I have been a widow since 1995. I have dated since then but have not found a Traveling Companion yet. Still hopeful.

I have two grow sons, 30 and 26. They are my heart. My oldest has a wonderful lady that he has been with since he was 16 and I love her dearly. They have a rock band together and he also is a free lance photographer. My youngest lives with me. He is studying criminal justice. We are in Philadelphia.

I have 3 kitties, two are short haired torticos and the other one is a calico main coon mix. My son also has a sweet doggie of indeterminate heritage, although we believe there may be some dobie and greyhound in there. Her name is Jonah and she is a totally run over by the cats.

I have been talking Middle Eastern Dance (aka belly dance) classes since 9 months after my husband died. It helped me reconnect with life and also helped me to rehabilitate after years of undiagnosed and untreated hypothyroid had devastated my health. I did a lot of two steps forward, one step back during those years, and the dance kept me centered and focused during those times. I started performing in 2004 with various student groups and the Washington DC Branch of Public Urban Ritual Experiment, and now I co-facilitate the brand new and growing Philadelphia Branch.

I also enjoy different types of needlework, and planning, coordinating and doing projects around my house. I am renovating it after leaving it in the hands of 20-something male children for a number of years. Yikes! I have a lot of work to get done! But they are helping me!.

I have been a registered nurse since 1974. I have had a varied and rich career in many roles and settings within the behavioral health field. I also am a certified personal coach since 2007. I like to coach people with differences, usually on the ADHD spectrum. I’m also certified with the Edge Foundation to coach teens and college age ADHD students.

I enjoy Science Fiction and Fantasy. I enjoy So You Think You Can Dance when I get a chance to watch it. Do not watch Dancing With The Stars. Like wedding shows, Deadliest Catch, Dirtiest Jobs, some cooking shows. Favorite movie is Princess Bride, Pride and Prejudice comes in close second. .


I am 5 feet 1 inch. I currently weigh 165. My highest weight was 196 right before I was diagnosed hypothyroid. I had been sick for 5 years by then. I was always a very thin child and also up until 40 was not overweight. I believed I was, but so much for the American mindset and obsession with thin. I digress. I lost 30 lbs fairly easily and quickly with treatment and Atkins. Then it slowed down at 165. I have yo-yoed back and forth from aprox 175 and 155 for over a decade now. Last year I was at 153, the doctor lowered my thyroid medications; I got very sick and was up to 180 in 4 weeks. That was last year around my birthday. So I have been inching down since then and am back at 165. I would like to be at 140, which was the last weight I was at healthy and fit before everything fell apart. I cannot follow the darn charts for my height and weight. I did that on WW in my 30’s, got to 125, the upper range, and you could count my ribs, I looked sick and I could not maintain it. I must just have heavy bones. Anyway, when I get there I can always reevaluate. I do not have a time frame, just going to follow a low carb diet. Right now I am restricting carbs pretty strictly but I will probably settle n to about 100gms a day. I do my belly dance for fitness, however I also have done T-Tapp and think it’s an excellent program.

I want to go to Australia and swim with the cuttlefish. Perhaps to celebrate turning 60 in two years!
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Old 04-27-2011, 06:26 PM   #30  
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Hello All! I'm finally getting around to doing a "bio". My name is Sherry, I'm 72, happily divorced & live in British Columbia, Canada. I'm also a happily retired Federal Correctional Officer & have been retired for 12 years now. I'm the proud mother/grandma of 2 daughters, 5 grand children & 6 great grand children (some of which are "steps"- still my family tho') I have a 8 1/2 year old ShihTzu, Baxter, whom I used to run in dog agility but he can't do it now; he has bad knees & I don't want to agravate them. I volunteer at evaluating dogs for St. John Ambulance Therapy Dog program, drive people that don't drive to various things, ie dr. app't, shopping. etc. I belong to a chapter of the Crown Jewels of Canada Society, Beta Sigma Phi, & a walking program through Interior Health. I also dog sit at my home which gives me a bit of spending $$. I've been battling my weight all my life & like so many others have endured rude, nasty, & hurtful comments & inuendos starting with my parents, ex-husband, so called friends, etc. I've been on just about every diet known & have gained it all back + more. For some reason (finally! ) I have a different attitude about "dieting". I just want to be healthy as I can be. I plan on dancing at my great grandkids weddings! And living to be 105! I'm following the WW Points + program & really like it. And I really like the 3FC helpful & motivating. There, that's it! BFN
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