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Old 01-21-2012, 02:19 PM   #46  
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Hi everyone!

Many years ago I was on this site and lost 25 pounds! I'm now 51 and gained in the past few years about 20 pounds back. I really need to lose it not just becuase I want to look good in my jeans but because in my "genes" I have a family history of diabetes and other health issues related to weight.

I never had a weight issue until after I had my sons (they are now 16 and 13 years old) I am a stress eater and having two teenage boys has made me stress eat even more- my oldest just got a car!

I really need to be accountable and develop a rountine and lifestyle change. Hope to make some new weight loss buddies to help me on this journey!
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Old 01-21-2012, 08:55 PM   #47  
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Hello everyone

I'm brand new to this site & figured I would join a few of the groups that I'd fit in with. I'm definitely over 50 so I'll start with this one.

I'm 61 yrs old & live alone in a very small town in the mountains of western Washington state. I have one cat, a mini dachshund & a min pin for pets. My son & his wife live in Seattle, not too far away, and they come up frequently & bring my 1.5 yr old granddaughter who of course is absolutely gorgeous! lol They're also expecting another baby mid-year so I'll be a grandma a second time!

I'm on disability but have worked many jobs in the past including cab driver, tugboat operator, grounds maintenance & logging crew laborer & EMT/ firefighter. My hobbies include computers, gardening, genealogy & reading. I love sci fi, fantasy, action movies & comedies but not into chick flicks.

I'm just starting a serious diet & exercise program today & gradually getting into it. I had let my weight climb over the last few years from a combination of depression, menopause, quitting smoking & just plain laziness & self-indulgence. I'm not set to do any particular diet program but will eat smaller portions, more fruits & vegetables, less breads, pastas, potatoes & sweets. I'll see how that goes & will make adjustments as needed.

For exercise I plan to use weight training since I've done that before & already have a full set of nice free weights & a good weight bench. I have a painful foot condition plus agorophobia so won't be walking until I can work on those things (one step at a time). I'll use the weights 6 days a week & cycle days working on particular body parts - bi/tri one day, chest & shoulders another, back & legs the next day. That should at least get me building some muscle & moving again.

My special hope is as simple as being able to fit into my old jeans again & being able to garden without getting tired before I start.
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Old 01-26-2012, 12:35 AM   #48  
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PERSONAL INFORMATION: I'm 51, married for now, raising three great teens. We have animals ranging from a lizard to a horse. I love to read and cook and garden and hike and being a mom is the best.

DIET: Roughly South Beach with a vegetarian/no artificial sweetener angle. Would like to minimize the dairy, too.

EXERCISE REGIMEN: Trying to find time for yoga three times a week, otherwise, walking and working outside when weather permits.

HEIGHT AND WEIGHT: 5'2" and 160 lbs, give or take.

GOAL: Hope to lose 40 lbs - not in a hurry. 1-2 lbs a week would be great. Will trade fat for muscle and take the extra weight.

SPECIAL HOPES: I want to get back to being active, feeling fit and energetic. My goal is less about weight and more about doing the things I love. My real goal is hike in the mountains that could take five days.

CHALLENGES: Three teens who eat anything in site. The house is full of food of all kinds for good reason. I don't do all the cooking, but enough to test my resolve. My job can be stressful. Sitting at a desk all day is a trigger for snacking.

ACHEIVEMENTS: have lost about eight pounds, and have joined this forum.

Last edited by smarkey; 01-26-2012 at 12:35 AM.
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Old 02-12-2012, 04:20 PM   #49  
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Hello everyone,

So, there is hope for weight loss after 50? I am 57 and just skipped my first period. Guess I'm a late bloomer. I don't have any other symptoms yet either - hot flashes, etc., but I did have PMS all my life, so I have paid my dues. I know it is coming and likely to make this weight loss effort even more difficult, but I figure it's now or never!

I have gained 50 pounds over the last 20 years. They just crept up on me, and I have reached a point where I am very uncomfortable. Also, for the first time my blood pressure is elevated. The Dr. has given me six months to get it down. I am hoping to lose 30 pounds in that time frame. What do you think? Doable? I have tried to lose weight in the past and would get 10 or 12 pounds off, but then regain. You all know the story.

I am serious this time and have chosen South Beach. I've also told everyone I know and joined a gym. I will post here of my hopeful success. Perhaps by keeping it foremost in my mind I will reach my goal.

Any tips for a 50+ dieter that have worked for you?
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Old 02-21-2012, 11:35 PM   #50  
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Default Golden Girl here

PERSONAL INFORMATION: I live in Sacramento with my 27 year old son and roommate. I have 2 cats and a dog. I have been dieting my whole life through. I probably started in Junior High School. I have been teased through-out my life by family, friends and co-workers because of my weight. In 2006 I had gastric bypass, but it didn't work. I gained 50 lbs back. I am working on losing those 50 before I end up back where I was. I love photography, walking, and gardening.
I work with preschoolers for the Head Start program, and that keeps me active.

DIET / EXERCISE REGIMEN: I am 5'4" and as of this morning I weight 264 lbs. I'd like to get down to 220. That is a comfortable weight for me.
My exercise Regimen is pretty much chasing preschoolers around for 8 hours a day, and trying to keep the weeds out of my garden.

SPECIAL HOPES / ASPIRATIONS / ACHIEVEMENTS / CHALLENGES: I have Fibro Myalgia, which makes it difficult for me to do as much exercise as I'd like.
My hope is to be able to get back into a size 18. Yes, I know that is still pretty large, but its much better then where I was.
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Old 02-27-2012, 02:44 PM   #51  
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Hello! I just turned 50 last week and I really need to get back into the habit of posting on 3 FC. A little bit about me…

I joined 3FC in January of 2010. By counting calories and exercising I lost a total of 41 pounds by late fall of that year. During 2011, I pretty much maintained, but also fought with about a 4 pound gain over and over. I still had 10 pounds until I would reach my original goal. Needless to say, after the holidays at the end of 2011, I found myself up another 5 pounds. I have been attempting to get back on the losing wagon since the start of 2012, but have not had much success. Hoping that becoming more active here will help me to be more accountable and stick close to plan and get the added pounds off and get to my goal.

I have 2 sons (ages 19 and 15) and will be getting re-married in May of this year. I sure would like to be at goal by then, but if I can just get back to my original loss I’ll be happy.

I live in Oklahoma, like to do crosswords, garden, camp, crafts. My big love is cooking. Although I have learned many healthy recipes or adapted others, I still have lots of things I enjoy cooking/baking that really are a hindrance to my goals. I am working to put baking on the back burner (pun intended) until I reach goal.

So not sure where I fit here. I honestly don’t feel like a “Golden Girl”. The term makes me think of the TV show from back in the 80s and those ladies always seemed so old to me. No offense to anyone here. But I do need to fit in somewhere.
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Old 03-17-2012, 05:39 PM   #52  
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I'm robyn,f,51,5'7,married,no kids.i stuggle with weight most of my life.I'm about 200lbs and want to lose 50lbs and keep it off.I'm trying to eat healthier and exercise 30mins daily.I like walking or stationary bike best.I stuggle with compulsive eating.My downfall is sweets and than junk foods.I live in southern ca.Work in school cafateria which doesn't help.There are some healthy choices there.Looking for support and buddy
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Old 05-02-2012, 03:51 PM   #53  
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Default hello from Canada and looking for some dieting support

I’m Kathie, aged 61, living in rural Ontario, Canada. We moved from the city 7 years ago and love living in this part of Ontario, almost of the shore of Lake Huron. I have been married to my high school sweet heart for 40 years. He has a vending business. So the truck is full of chocolate bars, chips, pop (soda for some of you). There is more junk (muffins, candy, cookies) in the garage in boxes. We have 2 daughters. Christine lives in Ottawa, which takes all day to get there from here. So we see her 2 or 3 times a year. Carolyn lives on a small island off the coast of Honduras, where she does a lot of scuba diving. She gets home once a year and we visit her on a spring holiday. No grandchildren.
I work 3 or 4 days a week as a water operator. This means that I go around to check on small drinking water systems in mobile home parks, rural subdivisions and summer camps. I started this job 7 years ago when we moved from the city.
I like to sew quilts and belong to a quilting guild. This is a new hobby for me, so I am learning. I also like to read from time to time. We live in a great neighbourhood, with lots of social activities. I drive a lot for work and listen to Sirius radio, mostly Stars (Dr. Laura, Just Jenny, The Broads) We have three cats. But I really want a dog. So far, DH is really against having a dog. Perhaps when I really retire, I will get one. The cats are company and I do like having them all.
About 3 years ago in 2009 I lost 30 pounds, from 168 to 138. But now I have most of it back, starting counting at 164. Prior to that, my weight was fairly constant at 165-170. I did get rid of a lot of “fat clothes” three years ago. I need to lose at least 10 pounds, closer to 150, to fit into most of my wardrobe. Most people would be thinking of losing weight for health, but it’s mostly vanity for me. I found FitDay good for me, which I still like. I also followed Spark People. Now I need a change, and found Spark People too busy for my computer. 3FC looks better, less confusing. I hate counting calories and tracking my food, but it’s the only way I can keep control. I also need to weigh myself every day too. This is the only thing that works for me. I have tried other diets, but I make a lot of homemade foods, eat local and seasonal foods. So tracking my own calories is best for me. I will try to be more active, with gardening, walking, kayaking, whatever. I have started yoga again too. Yoga may not burn a lot of calories, but I find it very relaxing. So then I can stay out of the junk food. Another goal is not eating between 2 and 6 in the afternoon. This is a bad time of day for me, as I can snack and nibble too much.
I need to be a part of a group, to keep myself accountable. I am hoping that 3FC can do that. This is my first post on 3FC.
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Old 05-26-2012, 01:54 AM   #54  
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Post Come to Join You!

My name is Lily and I started last month on 3fat chicks. I'll be 63 in August, Been married to my DH for 40 years , and we have a daughter who has end stages MS and 2 sons, oldest is married and has our 2 beautiful granddaughters 9.5 & 11 yrs. Younger son is engaged to a wonderful lady with 2 girls 13 & 16 yrs. more granddaughters! Both sons love women 5 yrs. older than them DH retired last year so we are still adjusting to 24/7 with each other!

Been over weight most of my life, tried almost every diet out there, some worked temporarily, others not so much. Managed to loose 37 pounds on a lean Atkins plan 10 yrs. ago and have been bouncing back and forth in a 20 pound range ever since.

In those years, physically I became Diabetic and worked my way up to Insulin 3 years ago, had my left hip replaced 6 yrs. ago and my right knee 5 yrs ago. We moved from a small farm where we lived for 27 years into a Beautiful 55+ Modular Home park 4 yrs. ago. I fell the next year and broke 2 ribs, very painful and it's taken me 2 yrs. to get over it. Needless to say I have not done a whole lot of exercise in the last years. Walking and balance are problems but I try to stay active. hoping to do more now that I have lost weight!

Started a Cleanse and De-tox program in Jan 2012 to get healthier and hopefully lose weight, cutting out the sugar and white foods from my diet. Eating lean meats and seafoods, lots of green veggies and tomatoes, 2 fruit a day, 2 breadsticks, a greens drink, herb tea, lots of water, vitamins. See my weight ticker!

So many health improvements, weight loss, and Most Important... I'm off Insulin - WHOOPPEE for 2 months now!!! and my blood sugars are staying very good as I slowly add back a few starches, dairy products, I'm still taking the Metformin.

I love going out into nature, mountains & trees, rivers & streams, oceans & sunsets, just seeing the incredible scenery that surrounds us... and taking those images back with me to paint on canvas, I am an artist and paint with oils and acrylics.

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Old 05-31-2012, 10:26 PM   #55  
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Hi Y'all! I'm from Atlanta, but currently living in Chapel Hill, NC. I'm 52 yrs. old and am a new chickie. I'm married to my best friend. We have 4 dogs and a cat. I've had weight issues most of my life and just last year discovered a large pituitary tumor which hemorrhaged and almost did me in. I've been recovering for the past year and unfortunately have to take cortisone daily - supposedly for life. That makes losing weight a bit harder. But I am determined. I don't care how long it takes. I want to be healthly and look good and feel good for once in my life. It's my turn now!

I am following mainly a low-medium carb diet with some cycling days. I haven't done the cycling before and am interested to see how it works. I go to the gym almost everyday. Doing weights and HIITs cardio (only for about 20-30 minutes). I also walk my 4 dogs about 5 times per day. I like to kayak and ride motorcycles. My favorite hobby is reading. Christian growth books, the Bible and novels.

My goal is to lose about 1 lb./week. I think that might be realistic. I have about 65 lbs to lose to get to goal, so it will take a little while. I am very excited about finding this web site and all the good support here. Best wishes to everyone. Together we can do it!
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Old 06-06-2012, 12:12 PM   #56  
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Hi, I'm Marilyn, from s/e Texas. I posted an intro in the Introduction section of the main forum "I want a pony..."

Yesterday I told my husband I was going to lose 45 pounds and buy a saddle mule. He said, "Okay"....not really concerned at all.

In my mind, I am about 12 years old. It is only when I look in the mirror that I think....I am 65??? No. I couldn't be! But, yes I am. And I am overweight, have bad knees, no energy, and lots of work I need to do. I have got to make a change.

Up until recently, I have had a fair amount of energy. I am busy. I have a lot of animals to take care of and we are remodeling a 100 yr. old farm house, and I have a big yard and many hobbies and interests.

A year ago in February, my husband was hurt on the job and though he tried working some since, in all he has been off for over 12 months. It has been hard trying to live without his income, but today is his last day of physical therapy, and we are hoping he can soon go back to work.

I weighed yesterday and I was 190 lb. I would like to get to 145 lb. I weighed around 120 most of my young life, but I think 145 would be a more reasonable expectation now. I have been gradually cutting back on how much I eat, and I've lost 8 pounds over the past six months without trying very hard. I cut out sodas (as of yesterday). I think it has been at least 50 years since I didn't have at least one soda, and usually more than one. I feel like I have accomplished something just going one day without one.

I drank diet soda for 40 years but cut it out about two years ago. Now I have vowed to give them up entirely. No more empty calories.

I am looking around at what diet plan I has to be a life change.

I also want to start lifting weights and trying to figure out what exercises I can do with two bad knees.

I love gardening...including watergardening, rehab wildlife, interested in nature, pets, chickens, horses, working on the house, flea markets and
"junque". I have been married for 46 years and mom to a grown daughter, who lives and works in Houston. No grandchildren yet.

Looking forward to taking an active part and staying motivated and getting to know you all better.
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Old 06-21-2012, 12:58 AM   #57  
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Hi, I am Jane. I am 61 - last month - and I am restarting the weight loss. I am an artist - and a teacher. So where do I start? I have done this weight loss so many times and I see everybody has the same story - lose, gain, lose, and gain. There is no permanent answer I am sure, or at least I would be really interested to hear of someone who kept a vast amount of weight off for a lengthy period of time without making it their career. I read an article the other day that really hit home. This is an article by Tara Parker Pope and it pretty much says what I have been hearing for a few years now - reported from scientists, etc. We are all fighting an uphill battle, that is pretty much not winnable. So why try? Good question. I guess because I don’t feel I can just give up. I want to see my granddaughter grow up and I have already done enough damage to my body with smoking for thirty years (quit 10 years ago) and eating wrong. I need to give myself a chance. What have I got to lose? Mostly the TASTE of food and the way it calms me and acts as an anti depressant.

So, my significant other is naturally strong and lean - he can eat what he wants and look great. However, he does have high blood pressure and I don’t - his sugar can run a little high, and mine is ok. He has sleep apnea and so do I. Does that make sense? I am 75 pounds overweight at least and he is perfect. Genes are pretty influential.

I have always done the best when I keep track, which I will do with Fitday. I also do better when I develop some pattern to eating. Sneaking in the fresh veggies and fruit will be the tough and important part. I tend to forget those things in my rush though the kitchen. I am not a cook and do the least I can do in the kitchen. I am a carb addict - especially sugar. Chocolate and sugar will be the difficult things to part with as they always have been.

I have no problem exercising, and have been doing that for many years, which is probably the reason I am not diabetic or have high blood pressure like my sister (who died at 63 from heart and diabetes). Exercise will be the least of my problems.

So here goes. Tomorrow I will faithfully keep my food record and get going. If I get depressed I will try to find another solution besides chocolate I look forward to supporting and being supported by other people fighting the same fight.

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Old 06-23-2012, 12:38 PM   #58  
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My name is Ginger.I live out in the country in North Louisiana. I've just celebrated still being in love and married to my college sweetheart for 40 years. WE are blessed with 4 kids, 2 single (darn it!)sons in thier 30's and twin 27 yr old happily married daughters each with 2 adorable children. Ahh! Lights of my life one grand daughter4, her 6 yr old brother ( 3hrs south) and then the 4mo.and 16 mo cuties 45min away. At home my DH & I pamper a rescued mixed and a mini Daschund. One son lives with us.
I'm a spiritual person, very in touch with nature. Yes, I hug trees. I have great like minded friends, Due to being bed-couch bound I mostly Read(3-5 books a week), talk on phone, watch Tv(GH fan,all music-dance compitition, NCIS fav show,I'm a no spin girl and HGTV fan) ,listen to music(country,Celtic & Classic rockFavs but really anything but Rap or hip hop), communicate with family-Pamper Penny, my constant, always comforting tiny pet. We Just recieved a computer so having fun here now.
In the past I worked in various jobs in the gardening world and dapple in the world of Feng Shui and Reiki ( Small time town just not interested).
God gifted me with a Saints Superbowl win as I lay on a couch unable to move since bad falls, followed by several debilitating illnesses. That was the beginning of regaining ,yet again, the 72 pds I'd lost in my 56-7th year. I can only walk with help of walker about 50 ft at very most, otherwise I'm in my wheelchair and HATE IT!! Pain is my constant companion. I'm here to get healthy, I cry just looking at an acre of gardens turn into a acre of weeds over the last 3 yrs. I want to be able to play with my grandbabies, I can't stand and hold anyof them-they have to come to me. There is my incentive.Hence the name "healthyginger" for once it's all about health.
I grew up believing I was fat, but I wasn't ( a mom thing)I weighed 107 pds in college and felt fat-I have never felt thin. From age 10 to 25 I yoyoed the same 20 pds, Then gained 80pds with 1st son and over the next 30 yrs or so have lost 60-80 pds 4 times and smaller amounts I bet a hundred times.I've done, OA, Weightwatchers, 30 days in clinic, private docs(many) Atkins, High Carb and Low fat, high fat low carb, sugar free, Gluten free, and a hundred others I'm 5'and half inch tall, 61 yrs old and at last count weeks ago 279 pds. I'm really scared this time, I know I can change my eating habits but at this point I can't really exercise-more than a few sitting -Tai Chi ones I learned. Before I spent many hrs gardening everday and had the money and vehicle to get out for park walks and swimming. No longer true. A esp. painful week brough me here and am looking forward to new friends and healthier Ginger.
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Old 06-25-2012, 07:35 PM   #59  
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Hi, My name is Connie. I am 51. I live in Florida. I started the Ideal Protein Diet 5/19/12 and have lost 15 pounds. I have a ways to go but am determined that this is my time. I have some health issues and I think this will help me. I am looking at this as a lifestyle change not a diet. I want to have a healthier lifestyle. My goal is to be healthy and feel good. I have some wonderful support from my family.
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Old 07-06-2012, 07:09 PM   #60  
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Hello, My name is Maria and I'm 56. I've been struggling with my weight since as long as I can remember. I remember weighing 149 in 4th grade. Until I was at least 12 we grew up very poor in Chicago and when my step father died we moved to Calif. My family struggled a little but finally got on track by the time I was 15. Still over weight then still overweight now. Went thru all then teenage stuff and probably paying for some of it today. I would just love to get back into my closet clothes. Been married 3 times finally happy and settled with the last one. What else is there to say? I guess I'm a Golden Girl also? lol. Anyhow I started walking in February. Walked my way to 4 miles using the treadmill. My hubby walks and rides his stationary bike. He has lost 38 lbs since February and 64 in all in the last 2 yrs. I've lost 26. It's slow going but at least it's going. My problem is I love to eat. I love ethnic food, oh God do I love ethnic food. We use Calorie King with our exercise and I admit I get bored logging into it everyday and I don't. But I know what to eat and when not to eat. Since I love to eat I sorta practice "volume" eating. Like lots of veggies or lots of fruit and salad. I limit my carb eating to once a day either lunch or dinner and not much of it and I try to eat some kind of protein with every meal. I quit drinking soda and I try to limit my drinking Crystal light but water justs taste icky sometimes. I starting to teach myself to run with one of runner's world books and so far it's working great for me. I'm losing inches cuz my clothes are falling off. I've read everywhere that running trumps all exercise and since I've always wanted to run, I chose it. It was pretty tuff at first. thought I was gonna die but since I started the actually running program the last week in March I've finally come to be able to run 20 mins without breaks. I know it doesn't sound like much but for me it is after all I'm still 230 lbs. When I first started I was having pain in my knees especially my right knee but I came to realize I was what they called an over pronator(?) knees tweaks inward. So I went to a running store and got fitted with a nice running shoe with the buildup where I needed it and the knee pain went away. It's really hard right now to stay with the program because especially the next 6 weeks is fair season for me and that's when I work, so I'll have to try and figure something out. I came here because I felt like it was time to get other female support. My hubby gives me lots but I need to see what other women like me are doing. I think I still eat more then I should but for now I can see my eating habits changing a little more all the time, seems like it almost does it on it's own. Does that make sense? Today I worked out 95 mins. I used to cry when my hubby would work out without me I felt like he wasn't supporting me. It wasn't that at all really I was just busy doing something else and one day I just confronted it and told him I need to be responsible for my own exercise and so did he, now I have no problem just getting it done. I've really come a long way but I still have leaps and bounds to go, so here I am. Thanks for listening!!

Last edited by Chewysmom56; 07-06-2012 at 07:32 PM. Reason: More to say after all
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