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Old 07-11-2007, 02:18 PM   #1  
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Hi there . . .

Edited to add: Bios of members who are inactive in this forum, and all random comments, will be deleted after a reasonable time.

Please take a minute or two to tell us a little about yourself and to read a little about each of us. You can use the following format (just do a little copy and paste through your browser's edit function) if you like, or you can just lay it out in any way you'd prefer . . .

PERSONAL INFORMATION: Tell us about yourself, your family, your pets, your hobbies, your occupation, your most (and least) favourite books/movies/TV programs/music; – just about anything that helps us know the real ‘you’.

DIET / EXERCISE REGIMEN: Height/Weight Statistics. How much you hope to lose and in what timeframe. Formal or informal diet and exercise regimens. Things that work for you. Things you tried, that didn’t.

SPECIAL HOPES / ASPIRATIONS / ACHIEVMENTS / CHALLENGES: Anything you’d like to share with the group.

Last edited by Jane; 06-17-2010 at 10:34 AM.
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Old 07-21-2007, 08:38 AM   #2  
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Hi Everyone, I'm 62 years old & have been worried about my weight since I was around 22. I'm a retired educator. I never taught in a K-12 setting, but I did just about everything else in education. I taught adults to read, do math, get ready to pass the GED tests, and speak English. I taught college students to become teachers and administrators. I developed educational assessments and curriculum. I did educational research. Right now, I teach online courses for the University of Phoenix. The courses last 4-6 weeks & I take a 2-6 week break in between.

I live in East/Central PA - about 5 minutes from where George Washington crossed the Delaware River into Trenton, NJ. I have a wonderful daughter (don't we all think our daughters are wonderful?) and son-in-law who own a B&B in New Hope, PA. I have a thirteen year-old calico fat cat (Princess Di - 18 lbs) who allows me to live with her. And, I have lots of dear friends including the WONDER-FULL Golden Girls who post on this board. I also have a fourteen-year-old Little Sister (I'm in the Big-Sisters/Big-Brothers program) named Luzivon Rosales who keeps me young.

My DH, Donald, died last year (June-29) after a two-year illness following a stroke. We had been together for 25 years before his stroke, but didn't get married until after the stroke. We realized that he could not live alone after the stroke, so I retired to take care of him. At that time, I was the Director of Graduate Programs at a small private college in Bucks County, PA.

I like scrapbooking, card-making, trying new recipes, horsebackriding, going to movies/theater/museums/ballets, travelling, going to the gym, walking, reading, listening to books on CD's and spending time with my friends.
I usually travel with my DD and SIL and sometimes with my sister, Connie. I've been to just about every state, Ireland, Mexico, Italy, Greece, Canada, and France. My dd and I are planning for a trip to England this Fall.

My attempts at weight loss have included - Weight Watchers, Atkins, Sugar-Busters, 3-hr-diet, and about a zillion others. I no longer have a choice of diets. I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes in March of 06. I now eat a VERY low-carb (around 1,000 Calorie) diet and am losing steadily - but slowly.

I welcome everyone to join our Golden Girls thread - and our monthly Challenge thread. We have a VERY supportive group of women who really help each other along this weight-loss journey.


PS - Below are some photos of me (the one on the boardwalk is with my dd, Kathy, the one in front of the doors is with my niece, Carly) & I also included one of my cat, Princess Di.

Last edited by ladyinweighting; 04-07-2008 at 07:34 PM.
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Old 07-21-2007, 11:09 AM   #3  
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Phyllis - Golden Girl

PERSONAL INFORMATION: I am 62 yrs. young! Married and live in south Florida, 3 children, 2 step children and 7 grandchildren under the age of 7 yrs. and that includes 4 two year olds! We have a Doberman named Rusty and he is going on 14 yrs. old and we were the proud owners of a Mainecoon cat and a solid black cat that lived to the ripe old age of 19. We retired last year after owning an office supply business.

This is my third marriage....I have been widowed twice, once at age 28 and then again at age dh (my best friend) and I have been married 20 yrs.

Computer is one of my hobbies, needlepoint, reading, walking, traveling and running a priviate discussion group on the web are a few more. We are TV watchers and love all the CSI shows, Medium, Idol, Dance shows, 2 1/2 men, How I met your Mother but dislike reality shows in general. Oh and I must confess to watching The Young and The Restless and General Hospital if I am home!

DIET / EXERCISE REGIMEN: I am 5'4" and as of today weigh 186. My highest weight was around 203. I was skinny in high school 115 lbs., 125 after my babies. I have been on every diet there is I believe. I joined a weight loss clinic and lost 45 lbs. and put it all back on in a year after I stopped going.

Right now I am walking 1 or 2 miles each day with the WATP dvd and have just added Oxysize in the afternoons a couple weeks ago. I have lost 6 lbs. since June 1. Also the best thing I have ever done but the most expensive is going to a hypnotist....I still go about every 3 weeks and listen to his cd's every day. He has helped with the motivation and will to make daily exercise part of my lifestyle and cut my food intake....I'm a true believer.

SPECIAL HOPES / ASPIRATIONS / ACHIEVMENTS / CHALLENGES: I want to be in the 160's by the end of Oct. for a family reunion at Disney World and be in better shape for walking and keeping up with my grandchildren.

I have a couple serious health issues to deal with. I had a single heart by-pass 8 yrs. ago and have Chronic Kidney Failure which leaves my kidneys only working at 20%. What that mainly is doing to my body is I get tired easily but I am building some stamina with the exercise and weight loss now.

With the Kidney failure I have to watch certain foods that I eat so most diets are not feasible but I still can eat most anything in moderation. Also have IBS which flares up on occasion.

My main goal is to keep the kidney function at 20% and not have to go on dialysis, so far so good.

I must say I am feeling younger, better and more toned since I started walking, hypnosis and smaller food portions in my case my health and life really depends on my keeping this lifestyle.

P.S. I LOVE the Golden Girls thread.......a wonderful group of women.
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Old 07-21-2007, 02:43 PM   #4  
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Paula- Golden Girl Thread


I'm 55, married to my Jr. High sweetheart for 38 years and living in Ohio. I have 2 grown daughters and 4 grandchildren. We have 3 cats. They were all strays before we took them in. We also have 1 dog mini dachshund that was my daughters. We felt sorry for him when they got a lab so we took him in.

I am a sahw. I have a little home-based business that keeps me busy. I make Halloween costumes and Pioneer outfits. Come August I'm pretty much tied to the sewing machine. The extra money helps pay off the credit cards.

I recently had to put my dad in a rest home. He suffered a stroke in May and he need rehab. I'm hoping that he will get better and be able to return home. This has been taking up most of my spare time.


Before my dad's stroke I was following the You: On a Diet. I was losing weight and eating lots of whole foods. Since the stoke I have fallen off the diet, but have tried to keep up with eating as healthy as possible. I've been eating out a lot on the way from the hospital and now the rest home. I really miss the fruits and veggies.

I was walking everyday for 30 minutes. I haven't walked since May. I really do need to get back on that.

I am 5' 4" and weigh 176, give or take a pound or 2. Mostly give. My goal is to get down to a healthy 150. I did Weight Watchers several years ago and made it to goal and then gained it all back. How does that happen?


My goal is to have the weight gone by Christmas. This is doable is I start taking care of myself again and watch what I eat and get back to the walking. With the help from my friends on the 3 Fat Chicks forum I know I can do it.
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Old 07-23-2007, 10:29 AM   #5  
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Zoe - Golden Girl Thread


I’m <gulp> 61, and I don’t know how that happened! It seems like one day I was just meandering along, minding my own business, not bothering a soul, and 61 just crept up on me from behind, threw a big ole’ net over my head and caught me. I’d say this actually started to happen back around the end of last year, when I found myself huffing and puffing carrying a few small grocery bags, a briefcase and a purse up the few little stairs into my house. My 61st birthday in April was just the “official date”, but I’ve been feeling old and decrepit for a while, now. I’d been smoking for <smusheldyfudge> years – not a habit, you understand: I just LIKED smoking. (Yeah, right!) So, anyway, I stopped on January 1st, gained about <smusheldyfudge> pounds on top of the extra weight I was ALREADY carrying around (Smoking, incidentally, for those who have never done it, most decidedly does NOT keep you slim!) and since late April of this year, I have been on a mission to get healthy/lose weight/tone up and hopefully live long enough to enjoy a lengthy and carefree retirement with my dearest of h’s, who is my second, but very best possible H, ever! I got a mountain bike for my (April) birthday, and have been riding it faithfully ever since (I actually remembered how! I fully expected to be just like the little guy on the tricycle on “Laugh In” who would pedal like mad and fall right over on his side. AND, if you remember him, you’re almost as old as me!!! )
I live in central Massachusetts, work in Boston (@ 40 miles away) as a writer of grants, public relations material, magazine & news articles, and whatever else I need to write in order to raise money for the very large international organization that employs me. My DH is a software engineer by day and an artist/writer/all around interesting and fun person evenings and weekends. He pooped out on the bike riding, though. (We got one for him, too, so we could ride together. He says it hurts his knees. Tsk!) We have two khats, Yoko, a pure black short-hair with big, pretty green eyes, and Daisy, a great big fluffy grey girl with blue eyes. We got them both from a local shelter and have had them for about a year and a half. They effectively run the house now, but we don’t mind. Somebody has to make all the important decisions, after all, and we hate doing that ourselves! We all live together in a restored Victorian house that we like very much because it has extra bedrooms for my children (DH has none, but is a wonderful step-pop to mine) to come and visit often. I have three lovely daughters, ages 37, 35, and 30 – and one baby son, 26, whom I used to call “Baby Huey” (yet another “dated” reference.) He’s 6’7, and I think he’s finally stopped growing. My girls are all married – I have two lovely granddaughters, ages 16 and 7, and two handsome grandsons, ages 12 and 5 – and they all live here in Massachusetts; two here in the same town as us, and one – my eldest girl - an hour and a half away. My son <sob> moved out to Los Angeles two years ago to work on his masters degree at UCLA and has decided to live there permanently. He comes home to visit twice a year – at Christmas, and usually in June. He was just here, and we had a great visit together.


Well, calling it a “regimen” may be a bit of a stretch, but I am doing low cal/high fiber, and drinking lots and lots of water and liquids. I haven’t been counting my calories too precisely, which may account for my recent loss of “ounces” as opposed to pounds. I’m planning to really get SERIOUS, here! I Also ride my bike every day unless it’s REALLY pouring out…I’ll ride if it’s just sprinkling. But, what with the no smoking and not eating sweets (yet another one of my old downfalls) AND exercising regularly, I really am feeling better and healthier, and the weight is dropping off very slowly but surely. (Stop laughing, Phyllis!!!! )


I just want to be as healthy as possible for as long as possible and look my best. Actually, I’d really like to look like I did 30 years ago….if I could do that, along with everything I’ve learned since then, I’d being doing pretty danged well! I also want to RETIRE with DH in no more than 5 years, sell our place up here, move to the Charlotte, North Carolina area, and live like king & queen for the rest of our lives! (But I want to be slim & svelte while we’re doing it. Scrap that “back to 30” aspiration; I’m a realist. I’ll settle for 35.)

And thaaaaaas’ all, folks!

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Old 07-24-2007, 09:34 PM   #6  
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Hi--I'm Karen and I too LOVE being a Golden Girl!!

Personal Information: I am 55 years old and my birthday is February 14. I am married and have two sons, Mike 34 and Todd 32. Todd is married to a wonderful girl, Dani. I have 3 grandsons and a grand daughter. Travis is 13, Brandon is 11, Todd Jr. (TJ) is 9 and Jade is 12. Right now we are living in the Mountains in Colorado but have our home for sale and plan on a move to Missourri when it sells.

I have two spoiled Pomeranians that we are both crazy about! Ginger is my red one and I got her from the local animal shelter. Sissy is my sable one and I got her from some people who rescued her from a NASTY puppy mill. She was very abused and is still very afraid of men and children. But they both have happy lives now and couldn't be loved more.

Diet /Exercise Regimin: I kind of bounce around from doing a slimfast while counting WW points to maybe hitting the South Beach when I get a little frustrated!! Which I can feel that coming on again!! I also enjoy doing the WATP's videos and have a ab lounge that I really like. I just need to get myself motivated to get back into a definite routine again. Seems like there is just a lot of stuff going on and it is so easy to put exercise on a back burner.. Not good!!!

Special Hopes: I would really like to lose the extra weight that has decided to call me "friend" for the last 20 years!! My long term goal is to be back to 125 pounds (I'm just barely 5' tall) So I guess that makes me "vertically challenged" !! Just need to find that and the motivation to jump back on the wagon before it gets so far away I won't be able to catch up with it again.

Anyway, that is a little about me and I look forward to getting to know everyone. Karen
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Old 08-07-2007, 12:01 PM   #7  
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I'm Gayle. I have been coming to 3FC for a long time now. (Mom saw it mentioned in the supplement to the Sunday paper and told me about it ~ I was hooked and have been coming here ever since.)

Stuff about me.

Personal: I'm 58 now. I'll be married 38 years in December (2014) to Steve. We have 3 kids ~ Jason-36, Sara-32, Jennifer-31. Jason and Sara live here in Houston ~ right around the corner from us ~ so I am a down the street grandma like my grandma was, and I love getting to see my grandkids and spend time with them. Jennifer lives in NC, so sadly, we don't get to see her family as often as I wish we could. We have one grandson-Corbin-16 yrs old, and two little granddaughters Madison (Maddie) 6 years old and Evie, 3 years old. And one more on the way. One kitty-Meso. I live in Houston, Texas now ~ moved here in December of 2006 to be able to enjoy my grandchildren. I was born and grew up in Ohio, but then have lived in various places (Maine, Missouri and North Carolina) because of my husband's job. I am a nurse and then took a job as the unit secretary ~ worked at a local hospital. Lost my job in August. I like reading (mysteries-The Cat Who.....series, and the Southern Sisters mysteries), sewing, craft things. I really like the computer/internet-I confess I have turned into a junkie . I like movies and TV shows-comedies-light fun stuff. Music-most kinds.

Diet/Exercise: What I am doing right now is eating proteins, fruits and vegies ~ trying to stay away from wheats, bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, cookies, chips, cake, candy ~ sweets unless it is fruit. With diabetes now, this seems to be working. Exercise ~ I like to walk, but because of sciatic pain, it is not very enjoyable. I mostly ride my bike a granny bike (one of those three wheeled kind) now, sometimes if the weather is bad, I walk indoors on the treadmill. In the summer, we go to the community pool a lot ~ I love the water.

Special hopes/aspirations: I guess to keep trying at this weight loss and not give up. I am almost retired now and hoping for good health so I can enjoy life.

Last edited by glynne; 01-06-2014 at 09:41 AM.
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Old 09-23-2007, 04:11 PM   #8  
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Hi everyone.. I'm rosey from alaska..i know meowee from the dieting for diabetics thread..she suggested i join here with all of you..first im 58, married to the same man for 38 yrs..i have 2 daughters who are married to great guys and 4 beautiful grkids..we live in rural alaska south of anchorage on the kenai penninsula.. we have lived here for 31 yrs and luv it.. we built our own log home and share it with a golden retrievier and amixed breed jack russel terrier and one parakeet..i love to do all sorts of crafts,quilting,beaded jewelry,scrapbooking etc etc( doing crafts keeps me sane)my kids say my house has lots of "crafty fluffs" an avid reader from R.Ludlum,Wilbur Smith to Nora Roberts and anything inbetween..i also watch Young and the restless every day and like reality tv shows and old doris day movies and comedys..i have had a problem with my weight all my life.. when i became a diabetic a started to pay more attention to my diet..i currently follow ww with a lower carb counting.. as far as exercise.. well im allergic to it but like to dance to rock and roll music..i have lost 36# since april( and i had gained 12#'s back and have since lost that again)i hope to stay healthy and loose more..hopeing to get to know u all rosey

updated Jan 2014
the only things that have changed is the dogs and me lol
we now have 4 very spoiled fur babys,sadie a black lab,daisey a jackrussell cross,Tootsie a 2# chihauhau,and pepper a chihauhau pom cross. I have been on quite a journey,and with my familys,friends doctors and nurses and therapists I am now becoming more independent. im handicapped permanently paralyzed from the knees down.
5 yrs ago I had back surg becus I woke up and was paralyzed from the waist down,and was medivacted to anchorage,after the surg I got the feeling back to my knees.
2. my wound opened up and I got mersa and the fight for my life began I was in the hosp 5 months,went thru rehab and came home in a wheel chair.
3. at home I was totally dependent on my dh,home health care nurses etc. I gained 70# on my already 300# body and became house bound. I hated being a burden.
4. I decided to have bariatric surg,and 6 months later after all the tests etc I had my dr blessing and had the surg in anchorage
5. I began to loose rapidly,on a high protein very restricted eating pattern. I was able to get out of the wheel chair and used a walker,and became more independent, I could now stay by myself with a lift chair,shower bench and other gizmos. I learned slowly what worked for me and got back much of what I used to do,just did them in a new way.
6. I lost 137# and kept it off for 2 yrs. I had a lot of excess skin and so I had atummy tuck which removed another 32#.
7. these where not easy decisions nor was the journey to now always easy,but I would do it again to get where I am now.
8. im not on any diabetic meds any more. 2 weeks after the surg I was off them and my a1c holds steady at 5.2 one gets any where of purpose in life without help and I had an abundance of that. im thankfull for them and each day is a bright promise that I will be here tomorrow.. im so greatful and even tho im alittle bit broken I'm enough.

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Old 04-02-2008, 07:50 PM   #9  
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PERSONAL INFORMATION: Hi, I'm a 55 year old retired teacher with one husband and two grown sons. One son is married to our adorable daughter-in-law and the other dating a very nice girl. I like to bake and cook, surf the web, sing at church, camp, simple knitting and sewing. I retired almost two years ago and had plans for travel but my aged mother moved in with us so now I'm her care giver.

: I'm somewhat vertically challenged at 5' 2" (with shoes on) and weigh as of last Saturday 175 pounds. I would like to loose about 50 pounds by losing 1/2 -1 pound a week until its all gone. I'm not much of a diet follower as I prefer to eat healthy and watch my portion sizes. Obviously, I don't follow my own advice or I'd be much smaller. I started this on January 2 and have lost 10 pounds in three months which is within my per month loss range. When I retired almost two years ago I was jogging 5 kilometres a day and walking to and from work (about 3 more km) but after I retired and my mom came to live with us all that went down the tubes and I gained weight. I also ate many potato chips. I started exercising again the end of February by jogging for 30 minutes and now I'm at 36 minutes a day. I'm also starting on my stationary bike again. Did my first 5 minutes today. I'm going to slowly add more minutes each week until I'm doing at least 20 minutes a day along with the jogging. I enjoy the jogging even if I'm doing it indoors. (I'm afraid of the icy outdoors.)

: I'd like to attend my son's and daugher-in-law's university grad this October in an outfit several sizes smaller than the ones I'm wearing now. My niece also wants me to run in a 16 kilometre run this summer but I don't know if my body can take that right now. Maybe next summer. My greatest challenge is to keep the weight off after I loose it. I lose but don't maintain.
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Old 09-07-2009, 07:16 AM   #10  
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Hello everyone!

I joined this forum yesterday and failed to see this introduction thread, so I decided to post here as well.

I'm 58, married with two children, and live in the Atlanta metro area. Like many others, I've gained and lost weight over the years. Now I find myself at my highest weight ever, which has now resulted in hypertension and pre-diabetic numbers. So I need to get this weight off and keep it off!

I try to exercise daily but don't always succeed. Currently I am walking 45 minutes most days (doctor's orders) but hope to find some other forms of exercise that are a bit more exciting.

I look forward to meeting many wonderful people here!
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Old 09-17-2009, 01:39 AM   #11  
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Hello to All,
Wanted to introduce myself, I'm a 50yr old, Married, Mother of 3, I'm a recent empty nester, which is good and bad.

I've been on WW, since May '08, recently stopped going to the weekly meetings and just trying to stay on course, by myself. Well, did lapse in staying on that plan for a while, but I'm back, I know this works for me, and when I saw this Halloween Challenge, thought I would give it a try. I do find that "seeing" my food choice, on paper, helps.

Funny-but I do really enjoy the "after feeling" that exercise gives me, I mostly do my Threadmill, and recently started a C25K program, which is a bit of a challenge, but I'm planning to stick with it. One thing I love to do is Yoga, I find some of those stretching moves after a long walk, just wonderful

I work as a machine operator, been here for 9yrs, and I'm now working 2nd shift, previously was on 3rd. Nothing against 3rd, but that was a tough shift for me, could never sleep and my eating and exercise time was suffering. Only thing, I never see my hubby, he works 3rd shift and his days off are differant than mine.

Wedding Bells-
Both of my sons, are set to marry next year, Youngest Son in Feb, and Middle Son, in May. Thank Godness my daughter listened to her husband, and they were married last July. {she was originally going to marry July 2010}
No Grandchildren, but I'm hopefully optimistic, that it will happen soon.

Well I do hope to get to know everyone, and I do plan to visit often

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Old 09-22-2009, 03:48 PM   #12  
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Hi all! I'm poking around to figure out where I belong, and I think I might just belong here.

PERSONAL INFORMATION: My name is Linda and I still don't think of myself as being 50, but here I am at 56 wondering how I can be this old and still feel so young. My Mom says I'll feel the same at 70. I've survived one marriage, and its end, and two years ago married again, this time to the world's most wonderful man. From my first marriage, I have three sons, ages 33,30 and 27. I live in Philly and they live in Chicago, Wausau and Atlanta respectively, so I don't see them as often as I would like. I hope that grandchildren might yet grace my old age. Until then, I have Steve and my wacky standard poodle, Cate. She's neurotic, but sweet, and loves her daily walks.

I've had more than one career, including in academe and airport administration (the most fun job ever), but currently occupy myself writing novels and short stories. My reading tastes are so broad I can't even begin to narrow down what I like in books. Oh, and I cook. Love to cook, and I collect cookbooks, ethnic food a specialty. My must-watch TV shows include Lost, Big Bang Theory, Survivor, House, ****'s Kitchen and Drop Dead Diva. Two of my sons have bands, and my music collection ranges from classical to rock (classic and alternative) to Andean folkloric.

DIET / EXERCISE REGIMEN: I'm still 5'7" (haven't shrunk yet), and currently weigh 222 pounds. My highest weight, at the beginning of the year, was 282, a number that so alarmed me--and my doctor--that I suddenly became serious about losing some of my heft. I hope to get down to my "fighting weight" of 150 pounds (plus or minus ten pounds). Is that even doable? I guess I'll find out. I'm giving myself as long as it takes, so long as I see some kind of downward trend. I don't have a deadline; I don't have any hard and fast goal except to weigh less each month than I did before. So far that's been happening, and I'm happy with the results. I go to the gym and swim (love to swim) and walk the dog, but don't have a structured exercise program. I sorta/kinda follow the Weight Watchers Flex Point system. My sister-in-law joined WW and I pick her brain for tips on how to go about it. I downloaded points charts. I calculate the points in my recipes and look for lighter versions. I strictly measure my portions.

Things that work for me: measuring portions, keeping things interesting by trying new foods/recipes, satisfying my sweet tooth with one-point "snicks" like WW cakes. Buying at least one "inspirational" outfit, often gym wear or a new swimsuit, or a great blouse, to give me something to look forward to wearing. Drinking lots of water and/or no calorie drinks. Splenda, because I like my tea sweet.

SPECIAL HOPES / ASPIRATIONS / ACHIEVMENTS / CHALLENGES: I've achieved a lot in life and held some pretty amazing jobs, yet right now I am as happy as I have EVER been. My weight may not be where I would most like it to be, but that's something I'm working on. And selling my fiction is always a challenge!
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Old 03-15-2010, 12:20 PM   #13  
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trying again, I typed a post and it wouldn't let me post it, so I am trying again. I would like to lose 50 lbs. I am married with three grown kids, two grand daughters and a grand baby on the way. I farm with my husband and our son and his wife, they all have full time off farm jobs, so I do a lot of field work and the animal chores. I was employed part time off farm, have been 'unemployed' for a year. I am looking for support, I have trouble staying motivated, I do post my weight and walking on the realage site.
So I am looking for support!
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Old 03-28-2010, 12:12 AM   #14  
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S/C/G: 155/148/122

Height: 5' 2"


Hello, my name is Evelyn,I am 62, I am 5' 2" and weigh 150, just lost 5 lbs.. I am married to my second husband, my first husband died at a young age..I have 2 grown children, girl and boy and a grown stepdaughter..I love animals..I have 2 dogs one Terrier mis, rat and fox, and a little chubby Pug, she is all black, my daughter own her parents..she gave us one of the puppies.I also have 3 birds, 2 Cockatiels and one Parrotlet...I stayed small most of my life, but in the last 5 years I have steadly gained weight, 33 lbs, I am having a very hard time getting it off, I am not as active, and under lots of stress, we moved 2 years ago from South Jersey to FL, and my husband is very ill off and on, but I need to do something for me and loosing weight is what I need..I like to walk the dogs, which I just got back into doing, the past 3 months I didn't walk them, and they have gained weight, so we are getting back into shape together, me and the Hope to get some support her and hope no one mindes me joining in to also give support..

Last edited by Evelyn48; 03-28-2010 at 12:13 AM.
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Old 04-08-2010, 03:12 PM   #15  
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: NC
Posts: 52

Height: 5'3"


Hi. I'm Bonnie from NC. Haven't quite figured out the avatars and pictures yet, but will be personalizing soon. I am 52, have 3 nearly grown kids (all in various college programs) and work full time in a rural public school system.

I have about 40 pounds to lose, and have been on many programs, weight watchers being the most successful. Right now, I just want to make small changes and get healthy gradually as I keep quitting diets and am getting really discouraged.

I am a member of the local family Y and try to get to aerobic classes twice a week and the weight machines twice and maybe walk or hike on the weekend.
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