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Old 01-07-2016, 08:16 AM   #61  
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Not sure why but when I loose one day- I gain a little the next, Its ok though I will take the 299.

January goal- 296 lbs

01 ~ 300.4
02 ~ 300.6
03 ~ 301.2
04 ~ 301.4
05 - 300.4
06- 298.0
07- 299.2
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Old 01-07-2016, 08:21 AM   #62  
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Jumped up 2.1, totally my fault. Went out for dinner with my girlfriend from the old job. We hadn't been able to make time to see each other during the holidays, so a bit of a post-holiday celebration and catch-up. Alcohol and dessert were involved. Not surprised to see the gain this morning. C'est la vie. Back on track today.

01 ~ no weigh-in
02 ~ no weigh-in
03 ~ 210.1
04 ~ 208.7
05 ~ 207.8
06 ~ 208.2
07 ~ 210.3

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Old 01-07-2016, 08:24 AM   #63  
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Hello all!

Since it's my first week, I decided to weigh myself today. I lost 5 pounds so far! Yes, I know it's only water weight, but a loss is a loss

So....I went home yesterday and turned on my TV; then went to the Comcast On Demand feature - and went into the On Demand Fitness and then went into Giayam workouts (I subscribe to this feature). To my complete shock, they decided to remove ALL of the Leslie Sansome videos!!! The only reason I was doing these was because it was the only thing I could do....or so I thought

I then decided to pull out my Jillian Michael's DVD - 30 Day Shred. I was really nervous because I know the workout would be pretty hard for me since I'm at a much higher starting weight then I was when I did these 3 years ago. Before I hit "play", I made a decision to modify the exercises. I'm happy to say that I modified about 50% of the video, stopping the video to catch my breath 2 times. I stayed away from this video thinking I couldn't do it, but I DID IT!!! I even did both sets of the jumping jacks in the warm up!!! So proud!!

And to think...I was going to wait to do this video when I reached 310 pounds. Haa!!

Now....I am sore as all heck right now. My ribcage hurts to move it from the ab work. My butt and pelvis are killing me. I have to get up every couple of minutes from my chair in work right now, otherwise I stiffen up so bad I can hardly walk That's an indication of how out of shape I've become. Hoping this will be gone by the end of the weekend.

I invite everyone to come read my blog that I started on the "Counting Calories" forum. That will give you more detail of what my weight loss journey is like!


Last edited by JerseyPAGirl; 01-07-2016 at 08:35 AM.
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Old 01-07-2016, 09:46 AM   #64  
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Originally Posted by lovemylife001 View Post
imthegoddess I know how it can be to have a desk job where all you do is sit. My last job was that way and I gained so much weight. I switched jobs last February and it really has helped. I'm moving all the time. That's great that you have a gym at your job, that's really convenient.
Yes, it is a great convenience. Now I just have to work up the nerve. It's a mental thing with me. I need to find the time of day no one else is in there.

Originally Posted by DayDreamer26 View Post
imthegoddess, you might just start walking around your job during lunch for 15-20 mins? Or you could hit the gym at work and just start walking on a treadmill... that's what I usually do when I start after a while.
Yes, that is exactly what I need to do. Get up from the desk and start moving around.

Congratulations on the move and the new home.

Originally Posted by dcapulet View Post
everyone! Happy New Year!

I'm about a week late to the party, but I'm in
Better late than not joining at all.

Originally Posted by love2b150 View Post
imthegoddess, sorry about the pre high BP. Now we have another goal to achieve ... I want to get off metformin and I believe that weight loss will help with that ... we can do this Yay on the gym at work! Now get in there . I'll tell you what when you decide to go let me know and I'll make an effort to go the same day, DEAL!?

Well I dropped another 1.2lbs of water down to 171.3 back to ticker weight
Deal on the gym and great job on the 1.2 lb loss. Try spinach in your ninja. You can't taste it. Some other greens, not so much

Originally Posted by Volatis View Post
imthegodess - an office job is what kills me too. When i was outdoors all day i never struggled with my weight.
I do have some flexibility at work, so, I just need to take advantage of it.

Originally Posted by bigjoe View Post
Not sure why but when I loose one day- I gain a little the next, Its ok though I will take the 299.
That's why I can't weigh everyday. It drives me nuts.

Originally Posted by Kukkie84 View Post
Back on track today.
It's all about balance, great job!

Originally Posted by JerseyPAGirl View Post
Since it's my first week, I decided to weigh myself today. I lost 5 pounds so far! Yes, I know it's only water weight, but a loss is a loss

I then decided to pull out my Jillian Michael's DVD - 30 Day Shred. I was really nervous because I know the workout would be pretty hard for me since I'm at a much higher starting weight then I was when I did these 3 years ago. Before I hit "play", I made a decision to modify the exercises. I'm happy to say that I modified about 50% of the video, stopping the video to catch my breath 2 times. I stayed away from this video thinking I couldn't do it, but I DID IT!!! I even did both sets of the jumping jacks in the warm up!!! So proud!!

Congratulations on the weight loss, and no, it's not all just water. You're not going to see that 5 pds again, so, it's a loss. And way to go on the exercise video. You should be proud of yourself. Great job.

I Spoke with my new office walking mate yesterday, and we agreed to start waking again, even if it is in the tunnels under work. That's a good thing since it is starting to snow lightly this morning.

Great job everyone, I'll check in with you all later.
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Old 01-07-2016, 09:57 AM   #65  
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Good Thursday Morning Everyone

I hope everyone is having a great week. It's almost the weekend

bigjoe You'll be back down before you know it, those fluctuations drive me crazy lol

Kukkie Those 2 pounds will be gone before you know it. I'm glad you had a good time with your friend.

JerseyPAGirl on making through the whole video, you should be very proud of yourself. That Jillian Michaels is one tough drill sergeant lol.

imthegoddess That's great that you have a new walking buddy at work. A few of use walk together for about 15 minutes everyday. The company agreed to this besides our breaks and lunch.

hi all around. Enjoy your day!

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Old 01-07-2016, 11:06 AM   #66  
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So much to catch on in just two days! Hope everyone is doing well. Seeing lots of good things in this thread

bigjoe a huge CONGRATULATIONS on changing centuries!

JerseyPAGirl I tried the "30-day Shred" before, very very tough. Great for you to get through it.

love2b150 back to your ticker weight!

So I spent the better part of my day yesterday on the phone with Fedex, customs and our inventory company, because part of our inventory supplies were being held at customs. One Fedex employee in particular gave me his personal extension so that he could help in any way that he could. When the ordeal was over, I thanked him and wrote to Fedex congratulating him on such great work. I think I got a few more grey hairs from the stress over the whole mess.

I've also come to realize that I am a morning workout person, I simply do not have the energy to do it after work, as the last two days of not exercising have proven. So back to mornings today. Had a good ballet-type workout and my thighs hate me right now.

01: 235.2
02: 234.6
03: 232.6
04: 231.6
05: 231.0
06: 230.8
07: 231.8
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Old 01-07-2016, 11:33 AM   #67  
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Happy Thursday!

I've decided to join in. I need others to talk to through this journey LOL

I ordered Nutrisystem on Sunday and started yesterday, so I'm hoping this time will be the time I reach my goal weight!

I'm going to weigh in weekly: yesterday I was 238.8 (or 239, whatever floats your boat...the 238.8 is a little lower though )
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Old 01-07-2016, 11:51 AM   #68  
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Bahahahaha so our couches got here. A Sofa and a Love seat. Well, turns out someone forgot to drill one of the holes in the love seat to screw the foot in.... At least the sofa is fine. Between setting together the couches and putting down x-mas decorations I spent several hours busy enough I didn't even notice I was starving by the time it was done. By then it was almost dinner time though. I guess eating 9 kisses before bed (because I had the calories to spare since I forgot to eat 1/2 the day) wasn't such a good idea. I dislike the scale this morning, oh well... I mean I knew it was eventually going to slow down. All that fast dropped pounds at the beginning are awesome but then it's a bit disappointing I guess when it starts going back to normal hehehe...

JerseyPAGirl, hey every 0.1 lbs is progress in the right direction. FIVE pounds are FIVE lbs!!! No matter if it's water weight, it's less stuff you have to carry around. :P I Started Jan 2nd. It'll be a week for me tomorrow. I have lost 4.6 thus far and I am HAPPY! It's a start. keeps me motivated and well, definitely less bloated. So celebrate!

Martine, bah that sucks. Customs can be a PAIN, glad it got resolved. I am a bit like that, except lately I seem to wake up starving (even before I started this "diet") and I don't think I'd make it through exercise with an empty tummy!
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Old 01-07-2016, 11:55 AM   #69  
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BigJoe: Being under 300 is a fantastic accomplishment! WTG!!

Kukkie84: Hey, it happens. Sounds like you rebounded back beautifully. I truly believe that's the key; as long as you jump right back on the bandwagon, no harm. Kudos to you!!

ImtheGoddess: Thanks! I always thought the first week is only water loss. Well color me excited! Have fun walking at work!

LoveMyLife001: Thanks! And yeah, Jillian is one crazy b! But I love her to death

Martine: Glad the FedEx people went the extra mile to help you. Yeah, it can be crazy having to deal with them. I'm with you on the workout. I enjoy working out in the AM much better than after work. I kind of have no choice, though I get up for work at 3 AM, start work by 6 AM and I'm done around 3 PM. And thanks for the congrats Yeah, Jillian's DVD's are tough, that's for sure.

AP14: 3 years ago I lost over 100 pounds on Nutrisystem. Loved that program! I wish I had never stopped, but unfortunate circumstances forced me to quit. I gained it all back plus some, but that's because I lost my focus due to a personal crisis. I'm sure you will love the program because it really teaches you portion control.

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Old 01-07-2016, 12:05 PM   #70  
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Originally Posted by JerseyPAGirl View Post
BigJoe: Being under 300 is a fantastic accomplishment! WTG!!

Kukkie84: Hey, it happens. Sounds like you rebounded back beautifully. I truly believe that's the key; as long as you jump right back on the bandwagon, no harm. Kudos to you!!

ImtheGoddess: Thanks! I always thought the first week is only water loss. Well color me excited! Have fun walking at work!

LoveMyLife001: Thanks! And yeah, Jillian is one crazy b! But I love her to death

Martine: Glad the FedEx people went the extra mile to help you. Yeah, it can be crazy having to deal with them. I'm with you on the workout. I enjoy working out in the AM much better than after work. I kind of have no choice, though I get up for work at 3 AM, start work by 6 AM and I'm done around 3 PM. And thanks for the congrats Yeah, Jillian's DVD's are tough, that's for sure.

AP14: 3 years ago I lost over 100 pounds on Nutrisystem. Loved that program! I wish I had never stopped, but unfortunate circumstances forced me to quit. I gained it all back plus some, but that's because I lost my focus due to a personal crisis. I'm sure you will love the program because it really teaches you portion control.
Thanks! I'm in the Fast 5 phase right now and it's really hard. I'm so used to eating a ton of food at once and now I have these "regular" portions LOL. I was in bed last night and I felt so hungry. But, I know it will be worth it later

How long did you use it for?
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Old 01-07-2016, 12:06 PM   #71  
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Martine I have to agree, I'm definitely a morning workout person. I don't have the energy or motivation in the evenings lol. I just want to relax at that point.

ap14 You have to let me know how the Nutrisystem food taste. They sell all the products at Walmart and even the starter kit and different kits. Good Luck, I know you will do well.

daydreamer That sucks about the loveseat, but yeah for keeping busy. I find that when I'm busy I don't even think about food.

JerseyPAGirl I love Jillian too, I stopped watching the biggest loser when she left. I also have a lot of her dvd's including the biggest loser ones.

Have a great day!
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Old 01-07-2016, 12:22 PM   #72  
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Hi Everyone

Volatis, I think that may be my issue ... I don't feel/get thirsty so I don't drink anything. But when I do I tend to down two bottles pretty fast and You are right EVERY DROP is a BONUS

Joe, it's still under 3 right?! you're doing great my friend Just a little water weight

Kukkie, seeing and old friend is priceless so no worries and back on track today, check oh Rissa is 12 today, (my baby is a pre-teen)

JerseyPAGirl on 30DS and on the jumping jacks, that part I never finish and the getting up and down off the floor was a big issue for me. GO YOU, keep up the great work

imthegoddess, I do spinach, and I mistakenly bought a baby kale mix. I just saw kale and picked it up. It has arugula, kale and spinach. Not bad at all. I wish I had some place to walk outdoors without dogs Enjoy your walks

Trina I tried the Nutrisystem appetite crusher shake that Walmart sells ... I too must need more food like ap14 said, because it did not curb anything, smh. I was still quite hungry. I've always wanted to try the meal kit also.

Thanks Martine , and good for you on your workout, sorry about the stress with Fedex and the sore thighs

and to the thread ap14, glad to have you We are chatty

DayDreamer, I like the less bloated feeling also My jeans aren't killing me I'm not looking forward to my slow down on the scale either. It's bound to go up when I add in the fish and eggs I'm sure. But it's great while it last right!

I miss counted my days ... this is day 4. I dropped another pound and I'm really wondering if I would be lower if I drank more water??? I know that water and rest play a major part in weight loss. I've only had a half bottle today. Maybe I'll get it all in before bed Weigh in today 170.3

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Old 01-07-2016, 12:28 PM   #73  
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Rennie on the 1lb drop. You are doing great. And make sure you get that water in. I have a co-worker that has a water app on her phone to remind her to drink. It's too funny lol. Sounds like someone pouring a drink. It has really helped her get in her daily water intake. Maybe you should check that out.
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Old 01-07-2016, 01:42 PM   #74  
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Originally Posted by lovemylife001 View Post
ap14 You have to let me know how the Nutrisystem food taste. They sell all the products at Walmart and even the starter kit and different kits. Good Luck, I know you will do well.
The food is actually really good (I'm surprised). I just had the tuna salad on a whole grain flatout for lunch and OMG...I'm mad they didn't send me any more!! The tuna salad was to die for. I've spent the past half hour looking it up all over the internet trying to find where I can order more LOL. The thick crust pizza I had last night was gross and of course they sent me 2 more! Woo hoo! Thanks Nutrisystem people I haven't gotten to the snacks/desserts yet, but that's next week and I'll keep you updated. That bag of cheese puffs is calling my name...

If you're looking into ordering it, QVC has a great price going on right now - I think it's around $220 (w/ shipping) for 4 weeks. They send you pre-planned meals and you just buy your veggies. Weekends are off though (grrrr).

This is the first "diet" that I've tried and have stuck to for more than a day. I tried doing FitGirls back in the summer, but they wanted you to purchase a bunch of groceries, make your own meals, etc. It was way too much work for someone starting out (and a lazy college kid )

Originally Posted by love2b150 View Post
Hi Everyone

Volatis, I think that may be my issue ... I don't feel/get thirsty so I don't drink anything. But when I do I tend to down two bottles pretty fast and You are right EVERY DROP is a BONUS

Joe, it's still under 3 right?! you're doing great my friend Just a little water weight

Kukkie, seeing and old friend is priceless so no worries and back on track today, check oh Rissa is 12 today, (my baby is a pre-teen)

JerseyPAGirl on 30DS and on the jumping jacks, that part I never finish and the getting up and down off the floor was a big issue for me. GO YOU, keep up the great work

imthegoddess, I do spinach, and I mistakenly bought a baby kale mix. I just saw kale and picked it up. It has arugula, kale and spinach. Not bad at all. I wish I had some place to walk outdoors without dogs Enjoy your walks

Trina I tried the Nutrisystem appetite crusher shake that Walmart sells ... I too must need more food like ap14 said, because it did not curb anything, smh. I was still quite hungry. I've always wanted to try the meal kit also.

Thanks Martine , and good for you on your workout, sorry about the stress with Fedex and the sore thighs

and to the thread ap14, glad to have you We are chatty

DayDreamer, I like the less bloated feeling also My jeans aren't killing me I'm not looking forward to my slow down on the scale either. It's bound to go up when I add in the fish and eggs I'm sure. But it's great while it last right!

I miss counted my days ... this is day 4. I dropped another pound and I'm really wondering if I would be lower if I drank more water??? I know that water and rest play a major part in weight loss. I've only had a half bottle today. Maybe I'll get it all in before bed Weigh in today 170.3
Thank you! I'm excited to chat with everyone here and across the forum!
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Old 01-07-2016, 04:14 PM   #75  
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and a belated to everyone!

It's really nice to see old and new friends join this thread! Like @Kukkie84, I haven't been consistent with daily check-ins but I'm still here and reading all the posts. I'm holding steady at 206. There seems be a lot of great progress and drops and we're only a week into the new year Just goes to show what a fresh year and new start does to people. I

@DayDreamer 26: Congrats on the new sofa and love seat. I've been in the market for a new sofa for well over a year and have had two experiences: either not like anything I see, or liking something with poor construction/craftsmanship. Would you mind sharing how you went about choosing and where you bought your set?

@bigjoe: on getting under 300 pounds! I know that was first of many goals you had. Well done!

@Rennie: Okay, this is going to be one of those "do as I say", rather than "do as I do" pieces of advice. Yep, get the water in. It's not a myth; it does wonders for weight loss. I don't drink enough and my body knows it, but like you, I don't get all that thirsty.

@Martine: I've found that morning workouts are best for me but just a few short years ago when work and life were manageable, I'd often begin and end my days with a workout. At times I fantasize about doing that again... IF I could do it again

@ap14: What a beautiful dog! He/she looks like it's posing Yours?

A big and to all!

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