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Old 11-16-2016, 11:57 AM   #241  
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God morning Everyone! Thanks for the comments and support re my tracker question. Diana, just to be clear, do you use a tracker for food? Is it your daily check in on this thread? TIA!

There are so many newcomers. I want to keep saying welcome and thank-you for jumping in. The holidays are a challenging time, and it's wonderful to have so much collective accountability going forth. It's no exaggeration for me to say I draw energy from you all, whether it's reporting successes or slips, just checking in is a plus. Looking forward to getting to know each of you.

Lisaluvshearts I'm glad to hear you are on the way to getting your home back after the fire. It sounds like you are on your way with the weight loss plan. WTG!

Last edited by Sundove; 11-16-2016 at 09:03 PM.
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Old 11-16-2016, 03:24 PM   #242  
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Default 11/16/16

Hi everyone, hope you are all doing well today!

Just have time for a short post today.

Lisa - I'm so sorry to hear about the fire, but glad to hear that you had insurance and that the company paid on the claim. Hope you get back to your home soon.

Margot - Thanks for the comments about my dog. I never knew Boxers had such personalities...total clowns! Regarding the nicotine gum, I've been chewing it since March when I quit smoking for the 4th time. Im going to make sure it sticks this time. I'm down to the lowest milligram (2mg) and chew 2 pieces a day right now - one at about 8 am after my morning coffee and during my walk and one after dinner at about 6:30 pm. I feel like I can eliminate the evening piece, but the morning one might be tough. It is such a habit, the nicotine and coffee, to get me pumped for the day. But, I'm going to shoot for eliminating all nicotine gum by Jan. 1. BTW, congrats on your loss! WTG!

Greetings and support to everyone I missed!

Yesterday - Had a slip yesterday and went over calorie goal. Won't report numbers, but I logged everything in MFP.

Today - WI up .6, 204.2. Plan - calories 1,500; carb 99; fat 59; 151 protein; sodium 3,099; 40 sugar.

Water - 100 oz.

Exercise - walked 3.5 miles with dogs, burned 350 calories. Steps so far - 10,199.

Hope everyone has a great day and thanks for your support and encouragement!
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Old 11-16-2016, 06:48 PM   #243  
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My PMS cravings have been awful
So I had a couple small pieces of candy in class
Other than that I did okay.

Today's Workout: PiYo Sculpt

Choc Shakeo w/ banana and spinach

Leftover spaghetti squash chow mein
Vanilla yogurt


Apple & PB, and coffee.

Dinner(about to go cook)
butternut squash soup, a couple crackers
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Old 11-16-2016, 09:07 PM   #244  
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Hi Everyone!
I hope you have a good evening. Rest well.

Total Approx 1495 Calories +

Breakfast (400 Calories + coffee)
spritz olive oil in pan
XL egg 80 cal
egg whites from carton 60 calories
300g. Mediterranean Blend Veggies 90 calories
14 g. Organic Valley feta cheese 30 calories
1 T. tomato paste 10 calories
1/2 Rudi's 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Flatz 45 calories
1 T. pumpkin butter 25 calories
juice equivalent to 60 calories
coffee w/sugar/stevia blend and cream

Lunch (395 Calories)
Rudi's 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Flatz 90 calories
2 slices Applegate Farms Black Forest Ham & lettuce 50 Calories
Laughing Cow spreadable cheese wedge 35 calories
Greek Yogurt 120 calories
1 Apple 100 calories

Dinner (700 Calories)

Salad w/grilled chicken & BHF's ranch 700 calories

Jessica Smith Steady State Cardio 30 Minutes
Jessica Smith 10 Minute Quick Walk Mix Premix 2 30 Minutes

Last edited by Diana3271; 11-16-2016 at 09:08 PM.
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Old 11-16-2016, 09:51 PM   #245  
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Calories today: 1204
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Old 11-16-2016, 10:04 PM   #246  
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Just a quick check in
Today was good we had a pot luck at work, I am the official salad lady now since that is all I could eat. Oh well! Drinking tons of water to get rid of all that extra 2.4 lbs

MonteCristo Which part of the Natural State do you live in? I have two daughters who live there
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Old 11-17-2016, 06:15 AM   #247  
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Smile November 2016 goals

Hello Weight Losers...and Everybody Else, too!

I am down about a POUND!!!! I got nothing to curse about. I am getting back on track.


EXERCISE: swam 60 laps plus 20 minutes of water walking. No abs, potted one bulb.
DIET: ate 2 1/2 brownies. Ugh! No food mover.
OTHER: mended some pants, reading CAT book called The Lion in the Living Room.

EXERCISE: swim or walk 5-6x/wk, abs, gardening (time is running out!!!!).
DIET: record food, food mover, meditation, mindfulness. Eat more veggies.
OTHER: sort stuff in purse, car, den, garage, and bedroom.
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Old 11-17-2016, 08:01 AM   #248  
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Good Morning, Everyone!

Good job!

Sounds like you did well at the potluck!

Teri Congrats on the pound!

Last night I added on: Tamilee Webb's Total Body Stretch (standing)
This Morning: Oxycise in the Office 2

Calories for yesterday: 1495 +
Weigh In: 172.2
Down: .2

Have a great day!
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Old 11-17-2016, 08:27 AM   #249  
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Default 11/17/16

Hi everyone, hope you are doing well today!

I just have time for a quick check-in today.

Yesterday - still struggling, went over calorie goal. Logged everything in MFP.

Today - WI 204.6, up .4 from yesterday, up 1 pound from the beginning of the month. Plan - calories 1,511; carb 108; fat 56; protein 154; sodium 3,186; sugar 47.

Exercise - 3.5 miles walking with dogs, estimated to burn 350 calories.

Water - 100 oz.

Hope you all have a great day!

Today -
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Old 11-17-2016, 08:54 AM   #250  
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Good Morning All!

Calories were on point yesterday (1484) but I was low on protein (only 86/120). Had a rough day and wanted kettle corn instead of a protein shake. No exercise, except a 30 minute walk during lunch. I spent 2 hours running around town after work making little repairs, some of which I've never done before (someone stepped through a tub, so I got to learn how to patch fiberglass, hope I did it right!). By the time I got home I was exhausted and hungry and didn't want to do anything. Lame I know, but there you have it. I'll go ahead and do BBB4 tonight, and then squeeze in my BBB3 Friday between work and family night (workouts 1&3 are shorter than 2&4), I should have just enough time if I get straight to work and don't goof off. I was all excited about squeezing an extra cardio workout on my rest day (Tuesday) but now I wonder if that's what caused me to be too exhausted to workout last night. I need the cardio, but maybe I need the rest day too....maybe I'll add the cardio to the end of my lifting, that way I can leave my rest days totally free. hmm
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Old 11-17-2016, 10:49 AM   #251  
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Today will be
B egg white omelet, protein shake/coffee
L Salad with chicken
D turkey chili
S Brussel's sprouts--I love 'em!, and protein shake
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Old 11-17-2016, 02:27 PM   #252  
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Hi Ladies I hope everyone is having a great day today. I came in and posted a long post yesterday addressing you all and unfortunately I got booted and lost the post! Frustrating! I will be sure to copy and paste from now on just in case.

Today is day 4 for me and so far so good! On day 2 I added 2 cups of spinach in the evening and 1 cup f.f refried beans. (the beans, I believe, set me off to some pretty bad carb cravings but thank goodness, not one cracker or even crouton in the house! That saved me! lol

Yesterday's menu
*Breakfast-1 h.b egg
*Lunch-chicken lettuce roll up (large leaf lettuce, 1 Tbs. l.f mayo, 1 slice w.w cheese, and sliced tomato), cucumber sticks
*snack-a few celery sticks with w.w cream cheese, grape tomatoes
*Dinner-3 egg omelette (pam spray), 1 slice w.w cheese, aprrox. 1/4 cup f.f shredded cheddar. (I put a sprinkle of cheddar in the egg mixture, the w.w cheese in center of omelette and then another sprinkle of cheddar on top)
-2 cups string beans
-Dessert-serving of sugar free jello
-plenty of water...yay
EXERCISE- 14 min. walk video! I am truly elated, first time since that knee injury, I am on my wayyyyy.

Today's meu
*Lunch-chicken lettuce roll up (same as above
*snack-either grape tomatoes, celery, cucumber.
*Dinner-Roast chicken breast with butternut squash and salad.
*snack? something on my list, not sure yet

Lisa, I was very sorry to hear of your fire. GettinFit, ty! I am already inspired and motivated by you all and happy to be here sharing together. Margot and Diana Thanks ladies! It is so nice to get that encouragement from you all. Diana, thanks to you..I was reminded of the walkinggggg vids and I can't tell you how much that helped me, it is just what I needed! Alsoo, I had forgotten Tamilee! I used to do her buns of steel and step, I got in great shape with her! (and denise Austin) that was long ago and nowwwww I am inspired to look up the new vids

Sundove ty for the welcome, I look forward to getting to know all of you too! smile Monte Cristo, ty, it sure sounds like your very busy and all that running around and fixing apt's is exercise too, I hope you feel better.

Sorry if I missed anyone but a big TY to you all ladies, for being here and the inspiration, motivation, and encouragement! Ohhh Terri, congrats on the 1 lb. loss Ok, copying and pasting this time hahah wishing you all a wonderful and successful day.
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Old 11-17-2016, 03:26 PM   #253  
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Good afternoon everyone

Weekend Boater - Congrats on making it to day 4. I'm glad you survived your cravings too. You're off to a great start.

Today has been an extremely busy one for me at work and I'm just getting a chance to check in but all is going good. I've still been managing to get in a 45 min walk after work since the time changed but I think it's going to end soon. It got dark before I finished last night and I DO NOT like walking in the dark. There is another walking trail that I pass on the way home that I may try today. I can make it there about 30 mins sooner. It is not as hilly as my walk at Stone Mountain but I will give it a try. We also have a track here at work but I HATE walking on a flat track. This time of the year I always fall off the exercise wagon but I am determined not to do it this time. I also have a ton of DVDs so I may need to dust off some of them.

I hope you all have a great evening!

Today's Log

B: Greek yogurt, banana, cappuccino
L: Lean Cuisine Thai Ginger Beef, 2 Dove Dark Chocolate pcs.
D: Shrimp, Salad w/feta, Lite salad dressing, WW Brownie
S: Baked sweet potato, Mentos
Exercise: Walk or Firm DVD
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Old 11-17-2016, 04:01 PM   #254  
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Afternoon Ladies,
Another quick hello and to let you know some of that bloaty stuff is gone back down under 180 again but still have more to drop from Monday's mistake...sheesh never again it is not worth it.

I have read your threads and everyone looks to be on track with a few small oopsy...Being human blah blah....think that was suppose to be a joke?

More tonight I am hoping
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Old 11-17-2016, 05:42 PM   #255  
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Hi Everyone!

The past days were crazy, I sticked to the plan, actually for the first time in my life, I think I ate less than I should. Yesterday I had an omelet and that was it, and today I had some cheese in the morning and a beef burger (no bun, obvs) for lunch. I am feeling unwell and hope to get back on track soon.

Congrats on keeping up the good work. More from me soon
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