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Old 05-03-2006, 08:23 AM   #121  
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Thanks Nikki. Nice to meet you.
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Old 05-03-2006, 11:31 AM   #122  
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Hi everyone...........just flying by, working is annoying busy....the little white box seems to think I weigh another 1/2 lb. LESS....I'm grateful to Goddess Tanita and put in 90 mins. of hard cardio yesterday and 40 mins. this AM.

no gym tonight, have doc. appt. but we'll kick butt tomorrow for sure!

Hope everyone is well, I'll catch up later.
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Old 05-03-2006, 12:06 PM   #123  
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Wow, I'm so glad to see so many new friends on this thread! Makes me feel a little better about not being able to check in consistently these days.

I'm back home for a few days, until heading off to a conference on Friday. My trips were good, but I didn't stay on program (Krispy Kremes for b'fast?) and was too exhausted to work out more than twice. My sinus thing has come back, mostly to my throat and ears this time. I've made an appointment with the dr for Friday AM, so that I can get more antibiotics if I need them. I did go to Curves yesterday, and although I was coughing a lot (and Purell-ing my hands), I got through the workout. Mornings I am sleeping until the last minute, and overall I don't have the energy for much extra physical activity, just going to work and coming home.

My sister's lost 22 pounds this year! I think she has been inspired by TV shows like "The Biggest Loser," and wants to be a better role model to her kids. She works nights but still manages to walk a few miles everyday. She doesn't have a specific diet she follows, just making good choices and eatng more fresh fruit and veggies. I am very pleased for her, but this is also an opportunity for a little productive competition! I'll focus on getting better and resting up over my vacation (Puerto Rico, 5/10-17). I should come back energized and ready to crank it up!

I don't have time for personals (again!), but I do want to weigh in on the shinsplints: you can ice them, but all you can really do is let them heal, it takes a couple of weeks. Good luck with that--I used to get shin splints, but stopped once I began to slowly increase my walking, wear good walkins shoes, and remember to flex my ankles and the front of my legs as well stretch my calves and thighs. Here's an easy exercise to do at work or while you're watching TV: lift one leg at a time and slowly trace the alphabet with your big toe in the air.

Welcome to the newest newbies!

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Old 05-03-2006, 12:19 PM   #124  
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Marble- Nice job on your loss . Keep it up!!
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Old 05-03-2006, 12:25 PM   #125  
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Okay, I had this nice long post and voila, it disappeared. So this one will be shorter. I did finish rebuilding my main work computer and it's finally up and running. I just have to restore my files and install all the programs. That should probably take a chunk of my work day. It's a 3 day work week so that's a nice benefit.

Nikki, you're doing great. BTW, what's the big date on the 27th? I know that's your goal date that we've all adopted but what's the significance of the date for you?

Carol, we're doing good. The 1/2 pound loss was a disappointment yesterday, but today I'm thankful for it. I just had to get my head together. Usually that takes a good overnight sleep. Frieday will be better just because then it will be Friday.

Judy, I hope you feel better soon. I'm sure the traveling isn't helping a lot. You definitely want to feel better by Puerto Rico. That sounds divine.

Marble, you go chickie on that exerecise. We're going to bet the fittest thread on 3FC.

Lyn, welcome. Tell us a little about yourself.

Freda, I hope those shins get better. How hard it must be to stay motivated if you can't exercise.

Better get going!!!
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Old 05-03-2006, 01:57 PM   #126  
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Thanks for the warm welcome. I am 41yrs old, married for 17 yrs, no kids. I have been a member of 3FC for quite awhile but haven't found time to really post regularly for the past year. I belonged to a thread with several ladies who posted regularly but got busy with other things and posting became a rarity. I registered again because I can’t seem to change my ticker. I weighed 159 on New Year (highest ever) and decided that this year I’ll make it my mission to be fit and slim again~ I started to exercise and count calories. I was doing really well up until the mid of March. I had lost 16 lbs then I hit a plateau and things have gone down hill since then. I started skipping my daily exercises and eating started to get out of hand every now and then and I was gaining and losing 2-3 lbs. However, I’ve been back on the wagon since May 1 and I’m setting a mini goal: to be in the 130’s by the end of this month. It seems that I have a lot to catch up with, so I better start reading…
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Old 05-03-2006, 06:19 PM   #127  
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Hey Lyn, you got back on the wagon. That's what counts. We all hit that plateau wall and fall down. But you got back up so that's great.

BTW, is that a tattoo on your avatar?
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Old 05-03-2006, 10:04 PM   #128  
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Welcome Lyn
It's great to have someone new here .
Well I'm going to try and give up on the scales and only weigh once a week (at the moment I weigh everyday).
It depresses me too much to see my weight go up and down, I'm exercising heaps so I think I'm building muscle and the scales aren't really reflecting what is happening with my body.I'm going to start concentrating more on my measurements.
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Old 05-04-2006, 07:10 AM   #129  
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Judy good to hear from you. I want to go on vacation with you! Sounds like a nice place. Thanks for the info. shins.You will start back on your routine again. I am going away for a 2 day conference in June. My friend and I are really looking forward to it. It is only 2 1/2 hr. drive away but a nice area and the company is paying for our stay. I am to learn more about Dementia and Alzheimers Disease. I have a few older folks on my caseload headed or already in these stages. Any new will be helpful.
Welcome Lynn nice to have another newbie. Your always welcome hear the more the better info. is shared and support for all.
Marie I saw on another post that someone is using an exercise ticker. Her goal is like 1200 miles and than its on there of where she is now. Kind of cool I thought. I still haven't figured out how to put the ticker on etc. Oh well
I had a great day until last night then I went with the hubby for a sub. and had a few girl scout mint cookies. Okay I feel better its past me now. Today is a new day. Just putting it on my intake, and telling on myself here will straighten me up. I did buy an new kind of salad dressing. It is by Wish Bone and is in a spray bottle so you us less. I think I will refill it later on with my own olive oil, spices and vinegar. But a good idea. A friend at work shared with me. We are supporting each other there too for the most part. It helps when people around you are also doing some dieting. The hubby bought donuts last night I am staying clear away from them the cookies was enough. Still stayed around 1600 cals not great but could of been worse.
Chaarli that happened to me too about the scales earlier on. But I want to lose wt. too so how do people do it? I read all the time start walking and lost 10lbs. well if thats so how are they doing it? Cause when I do it I gain muscle which makes me higher numbers on the scale. Oh but GS cookies are of course not my norm. I have no right asking this question today. Anyone got some good advice??????????????????
Marlble good for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hurray! Every little bit helps.
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Old 05-04-2006, 07:55 AM   #130  
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Morning ladies-

cacmsc- tha dressing sounds like a great idea do you know the name of it?

chaarli- I too weigh daily. But I do it to try to see why my weight goes up or down. I use it as a tool. Like the other night I had salt before bed and I went up a lb. I knew it was the salt and made a note not to do that again. If you can do the once a week thing go for it.

Having said I weigh everyday I saw another loss today but I won't add it to my ticker until next week. I am aiming for 159 by next week. I can't wait to break free of the 160's! Yesterday I walked 5,737 steps. That is 21,000 steps in 4 days. About 10 miles !!!!

Have a good day ladies.

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Old 05-04-2006, 08:07 AM   #131  
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Hi everyone,

And welcome Lyn, Always good to hae a new person aboard! I know you will enjoy it here!

Judy, Good to hear from you again! Sorry to hear that you're not feeling up to par yet! Those sinisus are a PAIN aren't they? Hope the Dr. can give you something and you're feeling better for your vacation ! Sounds like so much fun. Can I go too? I'll be good, won't party too much, drink too much...oh if I can't do that just forget it! Thanks for the exercise tip for the shin splints. I did see the Dr. yesterday and he gave me a few more to do. I sure don't want this to happen again!

Marble, if you don't want that 1/2 lb. I'll take it! Every little bit helps. I know we all want to see more results on the scale but it will come with tiem. Never fast enough is it?

cacsmc, in addition to the exercises that Judy gave us for shin splints, the dr. told me to just do calf stretches. Stand a few feet from the wall and put your arms on the wall and lean in. Also good isometric exercise for the arms. Exercise does help gain muscle and lose weight. It also give us an appetite. After a walk you might want to have a little protein, maybe a piece of string cheese or peanut butter. Just a little something. Maybe it will help with the food craving. I feel so much better after I exercise and it doesn't really increase my appetite that much. Plus I don't want to blow it after I have worked out so it gives me a little incentive not to eat. But for all the rest of the benefits your body gets from exercising it's so worth it.

Everyont have a good day, Freda
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Old 05-04-2006, 08:17 AM   #132  
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Smile Newbie to your thread

Good Morning Everyone,

This thread has been going for quite awhile and when I saw and read your postings I thought I would join in.

I've just joined Weight Watchers again. But, I'm hoping my new approach will work better this time.

Things I'm going to change from my past times joining
1] I will stay for the meetings
2] Try to keep track of my points for the day
3] Take one day on the weekend to prepare several meals and freeze them
4] One of already done is join this great website 3FC

There is probably more but it's time to head off to work.

All the best to everyone, have a great day. Talk again soon
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Old 05-04-2006, 08:40 AM   #133  
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I am Nikki and my weight loss goal is to lose another 7 lbs by May 27 and overall another 32 lbs. Jump right in and post your thoughts. I did weight watchers for awhile and it worked but got to expensive so now I do more of a eating healthy / exercise lifestyle.

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Old 05-04-2006, 01:26 PM   #134  
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Hi...quick wts. work-out this AM, did dumbbell sets for 15 mins. Arms, Abs, step-ups, flys, delts.....will hit the gym this afternoon after work for cardio. pushing for 20 mins. on the ellip. and 20 on the treadmill and then some chest and adductor/abductors....I'm on a roll (I hope)!

slim, the 1/2 lb. per day is fine with me, but i didn't weigh today, yesterday I had pizza and a pc. of chocolate and 2 glasses of wine.

i was all excited yesterday because my tightest jeans are getting LOOSE! YIPPEE_SKIPPY!
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Old 05-04-2006, 02:04 PM   #135  
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Hi, new person here, and since you were so nice to Elaine and I'mslim, I thought maybe I could squeeze in, too.

My name is Mich (female), and I'm currently 61 pounds overweight. My plan is simply to make sure calories stay at or below 1500 and that I get 30 minutes of any sort of exercise every day. I started my plan on Monday so I'm only four days in... and already I'm terribly impatient for results. eek! I am forcing myself to only weigh once a week though, so I'll just have to tough to it.

My hubbie is about 40-60 pounds overweight too, but I'm not sure how committed he is to his plan so I have to be prepared to see alot of crappy food in the house. I need to keep reminding myself that just because the food is there (and he's eating it) that doesn't mean I have to eat it.

On a personal note, I have no kids, lots of pets, work as a web programmer, and love books and movies. I look forward to getting to know everyone!
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