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Old 05-04-2006, 04:01 PM   #136  
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Thanks again for the warm welcome, you guys are so nice.

Marie~yes, my avatar is a tatto that I have on my left shoulder blade.

Nikki~I weigh daily for the same reasons - to see/evaluate how food, exercise/activity and menstrual cycle affects my weight, but I will change my ticker only once a week.

Freda~I hope the shin is better.

I've been doing so well with my eating and exercise since monday, but then I was out shopping today and had chinese for lunch and ice cream for dessert. So with all that sodium, I'm sure the scale will not be good to me tomorrow. I actually feel bloated. Well, anyway my plan is to have a cheat day weekly so I guess it is today. At least I got some kind of exercise from all the walking.

Have a great day everyone.
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Old 05-04-2006, 05:22 PM   #137  
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Good afternoon all!!!

Mich, welcome, welcome, welcome. I know we'll be friends just because you have lots of pets and a web programmer. My job is database manager/webmaster for the school district I work for. Oodles of fun. Right now I sort of despise computers. I'm on the 6th rebuild of my main workstation because of policies and other problems. We want to lose about the same amount of weight to. I exercise 3 walking miles per day (about 30 minutes) and I count calories - aiming for about 1400 cals/day.

imslim, don't worry about being off just one day. Hope back on the wagon immediately and the day isn't blown. I think once I got past the mentality that if I blow it at lunch, the day is blown and got to I can at least finish the day off good, that made a difference.

marble, you are the woman!!! Congrats on the jeans fitting better. That's always the nicest part of the diet. I get excited when my clothes are fitting comfy enough that when I get home from work I don't immediately want to put on my PJs.

Elaine, enjoy weight watchers. I made a promise to myself that if I don't succeed in staying on the wagon and losing weight, I was going to join. Since I'm a cheapskate by nature, I'm going to be good. Really good.

Freda, how are the shins feeling? I'm glad you went to see the dr.

Carol, way to go with the donuts and I think GS thin mint cookies only have about 35-40 cals each. So you did good. The donuts would have been bad so you're doing fine.

I'm having a good day. It's my Friday since I have tomorrow and Monday off. My computers at work are making me mad, but I'm making progress - maybe. I thought it was fine this morning. I'm not sure if it's corrupt OS files or if it's hardware. The problems are so intermittent, who knows?

Tomorrow, DH and I are going San Francisco to pay for and pick up the car I bought yesterday. It's about 350 miles away which is close for where I live. So that's not too bad. And it's supposed to be beautiful out. I'm currently adding to my IPod John Grisham's The Broker to listen to. It's about 10-11 hours long, so that will take up a big chunk of the drive.

I walked this am and am glad that the alarm won't go off at 5:15 for the next 4 days. YEAH!!! I set my weekend alarm for 6:00 and that 45 minutes is delightful.

Back to work.
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Old 05-04-2006, 07:24 PM   #138  
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Hi tyler welcome to the group!

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Old 05-04-2006, 07:53 PM   #139  
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Welcome, welcome, Elaine, Mich, and anyone else I missed in the past week or so! The energy everyone brings is so great, I''m surprised that I don't burn calories just reading your posts!

I'm feeling a little better today, but the ears are still popping, so I'll go to the doc and hope to get the okay to head off to the conference for the weekend. The site is in New Hampshire, and it looks beautiful and comfy--and there's a big fitness center with a Jacuzzi, so I'll borrow some of Elaine's willpower dust and check it out at least once. I'll need willpower because while I'm learning to walk into any gym like I have as much right to be there as anyone else, I do feel awkward when people I know from other venues are there, which I'm certain will be true in this case. So I'll think of you guys and try to borrow some self-confidence.

If I don't get back to check in before Monday, here's wishing all y'all a great weekend!

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Old 05-05-2006, 06:32 AM   #140  
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Elaine and Mich welcome we are pleased to have so many new people on here. The more the more support and ideas as I have said earlier on. Elanie do feel free to share ww ideas or recipes. That is surely a good support system. The salad dressing with in a spray bottle is made by Wish Bone. I have the red wine vinegar one. Its like 26 calories, 1 fat to 10 sprays. It does help to watch how much salad dressing one may use. Marble congrats! Well anyone want to add up our loss together. I also came down 1/2lb. All together we might of really made some progress. My goal for the month is 5lbs. more to go. Oh can I make it??????? So I will take that little loss in hopes for a bigger one next time. Sounds like fishing huh? Caught a little one wanting a bigger one!!!!!!Hah Hah! Just think if I had been good all week with out those little slip ups I might of loss more. Oh the what ifs this morning. I have been using the stairs at work and walking a bit but need to step it up a knotch this week. I did shop a little for a dress so far nothing. I am thinking of maybe a skirt their really in this year and a really nice top of some sort. Even buying the skirt and making a glitzy top. Tonight I am going to a little Mexican party I will becareful of my intake. Also eat less cals for breakfast and lunch. Marie your always so sweet. Thanks and your doing well also. I have to get into my walking only one day so far this week. I had the kids last night and had to take one to a school opening. Oh well there is always another day. It was a good eating day though. I didn't eat the other part of the sub. I ended up throwing it away as it got soggy probably a good move calorie wise. Though I had chinese for lunch I was pretty careful what I put on my plate. But with the higher sodium maybe I would of lost more?
Lynn sometimes we all indulge its what you do afterwards that helps. One time one day isn't going to kill your healthier lifestyle. But jump right back on and continue your journey. Good luck and sometimes giving in to something you want isn't a bad thing just keep it under control.
Judy pretend we are with you at the gym I am on your right side all the way. New Hampshire is beautiful enjoy the time there. Usually the gyms in those places aren't that busy. I plan to take my suit and swim when I am away for business next month. Your going to do just fine and you do have the same rights as everyone else. Who knows at some time in the past they might of felt the same way? So take a step in there and enjoy your workout! I am goign to try to lose at least 1.5 by next friday that will be my mini mini goal. Wish me luck.
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Old 05-05-2006, 08:02 AM   #141  
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Morning ladies-

Well I am down to 160 this morning. Let's just hope I can kee it off plus another pound loss for Wednesday. Hitting 160 makes me know I will meet my May 27th goal. Right now I am hoping to exceed it. That would be awesome. I have not seen below 157 in 5 years! Did I tell you all I started taking CLA tonalin and I think that they may be helping in addition to the walking and healthy eating. By no means isit a miracle pill but it helps.

cacmsc- I know you can do it. I wil lose the 1 too good luck to us !

have a great day all

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Old 05-05-2006, 08:38 AM   #142  
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Hi all! Thanks for the great welcomes!!

Marie -- Ooooh, another web-geekess, how smashing! It sounds like we've got tons in common. And maybe we'll arrive at goal around the same time, too! Wouldn't that be smashing!

Nikki -- Congrats on 160! It sounds like you are totally on track for your May 27th goal! I've never heard of CLA tonalin, what does it do for you?

Judydc -- I love New Hampshire, in fact, I love all of New England. I used to live in Vermont and it's so beautiful there. Enjoy your conference. I'm getting ready to go to Mystic, CT in about a week (I have a relative graduating from the Coast Guard Academy). I'm looking forward to the cooler weather up there (I live in Florida).

Yesterday was Day 4 for me and it was on plan: ~1200 calories and 30 minutes on my exercycle. I can't wait to weigh in Monday morning, hopefully my efforts will be rewarded on the scale.

I am thinking, however, that now that I am feeling a little more in control of my eating that I need to bump up my calories a smidge. I probably need to get some 1500 calories days instead having so many day just below 1200.

TGIF everyone! I want to stay strong through the weekend -- I have two restaurant meals on my schedule (Mother's Day celebrations) and need to stay on target at the restaurants!
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Old 05-05-2006, 07:21 PM   #143  
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Well, boo--I'm still at home. I got a very emphatic "no way" at the doc's office today, so instead of flying I'm hanging out on the couch taking even more powerful antibiotics (possible side effects include "swelling" that won't make it past the 3FC censors) and watching videos. But thanks for giving me some support around walking into a co-ed gym full of colleagues, I'll remember this for the next time.

Tyler, how nice to hear someone looking forward to weigh-ins! You've built some great momentum. But you gave me a fright when you mentioned "Mothers Day" and this weekend in the same sentence. I had to check my calendar to be sure that it's on the 14 and not on Sunday. Let me know if it helps to bump up the calories a bit. The people at Curves say that if you keep moving your calories up and down within a limited range, it keeps your metabolism from stalling. Hope this works for you.

Nikki, you go, girl . Congratulations on attaining this milestone, that took a lot of hard work.

Carol, I hope you enjoyed Cinco de Mayo. I'm up for partying, but maybe I'll put extra salsa on my veggie burger, that's about my speed. Now that I've slowed down for a day, I'm realizing how tired I've been. Anyway, I think that you can reach your goal, you have been making good choices.

Okay, back to the couch. I want to be well enough to go on vacation by Wednesday

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Old 05-06-2006, 12:21 AM   #144  
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To all of you for the great welcome.

Well so far so good, been going out alot lately for dinner. But, I've cut out the gravies, french fries and butter on my buns.

Tonight I had Hot Turkey [without the gravy] salad [instead of potatoes]. Even had my salad dressing on the side and dipped each mouthful of salad ever so slightly to the dressing also came with lots of carrots for the vegetable. Plus some cranberry sauce, just a little. Also 2 glasses of water.

Tomorrow we are meeting some friends for breakfast. I'm planning on having poach eggs, sliced tomato and toast with no butter.

We have got to get some food in the house, so I can start to plan and make up my meals.

Well it's time for beddie byes... All the best. Talk again soon.
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Old 05-06-2006, 07:42 AM   #145  
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Judy so sorry you won't make the trip its a nice area but you go to lots of nice places. Just rest and get better so you can enjoy spring time.
Nikki we are going to do this I love a challenge. I got on the scale and was down 1.5lbs. Now I am trying to not get to excited as yesterday I drank a diet green tea large drink. Maybe that cleaned me out? At any rate I haven't been this low in a month. So if its true numbers and no joke I am back to my loss in March before my trip wt. I hope so.
I did pretty good with making choices yesterday. I went to an art show and it was also a little reception. I ate a piece of wine cheese but with only veggies as crackers, fruit, veggies. For lunch the girls ordered out and I purchased a salad with grilled chicken breast, blue cheese and sprayed my dressing on. What they had smelled and looked great but mine was healthier by a long run. Then I had that party I made a bean taco dip to take. It was healthy and went over well. I ate a couple of meatballs, one wing some steamed stuffed noodles and called it a day. Oh one margarita small.
Oh then had a small oj and 2 handfuls of popcorn for an evening snack. Not a bad day!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank goodness for making healthier choices i just have to set my mind to that and I can and will do it..... Seeing the scale numbers down was a nice surprise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hopefully its right. If so 3.5 more til the 27th for a loss wanted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I purchased a black dress for the evening wedding. Kind of simple I am going to make some jewelry to go with it. Today I have to hem a prom dress and a dress for one of my nieces whom is in the wedding on the 20th.
Elaine I love your will power dust! Thanks for a dusting! I go out for breakfast usually one time a week and have poached with dry rye or ww toast. I do have the homefries but only a 1/2 of order. Then have al lighter lunch that day. I am a calorie counter also. So if I add it in its not so bad. I find since I have switched over to whole wheat bread I stay fuller longer indeed. So I guess it does work. Nikki what is the pill your taking? Is it natural? I haven't heard of it? I started taking my tricor again that may of also helped with my loss? Any ideas about that folks? I hadn't taken kit for over a month. Tri problems run in my family no matter what size you are. My skinny little sister of 40 has it too. I call her Barbie she just doesn't no it. I guess I am a little jealous over having to work at my wt...Tyler I have also read about the up and down with calories and shaking up your metabolism rate. I think its a good idea. They say not to go so low on your calories or the body thinks its straving and instead of getting rid of fat it takes away your muscle and you don't want that. Muscle is good for us! Just a bit of info. to think about. Keep up the good work everyone.
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Old 05-06-2006, 10:21 AM   #146  
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Yesterday was a good day 5 for me with ~1300 calories and a 30 minute walk.

Sorry to scare you, Judy, we are doing our Mom Day celebrations early becuase I'll be up in Mystic next weekend. I'm sorry you can't go on your trip, that is a real bummer. Definitely rest up for your vacation!

I'm off to Carrabbas for the first meal out since I started. Aiy aiy aiy! I'm strapping on my armour now!

Have a great weekend everyone!
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Old 05-07-2006, 08:56 AM   #147  
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Yesterday was Day 6 for me. Tomorrow morning I finally weigh in .. yay! I'll get to change my S/C/G number (one way or another)! So far, I have not gone off plan so I should be able to post a nice loss.

So Saturday (Day 6) was ~1200 calories and exercise was a bucket of balls at the driving range followed by 9-holes of golf (no cart) in 91 degree heat. I was exhausted when we got home.

I'm a newbie golfer and that means a par 5 hole can take me sometimes up to 15 shots, walking my patoot all over the course as I zig-zag my ball ever- so-slightly closer to the hole! But on several holes I managed to tie my husband -- yay!

Hope everyone is having a nice weekend!
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Old 05-07-2006, 11:22 AM   #148  
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Good morning everyone. Sounds like everyone but Judy is doing ood. I sure hope you feel better soo, Judy. Relax so your vacation isn't ruined too. Tyler, sounds like you're enjoying golf. I played when I was in high school but got so mad at it, that I found it was better to stop. I do love going to a driving range and whacking the balls as hard as I can. That's fun.

Carol, you're doing great. You're doing the walking and the dieting. We're both on track. I weighed in on Friday and since we started at the end of April, I have lost 3 pounds. It's a good start.

Elaine, i sounds like you're making some good substitutions. Good for you!!!

Nikki, what is tomalin? I've never heard of it. Good for you on the May27th goal. I don't think I'll make 10 pounds from when we started, but I've lost 3 so far and any that I can lose would be great. I've totally stayed on track and haven't cheated even once. I have noticed that losing weight in my 40's is way harder than it was in my 20's. Back then I never exercised and now I exercise like a banshee.

today is my DH and my 23rd anniversary. We're going to have a quiet day since we drove to San Francisco on Friday to buy and tow back the economy car. It's a very cute, sporty car but the engine needs rebuilding. DH is good at that and will do that next. First he's finishing rebuilding my Jeep's engine. I should be able to drive the Jeep again on Tuesday. Yeah!!!

When we were getting the car off the trailer, Iw as helping push it and twanged something in my lower back. So I'm sore and not motivated for much. Last time I hurt my back like this the dr. told me it was a pulled muscle and walking would strengthen it. I think it would be much worse if I hadn't taken his advice and started the walking program. After I pulled it yesterday, we went on a slow 2 mile wlak to keep it limber. We're going to go on another in about an hour. I don't want to lose the muscles I built up and I think it helps to keep moving. We're going to go to the mountain trail and let the doggies run free. that way I don't get pulled by their leashes.

Well, that's about it. I'll chat with you soon.
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Old 05-08-2006, 07:25 AM   #149  
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Marie isn't it handy having hubbies who can fix things. It is always helpful. Glad you got something good on gas and cute too! Hope your back is better today. THat hurts and it takes awhile to heal. Don't over do!
Well I had a good weekend with the intake. On saturday nite we played cards a friend brought a huge coffee cake. It had so much brown sugar topping on it for about 3". I excused myself from not having it and ate a brownie instead at 170 cals. the cake was store bought and the tag read 270 cals. The whole cake which was to serve 23 slices. So normal slice was more like 540 wooo! She wasn't to please I wasn't having a piece so I said sorry I have a wedding to lose for its reading cals for awhile. Sometimes we just have to excuse ourselves I think and its okay to do so we are adults making choices. Not that I will always be good but that day I was in control at least.
Tyler good luck on your weigh in. I will do mine on Tues.
My daughters and I went shopping for a wedding dress. Oh she looked so pretty I said the heck with the price tag. So she has her dress. Mom and Dad will help with somethings and that was one of them. I think it might of been my kayak money oh well. Thats life! Off to work!
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Old 05-08-2006, 07:29 AM   #150  
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Morning Ladies-

I hope everyone had a good weekend. I had a nice one I went away for the weekend. I managed to weigh everyday and was a steady 160 but this morning I am up to 163. I think the salt I had and lack of water is catching up with me. I am not to bummed I am sure by Wed my weigh in day I wil be back down to 160. Today I get back on track. I did not even eat Alot over the weekend just very salty foods. Oh well.... here is to a good week!

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