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Old 10-27-2005, 06:56 AM   #226  
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We had a great time with the little one. We are so lucky to have such nice grandchildren. They bring warm thoughts and tender unconditional love to our lifes. At any rate last night he also brought gram to Friendly's. I had some sandwich on wheat roll but it was a buffalo chicken strip, and I had waffle spicy fries. Oh so off the charts! I didn't finish the whole roll like that mattered! I didn't order dessert or have anything else after I left there thank God! I didn't get to the gym yesterday as I forgot my gym stuff and had time yesterday to go to. But I did use the stair case every opportunity instead of the elev. and walked to the main building for a meeting. So all in all it wasn't as bad as it could have been. I went for my breakfast with a friend and had poached eggs, dry toast and only a half of order of potatoes. But all in all to many potatoes for the day and bread. I will make a pt. of taking my clothes today and eating healthy to make up for yesterday. Well hope the rest of you are doing well. Judy you can do it your are half way there according to your chart. I still have to put a chart on here if I can figure it out. I was up on the scale last week and it motivated me to get my butt moving more to the gym and stairs, walks, journaling etc... So even with my little slip ups I feel pretty good and in more control. I know that others will bring in halloween candy into work and I am going to bring in some sugar free hard candy to keep in my desk for those times of need! Good luck with avoiding it picture the scale waiting for us to get on that will help us all! Hah hah! Gotta keep a sense of humor or we will lose it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 10-27-2005, 06:22 PM   #227  
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real quick entry. I'll have more time this weekend. Trying to loose 5-10 by Thanksgiving. Today's menu
breakfast - apple
lunch - chili, carrots
dinner - Thai food
all done for the day. My new plan is low key (to almost no) carbs, 3 meals a day, no inbetween and I have to drink more water - my water consumption has been too low. I'm feeling motivated. Hope you are too.
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Old 10-28-2005, 07:02 AM   #228  
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Tired thanks for some boost with motivation I was feeling a bit down. The scale still hasn't gone down for me. I gained a little back and need to get it off. I have been careful this week with most meals but the eating out got me. I have a christmas shopping event planned for saturday with a couple of friends. We have to go early as one girl is having back surgery tues. metal piece being put in. Oh! Anyways I am going to at least preplan my other meals and trying to also go back to less carbs. Somehow some extra carbs have jumped back into my intake. Having to much bread, pasta it needs to go. So I am going to reflect back to some of my south beach low carb diet...
Good luck and I am with yah more water, exercise and lets do it! I will also aim for at least a 5lb.- 7lbs. loss by thanksgiving....
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Old 10-29-2005, 07:05 AM   #229  
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Girls its a struggle to eat healthy and I am trying hard to behave. Yesterday a coworker brought in Dunkin Donuts. I had a half of a jelly filled one. I guess thats better than a whole one. I got comfortable with my wt. for a bit and then lost control. I guess now its reality and time to get back on track.So Tired I am with yah girl and trying to move more, watch the goodies and make alternative choices. I told myself yesterday that a 1/2 was okay as long as I could control my urges not to have more and I did it. I ate lunch out which was on the higher end of cals. but had a light breakfast and cereal for dinner. What ever works! Today is another day off to christmas shop with my friends. We are going to a buffet for lunch. I am not having any bread, pasta, fried food or pastries. I have made up my mind to eat veggies, baked or broiled meats or fish, and have fruit for dessert. I can do this and I will! I think I have convinced myself. I have to take this seriously if I want to lose some more wt. before christmas. Hope your all doing well. My journal is helping as I am writting what not to do and what to do. Does any of this my sense or am I losing it?
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Old 10-30-2005, 03:31 AM   #230  
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Hi Carol,

Good to hear from you. Great that you stopped at 1/2 a doughnut - way better than one or two. I'm sure, even when we're not totally on track, we're skipping some foods that we used to endulge in regularly.

I did a lot of cooking for the family yesterday. Good foods. Nice warm, harvest foods. The boys are happy and doing well. I'm happy to have the day off today. I'll be accompanying my older son to a jazz concert benefit for Katrina. I'm looking forward to that. It should be a healthy day - no big cravings. I hope your shopping trip went well.

Take care. Hi to Judy and Marie. I hope you're both doing well.
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Old 10-30-2005, 07:33 PM   #231  
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Half a donut is better than a donut "whole" As you can tell, I'm in a silly mood today. It must be that extra hour of sleep. I've spent much of the weekend dealing with clutter, and playing with my exciting new paper shredder. I've been eating pretty well, and hope to earn a smiley face today by staying on program. I went clothes shopping yesterday, and there's nothing like seeing how I look in my underwear in the dressing room mirrors to help stay focused.

Carol, I hope you did well at the buffet. I'm terrible with buffets, I invariably go back for seconds (or thirds). Whenever I have a choice, I choose a place that doesn't have a buffet. I guess you can't do too much damage if you stick with the low-fat and low-carb options and pretend that the South Beach doctor is standing right next to you.

Tired and Marie--hugs to you both, and best wishes for a great Monday!

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Old 10-31-2005, 06:30 AM   #232  
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Thanks for your support girls. It wasn't too bad of a weekend. I did okay at the buffet a lot better than I would have if I hadn't thought it out. No pasta, no breads, no pies but I couldn't resist the pumpkin dessert pudding. It was only 1/2 cup serving and so tasty. I didn't eat breakfast and thats not normally me. But I figured we'd stop and then we didn't. The shopping was fun lots of laughing and that is always good fun. My friend whom will have surgery on tues. got some of her shopping done. That was actually a big point of the trip. These are gift shops that we go to every year and she would of missed out. The surgery will keep her down for awhile wearing a neck brace etc. Well next weekend I am taking my sister inlaw to a amish shopping area in Penn Yan about 1.5hrs. away. I promised and so I need to follow up. They have a great store to purchase baking supplies so I will stock up for christmas baking. I didn't go exercise this weekend but did some gardening. I am going to at least fit in a walk for 30 min. today. It will be a nice week to do that weather wise. Hope your all off to a good start. I purchased some things to help keep me supplied for the week with good choices. Including a small bag of sugar free choc. little hershey bars, pira bar mint, hard sugar free candy. I am cutting down on my pastas, breads so forward we go! Sounds like you both had a good weekend. Tired sometimes making the warm foods is a good thing and having left overs for the next meal. I made beef strognoff yesterday and had my mom over. Oh see I did have pasta............... Not too much though! Gotta be honest! I guess as long as its not so often its okay? I counted the cal's up only around 1500 so I stayed within my guidelines.... Thank goodness!

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Old 10-31-2005, 05:03 PM   #233  
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Off to Pilates, ignoring the bag of H'ween candy that was left by one of our vendors. This would normally be an off-program day: Rosa Parks' "homegoing" is happening at the church just outside my office, and the entire service was broadcast onto the streets, so it has been an emotional and unfocused day for me.

Hope everyone is off to a great start! Carol, you're modeling how to do it--be prepared! Were you a Girl Scout?

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Old 11-01-2005, 06:38 AM   #234  
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Funny you should ask that. Actually I was a GS up until about 3rd grade and thought it to be nerdy. Then for my girls I was a leader for years and the head of our district for a couple of years! That was too funny you made me laugh!
At any rate it worked yesterday the supervisor went out and brought back a bag of candy. 100,000 bars 2 little ones racked up 180 calories. Well after I read the calories I went into my drawer and grabbed a hard piece of sugar free candy. Now thats not to say I stayed out of it completely I had 2 later on at my grandsons but added them in to my calories. That bag at work was gone with in 2 hours and only really 2 people eating them. I was glad to have the control. In the morning it was cake time for one girls birthday I had a small piece but figured it in. I am gaining some control and I think having alternatives really has helped. If I read the calories I either am better about the serving size or not taking it at all. Well hope the rest of you are gaining strength too! Good for you Judy going to exercise. I am going to fit in a walk this afternoon our weather is beautiful this week. My friends surgery is today and I am thinking of her today. I am not going to the hosptial but will see her on wed. at home. I figured she will be most likely really knocked out or sleepy most of the day. I stayed just under 1500 cals for the day! Hurray I made it through halloween! Now today will be another tough one everyone brings in their leftover candy. I am going to hold strong! I have my supply of resources in my desk. I think the pria bar mint flavored and only 110 cals will be my treat! Good luck!
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Old 11-01-2005, 11:59 AM   #235  
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Congrat, Carol, on not having a really scary Halloween I had the smallest Kit Kat I'd ever seen--smaller than my little finger, very strange--and that was pretty much it for me. Definitely my best H'ween ever.

We have full days of board meetings on Thursday and Friday, plus a big reception Thursday evening, so work is very busy. I brought carrots to help me through the 'nervous crunchies' that will hit me late in the afternoon. And I'll go to Curves today. After I send this post, I'll go back to my signature and bump my ticker back up. I was 232.5 this morning, better than last week, but still a big gain for the month of October. This month I'll move in the right direction!

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Old 11-02-2005, 08:38 PM   #236  
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Judy its better for us to realize we have gained and to do something about it than just pretend it will just go away. Too bad it wouldn't huh? Good luck and keep up your good work I will writer more on thurs....
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Old 11-03-2005, 06:42 AM   #237  
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Today I am having a high fiber cereal to start my day. I am having lunch at the college with a client. There are always lots of choices they have the best caf. I ever have seen. For dinner I am grilling up some chicken and making some squash, salad. So my days intake plans don't look to bad. Yesterday I ate those dang little bars but other than that didn't do too bad. A bit to much in the bread dept. though. Due to my bagel in the a.m. and my peanut butter sandwich for dinner. Well with me preplanning really helps. I hope to get that scale moving soon down and not up. I also am excited as I am starting to ck into flights for Hawaii. It isn't cheap thats for sure. So far the best rates are around 830 each so double that for me the hubby is going. I need to make special arrangements for him. But I am glad he is finally decided to go. The kids will love it.
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Old 11-03-2005, 01:13 PM   #238  
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Carol, think of how much better you'll look in a grass skirt if you keep loading up on fiber and generally staying on program!

I have no time to post today, but I wanted to say hi, I'm doing well so far on a day of meetings. I'll be back tomorrow, I hope.

Marie, Tired, et al, hope you are feeling good today!

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Old 11-04-2005, 06:48 AM   #239  
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Judy that is a funny thought! I am trying my best but sometimes take a slide down a bit. I ate a good breakfast and dinner but my lunch was chinese. I had sesame chicken and an egg roll. I figured my calories were about 1800 for the day. That is high for me. Today I am going to be better I have planned out: Cereal bar for breakfast at 160 cal. and an apple 80, lunch salad w/ grilled chicken low cal dressing300 cals, dinner will be broiled haddock, squash and coleslaw. I hope to be around 1450 in cals today. To make up for yesterday. I am not doing the scale til saturday that makes me more likely to stay on track a bit through the weekend. I am off to shop in the amish area towards Rochester on saturday. I am taking my mom whom is 83 and my sister in law. We are going to do a bit of christmas shopping and picking up baking supplies for the holidays. Take care and hope everyone else is doing well!
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Old 11-05-2005, 07:04 AM   #240  
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The scale moved hurray! Only a lb. but I will take it. I had a good for the most part but did over do a few times. So when it was down I was pleased. Now maybe it will give me the incentive to try harder. I think eating less white bread, pasta and sweets has helped me trying to get back on track. Funny how those things slide back into our lifes. Now I reflect back and think well if I had only eaten better this week it would of been changed even more. Oh well best to look forward and not back. The journal has helped me to stay on task more. I also document my progress, changes and of course the wt.... I have a ways to go to reach my goal. But every little loss helps along the journey! Hope your all doing well. I am off to shop in the Amish shops with my mom and sister in law. We will have a meal out so I had poached eggs and rye dry toast for breakfast.
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